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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. 15 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Hi all. Looking for ways to excited about my old dark elves so I will finally rebase. 
    stumbled through all the cities and this actually might make a casual and fun to play list. 
    This would be for beer and pretzel games, that usually are semi competitive as far as I can judge and should mostly be fun to play at 1,5K.
    Am I missing some cool things that fit the theme? (Or can be converted to do so?)


    some explaining thoughts:

    - ballista’s will be old repeater bolt throwers. 
    - dark riders to shoot and gain extra movement for objective grabbing. 
    - really struggled with making the dreadlord the general. Adjutant thing is so cool. But the traits is pretty good on him. Setting him up last to threaten ambushing with him. 
    - spears to screen, dark shards to shoot, executioners to execute. 

    I actually really like your idea of proxying repeater bolt throwers as ballistas. I have a bunch of those old models painted and I would love an excuse to put them back on the table!

    Regarding your list, I think it is fine for 1500pt casual games, so you are good to go. But if you really wanted to push your list to the next level competitively, consider the following changes:

    -Add 10 more Executioners. One of the biggest advantages of Executioners is their huge 30 man discount. It will also allow them to eat quite a few casualties without losing much combat output.

    -Drop dreadspears. Unfortunately spears don't have much of a role anymore. Cheap screens and objective defenders are always useful but I have found Darkshards to be just flat out better at the job. If you really want to take spears, then consider merging them into single unit. Right now they are really inflating your drop count which may actually be hurt you more than help you.

    -Swap Lifesurge for Ironoak skin. Lifesurge has limited use in your army since it can't restore dead models, so it can only heal your characters or ballistas. However stacking Ironoak Skin + Word of Pain is an insanely powerful combo. Also your sorceress are much more likely to be close to infantry rather than close to a Dragon or Ballista. 


  2. 9 hours ago, readercolin said:

    Not anything below 2k.  1750 follows the 2k rules and needs 3 battleline, 1500 can require either 2 or 3 depending upon the tournament/coin flip/whatever, and meeting engagements only require 1 unit of battleline.  

    Ah good point. I was defaulting to the GHB since it specifies 2K but the App and Warscroll builder both let you swing a Battlehost (3+) down to as low as 1500.  Never noticed that before.

    To be honest I never regarded 1250-1750 much since I never see events ran at those levels. But strangely there is a growing movement on twitter trying to push 1500 as the new tournament standard. The argument is that it helps mitigate some of the power combos and it allows events to run 4 rounds per day. Not sure I agree but its interesting.

    Sadly Meeting Engagement is a dead format, at least in my area.






  3. 2 hours ago, Dammitt_Jim said:

    Would anyone have an idea for a good points amount for an introductory game (facing Ossiarch Bonereapers)? Would 500 points be too small? Also, would you still require 2 battleline for such a low point game?

    With that in mind I came up with this:

    Dreadwood Glade

    Branchwraith (Gen) - Jewel, Throne of Vines (80 points)

    10 Dryads (100 points)

    2x5 Spite Revenants (120 points)

    3 Kurnoth Hunters (Swords) (200 points)

    500/500 points

    Or do you think it would be better to perhaps not bother with summoning or magic and try something like this:

    Winterleaf Glade

    Arch-Revenant - Frozen Kernel (100 points)

    10x Dryads (100 points)

    10x Dryads (100 points)

    3x Kurnoth Hunters (Swords) (200 points)

    500/500 points


    Anything below 2k requires 2+ battleline. .Either list is fine.

    But do note that 500pt games are best reserved for learning games. They are usually decided by turn 2 and can competitively be over after just 1 combat. 

    I strongly encourage you to bump it up to 1000 as soon as possible if you are aiming for a balanced experience.  Even if you have to proxy models or take allies to bridge to gap. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, States said:

    What makes her a reliable caster for Hive? I only see throne of vines able to up her reliability, but that would apply to any other caster too.

    She can cast Throne and Hive in the same turn. The only other way to do that is with the Spiritsong Stave which requires a Battalion. 

    A reliable Hive on turn one is absolutely clutch to the overall dreadwood strategy.  Many times you can use it twice before your opponent is even in range to dispel it. 


  5. 14 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    I await with anticipation the first traitor Stormhost.

