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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. On 12/7/2019 at 10:18 PM, Pennydude said:

    I recently won a small doubles tournament running 9 Bows (3x3x3) and partnered with Beastclaw Raiders.  Heartwood Glade so my Branchwraith had the artefact granting re-rolls.  The bows shot a Bloodthirster and 1 Bloodcrusher off the board on turn 1.  We won that game handily.  I dropped a Celestial Hurricanum down to 2 wounds (only 7/9 shot, bad deployment on my part, still fairly new) but it stopped all his magic shenanigans early one and won that game handily because of it.

    Bows seem to be the least liked of the three variants but honestly, they are my favorites.  They can take down big threats (or knock them down a few pegs), snipe small heroes, and can still hold objectives.  I charged a unit of 3 Bows into melee combat and ended up controlling an objective because of that.  Five wounds each with a 4+ save (possibly re-rolling) is still huge even if they aren't killing a ton.  

    Bows have an effective 35" threat range on turn 1 if you don't put them into reserves.  If you do put them into reserves,  you can have a much larger range.  Don't count the bows out just yet.  I ran two units of 3 in my 2000pt list and between those two units and Drycha, I took out a Keeper and Shalaxi pretty easily and Drycha didn't die.  

    I love your list. Actually seeing your list a while back actually caused me to reassess the Hunters with Bows altogether! I actually impulse bought some off ebay that day!

    However as @Graywater said, the investment to get those Hunters to perform was pretty huge. Thats a lot of points that needs to stay together and I am curious how it would do outside of a team-based event. (You should run it in a singles event and let us know!!)

    16 hours ago, Trevelyan said:

    I occasionally run bows. The trick is that they generally aren’t supposed to do big damage - if you expect them to mirror the output of their melee cousins then you’ll be disappointed. 

    Bow hunters are good for two things, and maybe a third if forced. 

    1) You have the range to put some damage on targets early. Don’t waste it on small heroes surrounded by other units, but seriously consider the value of taking a behemoth down a damage tier or two before it gets a chance to engage. 

    2) Clean up duty ahead of charging. There is nothing more frustrating than a cheap chaff unit in your charge lane. Bow hunters are pretty good at clearing space for your heavier hitters to get stuck in. 

    3) If forced, bow hunters are a surprisingly good tarpit for a 3-man unit. I wouldn’t set out to use them like that, but if you are charged By something trying to limit their targets, or you get the opportunity to charge yourself into something that wants to stay mobile, then they can stick around long enough to protect something squishier. Just don’t expect them to do any damage in combat - they are less effective than half a unit of Dryads in offence. 

    Anyone seeing the “Kurnoth Hunter” label and expecting ranged damage on par with scythes or swords hasn’t thought carefully enough about why they won’t get that at 30” range. 

    I don't disagree, but I think "good" is relative here. They can shoot in a book with very limited access to shooting, so that makes them useful. However our allies just run circles around them. We have access to some pretty solid shooters such as Celestar Ballistas, Sisters of the Watch, and the Wanderer characters. All of which are a lot more efficient at the role.

    Hunters are just paying too many taxes on their melee-based abilities that don't benefit them at their job. 


    • Thanks 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Verdant Blessing is a Sylvaneth allegiance ability, and definitely dependant on having Sylvaneth allegiance; wizards in a Sylvaneth army just get it an addition to a spell from the Lore of the Deepwood. I don't know why you'd think Living City Sylvaneth wizards would use it. 😯

    This topic came up in the Sylvaneth thread as well as the Rules forum. So for deeper discussion on that you may want to hit up those threads. But in summary, there is nothing tying Verdant Blessing to Sylvaneth Allegiance. 

    Here is the quote from the Sylvaneth Codex:

    "SYLVANETH WIZARDS know the Verdant Blessing spell in addition to any other spells they know. In addition, you can choose or roll for one of the spells from the Lore of the Deepwood table for each WIZARD in a Sylvaneth Army."

    So RAW: The Lore of the Deepwood requires the allegiance. Verdant Blessing is keyword based.


