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Everything posted by whispersofblood

  1. Sure if that is the only action you take. Aetherquartz is once per phase so unless they are playing Sayr its either Teclis or something else, and spell casting has an opportunity cost especially with Teclis he has a whole deck to choose from and endless spells. But, I admit he will usually have a 5+ DDR. However, like most monsters you want to at least bracket them, with his 4+ save 10 Heartrenders can easily force you to roll 20+ 5+ DDR on the turn they charge and then bounce MW back on a unmodified save roll of 6. They are actually quite deadly with only witchbrew. Actually I would say they reliable kill Teclis on the charge.
  2. Can lose him to a lot of things, tbh Lifetakers are a good example, screening is quite weak so Eels will also be quite strong capable of pumping a ton of MW into him. I'm generally not fond of expensive models that require micromanagement, like Arkhan or Teclis unless they are dominant and my faction lets me screen out turn one with some certainty. You might see him do quite well early on, on the other hand people are going to have 3-4 months to prepare for him so he might also be DoA. At the moment I think Sentinels are probably the most powerful element, and the list needs movement. Which might mean Knights or Morrsarr hard to tell without access to Artefacts and CMD traits.
  3. A model's worth isn't soley determine by what it can do, but also by what it cannot, and what it forces on you.
  4. I think you will find the human spirit is far from fragile when encouraged, given education, guidance and allowed to set proper goals. AoS is a game of objective play, if you keep that in mind a) you don't buy/build/paint armies that don't play the game: b) reduce the effectiveness of players who build deathballs: c) always leave room for developing strategy even if your faction struggles to combat the new hotness. Now there are some things that is hard to deal with eternal conflagration and changehost is one of those things but each summer we get a points update. A little patience goes a long way, especially if your club rules require painted models. This is not a game balanced around killing models.
  5. Why do you think that? MSU might be one of our strongest strategies. 40 sentinels and 40-50 Wardens.
  6. There are two issues here. Sequential releases: which create what looks like a ratcheting up affect. And, the experience of each new thing being harder to fight then the last. New mechanism: humans naturally react negatively to change. It's a survival tactic, new is dangerous until it's proven to not be dangerous. Combine the two and the human mind's natural tendancy to create narratives creates a feedback loop, and the forum experience drives confirmation bias. The real interaction is the complexity drives inequality. The more complex the rules the more power a skilled player can derive from it. And, rule mechanism are created to do *something* which is obviously more powerful then no mechanism, not doing anything. SCE are very simple and have very few real rule interactions internally to produce returns with. Where say IDK are far more streamlined but they have enough mechanisms to produce outsized results. I suspect on average LRL are going to have terrible competitive results. And also a tiny minority of LRL players who win events.
  7. They have a LRL Endless spell that gives +1 save and -1 to hit
  8. Just so that we are all on the same page here. He can pretty easily get up to 2+/5+ at -1 to hit. I didn't see a heal spell so there is that. I'm actually happy that the hero phase is gaining more direct damage and impact though. And, I think the mechanism for Teclis casting is interesting, narrative while retaining the exact same interaction with the opponent. He has no fail rate, but you can frustrate him.
  9. I take it back now that I have Teclis whole rule set I'm pretty impressed. The question is can you get a really good 3 drop list and play all the battleplans.
  10. If you do take Teclis you probably don't want to get much higher than 3 drops.
  11. Based on what I know at the moment, I don't have a single list with Teclis I just can't get him in.
  12. I posted in the rumour thread, but we can probably go a bit more in depth here. The faction is horrible against Eternal conflag. People forget that flamers have 27" reach without teleportation, Burning chariots have 32". If they really want to get at Teclis they can shoot him off, even if it may require tweaks to the most common build. I'm very concerned about mobility and ability to get onto objectives, I don't think soul scream bridge is a solution as we don't seem to have any charge bonuses, not even basic rerolls. LRL look like the suffer a bit from the IDK problem that the battleplan is obvious, without the IDK strength of extreme movement freedom. I think competitive builds are going to include morrsarr over Dawnriders for the use of the cav hammer, and Dawnriders as harassers and skirmishers. Which is a bit disappointing.
  13. It is weird that after a night's sleep, I was coming here to say that are pretty ok. With some savagely bad match ups against really popular and common factions. Teclis is a good tactical piece but in some match ups his vulnerability is shocking. The mountain spirits seems a bit underwhelming and I'm very concerned about mobility without magic. Will they have good results early on? Probably. Am I considering updating any of my current builds to deal? No. They are probably better without Teclis. And we will probably see more mountain based armies from the onset. I think... This might be one of the better balanced factions we've seen.