    Thats an interesting concept and would make Stormcast more appealing to many. But I personally hope that GW focuses elsewhere for unit/subfaction expansion. Stormcast were given 50+ units while many factions have less than 15 yet Stormcast remain one of the least popular armies in my region. 

    I know subfactions and endless spells were introduced to help diversify smaller armies, but I can't help but wonder why they don't just release more units. Thats why I am holding out hope that the crab-claw rumour engine is in fact an Idoneth Deepkin refresh. Lets just hope that its more than just endless spells + terrain like the Tzeentch and Sylvaneth codexes. I'm getting reeeeeeal tired of those. 




  6. 16 hours ago, NorthernNurgling said:

    Thanks for those responses guys, much appreciated. I was hoping to stay competitive but fluffy, so I've now got the following list:



    Alarielle (600)

    Nomad Prince (general, 120) - I'd give him the Wardroth Horn to make the Treelord/Kurnoths/Alarielle very scary for one turn. Plus Druid command trait so he can cast Ironoak Skin on the Eternal Guard. 

    Assassin (80)



    30 Eternal Guard (330) - also the general's retinue

    20 Wildwood Rangers (260) - possibly fielding 2 units of 10

    10 Wild Riders (260) - possibly fielding 2 units of 5

    10 Sisters of the Watch (160)



    Treelord (180)

    Total: 1990 points

    My plan would be to start with Alarielle on the table, then deep strike the Rangers and possibly the Riders depending on table size/opponent etc. The Eternal Guard and the Treelord form an anvil, with the Nomad Prince behind for CA's and bodyguard. Alarielle and her summoned Kurnoth's terrify one side of the board while the anvil denies the other side, my hammers come in from deep strike and the Sisters soften up any behemoths. I know the synergies aren't the best (no way to use the Living City CA) but it still seems fairly  robust. Feel free to tear it to shreds!!

    That looks fine actually! A couple of quick notes tho.

    -Alarielle can use the command ability since she can shoot. So enjoy that 32 inch double move. 

    -I would merge your Wildwood Rangers into a single unit. Their biggest selling point is their 2 inch range, meaning they can attack in 3 ranks. Also, they are great monster hunters, but note that 10 can't be expected to kill a monster, while 20 can kill 95% of the monsters in the game. Big difference!


  7. 1 hour ago, NorthernNurgling said:

    Hey guys,

    Just indulging in a thought experiment, but is the following list something that has been done already, is it viable/competitive? I'm just really missing Wood Elves.

    Living City using Eternal Guard anvils, Sisters of the Watch for sniping, shadow warriors maybe for Waywatcher nostalgia, plus some Wild Riders to summon in with the Allegiance ability. Alarielle as the general, a Nomad Prince adjutant, and possibly a Treelord for more nostalgia. Then have Alarielle drop her free summon of Kurnoths. To me, it seems like a versatile list, but I'd be interested in some opinion/experience of the theme.


    What readercolin said ^^^

    But yea the most critical part is to make sure you have a Nomad Prince as your general. He will unlock pretty much the entire Wanderer line as battleline. Otherwise you will need to breakout your Eternal guard into three separate units to meet battleline requirements which will eliminate their potential for tanking. 

    So I love using Alarielle, but I don't field her in my Living City army. Her abilities only buff Sylvaneth units and her base is too big to deepstrike. If you want some  truly competitive Sylvaneth then consider swapping her out  for Drycha or more Kurnoth Hunters. Drycha is can really exploit the Living City command ability. 

    Also don't forget about Wildwood Rangers. They make fantastic deepstrikers! 

  8. 24 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    I have 6 Sythes, 6 Swords, 3 bows.  I also have Alarielle but I'm not good at using her.  I guess her thing is is multi caster.

    I sat around a bit after thinking the key seems to be the teleporting and possibly combining each teleport with a big guy who can navigate the realm root and maybe add a stomp.

    Thanks kindly.

    Sounds great! 

    Yea the pros and cons of Alarielle can be debated for ages. I personally think she shines with dreadwood due to the reliable casting of Hive and the ability to self teleport.

    But she is also insanely fast if she gets the Hive buff. At top bracket she becomes Movement 19 and +3 to charge, and note her summon occurs at the end of movement. I have had her and her summon charge units 30 inches away on turn 1. 