  3. 2 hours ago, Anca said:

    Hihve and cogs are here to garantee the charge right?

    Yep! The Teleport loses some of its value if you can't reliably get a charge off afterwards. If you are just teleporting on to objectives without the intent to charge then Tree Revenants can do the job without the need for Dreadwood.

    Cogs and Hive are both 7 to cast though, so Dreadwood  benefits greatly from a multi-caster. I usually cast throne and then Hive to help increase the chances that it goes off. 

    2 hours ago, a74xhx said:

    Talking about battleshock shenanigans: Am I correct in saying that all battleshock tests happen at exactly the same time? So when taking into account units that effect the bravery roll on other units (spites, outcasts etc), the units just have to be alive and in range at the start of the battleshock phase. I also don't include any models that died during melee, shooting etc.



    I think most players alternate battleshock tests just out of habit, but yes it all occurs simultaneously. So that sole surviving Spite Revenant testing at -19 leadership will still get to use his debuff provided he is still in range. 

    Sometimes if my Kurnoth or characters are fighting elites, I will send any surviving units of spites into the combat as well. Most opponents aren't willing to waste attacks on them and end up losing several models to morale (or are forced to burn CP to save them). Outcast Spite revenants are particularly brutal at this. 

    I actually caused 2 Gore Gruntas to flee from combat with 6 spites. Ouch! 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Anca said:

    I haven't tried Dreadwood yet, but oh boy does Winterleaf hit strong with the Frozen Kernel. Exploding 6 on all army is always a very good bonus. Even the command ability has its use sometimes.

    Dreadwood i guess makes more sense if the objectives are very far apart :)

    IMHO Dreadwood needs Spiteswarm Hive or Cogs and casters who can reliably get them off. So Dreadwood lists require a bit more investment. Winterleaf can be slapped on any list. 

    29 minutes ago, a74xhx said:

    Recently played a game against Ironjawz.

    6 Scythe Kurnoths with kernel easily took out Gordrakk (not all of them were in range either). Sadly he had already taken out Drycha. But overall, I was out ahead in that fight.

    I found my Spite screens not providing much defence at all to orky battleline. 31 attacks from 10 Spites would mostly vanish to rend, then get effectively halved again due to 2 wounds per ork. Then when defending, the spites would just melt away. But, if they hold up for at least one turn in combat then they've done their job of diverting the enemy, right? Still trying to figure out how big my screens really need to be to be effective. And trying to find reasons to drop my block of 30 Dryads.

    My game was Knife to the Heart. I was on the upper hand, but he cleared away enough chaff from around the objective to be able to teleport in another unit 9" away, charge the remaining models and instant win. Never like that battleplan.

    Wow, good to know that Scythe Hunters brought down Gordrakk! However I think vanilla Mawcrushas (and similar units like Stardrakes) are a bit more problematic since they get access to artefacts and traits. 2+ armor saves are a big problem for our army.

    Yea the only Ironjaw units that Spites can meaningfully damage are the Gore gruntas, and thats mostly because of their leadership shenanigans. When I screen with Spites, I always assume I will lose every single one of them. 

    One trick I like to use is to to create a single file screen that leads into our wyldwood, and pull casualties from those farthest out. So assuming your wyldwood is your place of power, and you take enough casualties, you may end up wholly within the battleshock immunity bubble. 


  5. 1 hour ago, Lanoss said:

    @Landohammer great work with the list! Too bad against death. I always find them a pain to deal with also. 
    Why did you choose Winterleaf over other Glades? And how did it benefit you throughout the day?

    What are Morrsar Guard like with Syls? And how did you use them? They’re an interesting inclusion 

    I usually flip back and forth between Winterleaf and Dreadwood. Both are excellent. I went with Winterleaf in this case because I know there were a lot of combat heavy armies in the meta.

    Winterleaf is really good for making your units reliable in combat. It can help mitigate bad rolls. Its particularly effective on Kurnoth Hunters with greatswords, since every 6 is a potential 5 damage.  Also the Frozen Kernel was absolutely pivotal. 

