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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. Hey guys, I got in a practice game with my Living City list this weekend and I wanted to share the results of each unit. My opponent had an aggressive Cities list full of Demigriffs.

    Hammerers- These guys are insane. I deepstriked them near an objective turn 1 and they killed everything in sight. They were eventually killed by Greatswords but not before wracking up many VPs and kills.

    Gyrocopter - Killed 25 Flagellants and then charged a Hurricanum lol. Admittedly Flagellants are particularly weak to Gyros but any horde infantry with low saves should be terrified of these guys. This is an insane amount of threat for a 70pt unit.

    Hurricanum - Did work. Duh

    Darkshards - Died quickly but did their job as screens and objective campers. Can't complain

    Wildwood Rangers- I deepstriked them in a bad area so they spent most of the game chasing stuff across the board. To be determined. 

    Evocators - Murdered some demigriffs after Darkshard ate the charge. These guys continue to be a solid jack of all trades. 

    I won the game 20-15. I was very impressed with how the Living City performed, (especially with Dispossessed units) so I may be adding more of those where points allow.

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  2. So the  statlines of Dispossessed are among the best for battleline-available infantry in the game. Most notably Irondrakes and Hammerers. The Gyrocopter is also excellent, but can become insanely powerful vs horde armies with low armor. For example, I had one kill 25 Flagellants this past weekend in a single game. 

    However, the elephant in the room for Dispossessed is their movement. A skilled opponent can avoid charges and ranged weapon distances easily. Failed charges can become particularly devastating since your desired target can simply walk away. For example, I declare a 9 inch charge, fail it, and now my opponent moves 5 inches away making it a 10 inch charge next round (or simply counter-charging me). It sounds silly but imagine your opponent doing that all game to a 360pt unit of hammerers supported by a 110pt character. Ouch! 

    I actually have been experimenting with Living City Dispossessed lists quite a bit. Being able to deepstrike your melee units or double-move your shooting units is huge. I also give the Warden or Runelord the Druid Command Trait so that they become wizards. The spells are particularly useful for Dwarfs since Cage of Thorns cripples your opponents movement and Ironoak skin is just insane on any unit with a decent armor save. Imagine Ironbreakers with Ironoak skin. 

     Also your Demigryfs, Gyrocopters, Warmachines, and Hurricanums will really appreciate the free heals every turn.


  3. What if the expected Shadow Elves/Malerion faction is actually Vampiric Elves? I mean we have elves riding sharks so why not?

    Weirdly, the last line of that article is interesting. "...there might not even be a Male-".

    So is that implying that someone  discovered Malerion wasn't real and then was subsequently assassinated? 


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  4. 44 minutes ago, T e e t h p a s t e said:

    The multiple Durthu's come in the sense of a themed army I am doing, with large nurgle-like troll conversions. They can run as: Great Unclean Ones, Troggoth Hags or a twisted form of Sylvaneth in the form of Treelords and Durthu's etc. So I know the list will never be top tier, but it would be fun to be somewhat competitive, hence three Durthu's and Alarielle.

    If I take Winterleaf, do you still think I should take Chronomantic Cogs?

    Forgot about the generic command abilities, so yes I will remove The Burning Head, thanks for that.

    So I would be looking at something like this:

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Glade: Winterleaf

    Alarielle the Everqueen (600)
    - Spells: Throne of Vines
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Spells: Regrowth
    Spirit of Durthu (300)
    - General: My Heart is Ice
    - Artefact: Frozen Kernel

    Spirit of Durthu (300)
    - Artefact: Ghyrstrike
    Spirit of Durthu (300)

    Spite-Revenants (60)
    - Shadestalker
    Spite-Revenants (60)
    - Shadestalker
    Spite-Revenants (60)
    - Shadestalker

    Warscroll Battalions
    Outcasts (100)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)
    Malevolent Maelstrom (10) [Because I had 10 points]

    Does this seem more what you had in mind?

    What do you think of swapping out a Durthu for a Treelord Ancient, or do you think Alarielle is the weak link here overall?

    I think this list is 1000x better in every way. Great job! I  think the Cogs may be a bit of overkill since the Hive will give you +3 to charge and you can just reroll whoever fails, but I can't really think of a better use of the points. Just remember that each wizard can only summon one endless spell per turn. 

