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Posts posted by Ajmaus

  1. But the old plague bearers also help objectives better because you had more models for less points 30 models for example were 330 points compared to 20 models at 300.. 

    The failure on the new plague bearers is 1 attack. I think we need them to match that attacks of the plague drone rider.. both are plague bearers with the same weapon. Do what they did for brutes and pigs..

    Make plague bearers 2 attacks 3s and 3s so they match the identical guy riding a fly.. blight kings and pusgoyles have the same profile and they technically arent even the same guys armed with the same things

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    My hype is holding onto the hope that Era of the Beast updates or refreshes a lot of the more bestial lines;

    Beasts of Chaos.



    Flesh Eater Courts.

    Ogor Mawtribes.

    I believe there is only 6 months left of the era of the beast the next GHB will move us probably to shadow.. my 2 cents

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    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Nullius said:

    Quick question folks (and my apologies if this has already been asked): 


    the spell Choking Mist. Does it tag every unit within six and give them -1 attack until you next hero phase? Or does it create a six inch radius zone on the table in which all models are at -1 attack for as long as they are within the zone. Because this dramatically changes how the spell is played and I have to say the wording is unusually confusing for AoS.


    certainly a cloud of mist would seem to hang around one zone, but a casting value of 7 suggests the designers consider the spell powerful, which would favor the idea that it’s an instant effect, affecting every unit near the point of impact at the time of casting. (Though not necessarily units that enter that zone later on).


    how are you guys playing this one? 

    Without it saying to place a token it would be 1 and done that is just how spells in Warhammer work by default. If he had a spell that said pick a point and everything took d3 mortal wound it would be assumed it was one and done and not a token that was placed that did d3 mortals whenever something walked into range..


    Untill it's FAQ I wound play it like any other spell 1 and done tag the units then give them the debuff till the next hero phase

  4. Don't have my book next to me but I am pretty sure that

    Meecs always count as allies so the cog Smith can't be sitting outside if the 400 point limit he's not a CoS unit. It's in the Merc section to address a fec player or a fyreslayers player from trying to take an entire army of the Merc company. (Otherwise they could)

    Also remember allies even if they have the correct keywords do not gain bonuses from any alligience abilities that's in the ally section


  5. 7 hours ago, Maddpainting said:

    Something i'm playing with is Paired in Desolating, b.c they get +1 to charge already, ambushing them in Darkwalkers along with a 30man of Ungors (40man ungors on the table), and Cogs on the table if i can (2 turns to try to get it off) a BL with the +1 to hit relic, now i'm hitting on 3+, rr1's, +3 to charge, 6's to hit are 2 hits.

    It worked out really well the 2 test games last week, Ambushing turn 2 is needed a lot of the times b.c of screening units, 1 was vs SCE the other was vs Seraphon, the SCE player literally only won b.c i had to get 1 charge roll to win on a 5+ with re-rolling and i failed (snake eyes into a roll of a 4) but you know that happens sometimes (it was his competitive list for Adepticon too, so knowing i was a subpar list and i only lost b.c of a crappy roll).

    I don't have my book with me at the moment but I am pretty sure that the horn does not work on the minotaurs even in dark walkers. It says brayherd units set up on the table the same turn using the brayherd ambush get +1 to hit. Dark walkers let's warherd ambush but doesn't give them they brayherd keyword.

  6. now that ogors have a new book and a butcher can fight as good as a doombull... its probably time we get some points dropped on our big guys.. they have a terrible alligiance ability.. hit on 4s.. bad armor saves.. yet cost as much as iron guts.. Also an ironguts unit champion fights better then the doombull... essentially they are a unit of 4 doombulls... I really hope BoC gets a points pass in this FAQ.


  7. The only point is with out using assumptions on verbiage the game does use language   to specifically call out successful unbind even on AOS 2.0 models such as the malefic maelstrom and if the model said the cygor triggered on a unsuccessful unbind everyone would agree it was only when it failed the roll.  We have an assumption that unbind means successful but in all other GW cases with a similar rule it uses either "Successful Unbind" or "don't unbind and the spell is automatically unbound".

    So in the games dictionary their is a specification that unbind is more than just being successful at rolling the dice.  

    I just want them to clear it up so the game can go to similar language between war-scrolls that tightens the rules. Also it gives them a chance to change it if they think that the mechanic isnt to strong anyway they can clearly state "When this model attempts to unbind X happens." Which is what I think was intended after reading every other model that triggers something on unbinding.. The Cygor is the unique outlier even if you compare it to new books like khorne.


    • Like 1
  8. So I believe we have misinterpreted the Cygors Soul-eater rule and he might be better than we have have him credit for.

    I believe how his ability is worded it always triggers the mortal wound and the heal regardless of successfully unbinding.

    Soul-eater: this model can attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase in the same manor as a wizard. In addition, each time it unbinds a spell, the caster suffers 1 mortal wound and you can heal 1 wound allocated to this model.

    Contrary to the Curseling

    Vessel of Chaos: Each time a cursling successfully unbinds an enemy spell, he can immediately attempt to cast it himself even though it is your opponents hero phase. If this spell is cast, your opponent cannot attempt to unbind it.


    The rule book even uses the language for unbinds a spell to reference just rolling the dice not successfully rolling higher.


    While this probably needs a faq I think it is a an interesting mechanic basically makes it work more likely me a bonus to unbind which is how it's worded and I think maybe it was intended

  9. On 8/2/2019 at 9:02 PM, Ironbreaker said:

    It looks like my Dispossessed army is getting squated and I am looking for a new army. Try to sell Seraphon to me. Why should I buy them? 