    The Morrsar Guard performed fine, but I mostly used them defensively and as a distraction.  The real value was their shock combined with their reasonable survivability. Ideally you want to swing with them first, but several times I pushed them into a scary behemoth, shocked them down a few brackets, and then activated a different combat trusting that the eels could probably survive until their turn. 

    They are fast, hit hard, and survive pretty well, so its hard to pass them up. However I lost quite a few to failed bravery tests. (only bravery 6 :( ) 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, amsoly said:

    Anyone try using a treelord ancient, durthu, and a branchwraith in a list yet?  Could be tricky to make full use of the wood but potential +2 attacks for durthu or the dryad battery could be useful.  (Thinking 2k)


    I haven’t played the branchwraith before and a 7 isn’t going to go off every turn but pulling more units onto the board could be super helpful. 

    Do note that Verdant Blessing is not an allegiance spell. All Sylvan wizards just know it. So you wouldn't necessarily need the Treelord ancient to get forests on the table. A branchwraith could do it on it's own!

    11 hours ago, Izotzuhure said:

    Quick silly question, can Allariele use Hidden Paths? I'm asking this because her base is 6,5" and technically you need to be wholly within 6" of the edge. 

    Unfortunately not.  "Wholly within" has been clarified in the FAQ and its pretty clear cut. 

    Alarielle actually runs into a lot of trouble with her 6.25 base. She can't fit wholly within a typical citadel wood and she is also too large to benefit from the Gladewyrm, which is a Sylvaneth Endless spell! 🤦‍♂️

    I'm not sure if its intentional or an oversight, but RAW its crystal clear.😥

    • Thanks 2
  7. Another tourney. Here is a quick rundown. List below

    Game 1 vs Legion of Nagash: Huge mobs of skeletons moved onto objectives early and Arkhan killed Durthu with a super lucky curse of years on the top of turn 1. I was left reeling and just couldn't get him off the objectives. Major loss. 

    Game 2 vs Slaanesh: I screened well and mitigated his turn 1 alpha strike. I countercharged and killed about 20 seekers with Eels, Spites and Drycha. Fiends whiffed vs Kurnoth Hunters and Hunters absolutely wrecked them in return. I summoned a Quicksilver swords and kept getting second turn so it just kept pounding his Keeper of Secrets lol. He actually had a solid early lead but I scored big on the bottom of turn 5 for a major win!

    Game 3 vs Ironjawz; Again screening wins games. I screened with Spites, and countercharged with Eels and Hunters. The spites leadership debuffs were particularly brutal vs his Gore Gruntas. The deciding factor was charging his Boss on Mawcrusha with a Durthu +Gyrstrike, near a forest and near the frozen Kernel. I did something like 36 damage to the Maw Crusha after saves (and before impales!). After seeing that he politely conceded.  Major win. 


    Outcast Battalion

    -Durth w/ Ghyrstrike


    -Branchwraith w/ Kernel

    20 Spites

    10 Spites

    5 Spites

    6 Kurnoth w/ Greatswords

    6 Morrsarr Guard

    Quicksilver Swords

    • Like 3
    • LOVE IT! 2
  8. On 11/28/2019 at 8:37 AM, Aekhold said:

    Movemet through Wyldwoods? 

    How do you guys play it? Are the three trees "impassable" objects? 

    As the old citadel woods worked, with the removable trees, we would just move the models throug the woods (whule removing the trees). But with the wyldwood-model the trees are not "movable" and so models would have to move around the trees? 


    For the new Awakened Wyldwood models the trees aren't technically impassible.  You can actually climb over them, it just takes extra movement. However they definitely can mess up movements and charges. They are notorious for creating a bottleneck for my Kurnoth Hunters :( 

    For the old citadel woods, I just leave the trees at home altogether. They are too bulky to transport.

    I personally just ignore the circles on the citadel wood, but some on here actually prefer to treat the empty circles as if they were in-fact impassible. I don't think it really matters as long as you and your opponent treat them the same way. 