  14. This is exactly true, the vector for analysis is so biased and unscientific I find most commentary online to be of almost no substantive value. Something as minor as having no KO players in your community can make several other armies disproportionately powerful. I went home last summer, participated in an event and there was only 2 HoS army. The faction just didn't develop any traction in the local community that changed the circumstances of army building and completely reshuffled what was viable. HoS won the event but he won the previous year with a Nurgle army if I remember correctly. There is less than one to on relationship between good players and OP armies, the closer relationship is good players and interesting rules which often are strong since they allow better manipulation of the game state. The interactions between factions is a substantial distorter on what is good. I personally can't assess LRL until I get a better idea of what pace they can play the game, we don't even know how many dice these units throw in combat!
  15. I did ruins like ADB did on Wcom, but the flight stands work fine if you replace the contact point with magnets. I'm doing some exercises to develop my IDK. I'm actually, considering multiple Eidolons. Anyone have experience to pull from?
  16. What made the KoS so powerful was that it was almost always going to fight twice before the target. 3+ locus is a risk of failure is pretty high Relative to the new stuff it's one activation combat power is like 6/10, it's the second activation that put it's combat power up there It's defence is poor at best, with a limited variety of defensive buffs, which you won't take because you want to maximize its ability to kill It's also pretty expensive Now if you are taking lots of hedonite units then the CMD ability is key. But if you are transitioning to a using Marauders or Chaos Knights the value of excess of slaughter decreases.
  17. Tbh. The best HoS build in the current meta might have zero KoS.
  18. Just to be clear 1 marauder is not the equal to 1 chaos warriors. A lot of the power of marauders has nothing to do with the strength or power of a marauder. They are just multi-attack models, with access to rend on a 25mm base, and 40 models for objective play. I think the biggest issue with CW is that for 300 pts you get 15 CW with your choice of weapons (shields or Great weapons probably) and for 60 more points you get 10 knights. So even when you want a unit with a little more durability than Marauders... CW aren't a good option. And, that's before we look at Chosen.
  19. The Aelves themselves are reminicent of the elf drawings. The question was and is were they said to be HE explicitly, or was there something specifically about those images that were HE if you don't pull them from a HE army book? The 4 pictures in the Pointy elf video were an archer, a spearman, a reaver and a swordmaster, how are LRL aelfs the Aelves themselves not consistent with that at the very high level and abstract level that a 97 second video would provide? And again, these are a millenia of cultural growth from High Elves.
  20. The bolded is your issue. GW never teased anything about HE's, HE were their own coherent faction which died (literally the culture no longer exists) and LRL were always going to be Teclis and Tyrions interpretation of the High Elven culture which millennia after their creation have become their own culture with their own history. LRL pre-date the Age of Chaos and have had a crisis that has shaped the culture into what we are seeing in model form. GW never marketed these as new "HE", they said pointy aelves which could mean any number of thing. Hell it could have been interpreted to mean DE. You were limited in you thinking and you set your expectations at X, GW had planned Y which was just as likely given we all had literally zero information before models started being released. Eltharion is a specific thing, a memory of a specific person it makes sense that it is more closely designed to the original culture that created the two progenitors. If you remember your HE lore, Dragons and High Elves shared a similar relationship to that which the fluff is ascribing to LRL and the Realm spirits which will develop over the next 40 odd years that the relationship did in Warhammer through the decades. This might be the first Battletome that I read the fluff page by page to really figure out how I feel about the faction. And if you really don't like the Battle Cattle, proxy an elf on a dragon with the correct base.
  21. Unfortunately S2D are not good as a traditional Warriors of Chaos army, they're competitive builds are and look quite gamey. Recently I've been making my HoS army less well HoS like, and more like an army and it is starting to function very well. My suggestion is find the God you like and use their book. I think undivided might have some spoiler builds be it's still pretty meh. Book is at around AoS1 levels, which is bad considering we are nearing the end of AoS2. Archaon is not good for his points in S2D but he is acceptably priced in the god armies. Even then he could come down 100 points.
  22. A wizard can only cast 1 endless spell a turn, I wouldn't recommend taking more than 2 to 3.
  23. The changes to locus make the chariots an uncertain combatant. But the exalted does do work against Mortek guard where a KoS might struggle. Even on the KoS I've been using the Ragged Cloak more and more combined with a successful locus roll it can let you dominate whole sections of the board. I do agree in general though that 1 KoS is probably the best choice given the known information. Which immediately changes how fast you can kill things, which means you need to have more blocking, board control, and probably the ability to grind somewhere in your list. I think the epitome has a place in a mortal or heavily daemonette styled list where you aren't so concerned with keeping it safe from harm, but doubt it's mandatory inclusion in say a msu styled list.
  24. Is the difference between a bolded meaning keyword and normal text which is in reference to a specific warscroll title.
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