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Everything posted by novakai

  1. TBH, even though KO is a new army, I expect them to get a new battletome eventually along with Fyreslayers and Ironjawz. mainly because the KO tome has also suffer from FAQs and is also no longer updated but also GW did state that they did plan to expand their range when KO was initially release.
  2. you best believe they will be always a remade Stormcast Eternal Battletome coming soon
  3. I hazard a guess that it probably the Christmas special release this year like what they did for Nurgle. so maybe January
  4. kind of disappointed the DoK box didn't have at least two witch elf unit instead of one. also Gordrak is the Fist of Gork and Grimgor was the Avatar of Gork in the endtime which go to my theory that hopefully the Fist of Mork (of something of Mork) maybe a reincarnated version of Skarsnik
  5. the theory is that Gordrakk is actually Grimgor reincarnated and the Incarnate are able to repurpose soul from the old world into new people in mortal realm example would be Nagash and his Mortachs (maybe also Ushoran), Alarielle and Drycha, Sigmar and Balthazar Gelt.
  6. Slaanesh release can still happen without it escaping it prison though and it can escape later on. However the daemon release where usually a follow up for their specific Chaos Space marine legion release so I am not sure it because Emperor Children hasn't been release yet.
  7. Oh the fleshhound biting the crotch area of that fiend is a bit.......... Eh, i bet he/she/it is enjoying it though
  8. well if he was one point more, you wouldn't be able to use the Rogue Idol (keyword Greenskinz) in Bonesplitterz Army since he would pass the Ally point limit. So for playable useful purposes he is probably valued just right.
  9. I will say I don't think Stormcast Vanguards sold really well since their battleforce box seems to be in ample stock even to this day.
  10. well I am guesses that AOS will have 5 battleforce boxes (since there 10 total), I am guessing the other 4 will probably be Stormcast, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, and maybe Maggotkin.
  11. I doubt it that few of people and I think GW are aware of it since they made the joke of the "open another stormcast chamber button" meme on the last video
  12. It confirm that the Khrone/ Slaanesh box is full daemon because this box is meant for both Warhammer game system not specifically for AoS
  13. the only caviat is that Blightwar was release in August so their was four month between that box and the Maggotkin release which support Sabotoge! point. granted the last 2 January release have been chaos god, so chances are pretty good for a Slaanesh releases but it not a guarentee thing either given GW schedule. the big exception this year was that there wasn't a daemon Primarch chaos marine release to correspond with AoS version release this year like the last two but I think Slaanesh release is happening soon regardless of this fact Edit: no one is really talking that their could be a possible Khorne release too given since W&R is 50% his force.
  14. I really hope that Troll caster is a hint of something new to come, I know that the Briar queen and Zarbag are both unique hero profile different and don't have exact counter parts like Stormcast Gandalf and Vortemis. but that concept and models seems so unique and outlandish that it be a shame if it was just a one off model. Also there isn't current models for Bat squig, Mushroom and rock monster either. I think this is the biggest hint really, since I think GW where always planning to makes armies releases for each of the MP heralds models and they where just teaser for them when they release them. they already did the SC and Nighthaunt one and the other two are hinted strongly to come soon.
  15. the last new thing I heard rumor-wise was from last week Warhammer-weekly show where the new rumors where the Moonclan release was going to be the first new Grot army and going to be similar to the DoK release, going to have both a shroom theme and fairytale-like aspect, and some of the existing unit are changing names (Moonclan Shaman to Madcap Shaman). release date unknown. not exactly sure where they got these rumors though
  16. yeah I think the 9 logo represent each of the nine faction shown on the cover. Of course this is just a boardgame (like 40k monopoly), there no models or anything special for AoS except that it look like a nice side game set in the same setting.
  17. Well technically they did release the human excelsior warpriest for silver tower. So its like about less then 1% of new models
  18. From the logo of the last three, it Hammers of sigmar SC, Anvilguard SC from Firestorm, and the snake one is probably Scourge Privateers by the look of it. the Skull one belongs to Freeguild. (I think the background color of each faction artwork on the box matches the corresponding logo on the box.)
  19. Despite being a boardgame, that an interesting line-up of playable factions (Fyreslayer, Dispossessed, Ironjawz, Skaven, Freeguild, Stormcast, Scourge Privateers, and Khorne)
  20. wait you mean Blood and Glory on the first week of November, right? I mean I would expect that event to announce Blackstone, Wraith and Rapture, and maybe Fyreslayer if rumor are true. sadly I think Moonclan isn't going release until February/March. they could ended up as the Christmas special release but going by trend that probably the Slaanesh release (unless GW for strong reason felt it wasn't good idea to advertise them for Christmas). I think the MP Heralds release and the Nightvault warband release makes it more likely then not we see Darkoath and Moonclan.
  21. not getting people hope up too much but I do think some of the rumour engine pics do look like stuff you see on the current Spiderfang models (the small sword, the bird skull, and the recent stone spear)
  22. It not that suprising considering that GW have historically release new books for existing army every time a new edition hits. I think they have a more vested interests in those Older AoS battletome armies like Fyreslayer, Ironjawz, and sylventh in expanding and updating them since they made those range with AoS in mind. granted currently it does feel like an outlier right now since this is the first edition change for AoS and the only army to have gotten a new battletome update has been Stormcast
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