    • Like 3

    35 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    Do you take the/a maxed spite battalion for Dreadwood?   What kind of list build is Dreadwood?  I only have 10 Spites and 70 Dryads so I uh... heh tend to not pay much attention as I play with what I have.

    Here is my logic. The outcast battalion is only mandatory if you are fielding Dreadwood without Alarielle. But really any battalion will do. Outcast isn't necessarily the best, its just the cheapest. Forest Folk will work fine for your models. 

    The reason is because you want a multi-caster so you can Thrones + Hive. So you need a battalion to unlock the Spiritsong Stave. However, the extra CP from the battalion is also extremely useful because it allows you bank it for when you fail the 6+ charge on the Hunters. (and you will) 

    Personally, when I field the Outcast Battalion, I prefer to field 3 units of 10. 

    Based on the models you have mentioned, the below lists would be a good starting point. 

    Forest Folk Battalion

    Branchwraith (stave)

    Durthu or TLA (Jewel)

    30 Dryads

    30 Dryads

    10 Dryads

    As many Kurnoth Hunters as you own

    Note that the success of a Dreadwood list lies in the strength of the units you teleport. So if you don't have Hunters, then you may want to consider another Glade for now. 

    • Like 1
  10. I think its also important to note that Darkshards are relatively cheap, and are unconditional battleline. 

    Personally I find that screening is one of the most critical tactics in competitive play, and so I am going to be taking cheap screens/objective campers in pretty much every army I ever field. So having a cheep screen that can also put out decent shooting while also filling a battleline slot? Sold!




  11. The only restrictions are that your General must be a Leader and cannot be an Ally.  In matched play you do not pick a new general if he dies (GHB pg 55 paragraph 4)

    So you can totally set up your Lord Arcanum in reserve and it would not impact his generalship in anyway. 

    Picking successor Generals is in the basic rules but its meant for Open play. The GHB specifically removes it for matched play. 

    • Like 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I suspect that is what GW intended them to be, but it doesn't change the fact that without Mummies, Chariots, Archers, Sphynxes, Snake creatures, and the general desert theme they don't really cover many of the things that made TK popular with its fans in the first place.

    That isn't to say that the stuff OBR does do isn't done well. It is a great faction, with a really cool high fantasy look. But while GW might not like "generic" factions, they will always have an appeal that their own IP can't, simply because of familiarity. I know I love ancient Egypt, I always have, so egyptian themed stuff always jumps out to me, and I like most of the different riffs on that theme. Because OBR lack that aspect, they don't become an automatic success, as I have to come to their aesthetic "fresh" and decide whether I like it.

    There are some elements of it which I really do like, but equally there are others which I don't. If it had a solid real world inspired theme, then that might counteract the bits I don't like about them. Case in point the Kharadron Overlords, which managed to be very distinct and new, while also being true to classic Steampunk aesthetics. They are both distinctly AoS and have a lot of tie ins to an existing aethestic which I already love, so they were a much more sure fire success for me. You can see the same thing with the new Giants. They are proving very popular because they tick a great many of the boxes of what a giant army can and should be for a lot of people. They aren't so far removed from the expected aesthetic that they become "generic bone constructs" and thus have to win on their own merits entirely.

    I hope that explanation makes sense, as I'm not sure I've explained it very well. Basically a generic faction has to stand on its own merits (and clearly does for a lot of people). However a faction inspired by the existing aesthetics of cultural era or artistic movement from our own world has a built in audience, has a wider appeal, and almost a built in audience.

    I don't disagree with anything you are saying. But I am looking at it from a practical rather than idealistic point of view. Personally, I think that if you are a TK fan, then OBR is probably the closest you will ever have to a re-release of your army.  So TK fans on the fence about OBR should just go ahead and jump into OBR. 

    I would hate for people to pass up on a cool army just because they were holding out hope for something that is realistically never going to happen :( 





    • Like 1
  13. Here is my logic:

    If its a pickup game, simply don't use a realm. Some of the realms can destroy an army list if you can't prepare for them. And there is no way to build a list that succeeds in all realms. For example, Fire can make shooting and magic armies insanely powerful, while Shadow can make shooting and magic armies unable to do anything. If you really want to use a realm, but want to be fair, then just default to Life (Ghyran). It is probably one of the most tame realms and unlikely to impact the game in a major way.