    On 11/29/2019 at 3:36 PM, Shmaravoz said:

    With Frozen Kernel artefact (Winterleaf) can we attack right away or the opponent activates next and then we attack for the second time?

    I am pretty sure its back-to-back, but ran into a situation in the tournament last week, where there was a different view.

    The frozen Kernel specifically activates right after you have attacked. So it is immediate. But do note that you have to announce you are using it at the start of combat. So your opponent will always know which unit will get to swing twice. So make sure to always activate them first! 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Aenur said:

    Hi gain treepeople, 

    Yesterday I played my first deadwood Glade game. And I have a question about it.

    My branchwraith has summoned 10 dryads. This dryads are not able to move in the same turn they come into the battlefield. But may I relocate them with the Glade command ability?

    It its considered as they move?

    Thank you beforehand :)

    Agreed with what Trevelyan said. Also note that summoned dryads can also charge if they like.

    Dreadwood lists are almost always starved for CPs and Dryads really only do their jobs while in a forest. So may wanna rethink teleporting them! Save the teleports for the heavy hitters and charge rerolls! 

    23 hours ago, Anca said:

    Hello Small update on the 750 pts intro battle.

    I followed advice with a Durthu 2 units of dryads (10/20) and a branchwraith.

    Opponent had two block of 20 chainrasps 10 grimghast a guardian of soul and spirit torment.


    The mission had us capture 5 objective points. Short story i didn't had nearly enough body to capture the objectives.

    My 10 dryads and branchwraith were taken out very early by the grimghast. Duryhu wip3d them in retaliation on his first round of combat. I have been however too conservative with the Durthu. The block of 20 dryads hit like a truck with frozen kernel and took out 16 chainrasp first turn of combat...

    He didn't had anything to deal with the Durthu. But combined with a few failed battleshock he was too far ahead with the objectives and i lost. But its a good experience!

    Thanks for the advices

    Glad you had a good test run with the list! 

    To be honest though, the game as a whole doesn't really function that well at 750pts.  At those point levels, lists are really limited and games can be decided by the first combat. May wanna push for 1000pts minimum next time! 


    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Anca said:
    Hello folks, i'm trying this sylvaneth list for 750 pts based on two start collecting boxes
    Can you give me your opinion, or suggest any changes on list? artifact or spells taken?
    Grove Gnarlroot
    Tree Lord Ancient (general) (300)
             Spell-Lore: Regrowth
             Command Trait: Nurtured by magic
    BranchWraith (80)
             Spell-Lore: Throne of Vines
    BranchWych (80)
             Spell-Lore: Deadly Harvest
             Artefact: Chalice of Nectar
    BranchWych (80)
             Spell-Lore: Verdurous Harmony
    10 Dryads (100)
    10 Dryads (100)
    Total (740) pts
    i hesitate with Winterleaf also

    You don't have anything that can kill models off objectives. 

    I would drop two branchwyches and build one of your treelord models as Durthu. Merge your dryads into a unit of 20 and then just take a throwaway unit of 10 dryads or 5 Revenants. Give regrowth to the Branchwraith.

    Take Harvestboon as your glade. Most armies won't have an answer to deal with a Dancing Durthu at 750pts. Use regrowth to keep Durthu as healthy as possible.

    A trick to fielding start collecting boxes, is that you sometimes end up with too many branchwyches and not enough dryads. I have occasionally used branchwych models as Dryad champions, and its totally fine to summon models from your dead pile. 


  11. 9 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    Don't forget Alarielle's beetle gets +1 to hit units with 5 or more models, and with Gnarlroot you can reroll 1s. So in some situations it can be brutal.


    For sure. I take that +1 every time I get it! But the catch with alarielle, is that she is one of our few sources of high rend. Also, we already have great answers for horde units. So more often than not I end up having to send her into the big gribblies. Sadly, I think the Talon of Dwindling has averaged more damage than the beatle over my three recent tournaments. It doesn't degrade and I usually get at least one 6. 

