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Everything posted by HobbyHammer

  1. Have updated the interested participant list! Keep them coming people!
  2. No problem dude. At this stage it is just declaring interest and anyone on the interested list gets priority tickets. I shall pop your name down ??
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Welcome Narrative Player! You are a participant in something grand, with over 60 events taking place over the world, we look forward to hearing your stories. In this pack we detail the 3 Battleplans of the event and the scoring mechanics. The Narrative Event Organiser (NEO) running the event has the freedom to embellish it even further, or even make it simpler. Contact your NEO for further details. WHAT KIND OF NARRATIVE EVENT IS THIS? This is an introductory narrative event that should be simple enough for new event organizers to feel comfortable running, while providing some fun new narrative ideas for the veteran storytellers. Think of it as a mini campaign that gets completed in a day, and provides enough substance for you to walk away with great stories of triumph and ruin. FEATURES OF THE EVENT Story Driven - Your actions change how the story develops. Linked Games - Results of one game affect another. Asymmetrical Battleplans - armies may have different or opposing objectives rather than mirrored ones. Team scoring - Scoring encourages team cooperation rather than just individual success. Game Variety - Varied game sizes and a mix of 1v1 and multiplayer games. Narrative Awards - Awards that recognize achievements that relate to the story. WHAT, WHERE, WHEN? What: Where: When: 1 day 3 Games, Global Narrative Event Warhammer Age of Sigmar NEO’s choice Saturday, June 10th, 2017 3 LINKED GAMES OF VARIED SIZES Players should bring 1500 points that can also be broken down into 1000 and 500 point lists. Your NEO will let you know if you should include pitched battle Vanguard limitations for construction, Rules of 1, and Reinforcement Rules per the GHB. The one ‘MUST HAVE’ is a model with the Hero keyword that will be their general through every game. GRAND ALLIANCE TEAMS Players will be playing in teams representing the Grand Alliances. The NEO organising your event may have all of them represented or only 2 represented. The players join whichever Grand Alliance Team that they prefer, whether it matches their army they brought or not. If a Grand Alliance is only represented by one player, they can be their own team and play as the UNDERDOG, or join another team. Teams don’t need to be even either, the scoring system looks favorably on the UNDERDOGS. TEAM OBJECTIVES In the story, each general is attempting to win favor with the Keystone Shard by performing awesome feats on the battlefield. While the battleplans have objectives that advance the story, winning a Battleplan Victory in the scenario is just one of 7 feats that players can accomplish to attune the Keystone Shard to their alignment. But only one team member needs to accomplish any given objective to score it for the team. The Grand Alliance that performs the most feats in a Game Round is favored by the Keystone Shard and becomes Ascendant for the next round.
  4. Miniature Showcase: (Jake) Ex Profundis, AoS28 Today I have a special feature on the creator and Hobby and conversion hero Ex Profundis. I talk to him about his AoS28 project and his warband, the corrupted Nurgle army. I hope you enjoy and leave any comments below as always! Read full article here...
  5. Thanks for all the interest so far. More details to follow but looks like 40 people won't be a hard task! Long Live Narrative!
  6. Entrants! 1. Alexander Nygård - @Darth Alec - £45 2 . Tom Hewitt - @Tom Hewitt - £45 3. Steve Foote - @Devilreefman - £45 4. Ben Foote - £45 5. Adam Elford - @Aelford £45 6. Ollie Grimwood - @Ollie Grimwood - £45 7. Paul Buckler - @Paul Buckler - £45 8. Richard Buckler - £45 9. Ollie Fox - £45 10. George Evans - £45 11. David Busse - @DaveBusse - £45 12. Richard Taylor - @Rich - £45 13. Alex Lay - £45 14. Christian Hacon - @Bishmeister - £45 15. Kristian Wedlake - @General Snekt - £45 16. James Grant - @jimbobbyG - £45 17. Ben Mardle - £45 18. Adam James - £45 19. Matt Hinton - £45 20. Dan Barwick - @The Barwick - £45 21. Dan Mitchell - @Dangermouse425 - £45 22. Mark Mitzman - @Mitzy - £45 23. James Warth(og) - -£45 24. Ben Price - @bennyp - £45 25. Declan Waters - £45 26. Ryan Biggsy - £45 27. Carl Martin - @Carlito_1982 - £45 28. Alan Simmett - @Simba78 £45 29. Paul Marshallsay - @Gulug1974 - £45 30. Paul Flory 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Please ensure the remaining balance is paid by the 15th July. Thank you for your support! Reserve/Unpaid Priorty List 1. Robert Moar - @Moarhammer - £2 2. Ben Smith - £2 3. Luke Smith - @Luke - £2 4. Richard Morley - @Drakira - £2 9. Dan Wood 10. Adam Ælford - @Aelford 11. Dan Comeau - @Dan Comeau 12. Joe McGough - @Silent joe 13. @Oberael 14. Ben Johnson - @Ben Johnson 15. Pete Foley - 16. Rufio Symes - @Rufio 17. Alan Simmet - @Simba78 18. Jamie Field - @Obfuscate
  7. until
    HobbyHammer is pleased to present this AoS Narrative Event down in the South East of England by the sandy beach of Ramsgate on the weekend of the 16th-19th February 2018 Welcome to the next instalment of The Rise of Empires series! We really wanted to bring you a 2 day full event. Be prepared for a full 2 day immersive story telling event! This event is now open to 40 people. Over the course of the two days, you will be thrown into an immersive map campaign telling epic tales of your army pushing for territories. This will be played over various sized games from Hinterland Style level to full on warfare. There will be events happening over the weekend that will set you back or propel you forward into dominance as this is of course.. The Age of Change! This is a narrative event in which the story comes first. Each alliance will be striving to gain advances in a newly formed city in the Realm of Ghyran. We want the hobby to take president and as such awesome prizes and awards shall be given for hobby and narrative orientated feats. There shall be no prize for overall Champion. Instead for.. Best Army (Painted) Coolest Army (Themed) Most Epic moment Highest Renown Best Sportsman Best Story Worst Luck! We will also have the venue open on the Saturday evening for open gaming and drinking. The Pack will be coming shortly. So stay tuned for that. Tickets will be priced at £45 and includes lunch on both days, there is a bar in the venue serving anything you like (including Real Ales), these are all very well priced as it is a social club. Tickets will be on sale later in the year but for now please declare your interest below. Who is ready to defend their territories and expand their empires?