    I don't think Alarielle is weak here at all. The Durthu's will appreciate her AOE heal and command ability. And she can provide pressure from the front while the Durthus teleport. However just make sure you have a decent unit for her to summon.

    If she doesn't use her free summon then she is terribly overcosted. Her base cost assumes you summon something decent like Kurnoth Hunters or a Treelord. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, T e e t h p a s t e said:


    - Deploy everything as close to the back of the board as possible around some woods with Spite-Revenants and Branchwraiths for objective control. Sit Alarielle as close to their line as possible.
    - Throne of Vines and Verdant Blessing a wood into their back line with Alarielle, casting anything else that is necessary.
    - Cast Chronomantic Cogs and Spiteswarm Hive with the two Branchwraiths.
    - Spirit Walk the three Spirit of Durthu around the woods that is in their back line. With the aid of Chronomantic Cogs, Spiteswarm Hive and Warsinger charge your three Spirit of Durthu into whatever you see fit. They should be in range of the woods for Wrathful Guardian.
    - Alarielle can do what is needed with her fast movement and high damage. She can also use Navigate Realmroots if need be.
    - Going into next turn, you have Chronomantic Cogs, Spiteswarm Hive and Warsigner to help your Spirit of Durthu travel the board.

    - The Burning Head can help with re-rolling ones for your Spirit of Durthu.
    - The Branchwraiths can heal, move forests and summon dryads for more objective control/ board control.
    - Alarielle can fill many roles. She can support, be a damage dealer or keep the board under control with mobility.

    As for Chronomantic Cogs I am not sure as to what to replace it with. What do you think of The Burning Head as well? Is re-rolling ones needed here?
    If need be, I could drop one Spirit of Durthu for a Tree Lord Ancient, for a guaranteed woods at the start of the game.
    Grove wise, I could go for Winterleaf but then I lose out on Warsinger.

    What are your guys and gals' thoughts?

    I think the plan is fine, though again personally i'm not a huge fan of multiple Durthu's, it could be  fun to send all three via Spirit Walk. 

    Burning Head is not a good idea for Durthu. Yes it gives reroll 1's, but it also does d3 mortals.  Durthu brackets REALLY hard after 3 wounds. His sword goes from a flat 6 damage to d6. If you really need to reroll 1's then just use the generic command ability. 

    Finally it looks like you dropped your Winterleaf Glade for the ability to choose a command trait and artefact. I think this is a bit self-defeating since exploding 6's (and Frozen Kernel) available to all those Durthu's will be really helpful. Remember that all characters can use the reroll charge command ability for 1CP. 





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  6. 20 hours ago, T e e t h p a s t e said:

    Context: I am working on some big conversions. These conversions are giant ice trolls (Around the size of the troggoth hag/ great unclean one).


    Same gameplan, just with more battleline available and one less tree. The Chronomantic Cogs aid in keeping the trees as mobile as possible since their weak point is them being so slow.

    Now, I have never played Sylvaneth. I do not know what is a good battleline, what is a bad battleline and what the general game plan of Sylvaneth is. Hence why I am here to ask for help.

    The minimum requirments is Alarielle and two other big things. The max being Alarielle and three other big things.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Here are a couple of overall suggestions that you could apply to either of your lists.

    -Never take more than three units of Spites. Between your double battallion taxes and your spites, you have 560pts invested in battleline. I imagine you are trying to unlock artefacts for Durthu, but I feel like you are overly investing into Durthu. I would recommend you take 3 units of 10 spites, a single outcast battallion, and a single Durthu. If you really want to use your other Treelord models, then just field them as vanilla Treelords. Remember that Durthu only has 3 attacks when he isn't near a forest. So spamming him is usually counter-productive. One is plenty.

    -Don't bother with emerald lifeswarm. The lore spells of Regrowth and Verdant Blessing accomplish the same goal but are free and can't help your opponent. If you really want a healing endless spell for the purposes of blocking, just take the Gladewyrm. 

    -Take Spiteswarm Hive instead of Cogs. Its cheaper and can only help Sylvaneth units. Cogs helps your opponent just as much as it helps you.

    -Don't make Alarielle your General. As a special character she can't take  command traits. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Popisdead said:


    Odd,.. Waystalkers are either missing from the app or renamed WAywatchers.  I wonder their dmg output compared to Shadow Warriors.

