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Posts posted by Lavieth

  1. Hello and welcome to the Evergreen Glade. This is going to be a showcase of terrible pictures featuring my budding Sylvaneth army. I have been inspired by the narrative for my miniatures. For example, the Free Spirits were planted in the blood sap so I have painted them to have red leaves. The Outcasts are deliberately painted to look different to emphasize their lore. I will try and add some narrative as the army continues to grow. 

    I hope to learn more about miniature photography as the project continues to unfold. 












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  2. Sorry for the poor quality pictures. I have finished 5 spite-revenants. First unit is now 10 strong. 5 more to build to make it 2 units of 10. I used the dark aelf executioner heads to give them a spookier vibe.

    Dryads just need base rims and stones painted. I'm going to pick up some tufts of different varies to really spice up their bases. 




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  3. I agree with the above. Sure, AoS has not had the attention many of us would like for the rumor engines, miniatures or books. The salt really isn't necessary. The sun will shine on AoS again, but there are a lot of Eldar players who have been waiting for their turn for key unit updates for more editions than AoS has been around.

    The "want and demands" are killing the excitement of what will come. I'm looking forward to seeing this new IDK mini if it is based on the Soulslayer art. Who knows what it will do and how it will impact the army. There is no point in complaining about something we know nothing about. The possibilities for new and interesting ideas are why we discuss rumors.  It is unfortunate that a hobby people choose to do can bring so much mental anguish and despair. 


    Anyways, I'm really excited to see whatever is to come for AoS. I'm curious about how they will pitch the conflict between IDK and FS in the rumored box. 

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  4. 15 hours ago, Aezeal said:

    Lots of rendless and 1d attacks vs units that ignore rend or have a 1D damage cap? I think their damage ouput can be quite nasty... but obviously less so against 3+/4+ save units :D and after that they are dead.

    Would they still be considered a candidate to reinforce then? It seems to really benefit from all of their attacks that they would want to be in units larger than the 5 base.  

  5. 16 hours ago, AngryPanda said:

    As +2 Tough has stated, it seems as if GW has regressed to its “old ways” of lacking communication and feedback with its customers. 

    Im going to preface this as I'm not going at you Angry Panda. I really liked your post. I just needed this last quote.

    Probably better served for a thread of it's own, but can you blame GW?  For some reason so much of the player base feels a sense entitlement to know the business practices of the company and then when there is no "communication" there is an unnecessary amount of rage directed towards them. I'm sorry to say it, but, if GW doesn't feel the need to disclose stuff to the comminuty that is their prerogative. 

    There are far to many instances where very influential content creators have gone out of their way to stir up discontent and encourage a large amount of negativity towards GW. Just look at all the people trolling GW during their live streams. When the loudest part of feedback is generally negative and not even constructive, I would argue, it compounds the reasons why GW would be more inclined to being silent about things, especially when it  comes to reveals amd things that, us as the community, should be excited for because it means new models to see on the tables. A lot of these content creators need to assume a level of social responsibility for how they act and how they can negatively influence reactions because of their platform. They also need to remember that the company they like to dig at, and further more the hard working people at GW who do not deserve personal attacks, are the reason they have a platform and in some cases have been able to turn it into a career of sorts. 

    With that said, I hope the aforementioned rumor about expanding existing armies is true. I'd love to see an expansion on the Fyreslayers that isn't just the Warclans treatment. This would be a great opportunity for GW to increase the range and add a uniqueness to them that their range is in need of.

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  6. 39 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    You must have read different books about Tyrion than me. He is personified limelight. I doubt that the Lord of Lumination will stay in the shadow of his brother, if at all, the moon reflects the sun, not the other way round.

    And even if in his heart of hearts Tyrion would like to be a humble servant, fate and an even stronger force (GW sales strategy) will push him onto central stage when his time has come. 

    Exactly because so many people want him right now is one of the reasons why he’ll get his very own release, and not come as a second file to his brother. 

