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Dracothian Guard

Dracothian Guard (7/10)



  1. This is answered on the warscroll, the deathmaster suffers 1 MW if the unit it is hiding in is destroyed
  2. This was answered in an FAQ. Yes, technically the FAQ says "a" weapon team rather than multiple weapons teams, but i read that as being ok
  3. Because 1 priest is my general, he gets the +1 already and I usually start him next to a gnawhole. and yeah, if I took the Warbringer I’d take ratcursed armour probably
  4. I'd probably split the monks into MSU of 10. They die too quick and don't leave any behind to buff the censer bearers And i'd maybe swap Thanquol for a Warbringer, and drop a priest for some more censer bearers or a screen of nightrunners I do have another list with 3 ratling guns (cos that's how many i have) to utilise the new GC Aspect to give all 3 AoA
  5. It went pretty well, a narrow defeat 17-18 against Slaves to Darkness. I would have won if not for some treacherous plague monks and a cowardly grey seer 🤣 He gave me first turn so i moved up my screens, death frenzy the stormvermin and pop the gutter runners out to try and snipe his chaos lord. He passesd most of the wounds to his chosen, but i killed a couple of them. He then gets to roll a dice to determine if he takes priority next turn. He gets the double turn and knowing this takes out my clanrat screens this turn, and starts on my stormvermin and monks at the start of turn 2. My deathmaster uses shadow magnet trinket to strike first at his varanguard closely follwed by his sworn bodyguards the stormvermin. One horseman is left on 2 wounds. He choses to target the deathmaster so as not to trigger death frenzy. His chaos lord takes out a few monks and i stupidly remove the ones which allow his chosen to pile into (and kill most of) the censer bearers. d'oh! Meanwhile Archaon is tied up with a unit of gutter runners. Thanquol and the priests are sat back watching the death and destruction and the grey seer is holding the flank objective (we played Position over Power) I'm way ahead in points by this point. I use the new heroic actions to kill the last varanguard in the hero phase but my next mistake was skitterleaping the grey seer to his objective (having not read the battleplan properly and losing an extra VP by sitting on the flank obj) Archon finishes of the deathmaster and stormvermin, the chaos lord gets infected by the rednaw plague and attacks his own chosen! Thanquol takes out the untamed beasts on the other flank thanks to his skateboard. Eventually Thanquol and Archon meet and i get a double turn going into round 5. Thanquol is able to cast madness at the bottom of turn 4 AND the top of round 5 making Archaon beat himself to death. Very satisfying. In the end i fail my grand strategy and have no battle tactics i can complete in turn 5. A fun game and one i could have won if i'd not made those little mistakes.
  6. If I HAD to, I’d swap him (and lauchon) for the Warbringer and Cogs
  7. Thanquol (Death frenzy) Deathmaster (shadow magnet trinket / fuelled by Ghurish rage) ** Grey Seer (Skitterleap) * Plague priest (General / Master of rot & ruin / Gryph feather charm / Filth filth) * Plague priest (Rabid rabid) * 20 clanrats 20 clanrats 30 stormvermin ** 20 plague monks 5 censer bearers *** 5 gutter runners *** 5 gutter runners *** lauchon * command entourage - magnificent ** Galletian command *** sharpshooters
  8. I think we were just so underwhelmed by the latest tome that we quickly ran out of things to discuss. I’m hoping the new GHB will spawn some discussions and theory crafting. I’m having my first game of the new GHB tomorrow, so trying out a few ideas (including the deathmaster/stormvermin/strike-first combo) 😀
  9. Yeah, it goes back to core rule 6.1 - same command ability cannot be used more than once in the same PHASE. So, yes if SoB manage to destroy a unit in the shooting phase, then you can still use it again in the combat phase.
  10. Ahh ok, hadn't spotted that you were using Moulder Supreme. Yeah, 13" is about as close as i would get your MM to the hellpit Edit: although i see you've also given him 10 wounds, which is smart You can only use Unleash More Beasts once per turn, but if you'd taken HordeMaster instead of Mouder Supreme, you could use that as well (since it's a different ability)
  11. DO NOT place your MM anywhere near the gargants. These should kept in the back to ressurect your Rat Ogor units and to buff them before releasing them. They will do nothing for your hellpits. I would keep the hellpits behind a screen of giant rats/swarms and try to get them in combat on YOUR turn rather than his
  12. @Riff_Raff_Rascal happy-glad to be of service. Just reading the core rules on strike-first and i think we're covered by 1.6.3 (effect of an ability taking precedence over a core rule) Not sure if a batallion rule is an ability or not but i'm confident my local TO would allow this The thing to remember with this ploy is to ensure that your deathmaster can be deployed within range of the enemy and keep the stormvermin wholly within 6. Maybe leave a little hole in the middle of the unit?
  13. I've been thinking about having a deathmaster in a Galletian Command batallion with 30 stormvermin. Give him the shadow magnet trinket and since this triggers at the start of the combat phase, the same time as he is revealed, you can let your stormvermin be charged into and still get to attack with the deathmaster and all 30 stormvermin before the enemy strikes. Use the No Retreat, No Surrender (also at the start of the combat phase) to give them the extra attack. Cast a death frenzy on them if you have chance just to maximise the mayhem
  14. Also, i'm very interested to see how we can trade pile-ins for extra attacks, and how that might work with Always 3 Clawsteps Ahead (looking at you, Stormvermin )
  15. So with the new rules for season 2, i'm thinking Slynk gets even better, right? Take him in the batallion with his pack, use the heroic action to fight in the hero phase (if you're going second, also attack with his pack) then in your combat phase his strike-first cancels out the strike-last and he can attack again before the enemy gets a chance to strike back and then he can retreat. Amaze-balls
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