    If its a tournament practice game, use the realms provided by the tournament.  Ideally they will provide the specific realm rule, but if they only provide the realm itself then then you should prepare for ANY of that particular realms rules. IE, if its Shadow don't bring a ranged army.

    I love the concept of realms but IMHO they were not properly balanced for matched play. So you have to be very careful when implementing them. 

  14. On 4/18/2020 at 4:01 PM, Kyriakin said:

    I disagree here slightly.

    OBR certainly took on the skeletal constructs and Super Chad leader elements of the Tomb Kings, but did not include any mummies, chariots or a dedicated  desert theme - three TK fundamentals.

    I feel there is still enough design space for a Khalida-led, desert-themed, mummy-based faction that doesn't thematically tread on OBR's toes. I can kinda picture Khalida standing on top of a giant scorpion, Alarielle-style.

    That's not to say they they will do this, but they could. It's not like many undead archetypes are left, with Ghouls, Skeletons (sort of), Ghosts and Vampires already covered. Though I guess "a dead version of Army X" is always an option (e.g. undead skaven, etc.).

    I was under the impression that OBR were TK reimagined as a GW IP. I thought everyone else assumed the same.

    The old TK were one of the worst offenders when it comes to generic IP since you cant really copyright egyptian undead. ISo the OBR seemed like a natural progression. 

    I mean there is definitely room for them thematically, but it would be the equivalent of getting a new high elf army after the Lumineth are released. 


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  15. On 4/15/2020 at 7:00 PM, Phyrex said:

    Hello there... I'm an old player of Warhammer Fantasy. And as a nostalgic one, I can't forget that amazing world that made me fall in love. And now, I'm here in this new world... or worlds. And I wonder if I can play with my beloved races; especially the Chaos Dwarfs and the Tomb Kings.

    I want to know who is a better option... Can you people help me please???


    Yes. You can field Tomb Kings in a Death Allegiance army. And you can field Chaos Dwarfs in a Legions of Azgorh army. Both are perfectly legal and have competent rules.

    Death Allegiance is a catch-all faction for all Death models without a codex.   Azgorh is the Chaos Dwarf faction and has an actual codex, (though its PDF only from what I understand).

    I would actually recommend you focus on Azgorh since Ossearch Bonereapers are the spiritual successor to Tomb Kings, and so I don't imagine original TK will get any more support, rules updates, or model production runs. They are essentially Legends now. 

    Note that if you plan to play in tournaments, circle bases are a must. If rebasing isn't an option, consider purchasing adapters. 


  16. 7 hours ago, Craze said:

    Thanks for your answer. :)

    When you say you played Sylvaneth in a couple of tournaments, did you play Dreadwood or Winterleaf?

    Your welcome!

    I switch between the two, but about 70% of the time I use Winterleaf. However I did take Dreadwood to the biggest GT of the year in my region and went 3-2, losing twice to pre-nerf Slaanesh. 

    I enjoy Dreadwood because the teleports are so much fun and I usually bring tons of Spites to capitalize on their buff. But Winterleaf lists are a lot more flexible and reliable. Dreadwood lists have to pay the Hive+multi caster tax which can get expensive. 

    • Like 1
  17. 16 minutes ago, Pennydude said:

    I’ve had woods of only three small pieces before and larger ones of just the big and medium sized pieces. What pieces you use should not matter as long as it forms a connected circle and within placement parameters.

    Personally, if you purchased, built and transported 6 full kits then you probably deserve to field them however you want lol. 

    I have been to tournaments where forest placement was either impossible or useless due to terrain and objectives. (Duality of Death, Scorched Earth and Battle for the Pass are notorious) So the 3x small pieces may actually be preferable to asking for permission to nudge terrain. (which I hate doing bc it feels gamey) 

  18. 3 hours ago, Alessio said:

    I see the awakened wyldwood is composed by 3 elements with different sizes.

    Is it legal to mix and match those making woods of 3 small elements or 5 big elements etc. ?

    I think as long as you stick to the contents of 2 kits (aka 2 big, 2 med, 2 small ) per forest, then you should be fine. So you would be ok fielding 2 big + 1 medium pieces as your starting forest. However this would significantly hamper your later forests, unless you just had loads of forest kits to cherry pick from.

    But to be honest, this has limited applications. If you need the biggest forests possible, just field 2 full kits (6 pieces) per forest. This is a huge foot print.  