  8. Event Title: Rise of Empires: Border Wars, Narrative Event Weekend 16th-18th Feb 2018 Event Author: HobbyHammer Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 02/16/2018 08:00 PM to 02/18/2018 06:00 PM HobbyHammer is pleased to present this AoS Narrative Event down in the South East of England by the sandy beach of Ramsgate on the weekend of the 16th-19th February 2018 Venue! The Oddfellows, 142 High St, Ramsgate CT11 9TY Welcome to the next instalment of The Rise of Empires series! We really wanted to bring you a 2 day full event. Be prepared for a full 2 day immersive story telling event! This event is now open to 40 people. Over the course of the two days, you will be thrown into an immersive map campaign telling epic tales of your army pushing for territories. This will be played over various sized games from Hinterland Style level to full on warfare. There will be events happening over the weekend that will set you back or propel you forward into dominance as this is of course.. The Age of Change! This is a narrative event in which the story comes first. Each alliance will be striving to gain advances in a newly formed city in the Realm of Ghyran 'Colarcanium'. We want the hobby to take precedence and as such awesome prizes and awards shall be given for hobby and narrative orientated feats. Best Army (Painted) Coolest Army (Themed) Most Epic moment The Key to the City Best Sportsman Best Story Worst Luck! We will also have the venue open on the Friday and Saturday evening for open gaming and drinking. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/twwy4g0fm74nwgt/AAD3RWVuIB-94m6JnMRVDMKJa?dl=0 - The Pack is up! This is the Event Pack and the first look at the battle plans (not all of them). They are subject to change but will give you an idea of just how the campaign will work. You are not expected to remember any of them as all are easy enough to rock up and play on the day. If would like to play them now though and give feedback on them, this will be very much appreciated. Tickets will be priced at £45 and includes lunch on both days, there is a bar in the venue serving anything you like (including Real Ales), these are all very well priced as it is a social club. Tickets are on sale!! Please send a payment of £45 to sean.houghton11@gmail.com (Friends and Family). For those who have paid a deposit - The balance of £43 needs to be paid before midnight on the 15th July otherwise your place will go to anyone on the reserve list. You can only cancel and receive a full refund up until the end of November, after this it will be too close to the event. __________________________________________________________ Travel and Staying in Ramsgate! There are many places to stay in Ramsgate, below I have 3 options, the closest option, the most commercial option (Still close) and the cheapest option, but any search on hotel sites will bring up more. The Royal Yacht Club is the Closest.. http://www.hotels.uk.com/search/area_lon_lat_view_locations.php?lat=51.3360622042&lon=1.4141857643&search=CT11+9TY&order=dist Travelodge is the most commercial (and on the Seafront by the Harbour) https://www.travelodge.co.uk/hotels/510/Ramsgate-Seafront-hotel?checkIn=16%2F02%2F18&checkOut=18%2F02%2F18&rooms[0][roomId]=4fbrnwyuop4skf&rooms[0][adults]=1&rooms[0][children]=0&rooms[0][extras][0]=&strikeThroughShown=1 Hotel De Ville is the cheapest.. http://www.hotels.uk.com/details/AAB417335/Hotel de Ville.htm __________________________________________________________ Going out in Ramsgate! Loads of great little bars and pubs in ramsgate, just head down the Seafront and drink till like 6am if you wanted to... (Don't) __________________________________________________________ Getting to Ramsgate. By Car, Head down M2, then onto A299 all the way, past Manston Airport and follow signs to Ramsgate. r just SatNav the address, its easier. By Train, there is a High Speed line direct into Ramsgate Station, from here its a 5 minute taxi ride (Cost about £6) to the venue. By National Express Coaches... you probably will miss the event, get a train or drive. ____________________________________________________________ Who is ready to defend their territories and expand their empires? Rise of Empires: Border Wars, Narrative Event Weekend 16th-18th Feb 2018
  9. Ok so a bit of an update to the 7 army list... with new releases and other factors my 7 armies are now as below. Phoenix Guard (50% Complete) Nurgle Rotbringers (Complete) Colliegate Arcane (80% Complete) Stormcast Vanguard Fyreslayers Stormcast Eternals Nighthaunt Completely different from the initial list I know but hey.... its my armies!
  10. The first army of the challenge has been complete! I present to you my Blight Guard formation which consists of Lord of Plagues (Darklands Mini), Rotbringer Sorcerer (Which I converted from BlightKing bits.) and 20 BlightKings. If you would like to check out the How I Paint Series on this please visit.. http://www.hobbyhammer.com/2017/02/how-i-paint-series-nurgle-rotbringers.html This army was super fun to paint, especially the washes to achieve the bruising effects. I shall be getting some better pics this weekend but for now here they are!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Welcome to Border Wars! The newest online map campaign for Age of Sigmar. Please download the document if you would like to get involved in this worldwide online AoS campaign, paint, play and write. Gain your territory and expand your empire. Please visit http://www.theriseofempires.com for more information.
  12. HobbyHammer

    Phoenix Guard

    Definitely worth a box or 2 for an order army.
  13. I have updated the information at the top of the page. Please read through. Thanks!
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