    Gnarlroot is fine, but Winterleaf or Dreadwood are infinitely more valuable on Alarielle. Getting exploding 6's/double activate or a condition-less teleport are much more impactful. If I needed the reroll 1's, I could just burn a CP and have the best of both worlds.



  12. 2 hours ago, Sleepa said:

    I drafted a janky wombo-combo list with no glade, Warsong and Everdew Vial.
    Haven't played  a game with it because my second and third Durthus still need to get painted.

    Spirit of Durthu (General: Warsinger & Everdew Vial)
    Spirit of Durthu 2: Electric Boogaloo
    Spirit of Durthu 3: Revenge of the Durthu 
    Branchwraith (with Spiritsong Stave and Throne of Vines)

    5x Spite Revs
    5x Spite Revs
    5x Spite Revs
    20x Dryads


    Endless Spells:
    Spiteswarm Hive

    1 Extra Command point

    1980/2000 pts

    This was my version of an Alpha striking Slaanesh-style list. Deploy your army just close enough that your TLA can park a woods to set up the 4-Tree charge after your Branchwraith tries for Throne of Vines->Hive, you take your Hive triggers (hopefully no rolls of 1), then port your Monster Mash into and around the trees, and go for broke. Probably Folds to good screening, but has the potential to get luck with stomp redundancy. I'd never take it to a tournament, but I think it'd be hilarious to surprise someone with.


    Durthu 2: Electric Boogaloo could possibly be the greatest idea for a list name in the history of list names. I will be stealing that :)

    I love fun lists. but I gotta say that winterleaf would just flat out make this list better. Exploding 6's on Durthu are terrifying and being able to give himself  the ability to  attack twice is insane.

    If near a forest that would be 10 swings with exploding 6's and two impales. Whats that average? Like 34 wounds before saves? 




  13. 1 hour ago, kozokus said:

    What is the general advice about treelords, i rarely see them.

    Is the "no grove" an option witht he +2 charge aura?

    So I think Glades are pretty much compulsory at this point. The army-wide buffs are just too good to ignore. If you need bonuses to charge then Spiteswarm Hive is an excellent choice. It pairs extremely well with Dreadwood. 

    The selling point for Treelords is their stomp. Because otherwise Hunters are just flat out better. The problem is that stomp fails 50% of the time. Also he just isn't reliable in combat. Give me 10 spites over him in combat any day of the week. At least I know I will get SOME wounds through with them.

    1 hour ago, Trevelyan said:

    That’s largely my experience too. Slaanesh can be beaten, and we’ve arguably got a better toolkit than most factions to do it, but you really have to play a completely different game and build a list with them in mind. 

    The fact that every Slaanesh hero effectively has Stomp, and that every Slaanesh list has a built in Winterleaf double 6s to hit is tough enough. But add the ludicrous amount of easy summoning and you’ve basically got an entire faction that pulls together the best tricks we have available, does them all better and then starts adding extra features on top. 

    I don’t know anyone who finds them remotely balanced, including local Slaanesh players (they all agree that the nerfbat is coming). 

    Agreed on all points. They usually fight first, they fight extremely well, and they are extremely fast. Even without a single point of summoning they would be a solid army.

    But add to that the 900pts of summoning that my opponent had by turn 3, and it just became laughable. I had to kill the same Keeper of Secrets twice, and the same chariot 3 times.  

  14. Just got back from a GT. Went 3-2 with both losses being to Slaanesh. My list is at the bottom. Here are my thoughts.

    Alarielle performed well overall but mostly because of metamorphosis. That spell swung several games for me. Other than that she just jumped around grabbing objectives and getting aggro. The 4+ to hit on the beatle broke my heart several times. 

    Hunters and Eels were, unsurprisingly, the star of the show. I found myself wishing I had more of each. I was pretty much always able to get 5 hunters in combat. 

    Spites were middle of the road as expected. Treelord was hot garbage haha. 

    Dreadwood was a solid glade, and I now definitively put it up there with Winterleaf in competitiveness. 

