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Everything posted by novakai

  1. you could do it in a mixed destruction army thought since they are destruction battleline units
  2. You know all these minuses to armor sound amazing until you think about Nighthaunt (or at least I do since I play a lot of games against them that I don't even call out my rends anymore)
  3. I guess all we can hope for this year is that Orktober isn't totally all 40k stuff and there stuff for fantasy Orc but that just wishful thinkin at best I feel. it really bad on GW parts playing favorite and making Destruction players wait until 2019 for any Battletome considering the lack of GHB updates.
  4. Which weapon loadout do people suggest for the Spider riders? reading the warscroll I think bows are actually ok on them
  5. there was a hint of something coming in Adepticon by the GW spokemen there, unknown if it was specifically for Ironjawz or Destruction in general
  6. I heard a rumor that more Stormcast are on the way
  7. If they do I hope they redo the shooting profile on those Artillery chariots while they are at it
  8. the Scraplancher/ Ironblasters is gone too I notice
  9. I think 2019 is going to have a 40k campaign since they hinted at one in Nova, Also their is a chance Slaanesh may not actually escape its when the battletome get release. also Lorewise we haven't resolve the big Nagash problem right now.
  10. There hasn't been any rumors of more Aelves though, the things that have been hinted to be in the work is Kharadron Overlords and Destruction/ Ironjawz models.
  11. Technically the necroquake was the result of Skaven messing around Nagaash's pyramid. Though if his plan did went off without a hitch he probably would have made a big impact on the realm anyway
  12. Do the beastmen have any Plastic hero other then the shaman? because if they don't that hampers their chances of getting a start collecting box just like why Bonesplitterz never got one. the Shaman could have work but he has his leg pined into a square base like the Savage Big boss so I don't think they would use him for a SC box either.
  13. Well at least that Nightvault warband are coming out soon but I have no idea how that unit of a Troggoth, Squig, and potentially few gobbos would work on the TT, I have a feeling this time around they are not going to be cohesive unit . I do hope the other warband are as cool as the Nighthaunt and potentially what the Moonclan one is going to be I am in the camp where I feel like people overemphasis the sexual nature of Slaaneshi and not actually the dark princes other aspect I am excited for Speed freak, just have not a big paint Vehicle type of guy, but gives me a good excuse to learn. As an Ork fan I hope some of the new model they release is morel HQ choice and a new Ghazghul. I think 9th edition may come after SoB launches and be out for awhile, Probably exactly three years from the release of 8th (like how AoS 2.0 came three year after AoS was actually release)
  14. on the production issue part, they said in Nova that it should be resolved soon after this year and they can crank up more models in the beginning of 2019
  15. I don't think the problem is one over the other, it probably the fact that Destruction may not get a single release this year, haven't gotten one for almost 2 years now, got very terrible GHB updates, and never really given good lore coverage. that and worst case scenario is waiting until next year for the release really feel like being neglected even further by GW.
  16. the rumor box set are probably going to be all Daemons though since its set in the realm of chaos and compatible with 40k, so definitely no mortal units (god specific gors still count since they exist in both universe). also pretty sure their also going to be at least a unit of daemonette on Slaaneshi's side judging by the teaser.
  17. probably Plastic Flesh hound vs. Plastic Fiends If we are really luck maybe Khorngors vs Slaangors.
  18. Well they said "really soon" so I think it not half a year
  19. When they say real soon I feel like the daemon box is going to come in late September or early October.
  20. Wait is realm of chaos: wraith and rupture a Box set or a video game, I am confuse?
  21. I have a question, how does Prophet of the Waaagh! synergies with Aetherquartz Broach again? are you getting another chance of rolling for extra CP when your rerolling for Mighty Waaagh!
  22. I have a feeling they going double the unit size of Gors and Ungors to 20 while also doing the same for the prices when they re-box it. though maybe if where lucky, the Ungor could be price in the same range as Night goblin and Plague monks since they are 25 mm base units.
  23. someone forgot to use their liquid green stuff
  24. It looks like a ETB model judging by the base. it looks pretty cool though, the paint job is maybe a little too bright but I do like how purposely derpy his face is Edit: oh it for Shadespire, of course it ETB, duh
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