  19. 13 hours ago, Obeisance said:

    Okay, thanks for the replies. I'll look into what stuff does.

    The general consensus I've gotten from my local community is that Sylvaneth is terrible and don't even bother. Are they really that dire?

    We are probably the softest 2019 codex by a large margin, but I don't personally think we are terrible. As with any mid-level army, you have to really practice the army quite a bit to nail it down. It is not an army that you can just pickup and win with similar to Slaanesh, OBR, Tzeentch, etc

     I have taken Sylvaneth to 7+ tournaments in the last 12 months and have an average of 3-2 with most of my losses being to pre-nerf Slaanesh and Nagash.  And I don't consider myself  a particularly good player lol. 

    We also have the advantage of being outside of the meta, so many competitive players just don't factor us into their lists. Thats one of the reasons I place Dreadwood Glade so high. It trips up a lot of meta lists.

    8 hours ago, TheGrayKing said:

    I've been a long time fan of the Sylvaneth models and I'm now finally building an army, any thoughts on my list would be welcome. The list comes out to exactly 2000, I know it may not be the most competitive list but I'm curious as to how everyone thinks it'll be able to do. The game plan is to sit the 2x3 BowNoths with the Branchwraith near the first Wyldwood to snipe with re-rolls while also having a druid making factory while the Branchwych, Archie support the 6 ScytheNoth and the Durthu while they wreak havoc across the board.

    Heartwood Wargrove


    Branchwraith - Horn of the Consort, Throne of Vines

    Branchwych - Verderous Harmony

    Spirit of Durthu - General - Legacy of Valour, Ghyrstrike

    30x Druids

    5x Tree-Revenants

    5x Tree-Revenants

    6x Kurnoth Hunters w/Scythes

    3x Kurnoth Hunters w/Bows

    3x Kurnoth Hunters w/Bows

    Free Spirits Battalion

    Balewind Vortex



    Looks like a fun list. The Heartwood Bows can be powerful and I like that your list is outside of the box. But if you wanted to max out this list's competitiveness then you should consider Winterleaf.  You are sacrificing exploding 6s and the ability to fight twice to gives those two bow units rerolls. Exploding 6's on Hunters and Dryads is really good and Durthu being able to fight twice can end games. 

    7 hours ago, Craze said:

    Hi folks,

    I have a couple of questions, as I am right now once more preparing for a little tournament with friends (I pray to Allarielle und Kurnoth that Covid19 will not cancel it 🙄 )

    How do people play Dreadwood? I f I look at everything I guess it usually means: Give one caster Spiritsong Stave + Throne of Vines, cast ToV/Hive, hope you do not roll a 1 for your Hunters, teleport the large Hunter blob, pray for the 7" charge. This looks kind of unreliable to  me, as you are very dependent on one succesful spellcast (Hive) and on this one charge (potentially 2-3, depending on how your regular Wyldwood teleporting plays out). Is there anything I miss here, or am I totally wrong in the estimation of the most useful use of teleportation as an alpha strike tool , because the main use is teleporting screens or teleporting units onto an unguarded objective or some other case?


    Has anyone tried a gladeless approach with e.g. a Durthu with Warsinger? Compared to the above mentioned Dreadwood, you would lose the very flexible teleporting option but would gain more reliability on your Wylwood teleport units to get off their charges. Additionally, as the Jewel of Withering is imho not a S-Tier artifact, we would gain access to two artifacts of our choice (if we take a batallion, what most people tend to do, I guess), so in the above mentioned example, we could give Durthu Ghyrstrike + Spiritsong Stave on a caster to make that Hive casting more reliable, or if you do not want to take Durthu, we could give a TLA the Vesperal Gem, to guarantee Kurnoth Hunter revives.  



    That is the correct way to play Dreadwood. If you keep your Spiritsong caster out of range of unbinds, then you actually have a pretty good chance of getting the Spiteswarm off first turn. I personally prefer to use Alarielle since she can cast Thone + Hive without the need for an item. She also synnergizes well with the teleport since she can use it on herself as a character. 

    So note that Kurnoth Hunters are the primary choice for teleport since they can get the charge reroll command ability despite being away from characters. So ideally you would have a rerollable 6 inch charge. (hive is +3). And even if you fail that charge, you still have 6 Hunters in your opponents backfield which has value in itself. Extra points if you teleport them in cover, so they have a 3+ rerollable save if they fail their charge. 