    Slaanesh is a really big problem in the meta IMHO. They dominated (and won) this  tournament and my games vs them felt like a completely different experience. Looking forward to some nerfs to bring them back in line with the rest of AOS. 


    Alarielle (treelord summon)


    20 Spites

    20 Spites

    5 Spites

    6 Greatsword Hunters

    6 Morrsarr Guard

    Spiteswarm Hive

    • Like 1
  15. Here is the relevant quote from the Sylvaneth codex:

    "SYLVANETH WIZARDS know the Verdant Blessing spell in addition to any other spells they know."

    Additionally, the FAQ clarified that Verdant Blessing is not a part of Lore of the Deepwood.

    So RAW, yes Sylvaneth wizards know the spell regardless of allegiance/ally status.

    HOWEVER, this definitely needs an FAQ. Its not common for units (especially allied ones) to have spells or abilities not directly referenced on their warscroll. Notice that Arcane Bolt and Mystic shield are still specifically mentioned on nearly every wizard. 

    • Like 2
  16. 16 hours ago, Overread said:

    And yet that bit of lore often is what brings many gamers back and back to their Warhammer armies over other brands and companies. That connection to a story; those inspiring ideas that might set the seed of stories or adventures. Also conversion ideas (how many people want to make skaven skyships because of the few paragraphs of lore that outline them). 

    Often I hear people say that they come back to warhammer partly because of the lore of the game even if its just army and codex/battletome level and not reading into the Black Library stuff.


    Sure when you're active and engaged with your army you feel like all you need are warscrolls and rules and there are those who have no mind of the lore what so ever. But I'd wager that the lore aspects being in the same book encourages people to read them and get immersed. Consider how many at the local club have read their army book cover to cover - now of that bunch how many have read one Black Library novel or more than one (and of them who read anything outside of the Horus Heresy series). I'd wager the number reading is quite small, far fewer than those who have read their battletome cover to cover more than once. 


    I don't disagree. The codexes are great to draw in new players. I would strongly recommend ANY new or returning players pick up their codexes.

    But are new/returning players really making those super inspired conversion armies? In my experience, those are usually made by the veterans with multiple armies. 


    16 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Oh that’s more subjective than you think (or at least present it). I keep going back to the books for the fluff, the narrative, the artwork! That’s where inspiration sparks for me. 
    the warscrolls in a physical book are the secondary part. The meat is in the lore. All that other stuff changes, is better viewed through digital solutions and the warscrolls are freely available anyway. 

    but that other stuff. I read the ogor book. Nothing immediately sparked for me. I went to the ogre kingdom book for inspiration. Something kind of brewed due to a piece of art. Went back to mawtribes and just flicked through it and suddenly something grabbed my eye. And now I have that inspiration. That wouldn’t have happened (in that manner) without the hard copies to flick through. 
    but for gaming digital is easier to me :) 


    I am the exact opposite. I pour over the book when I first buy it, and basically just memorize the relevant rule snippets. Then a day or two later it goes on my book shelf right next to the End Times Books, 8th edition books, and AOS 1.0 books. Never to be touched again lol. 

    As a long time player I tend to look at it more in terms of the financial aspect. I  still occasionally use  models that I bought 10 years ago, and I still field almost all of my models that I bought 5 years ago. Most, if not all, can be sold on Ebay in an instant.

    But rulebooks older than 2 years as nearly (if not completely) worthless. My FLGS was giving them away at the last tournament.


  17.  There just isn't enough practical information in the army books to justify their $40 purchase. That money could be spent on a battleline unit or go toward a start collecting box. If I added up all the money I spent on armybooks then I could EASILY have another 2000pt army.

    Lets be honest, buying new books at release is exciting. But we usually only crack them open 2-3 times to read fluff and review warscroll changes. After that they sit on a shelf (or in a bag) while we reference the AoS app or Battlescribe during games. 

    The meat of AOS is in its warscrolls. Things not in warscrolls like Allegiance abilities and Spells are used SO frequently that we all memorize them almost immediately. 