    Good catch. The character I was referring to is actually called a Waywatcher. I got confused since his bow is called the Waystalker Bow. 

    The old Wood Elf unit is also called Waywatchers. Additionally confusing is that both units do not pop up in a search in the App. You have to manually filter to them via their faction. 

    This is one of the rare situations where two warscrolls have the same title. Similar to the Empire and Ironweld Arsenal Cannons. Weird. 

    But the Waywatcher Wanderer Character is actually a pretty solid little shooter. He is like 120 points and gets 6 shots that hit on 2+/3+/-1/1 and can actually generate additional shots for each 5+. (and these can generate additional shots themselves). This combined with an excellent command ability.

    I always wanted to field like 4 plus a Nomad prince so I could generate additional shots on a 4+ and just hose the board with arrows lol.  



  8. 17 hours ago, AthelLoren said:

    Okay, hey guys, sorry for the silence but my family recently moved off grid. So, I say that I'm a Sylvaneth/Wanderers player, but I only have a few models - I mostly play Warcry. What would you guys suggest proxying Glade Guard as? Shadow Warriors? Do they work as sisters of the watch or do they not look right?

    Also, how would allies work for a Waywatcher? Does the warscroll still exist even though the model is gone and, if so, what category would it be under? Wanderers? Asking because there doesn't seem to be a suitable proxy for a Waywatcher.

    I think you can probably get away with proxying your Glade Guard as Sisters and proxying Waywatchers as Shadow Stalkers, but note that Glade Guard are still legitimately allowed to be fielded in Wanderer armies. You could make a Wanderer army with glade guard battleline and then bring Sylvaneth as allies. You aren't obligated to field Living City if the goal is to recreate an old wood elf army. Glade guard are one of the only sources of Rend -3 in the game. (though Sisters are admittedly better). 

    When I want to field Wanderer armies, I actually prefer to field my old Waywatchers models as Waystalkers, Wayfinders, or Waystriders.  The Waywatcher models were all so different and detailed that they make excellent character proxies. 

    In fact, Waystalkers make decent allied choices in a Sylvaneth army because they add a solid shooting phase for relatively cheap. 

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  9. @scrubyandwells

    ASF was a huge problem in WHF and its frustrating to see it make a return in AOS. I always found it super un-fun to set up and execute super strong strategies just to end up losing my units before they even got to swing, especially when its during my own turn. Fortunately with the hard nerfs to Slaanesh, this has been mitigated to some extent. 

    More concerning is the prevalance of flying shooting units. This completely circumvents our forests and leads to situations where you can never really catch what is killing you (also reminiscent of WHF but generally mobile units didn't hit this hard). I think the future success of Sylvaneth armies relies on finding ways to deal ranged damage. 

    Living City is so tempting to me because they can essentially cherry-pick our strong units like Hunters and Drycha, while also having access to superior shooting and support units. This on top of having any army-wide deepstrike, a free heal every turn, and the insanity of the Wardroth horn. 

    I know the deepstrike isn't as good as the Dreadwood teleport, but its pretty dang close. And Phoenix Guard, Iron drakes or Sisters of the Watch  in battleline make Spites and Dryads seem kinda tame in comparison.




  10. On 5/11/2020 at 9:49 AM, Kloefklaffer said:

    Hello everyone, I'm getting my sister in Aos and she wants to play sylvaneth so I'm looking for a bit of advice. I have ordered a 1 k army consisting of:

    1 branchwraith



    1 treelord ancient

    48 dryads


    So with this she could go for 2x 10 dryads 28 for summoning or 1x 30 dryads 18 for summoning and leave out 1 branch witch. What do you think about this list for 1 k? 


    Further I have been thinking about a 2k list. Wanting to add drycha and 6 kurnoth hunters. But what else? 

    I'm not sure about allariele as I never played with models costing so many points myself. 

    My sister dislikes both the revenant types because of the ghostly look so we prefer not to use them. 

    Should we go with 3x 10 dryads as battle line and add more 3 more kurnoth hunters. This feels odd as the dryads no longer have the save bonus. 

    Perhaps 3x 20 dryads?  And 20 for summoning. Or is having 80 dryads to much. I kinda like the idea of a big swarm. What are your thoughts? 