    I would NEVER run a list without a Glade. The command trait/artefact freedom does not come anywhere close to matching the buffs of the top glades. If you want to buff your charges outside of Hive then consider Chronomantic Cogs. 

    • Like 2
  20. 6 hours ago, Obeisance said:


    My wife and I are playing in a doubles tournament.. later.. when the world stops trying to kill us. I'll be running Bonereapers.

    She really likes Sylvaneth, but doesn't play AOS. I actually know <0 about the faction. I'm thinking of buying 1000pts worth of stuff and painting it for her to use. I mean, I've probably got the time.

    The Start Collecting is a Treelord, Branchwych and 16 Dryads (why not 20 ffs?) and like 500pts.

    If you were going to play 1000pts at a decent competitive level, what would you run? What subfaction?

    Quick bit of advice with start collecting boxes.

    - Convert the Branchwych to a Branchwraith. Just replace the arms with spare dryads bits and don't glue on the bug.  That way you can  summon your leftover dryads with the Branchwraith spells. I would rather summon 6 dryads than try to get any use out of the Branchwych spell.

    -Alternatively you can use your leftover dryad bits (along with any extra 32mm bases you have) to make 4 extra dryads to stretch to 20. 

    -At low points, Harvestboon is a solid glade since it makes Durthu extremely hard to deal with. So consider building your Treelord model as a Durthu.

    If you can't decide on a Glade, just default to Winterleaf. Its probably our best one and is definitely the easiest to use. 

  21. 4 hours ago, Nixon said:

    I was just wondering if there are any good listes that does not need the Wyldwoods to compete or are fun to play?

    Absolutely. Most lists retain 95% of their functionality without a forest. However they are free to include in your list so I have never seen a Sylvaneth player without one.

    Additionally, there are some units that lose most of their value without a forest model. Branchwraith and Treelord Ancients come to mind. 

    If money is the concern, then consider cutting the Citadel Wood footprint out of cardboard or paper. But given the $$ cost of some of our main units (Spites and Hunters most notably) the cost of a single forest is relatively minor. 

    • Like 1
  22. 1 hour ago, The World Tree said:

    I agree about navigate realmroots, I was referring to dreadwood :) 

    My bad. I managed to miss that part. Yea Dreadwood is very different.

    Though I can't imagine ever using Sinister Ambush on 10 dryads.  🤣

  23. 9 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

    It is a set up not a move and therefore should be legal.

    The Navigate Realmroots rule actually says "instead of making a normal move in your movement phase".

    We probably still need an FAQ on the matter, but that sentence is a pretty big indication of what the intent was. So most people I know play it as you can't teleport that phase. 


  24. 1 hour ago, The World Tree said:


    Don't see why not. It is a set up IIRC. Though it is very possible I'm having a brainfart as I don't have the book to hand.

    Pretty sure the "the summoned unit cannot move in the following movement phase" part of the spell makes summoned Dryads unable to teleport that turn. 

    27 minutes ago, Trevelyan said:


    We are also seriously miss-marketed. There is a view that we are a mobile faction, but these days we are no more, and often less, mobile than others. We are a “healing” faction that can’t return models to the table easily (contrast anything undead and most of Chaos) and the healing that we do have is very contingent on spells. 


    I agree 100%. We are marketed as a mobile, healing, magically strong army. But all of those traits really only apply to Alarielle herself. The rest of the army is essentially just a slow combat army. In fact, most of  the models in my tournament list are movement 5 :( That is 1 inch faster than a Dwarf lol. 

    I have said it before, but I really think the Living City nailed what Sylvaneth were supposed to be. Self healing, Deepstriking, double moving, resiliency/healing spells and an artefact that makes any hero a wizard.





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  25. @Trevelyan

    Yea I agree our conversation has definitely had some moving goalposts and probably isn't really going anywhere at this point. Probably my fault entirely. I lose track of what I am arguing about sometimes. (forums have that affect lol)

    For the sake of consuming this thread I think we can just agree to disagree on the central point of TLAs being competitive (in any form or number). 

    On a side note. One of the wargamers I follow on Twitter "Grand Allegiance Smorgan" just posted that, in his opinion,  Sylvaneth is the least competitive codex in the game.

    Not sure what to think about that. 😟




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