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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Ideally I think they should just combined Greenskins and Gitmobs together ( with the Giants and troll ), give them their own battletome, update a few models and make them like the Imperial guards of destruction, Where they have really loose battalion keywords that allows them to ally in with every other Destruction factions without taking up ally points (like the chaos battalion do in BoC) but still be able to play as themselves. IMO I still think that Spiderfang, Moonclan, and Gutbuster with Maneater (Firebellies?) should get their own Battletome evetually
  2. with the recent Nightvault release of two Moonclan warband, the Moonclan Fungoid Shaman released early this year, and a lot of rumor about them specifically, I am leaning more on a Moonclan battletome release more then anything else really. Also it look like their are actual new unit for Moonclan are on the way which doesn't match with their soup battletome release since they haven't release those book with new models yet. I think we are reading too much into the poster, like two of those faction (Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz) have battletome already and the only hint you could really get from it is possibly Moonclan and Spiderfang being roll into one. ( or there a separate spiderfang battletome release happen soon afterwards)
  3. they have release New Armies in November and December before though, Thousand Sons was actually release in December of 2016,
  4. Given that the earliest Ork release is not until the 27, I doubt that it going to happen this month. the AoS release would have to be in November at this point in time
  5. that rumor originated from the French Warhammer forum where I heard the source was pretty credible when it came to rumors
  6. I remember someone posted on Bolter&Chainsword who was at Nova said was told by the presenter that Wraith and Rapture was coming next year though I am not sure how valid that statement is.
  7. I don't mean to be too pessimistic but I think next year going to be more 40k heavy with them having global kill team event set on Vigilius and Chaos Space Marine with Abbadon/ Black legion returning. I don't think AoS release are getting shafted like they did when 40k 8th edition happen (because Slaanesh and Moonclan are in the horizon, and maybe a Darkoath release along with the AoS Forgeworld team finally doing something) but it definetly going to be less then what we got this year. Also I don't think the next truly new army is going to be part of Order for once.
  8. actually if you read Malign portent excerpt on the Great Horn rat.
  9. dude you know they just going to look at this and say Hey let release more Stormcast except make them pirates with guns
  10. Given the fact that they preview both the troll and the bat squig model for nightvault already, I would think they would release the next warbands within this year (November be my guess) instead of waiting until February
  11. So I guess next Orktober in 2019, eh Though if rumor are true that Fyreslayer are getting a new BT soon it would give precedence that they are actually going to revisit older BT like IJ and the other pre-GHB ones
  12. It probably something for 40k Since Skaven use Warpstone power weapon and KO use Steampunk weaponry not actual bullets for either
  13. the warband release schedule last time was: Ironskull/ Sep Guards where release in October a few weeks after Shadespire Starter set Chosen Axe/ Spiteclaw was in February Farstrider/ Magore's fiends was in April
  14. correct, that what they did last season If they are released in the order shown in the trailer it would be Moonclan/ Tzeentch Darkoath/ Troggoth Sylventh/ KO
  15. hmm that logo underneath when they said two exclusive miniature looks like a Nighthaunt logo so I think one will be Space Marine and the other one is for Nighthaunt instead of Stormcast
  16. well if they release AoS 3.0 and it isn't Stormcast vs Ironjawz (or any force of destruction) I think we can riot at that point in time.
  17. their was also rumors of Ironjawz wave 2 coming sometimes next year and I heard KO where stated to have new models being plan for them (also since their Battletome is a current mess right now, I think they will get a release sooner rather then later) I feel like if the Fyreslayer tome releases this year it isn't going to have new models in it given how busy the rest of the year looks, since I think a big problem for them is model variety beside being weirdly design as a horde army
  18. could be, but that Troll was really heavily deck-out with shrooms, spores, and had a Moonclan trinket on it though. it could just be that Moonclan has two warband and the Troll and bat squig are in the other one. or they decide to go far out and have a random monster on the board
  19. I like how they diversify the unit composition for these warband compare to the Start collecting one and the previous ones in Shadespire (minus the Khorne one with the fleshhound)
  20. Hmm I think they answer a question of why Firebellies was 1 unit army last May when they where doing Faction focuses, it probably take me forever to find the exact post on facebook. it was mention on the Faction focus-pointless speculation thread, Though now that I think about it, the Facebook response may have been little vague when answering. I pray for a Plastic Wurzog Prophet to lead the warband
  21. I mean I can see a possibility of the Moonclan battle tome having a mixed battalion like Beasthammer or Shadowhammer where you could field spiderfang, but I feel like the Moonclan release is going to be a single army release like DoK/ Nighthaunt and not a "Grot soup book" like LoN and BoC given how iconic Night goblins where in WHF and I don't think GW would merge the two armies together under a Moonclan umbrella given how much they have establish different identity for the two armies (which is the reason GW gave on facebook as to why Firebellies are a thing and they have plans for them) I ok if I am wrong on this, but I feel like is a missed opportunity to release more new stuff in the end to diversify Destruction.
  22. look like Gandalf became a Stormcast (or Donald Sutherland)
  23. I am not sure about that it looks like Moonclan are more about shroom, squigs, and trolls than insects atm TBH I am in camp of that Moonclan and Spiderfang should be their own things even if it take a while for a spiderfang battletome to come out. especially since in the lore they worship two different things and the fact that they had two distinct Portent stories.
  24. my pick would be Bonesplitterz or Spiderfang grot though this spear design is really common amongst the old Greenskins range
  25. It good that they repack them to 6 ogor so it matches their min unit size instead of 4 I wonder if their a reason they separated the Gnoblars into another unit though edit: also judging by the NZ listing, the price actually stay the same to 40 dollar which is awesome if correct. also for some reason Ungor raiders are now part of the Gutbuster store page which is probably an error
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