    PS we are not competitive, so fluffy and fun lists are more important than winning

    1- Branchwraith



    30 Dryads

    10 Dryads (use the extra Branchwyches as Dryad Champions to reach 40 dryads)

    Branchwyches, while cheap casters, don't bring a lot of value. In most cases I would just prefer a second Branchwraith. I would also recommend you field the TLA as a vanilla Treelord for lower point games.

    How many forests do you have? If you don't have at least 2+ forests the TLA loses a lot of value. 


  11. 17 hours ago, scrubyandwells said:


    1. Sylvaneth's battletome remains one of the most well-balanced from a "healthy ecosystem" POV, i.e., if you take a solid list to a tournament, and you're reasonably experienced, you've got a shot at going 3-2. You could have an outside shot at going 4-1, but 5-0 will be exceptionally rare across the entire ecosystem. I think that's reflective of a "well-balanced" battletome. Unfortunately, from that POV, many other battletomes are not as well-balanced.

    I kind of agree.  Sylvaneth has a relatively healthy internal balance until you get to Kurnoth Hunters. They are quite a few power levels above the majority of the army. Also we are extremely character heavy. Externally we were decent at launch but unfortunately, the power creep appears to have skyrocketed shortly after our release (with the sole exception of maybe Cities which is probably fine barring a few specific units). 

    I personally aim for 3-2 at GTs (and 2-1 at one dayers) but I find that my opponent's unfamiliarity with my army is usually more valuable than my personal skill. It seems there are a lot of Sylvaneth hobbyist but not a lot of Sylvaneth GT players lol. 


    a) A personal desire for Heartwood to be among the most competitive, since it presented the chance to play "combined arms." In light of Wyldwoods blocking our own LoS (entailing that Kurnoth Bows and other shooters must be more exposed), the nature of Look Out, Sir!, the greater prevalence of -1 to hit (and stacking it for -2), and the amount of higher durability, I'm not that confident that combined-arms Heartwood is an actual choice for top-end play. 

    I just don't see  Heartwood as being competitive in a traditional tournament scene. Kurnoth Bows, even buffed, are just not efficient enough. If I wanted to push shooting into my lists (which I agree we need in many matchups), our allies are a lot more useful. Sisters of the Watch, Celestar Ballistas, and maybe even Blacksmoke Battery are much more efficient.


    17 hours ago, scrubyandwells said:

    b) Dreadwood's CA as arguably the strongest element in the book, providing incredible mobility that both bypasses Wyldwoods and pairs effectively with Spiteswarm Hive, allowing you to teleport a threat piece anywhere and have the chance to get a 6+ charge with a CP RR.

    Agreed. Winterleaf is more consistent but Dreadwood provides an element of surprise that can give you a fighting chance in poor matchups.

    4. With all of that in mind, at the moment I'm struggling to square this seemingly round hole: A clear strength of Sylvaneth is melee, but the faction is staring down the barrel of a number of matchups where a dominant melee focus doesn't appear to be the answer, and the faction's ranged damage options are...limited, to put it mildly. 

    This right here. 100% agreed.

    We are no longer a movement/magic/resilience army. We are now a dedicated melee army in a field full of melee armies that are better than us lol. I will continue to play Sylvaneth in tournaments because I love them, but part of me can't help but look toward Living City as the superior competitive option. 


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  12. 26 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    I forgot his buff being Wanderer only and realized it last night.  Maybe a flying Hurricanum then :P  Or use her more for counter charge.  Not be so impetuous with her.  Drop 3 Bow Hunters and her try to snipe for a while.


    Hey if you can keep the hurricanum in range then thats a great idea.  The beatle does get +1 to hit vs units with 5+ models so that helps mitigate the awful WS some.

    I don't normally snipe with her. I focus Metamorphosis and Spear on the same target, and then charge it as soon as possible. People usually have a plan for their army, but having Alarielle smashing their face in on turn 1 usually interrupts that plan lol. They can't ignore her.

    I mean she will die, but after she summons and wrecks a unit or two she has done her job.

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  13. 38 minutes ago, Zeblasky said:

    Yea, Maligh Sorcery realms are quite weirldy balanced. For example taking Sorceress on a Dragon for Hallowheart is a great idea in most realms. You can use her for arcane channeling, then cast a self only protective buff to make her much harder to kill, thus helping with her weak save.

    But then you end up with Chamon (extra Mystic shield is not amazing for a 5+ save) or especially Hysh, where you have no amazing self buffs and you are kinda screwed in that regard.