    I am going to warn you that there us a chance that a lot of seraphon get squated so if you jump ship to lizardmen remember they have a lot of old units from fantasy that may not make it to a new book

  10. 7 hours ago, clamo said:

    have people tried running blocks of gors with dragon ogres behind them with there 2" reach? sort of a stronger screen than the typical ungor bestigor combo? Anyone running gors now that they are cheaper with the ghb19?

    Dragon ogors reach weapon is only 1 dmg..  The best unit for this strat is enlightened on foot.. You can plop them into the middle of gors or ungor and odds are the enemy will attack first which triggers their reroll hits and wounds ability

  11. I think 90 bestigor in 3 units of 30 wound be very unwieldy.. Bestigor dont have reach and have bad leadership.. So a big block is just letting your opponent focus fire them down pretty hard. I have had great luck with smaller units. 6 units of 10 would be cheaper then 3 units of 30 and i think more effective

  12. if your a new player use plague drones to learn the game they are super fighty with a guo buff and a daemon hero near by.. Sure other armies fight better but the drones are no slouches if you get off blades of putrifaction they mence things.. Not the best list but also not the worst good for learning and nurgle saves means they can be forgiving.

    I have 3 guo and thricefold isnt good for a new player its not super intresting and required you to have a pretty good grasp of the game to work anyway

  13. The tzangor reroll resolves first and then you cannot reroll a reroll.. So of you successfully cast a spell with kets say a 6 and a 3.. You can choose to reroll the 3 that wouod then make the bloosecrator unabke to force a reroll of it still succeeds

  14. Raiders are good in 10 man groups as well they change roles. When you bring 10 raiders you want to screen with them because of the pregame move.. They a nuisense units that block landing zones for enemy units with forcing those units to charge the raiders.. If you play alpha strike armies alot a pregame movement unit is invaluable.. But because those units are ment to die to accomplish their objective you dont want them to be big units usually.. More small units provide more screens or annoying objective grabbers.

    • Like 2
  15. I suppose but its also on the page that is labeled lore of nurgle... Technically all the other lores are called lore of malgnance lore of virulence and kore of foulness.  Either way the book is just because facored poxes is a 7 but on a balewind its range 20 inches so you can reduce armor thenn shoot the raiders at the target.. Making that a 6 seems clutch.. Witherstaff is probably and so is a caster guo then they catapults i bet in the long run

  16. The Balewind is for the poxbringer. It lets him cast move the wheel and then half move run and charge from 27 inches.. I was using taumurkhans horde but i dont know if i can take the beastmen.. Forgeword doesnt explain how it works well enough..

    I debating using a unit of 30 bestigor but the flexibilty of 10 lets me project power to more places at once though if i get 60 points i can use the ferryman to teleport my raiders away if i get double turned... 

    Thanks for the advice

  17. The depravity should not scale off how many wounds you do. Not all wounds are created equally.. If it was just a trigger it would be better.. Here is an example of how i think it should have worked.

    "When a slaanash hero deals 1 or more wound unit gain d3 depravity points if that model had a wound characteristic greater than 1."

    Now it triggers and you gain between 1 and 3.. No more hitting 6 minotaurs and generating 3 per model slain.

    Do we really want an army wide special rule that invalidates entire unit types.. Multi wound infantry already struggle depravity just kicked while they were down

    • Like 1
  18. 19 minutes ago, prochuvi said:

    As the 80% of the top 20 armys have free summon,so numbers dont lie.

    Btw even skavens have free sumon.

    But dont matter,gw gonna sell more minis with free sumon due to be extra minis,also they prefer do op free sumon so all fotm players jump to these armys and they can sell more minis.

    The best examples is lon that went from around 4%(when the sumon had a cost) to the most played army of tye game with the add of free sumon.

    The topic is about if slanesh free sumon is broken,numbers show us that slanesh is broken and it is the top army(with skaven and fec tied). So it is due to free sumon or other aspect?

    I think that free sumon is the problem and seems every other player think the same.only this dude who defnd free sumon in every post think otherwise

    LoN doesn't summon new models they res dead ones.. Kind of makes your whole arguement about GW just making rules to sell new more summonable models invalid.. Pick a different summoning army.. BoC they are kicking butt at all the top tables.. All herd going all in on free summoning is the talk of the town.. And nurgle whew...

    The point is not all the summoning mechanics are out of control.. BoC can spend 1 cp to get 1 summoning point that gets them 1/3 the way to summoning a ungor unit. Nurgle can expext 5 plague bearers every other turn.

    People can be honest here GW screwed up with depravity it auto beats multiwound units.  If the army had a glaring weakness vs multiwound units but this mechanic was to balance that out that would be intresting. But thats not the case.

  19. Nurgle Beasts Shooty
    Nurgle - Allegiance: Nurgle - Mortal Realm: Hysh
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    Orghotts Daemonspew (240)
    Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120) [Tome of 1000 Poxes] General Grandfathers Blessing
    Sorcerer (120) [Aether Quartz Brooch]
    10 x Bestigors (120)
    10 x Bestigors (120)
    10 x Bestigors (120)
    40 x Ungor Raiders (320)
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Mauls & Half-Shields
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Mauls & Half-Shields
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Mauls & Half-Shields
    Plagueclaw (160)
    Plagueclaw (160)
    Pestilent Throng (200)

    Balewind Vortex (40)

    2000 points

    Trying a unique army with nurgle. Thoughi could drop the plague claws for more units or the wildfire taurus and change sorc to festus and get a chariot or a cp.

    • Like 1
  20. I would drop the gargant for endless spells..

    The bull is great for utility and damage and the horn is suprisingl good if your going to grind people out with dragon ogors..

    That leaves you enough for 10 ungor standing on the herdstone.

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