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Everything posted by DavionStar

  1. Sounds good, @Azamar, thanks for the input! I think I'll go with the 10 Hearthguard idea. I'm assuming you mean the Berzerkers in this case. I'll see if I can tweak some points to decide between the Grimwrath or Battlesmith. Hoping that Battlescribe and/or Warscroll Builder update their points values soon to make it easier to build and check my points on the fly.
  2. Alright so, my planned 2k army list for KO included a 30x Vulkite Berserkers unit to act as a meatshield/melee platform at 360 points total. With the big changes to Fyreslayers, I could use some help in updating this. So what'd be a good fit for this slot? Doesn't have to be Vulkites since I don't have any of the models yet. But what'd fit the role at about the same point value of 360?
  3. Boat! And a big shot of my completed units so far. Just need it to stop raining so I can prime the next company.
  4. I just checked out the updated scrolls for the Fyreslayers. I'm gonna have to adjust my 2k plan to account for the beefier slayers!
  5. It's been nice painting a bigger model for once. XD The purple areas will be a slightly different shade cause I need to touch up some areas I spilled over. I think it's Xerus Purple. But I think it's coming out good so far! Just this set and one more Company (already assembled) and my 1k army will be ready. After that I might focus on my 1k Sons army for a bit before starting up on my 2k KO army~
  6. Here's progress on my Frigate! I'm really happy with how it's turning out. I just need to work on some more details and the crew. But it's nearly there.
  7. I was already planning on having some slayer allies in my 2k list, so this is good news to me! Btw, I'll try to get an in progress pic of my Frigate tonight. It's about half way done.
  8. *whispers* Make all the weird conversions
  9. I was tinkering on the Warscroll builder coming up with a possible alternate 1k build I want to try that wouldn't require too many new kits. Khemist, 2x10 Arkanauts, 1x6 Riggers, 1x10 Thunderers, Gunhauler. Not remotely an ideal build, but I might give it a shot down the road if I wanted to try something different. I've already got a Gunhauler and 5 Thunderers so I'd just need one more box to field it.
  10. Navigators already know Aetherstorm, so I could see that unit getting other magic like abilities. Also thanks for the comments on my Riggers! I'm still new at painting minis so it means much to me.
  11. Finally got my Riggers all painted! It took a while because I kept having issues to decide what to color what.
  12. I'm just hoping I can finally finish painting and assembling my 1k force before any drastic changes come in. 😜 Progress is slow going. Why do the Skyrigger models have so many tiny details... and next on my list is the Frigate. Oh boy.
  13. Found this on Instagram. I might see about putting a few more armor bits on mine though, but the Kairics aren't wearing much to begin with so it's still quite close. Kairic boxes have 20 models and Witch Aelves have 10 so with just 1 extra box you could maybe make a full half of them female.
  14. I'm just picturing a Navigator prodding a Fyreslayer with his instruments going "Just get on the damn metal boat ya backwards wazzok"
  15. Oh, I had a thought. I misread the rules on Tzaangors and Kairic Acolytes thinking that I could only (and only needed to) bring one shield. How many of my models should be carrying shields to make it worth it? Reminder that in my list I have a unit of 20 Acolytes and a unit of 10 Tzaangors. Oh, another question since I'm still new to rules and stuff. If I give a Brayhorn or Scroll of Dark Arts to a model in the appropriate units, does that model not get any attacks, and just the Ability associated with it? And is there ever any reason not to take these?
  16. Thanks, @Asimov. It might be a while before I start building it. (I actually OWE taxes this year, urg) But I might pick up a box of Tzanngors to get started at least. Also give me something different to paint since I've been working on my dorfs all this time. I also want to look more into making some female Kairics. I've seen a few ideas around. I might consider swapping out the Curseling or Gaunt for a Shaman for abilities. I just really love how those models look. XD; One more question. Summoning is a thing. What extra models would be suggested for me to get for a 1k game?
  17. Ok, I've updated my 1k list a bit. Took out the Horrors and Knights, added in a big chunk of Kairics, Curseling and switched to Enlightened on discs. Looked up the Warscrolls again to set up weapons better. Had room for a bigger Endless Spell so I put in Balewind Vortex. @Asimov This list better? Could it use some more tweaking? New full list is under the spoiler thing to prevent another huge post.
  18. Some progress! The Frigate is built, though the balloons and crew aren't glued yet. I want to paint that stuff separately. Got my Khemist assembled, and found a good head for my Rigger squad sergeant. Depending on how things go this week with the weather I might try to prime more of the models, or build up my last Arkanaut Company.
  19. Hey there, I'm trying to make a magic using Maggotkin army that I could convert over to a Death Guard army of similar size for 40k. Obviously I'd be replacing any AoS units with Plague Marines and such. Allegiance: NurgleLeadersPoxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120)- General- Trait: Living Plague - Artefact: Tome of a Thousand Poxes - Lore of Virulence: Glorious AfflictionsBattleline10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)10 x Plaguebearers (120)Units6 x Plague Drones (400)Endless SpellsAethervoid Pendulum (40)Total: 1000 / 1000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 85 I have no idea if this is even a decent list, but I wanted to through together something. I do have limited knowledge but I didn't learn a lot about KO until I started throwing army lists at the wall so I hope I can get some advice. Thanks in advance!
  20. Well, I tried to throw something together. This is my attempt to think up a 1k DoT army that I could possibly convert (with some swapping of course) into a similarly sized Thousands Sons army. It's probably a travesty but hey. I learned a lot from throwing bad army lists over in the KO forum, so hoping I can do the same here. The Gaunt Summoner would be the General. Just forgot to mark that. Allegiance: TzeentchLeadersGaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (180)- Artefact: Aspect of Tzeentch - Lore of Fate: Bolt of Tzeentch- Lore of Change: Tzeentch's FirestormBattleline10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)- Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch10 x Tzaangors (180)- 8x Pair of Savage Blade- 2x Savage Blade & Arcanite ShieldUnits10 x Chaos Knights (320)- Chaos Glaives3 x Tzaangor Enlightened (100)Endless SpellsMalevolent Maelstrom (20)Total: 1000 / 1000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 74 I'd replace the Gaunt Summoner with Ahriman or a Sorcerer Lord in 40k. And the Tzaangors (possibly) with Rubrics, and the Knights with Scarab Occult Terminators? Not sure. Was hoping for some advice.
  21. Love to hear about the Escort Wing actually sorta working. I've always loved the idea, and the artwork, of a squadron of Gunhaulers flying around the battlefield.
  22. Hey folks, I've been considering working towards a second army and DoT has been a tempting option with all of the spells and the capability of using many of the same models in a 40k army list. Are there any good 1k lists that I could start out with that have mortal units mixed with demons that'd translate well over to a 40k list of the same size? If there's already a list somewhere, just let me know. I just don't want to spend a lot of time going through 56 pages if there's nothing there that I'm looking for. ^^;
  23. Maybe you could get a Navigator and throw some of the Incantor's bits on them. Or grab a Fyreslayer Runemaster. That model has a nice wizardy pose.
  24. A very sad thing. When I find folk to play with I'm gonna TRY to make a Gunhauler work. If only because I already have the model and want to put it together anyway. Just stick a Drill Cannon on it and hide it in the back or something. See if it's worth the points. Not likely but it won't cost me anything but time to try.
  25. Something I noticed while watching a battle report from MiniWarGaming last night made me realize how much I've been underestimating Skyhooks as a straight up weapon. -2 rend at 24" is scary.
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