    Yea its insanely skewed. Like in Fire you have -1 to hit, +1 to Wound and Charge, and +1 damage. While Light you get get D6 damage vs Demons/Undead. How is that comparable? 

    I appreciate that it adds depth to the game which is usually a good thing. But it just ends up rewarding magic based armies and punishing armies without wizards.

    For example, I was playing Sylvaneth vs Khorne in the realm of fire . I casted inferno blades on a 120pt unit of Spites and they killed 2 Bloodthirsters. My opponent was like 😑

    It completely transformed my basic Sylvaneth magic phase from healing and summoning dryads, to being the most important phase of the game. 

  14. 10 hours ago, readercolin said:

    The argument against sisters of the thorn is that their warscroll spell isn't that great, and the models themselves are kind of fiddly.  That being said, I do think a lot of people don't realize that they can take city specific spells and are stuck with just their warscroll spell, and so overlook them.


    8 hours ago, Zeblasky said:

    Also all the realm spells if you play with Maligh Sorcery. Those are rarely talked about, while there are great wizard only combat buffs that can turn Sorceress on the Black Dragon into a pretty tanky combat monster(rerolls on succesfull wound rolls in Ghyran and rerolling failed saved rolls from Ghur are the best).

    Closest things to Sisters of the Thorn are Doomfire Warlocks, which are a very good unit and pretty close to Sisters in terms of combat prowess. But  SotT are 30 points cheaper, which makes spamming them much easier.

    ^^^This is truth. Sisters bring a lot of value to the table. Aside from being wizards, they also have a very high movement, decent shooting, and a lot more melee attacks than your typical wizard. They also can fill a battleline slot. 

    Also if you turn the models side-ways and "conga line" they can actually make a 10+ inch screen. Having a large base + high movement + relatively cheap cost is a fairly rare combination. So they are almost always useful. 

    On a side note, my local monthly tournaments use the Malign Sorcery realm spells and I have to say that I am not a fan. The spells are not particularly well-balanced, particularly the Realm of Fire. People end up spending a lot of time reviewing their spell list each magic phase looking for that perfect spell to save the day.



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  15. 4 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    I've been thinking the same thing.  I want to make more use of my old(er) wood elf models still.  Thankfully the mtd hero makes a good Wild Rider champion :D

    I wonder how many people get too tied into DSing with the double move from shooting ability (Stalker in the Shadows?  I can't remember the name).  Alarielle has a 30" bow and uh 12, 14 or 16" move?  I've been toying with DSing the Nomad PRince and just having her zip up a flank moving twice.  +1 to hit on her attacks is noticeable when she slams into something.  And you can probably want the NP being general so you can do the "can't shoot item or trait" and add a small unit of SotW to bubble wrap him.  If Alarielle is that close dropping out 3 Sword Hunters isn't a terrible option, particularly objective camping.


    I saw 10 Rangers with spiked dice rolls take out a Blood Thirster one turn.  Granted that's the anomaly but I've been championed them as 3/3/-1 2A with a 2" reach is good.  You can even have them behind a unit of SotW or something.  I'm hoping they get a points drop though.  Just cause.


    I commonly see SotW math hammered as top dmg dealers and then rarely see them in game.  Mine have been brutal in game and I'm thinking, how many female GG, Waywatcher models I have that I can pass off and how good am I at flames with Green STuff :P

    Why the Nomad Prince with Alarielle? Unfortunately she isn't a Wanderer so she wouldn't get his buff. But yes she is one of the stronger choices for the Living City command ability. Doing a 16 inch move x2 plus a charge is just insane. She could touch the other table edge on turn 1. 

    Yea 10 Rangers are easy to underestimate. They actually average 12 wounds on a Bloodthirster after saves. So its easily in the realm of possibility for them to dunk a bloodthirster in one round. 

    Aside from the their high monetary cost, Sisters are also pretty dang high in points cost, and need a Nomad Prince to maximize their potential. So you really need to build a list around them and I don't think people are into that kind of investment. Not with Phoenix Guard and Hurricanums running around lol. 

  16. 15 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    One thing to keep in mind about Drycha is that you can't use her +10 attacks ability on the first turn if you deepstrike her. That really puts a damper on her usefulness imo.