    I do think you are right in that we are referencing different books. I'm referring to the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th edition army books from WFB, the End Times, as well as the various novels and short stories.  Not exclusively limiting my understanding of Tyrion to the little references in the Lumineth Battletome. :)

    He has no problem stepping up when he needs to as his history has shown. He did not get the title "Defender of Ulthuan" because he was afraid of taking center stage. He has  always been a duty bound hero whose interets were always the protection of his race and his home.  That much has carried forward from WFB to AoS, which we do get to read about in the Lumineth Battletome. Fate, sadly, is always what brings him to the fields of battle.  It has never been to demonstrate his superior martial capabilities or in conquest/war. 

    The funny thing is he generally comes along with his brother because Teclis has made a mistake in some way or is unable to accomplish his task alone. Plus Tyrion has never seen it as playing second fiddle, just being his brother. 

    Why do you think people want him right now? Either way, if he comes with this release or later I will be excited. 

    One thing that does have me considerably interested is the soul of Aenarion showing up in AoS and the twin gods of Hysh. 

  7. I can see your point, but I am not as confident in an entire additional faction or future addition (beyond what is coming). It is quite possible that the wind temple resides in Oultrai, the re-imagined swordmasters are from Aurathrai, and so on. The different hemispheres do not indicate there is a necessity for extra miniatures beyond what is to come with Broken Realms: Teclis to complete the range or create a new one for that matter. All the hemispheres indicate is that there are the potential for 4 more unique sub-factions.  If Tyrion comes, that is great, I will have a 3rd version of him for my display case, if not, no big deal. 


    Anyone who knows the history of Tyrion knows he has never wanted to be in the limelight and just wants to do what's needed for his people and then go back to his own life. He has never wanted to be in charge or the center of attention. He has no problem letting Teclis be the aelf in front of the curtain.  ;)

  8. Why do so many people think there will be a Tyrion part later? From what I can make out, reading the Battletome,  all the Vanari stuff would be the "Tyrion" side of the Lumineth. Their focus is on the more martial elements and even their unit organization (1 sentinels :1 wardens) follow his edicts, etc.  Whereas I understand  it's mainly the aelementari who are more in-line with the Teclian side of the army. They focus more on that Teclian ladder and the esoteric elements of the Lumineth. 

    Perhaps I am just drawing simple paralells or dont want to give myself unrealistic expectations. I think we have already seen the Tyrionnic side of the Lumineth, just their current lore has had more of a focus on Teclis and his story arc. Perhaps, even though the next BR book is called Teclis it could very well introduce Tyrion in a more prominent role. For example, Teclis plans to confront Nagash while Tyrion is general of the Lumineth army invading Shyish. 

    I would not be surprised in the slightest if that alternative build for the mounted Vanari character ends up being Tyrion. From the shadowy image you can see many of the similarities that have been a present on Tyrion's previous 2 miniature designs. Such as, mounted, sword, and winged helmet so name a few I can make out. With this next wave the model line is very close to complete, and I dont think he necessarily needs to be this massive centerpiece miniature like Teclis is. The range doesn't need it. He just needs to look awesome and have awesome rules. He has been my favourite character in warhammer for over 20 years now, but I don't expect there to be this massive centerpiece for him, despite loving the idea behind it.

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  9. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    thee es helmet looks like Tyrion‘s

    I was thinking the same thing.  Those wings are iconic for him. Especially with the plume like Teclis. You can also see there is a sword behind the sunburst. Perhaps an allusion to sunfang?

  10. I think the designs are rather interesting and I feel like it is the paint jobs that kinda limit the range.  Sure there is not a ton of variety in the sculpts, but neither are the Lumineth Sentinels nor Wardens all that different from each other. 


    I really do think a different take on the paint can really make the range stand out.  Here are some examples I found that are sorta how I plan to paint mine.  Here is the link if you want to look at more.





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  11. I think the model range is fantastic  and I love the Alarith minis as well. I dont understand why so many people have an issue with their helmets. They are distinctive and make them stand out. Honestly, I fell they are a nice call back to the Phoenix Guard, who, may I add also have overly large helmets that represents their temple.  But I dont hear anyone  complaining about those models ;)

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