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Everything posted by novakai

  1. It possible since I think GW usually release the Chaos space marine equivalent first before the Daemonkin (1000 sons and then DoT, Death guards and then Maggotkin). if a EC release was on the horizon for 40k I would think a Slaanesh release would be not far behind but I am starting to think Darkoath may come first.
  2. Well last year was the 40k 8th edition and dark imperium releases and that took the majority of the slots of 2017 after KO was release. this year has probably been the best year in terms of releases for AoS with Nurgle, LoN and the Harbingers, DoK, Idoneth, Soul Wars with SC and NH. and they have imply that there are going to be more new releases coming for all four GA hopefully for the rest of 2018
  3. I think the next big news reveal is going to happen at Warhammer fest Europe in August at Dusseldorf. I doubt they are going too reveal much at AoS opening day since they have announce so much new stuff already, I best I think there could be a Teaser trailers like at Adepticon with the Malign sorcery
  4. the one that came out today, Tom also felt the Doom and gloom of the FAQ changes for KO and Vince made the point that he felt like KO has to get a rerelease in the near future because of all the FAQ change makes their battle tome outdated for newer players
  5. Warhammer weekly made a good point that the rules have change so much for KO that a lot of the stuff in the Battletome don't function as written anymore. So GW got give KO a new battletome sooner rather then later or your forcing new KO players to print out FAQ.
  6. didn't they hint at Adepticon that New Destruction/ Ironjaw model where being made in the workshop? So I would think that we are not that far off from a Destruction release in general and I think it likely this will happen
  7. The Dracoline looks Rad I am not sure how I feel about the Taurolan though, looks like a Flying Goat horse but some different paint job could make the model amazing.
  8. Chances are good-ish since They did release separate boxes for the Tzaangor and Acolytes in SIlver Tower with the DoT release later on. though I am not entirely sure they are specifically Spiderfang Grots since they have Moonclan hoods on but are half spider-half grot. their current warscroll isn't that impressive like all grot warscroll.
  9. that what I though too. in fact the other guy look like Lukas the Trickster or a not Blonde Leman Russ
  10. I want to hope, But hope is the first step in the road of disappointment at least when it comes to Warhammer releases that doesn't involve Stormcast eternals
  11. I though it was Genderbent Sigvald grieving the lost of his beautiful face and now has to wear a veil to hide it from the world
  12. TBH I think they got press for time and wrote them all In the same article (and even put the Gargant into the article so they didn't have to write about them in the future) , I mean they put Everchosen/ STD and Brayherd/ Warherd/ Beast of Chaos together but I doubt they get combined either.
  13. On the Skarsnik thing, we actually don't know what happen to him or Wurzagg since Grimgor was the only who was confirm to have died in the Endtimes, But I assumed everyone whos fate was unknown (Settra, Khalida, Isabella, Wurzagg, Skarsnik) all died when the world exploded. GW however can resurrect any character into the realm as they choices like with Gortrek.
  14. Manfred I think he actually died right after he killed Balthazar Gelt
  15. I kind of hope that if Vlad and Isabella come back, they aren't servants of Nagash like Mannfred is now but rather their own independent faction of death but with Nagash having dominion of all Undead it kind of hard to write that in. Man they knew how to bring the feels, that was like the best friendship pair in all of WHF (beside Gortrek and Felix). I hope who ever lead the Moonclan grot is like a reincarnated version of Skarsnik and Gobbla. (kind of how the theory is that Gorddrak is Grimgor incarnated)
  16. I think It part of their marketing strategy to tease their customer's feeling when possible
  17. Hmm Moonclan Grot smoke New Weirdboy for Ork Plastic firebellies Leman Russ
  18. I hope so too, they should at least do all the faction with a current Battletome (though they did do Slaanesh and Skaven) The ones that are left are: Seraphon, Pestilen, BCR, Bonesplitter, KO, Idoneth,
  19. My guess for the release timeline would be June- AoS 2.0, SCE, Nighthaunt, Magic supplement July- Imperial Knight Release, anything spilled over from the June release August - Adeptus Titanicus, Space wolfs September -Moonclan October - Orks (just because Ork-tober), Kill-team November- Slaanesh December - No idea
  20. the Setting does need a mortal human presence and I think Darkoath is a good place to start
  21. Man with all the AoS news that came out from Warhammer Fest, I wonder if they saved any for Age of Sigmar Open day that happens at the end of June
  22. Looks like the Lord Ordinator is part of the new Stormcast chamber. And with the Night of shrouds being nighthaunts, Maybe later in the year they are going to release Moonclan and Darkoath for the remaining harbingers
  23. So is news coming Friday tonight or tomorrow (UK time)
  24. If the rumor pic is something for AoS I think it a good chance it a destruction monster giving it looks too gnarly to be an order monster, too organic to be a death monster, and while it could be something for Chaos it doesn't look like something you see on Slaanesh daemons or Rat monsters. though there always a chance it could be more Stormcast like a Lord Wizardnator on some form of mount with teethes. If it for 40k It probably for Orks
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