    I'm also really not sold on WWR as deepstrikers. They are slow infantry and specialize in killing things that are generally a lot faster than they are. Your opponent is probably going to be pushing most monsters toward the middle in many battleplans, so forcing yourself to come in from the edge just means it will be even harder for you to catch your opponent's monsters. 

    Yes, absolutely this. There are some great third party versions, too. If I ever get my Living City project off the ground my gyrocopters will be converted warhawk riders.

    I know there was some debate a while back about whether Drycha can select her "mode" if she is not on the board. But to be honest, she doesn't really need the deepstrike. At movement 9 she can likely get where she needs to be on her own.  Thats 18 inches + charge and she can trigger the command ability herself. Also, she can cast lifesurge on herself which is super nice. I wouldn't personally take her outside of Sylvaneth armies but I think she is a better choice in Living City than Durthu.

    Thats a fair point about Rangers. I think the trick is to deepstrike them as early as possible. Ideally you would fish for the 8 inch charge, but you don't necessarily need to kill Archaon if you can zone him out of an entire section of the board.

    The cool thing about Rangers, is that while they are optimal vs monsters, they are still solid damage dealers  vs pretty much any other unit. Having 2 attacks + 2" range is a relatively rare combination. They basically become Blackguard with a worse save, and that is still pretty good! 

    16 hours ago, Popisdead said:


    EDIT: pretty sure Shadowarriors are also Sisters of the Watch?  that's just a constant money stream as both units are good and SotW may be more popular as Sons of Behemat are released.  They seem a good counter.

    Whats strange about the Branchwraith is that the Branchwych is the clear replacement. It even looks more like the Dryads. Sometimes I wonder if GW doesn't make unit/rule decisions based on what happens to be sitting in warehouses. I like to imagine they had a bunch of branchwraith models sitting in a pile from the 90s while Skycutter Chariots probably sold out most of their initial casting. Elves were insanely popular in 8th. 

    Yea Sisters and Shadow Warriors share a kit. I actually think Sisters of the Watch (along with Hammerers, Irondrakes, and maybe Blackguard) are a bit of a sleeper unit. They have really solid rules but they are prohibitively expensive and not normally stocked on shelves anymore.  


  17. 20 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    In the last league for 8th ed, I suggested not doing 2k or 2500 points but 1500 to get more younger kids in and they went 2999.  so people suddenly needed about a thousand points of troops and such. O_o

    Yea thats insane. Leagues are meant to be a bridge between casual games and tournaments. 3k would be super offputting. 

    While slow play still pops up in AOS, I don't think it is anywhere near as bad as it use to be in WHF and T9A. Most AOS games are 70-80 models, while in WHF it wouldn't be uncommon to have 70 models just in core.  Also movement was super restrictive and a lot more meticulous.

    When I teach people to play, i encourage them to push to 2000pts as soon as possible. I think smaller point games are wonderful for teaching, but the game doesn't properly function (and balance) until 2k. 



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  18. 8 hours ago, Lumi Jo said:

    Truthfully, I'm not sure I have an answer yet. I've not really played enough to gain experience to say, but if pressed I'd probably say I'd prefer to have blocks of 10 rather than blocks of 30, if only for variety's sake. Based on that, a phoenix focus, then?

    Thanks for clarifying here. The durability of Phoenix Temple units, coupled with an inability to actually resurrect models in Phoenicium makes it seem a bit in conflict with what it actually wants to be doing. Maybe if I was running the Emerald Lifeswarm, which was a great thing to point out to me, by the way. I'll definitely be running one of those.

    Allarielle (or Drycha, to a lesser extent) would be a neat project if I can justify it alongside all the phoenixes. Kurnoth Hunters are better than Evocators by virtue of me preferring them over Stormcast. Sylvaneth, as I said, is more just a bit of flavour because I really love the models but don't want to go all-in on actually fielding an army of them. A unit of Dryads here or a squad of Hunters or Revenants there would be enough for me.

    This is good insight. Phoenix Guard don't strike me as too expensive, so I was having trouble  justifying something like Eternal Guard or Executioners, but if Dreadspears or Guard can fit in the army as well, then that's good to know.

    Hey just popping back in for some quick comments. I am just finishing up a Living City army now so you are asking a lot of the same questions as I did.