  18. 14 hours ago, Sleepa said:

    Swords are awesome, no doubt. My experience has been very different though, where terrain combined with Wyldwoods has really hamstrung my sword hunters and neutered their potency over and over again for me. I've had more than one engagement where my opponents have tactically charge them in such a way that I can only attack with one (when I root down for rerolls), or used endless spells to funnel their pile-in routes so I could only attack with one or two. In contrast, Scythe Hunters always get to fight in two ranks, so they have outperformed my swords every single time I've ran both in a list. 

    I also don't think 9 is the only size you'd want Scythes in. I'm pretty sure half the reason you see 9-blocks in competitive lists is so you can lose 3 models by the time they engage, and still put up impressive damage output on the swing back.

    Yea I think it boils down to how you play the hunters. If you are trying to alpha strike them with Teleports/Hive/Dreadwood then 6 Swords is possibly better. In those situations I'm either fighting first, or fighting something that is a favorable matchup. So I don't really care about the root. I want to hit as hard as possible and maximize casualties.

    If you are using them defensively, say to protect an objective or to tank a scary unit you don't want to fight, then the Scythes are better. Scythes can always count on using their root and that is huge. 

    Again though, the only real units that can do the kind of things you mentioned are super killy single models. But realistically if you find yourself in a situation where you are getting charged by an unfavorable combat with unfavorable terrain and a hostile endless spell perfectly placed, then in all fairness the loadout of your Hunters is probably irrelevant lol. 

    That being said I still plan on bringing a unit of both Scythes and Swords in my competitive lists. :D


  19. 50 minutes ago, simakover said:

    why scythes? everythere i see a sword kurnoth

    Yea the swords are generally better, but the Scythes have that all important 2 inch reach. So units of 6 are pretty much always guaranteed their full attacks. Scythes are also a bit more reliable vs heavily armoured units. There is a surprising amount of 3+ (and 2+!!)  armor saves running around nowadays. 

    I will say though that after practicing a bit with 6 Greatswords, I can usually get 4-5 guys in combat vs everything but behemoths, and the Hive really helps slingshot the hunters forward. 

    I think units of 9 are the only situation where the Scythes are the definitive choice. 

  20. 20 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    Oh come on. I've won 2 - 1 day tournaments, and went 4-1 at 50  in last two mohts players two dayer with Deepkin. They are awesome army. Namarti Corps is very balanced as you use a lot of models- Thralls, Reavers, Morssar, Soulrender. Thralls synergies doesn't work as they have 1'' weapons and 32mm bases, on 25mm bases they would be freaking broken at 130. 

    Leviadon is just scroll that doesn;t support Deepkin lore and playstyle 

    Sharks are just bad scroll. 

    Some points reduction and we could see Aspects and Sharks in a lot of  builds. 

    Idoneth Book is awesome, I've won events with

    - Namarti Corps 

    - Pure Eeels 

    - Aspect of Sea 

    They are just very hard to master and punish you for making any mistakes/bad decisions. 

    I have to agree with @HollowHills The Idoneth Book is objectively bad. Not necessarily because it lacks the ability to win, but moreso because the internal balance is absolutely horrible. There are units in that book that are simply  on different planets balance-wise.

    Any of the books can win if piloted by a great player. (A Tomb king army won a masters in Australia recently). 

    19 hours ago, Austin said:

    Just so I establish that I do have a dog in this fight, my Deepkin collection is: 60x thralls, 30x reavers, 18x eels, turtle, 3x sharks, Aspect of the Sea, 3x Soulrenders, and all the other heroes x1.

    I think it is probably totally doable to do what you are describing above. I STILL think the Deepkin should have gotten a couple more units by now.  I very much dislike the release/whatever you want to call it strategy behind Deepkin, Overlords, Fyreslayers (though they got a bit of love).

    I remember when Atia was first breaking rumors about AoS and one of the main ones was that GW would not be supporting armies beyond initial releases other than with small splash releases (and also that they would focus on monsters and heroes).  If you think about it, the only army where this rumor has proved false is Stormcast.  It is one of the rumors that bothered me the most, because it does not lend itself to long term concentration on one army.  Maybe this is what GW wants.  I guess probably they do want you to collect each new army as it comes out.  But from the perspective of someone who collects as much to create a story  focused group as to play, it sort of is getting old.