    -Resurrecting Models - Note that the Living City doesn't actually provide the ability to resurrect models. The auto Heal and the spell Lifesurge both only heal wounds. Lifeswarm is the only method that I am aware of for resurrecting models in Cities.

    -Sylvaneth - Alarielle is an awesome model but note that she does come with some baggage: Her base is too large for the living city deepstrike, and her AOE heal and command abilities only work on Sylvaneth units. You will also need to physically purchase a unit for her to summon (likely Kurnoth or Treelord), since she is costed to include her summonable unit. Also her spells can turn units into forests, so having a wildwood is nice. Again, she is one of my favorite models, but fielding her competitively is quite expensive lol!

    Kurnoth are amazing, but I would avoid fielding Dryads or Revenants in any Cities army. Dryads are outperformed in battleline role by many Cities units and Tree Revenants lose most of their value if half your army can deepstrike. If you have batteline unlocks, (such as Phoenix Guard) then I recommend you use those as much as possible.

  19. 3 hours ago, TheRealSigmar said:

    This could be something along those lines;

    Black Ark Fleetmaster - 60

    40x Corsairs - 280

    3x Scourgerunner Chariots - 150

    Hydra - 170

    Hydra - 170

    Hydra - 170


    Total - 1000

    I think this would be a great army to learn with, and will be a relatively cheap way to get to 1000pts. However I can't say that it will be competitive. But thats totally fine. If you like the models then get them.

    However I would definitely convert your 2 extra Fleetmasters into Sorcerers or Battlemages though. Anvilguard has arguably THE MOST powerful spell in the game with Vitrolic Spray. So you definitely at least want a shot at casting it.

    If you want to be truly competitive with Dark Elves in a Cities army, then Black Guard, Darkshards, Sorceresses, and Dreadlords are probably a better idea. But unfortunately they don't have a Start Collecting kit :(

  20. So most players I know of field the Island of blood models as Swifthawk agents with Swordmaster allies. You would have to do some pretty extensive proxying to field those models in Cities. It would be fine for casual games but tourneys may or may not allow it.  

    If you want to field your models legitimately, then you really only have 3 options in terms of factions.

    Swifthawk Agents - They don't have a faction rule, so you will be using Order allegiance abilities, command traits, and artefacts, but you unlock Spireguard  as battleline. You can then field your Swordmasters as allies.

    Eldritch Council - This is an option if you have plenty of Swordmasters and its quite nice since Swordmasters are unlocked as batteline. But you would have to squeeze all of your Swifthawk agent stuff into your ally allotment which may not be realistic.

    Order - You lose your batteline unlocks but now  you can field any Order unit you want without any restrictions. Fortunately Reavers are universal battleline so if you have 15 of those guys you are good to go.

    Hope this helps!



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  21. 37 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    The guy I play most regularly did that.  He plays um.. Anvil Guard?  the "dark elf" city anyway.  He takes them as Stormcast Ballistas.  Just build the model up on cork so it would stand appropriate height (or he just did that anyway)

    While I'm a Sylvaneth player also and like that the 70 Dryads I've painted haven't been squatted (16-per box is a 6th ed legacy still in the game,.. and I worry they may get squatted next book) the Skycutter going away annoys me constantly.  Just put it in TE. It was a terrible decision.  IMO they could bring it back now, put the Warscroll and some starting points online and make it a hero/unit choice with a descent command ability.  

    I was kinda hoping for some warhawk riders back in some form with the chariot.  In AoS it works so much better than Fantasy.

    Man I loved Warhawk riders. Probably my favorite unit to field in WHF. They were very expensive and super fragile though. Like 20$ a model :(

    What bothers me is that Shadow Warriors made the cut but Skycutters didnt, despite being released at the same time. But then they went so far as to remove the Swifthawk Agent keyword from shadow warriors, which basically gutted the Swifthawk agent faction.

    They could have at least made the Skycutters a Mercenary. That seems like the compromise for discarded-but-popular models. 

    Yea I hope they don't axe any Sylvaneth units, the book is already 90% characters as it is.  Also why is the Branchwraith still around lol. 

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  22. 13 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    Those are good points as well.  @Landohammer  I hadn't thought of the swinginess of 1500 points.  


    Isn't it 2+ at 1500 points for BL?  maybe something to toy around with at least.

    Yea as readercolin said. Its not firmly established.