    I guess we will see, as AoS is pretty new still.  But I would really like to see true unit expansions for factions (and this includes old factions like Seraphon and Skaven!).

    You know this prediction is pretty scary now that I think about it. If we look at some of the original AOS factions such as Sylvaneth, we can see that they never really got a new unit that wasn't a character or a specialist game crossover. All of the new stuff was terrain, endless spells, and characters. 

    I hope this is not true. There are only so many units in each book. They will eventually get boring if they are never expanded. 

  21. On 11/8/2019 at 6:07 PM, a74xhx said:

    Anyone considering Wanderer allies since the CoS tome dropped? Our previous overpriced choice, Sisters of the Thorn, no longer have a useful spell for us. And I don't see anything else of any use .... Unless anyone has spotted anything?

    It's a shame if there isn't as it could have been a gateway to getting a full living city army.


    So I make it a point to always field allies. I feel like how they make lists seem a bit more unique and less homogenized. 

    Here are some of the ally picks I have used/considered lately.

    Wildwood Rangers - Solid and reliable for a meta with large scary monsters like Archaon or Nagash.  20 should be able to kill pretty much any behemoth. They also fit in the price range between 3 and 6 Kurnoth Hunters. With the COS changes they get a +1 to charge which is nice.

    Knight-Azyros - A cheap character that is fast, has a buff that affects our army, and also a once per game AOE nuke.  Arch Revenant replaced this guy for the most part, but the Azyros is still a bit better in certain situations. 

    Celestar Ballista - A cheap but reliable shooting phase. 

    Morsarr Guard - The Eels are a popular choice for a reason. They hit like a truck, move fast, and have decent survivability.

    Wild Riders - These guys are fluffy, but are realistically just worse Eels. They do still fill the same role and are a good bit cheaper (both in points and dollars). They also maintain some rend off the charge which can matter.

    Prosecutors - Dirt cheap objective grabbers, wound plinkers, and warmachine annoyers. Tree Revs are probably better but the prosecutors can start annoying things earlier. Their 3d6 charge range is nice too!

    Sisters of the Watch - Solid and reliable shooting so your Kurnoth can fight instead of shoot.

    Lord Relictor - An ability that does mortals and grants a  minus 1 to hit that cant be unbound. Great if your meta is full of casters. 

    Tidecaster - A spell with a minus 1 to hit with a conditional mortal wound. 


    • LOVE IT! 1
  22. 14 hours ago, Shmaravoz said:

    Not for a competitive play. To expensive. +1 to Wound is good, but not worth the points.... 

    Yea I love the models, and he is a heck of a lot better than the garbage fire that is Ylthari, but I still struggle to squeeze him into lists.

    I find myself wishing he was a hero so that he could activate Glade command abilities and help out in hero-based objectives. But at the end of the day archie's abilities are similarly effective, more reliable, and cheaper. 

  23. 1 hour ago, Shmaravoz said:

    @jake3991 That is a great point! This is a type of analysis I would like to see on this forum. It should be used to review tactics and help to perform better in the tournaments. 

    I personally believe KH are the way to go in a competitive play. Swords are the best, Scythes are good, Bows are OK. Alarielle is a great model, but she can be killed in turn one when you face a tier 1 army. I currently run a list with 18 hunters, Drycha, Arch Revenant, Spitswarm Hive and its doing well. Ideally I would like to have 21 KH list.  I also think in this list Drycha is a better option compared to Durthu, as she deals MWs and is a wizard. 

    Yea if you boil our army down to its most competitive components, you almost always end up with tons of Hunters, Archie, Hive and Drycha. Add Glades and Allies to taste.

    What kind of battleline do you run? I tend to learn toward solid blocks of 20 Spites/Dryads, but i keep getting tempted to just go with the bare minimum of 5 Spites + 5 Spites + 5 Tree Revs.



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