    Azyr and Warscroll Builder allow it to go either way. You can field 1500 as Vanguard (+500) or Battlehost (-500)

    The GHB doesn't specify either, but note that it doesn't technically enforce 3+ battleline until 2K.

    Personally I would defer to treating it as Vanguard +500 (so 2+) unless told otherwise.

    Its definitely an interesting point. This was actually a hot topic during the early ages of T9A shortly after the end of WHF. Slow play was a HUGE problem so the decision was made to transition the standard game from 2500 to 2250pts. But this actually caused a lot of unforeseen balance consequences since many units were originally costed with a 2500pt cap in mind. For example, some unit slots were limited to 25%, so it wrecked armies with higher priced units in those slots.

    I don't necessarily think its a direct comparison to AOS, but its definitely still relevant especially when it comes to allies. 


  23. 15 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Yeah life warm is on the list to paint so in a while. 

    mare we both talking about this model? 

    cause mine are both metal and you could kill an ox by throwing them. 

    Yep thats it!  I have three collecting dust. They may actually be resin/fail-cast now that I think about it. Most old dark elf models haven't aged well but this one holds up pretty well. It wouldn't look out of place next to dark shards or other newer kits. 

  24. 32 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Yeah those models shouldn’t have been droppped. Shame they were metal. 

    Yeah you’re right. Don’t love that executioners became a horde unit. :/ but will have to play to that strength. 
    good advice. 

    Yeah going back and forth on that. It’s there for that cheeky turn that my dragon is within 18 inch. Otherwise that wizard is casting word of pain. 
    At least that was the thinking at the time.  I want cage of thorns in there because it looks like such a great board control spell. I’ll have a think about that. But you’re probably right that the lifesurge  is too situational. 

    thanks for the advice. 

    The elf bolt throwers that I actually have appear to be plastic and relatively recent. Yea I never will understand GW's squatting logic. Models like dryads are still around but the Skycutter chariot got axed. 

    I imagine your dragon is going to be capitalizing on the double move command ability, and so I bet he will almost always be out of range of a lifesurge. If you really want heals, consider dropping your CP for the Lifeswarm endless spell. 

  25. 2 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    Blame Rob Symes.  :P

    BC (before children) when I played in tournaments and leagues people tried methods of points jiggling to curve bent combos and also maybe lift some weaker armies that got decimated when they saw that power Lord roll them (so 6th, 7th, 8th).  I found it is like comp.  You just change the line where the power users find the places the game breaks.  I've never been a fan of comp as I view tournaments as places for people to all have the same goal (you're going for 5-0 and all the armies are available in all GW stores in the same manner).  I was the guy who played WE and Beastmen in 8th tournaments cause I loved the army knowing I wasn't going to do well.  I played against say, the Nurgle Daemon army with 2 skillcannons bought from a polish commission painter.  He wanted to win top dog more than I wanted to use an army other than my favourite.

    Sometimes I just prefer playing 1000 or 1500 point games as, well kiddos eat my time up and I know 1500 points will be set up, played, done and i'll be home from a close buddies in 2 hours.  And it's a new enjoyable way to play.  

    However I don't like to see weird restrictions brought in based on the false notion of "game balance" by internet cowboys champion whatever. 

    I am not a fan of comp either, but I think it was definitely necessary in 8th edition. As a fellow woodelf player back in WHF, there were armies that I knew I just couldn't beat. I haven't really experienced that in AOS outside of maybe pre-nerf Slaanesh. But yea I agree the power-gamers can break 1500 just as easily as 2000.

    I also value that 1500 games are markedly faster than 2000, and that is super useful for us with real world responsibilities. 

    But, there are also some issues with 1500:

    -Generally games with lower points value are more likely to be decisively won early on. To clarify: It is easier to recoup from a bad turn/bad luck when you have more units to pull from. 

    -As I  learned earlier, battle-line requirements for 1500pt games are not firmly established. So you have to come to an agreement with your opponent before-hand. 

    -Having less points also means less list variety. Also some armies get really hit hard by 3+ battleline in 1500pts. If you have bad or limited battleline options, then now an even larger portion of your army is predetermined. 

    So there are definitely Pros and Cons to each point level. But do note that 2K point games are designed to last 2.5 hours ( and mine usually come to a natural conclusion in that time). So we have to measure a major change in the game with gaining an additional 30 minutes. 

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