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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. 12 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    As someone just starting to build a Sylvaneth army for a tournament next year, I've been doing a fair bit of reading.  
    Seems like the book is generally pretty good and there's a few different viable options.... HOWEVER.... they all still seem to be on the lower end of the power curve. One dreadwood list run by Laurie has done well at 2 big recent tournaments. (minimal heroes, 15 hunters, minimal outcasts battalion and some dryads). 

    But other than that, Sylvaneth seem to be horribly under represented at large events for some reason.  
    Sydney GT just had 94 players and not a single Sylvaneth list. Make of that what you will. Could be a variety of reasons but for such a large event to have more brettonians and tomb kings than a fairly new 2.0 battletome seems a bit weird huh?
    Facehammer GT had 2 Sylvaneth lists out of 80 players. They came 5th and 71st.
    AOS Grand Tournament had 3. Placed 3rd, 42nd, 46th out of 65 players.
    Laurie was the guy who placed 5th and 3rd at those events. So clearly he's a good player and uses mass hunters well.  

    I just played an Order army last night who used several Bretonian units. Two 140pt lords killed Alarielle (with mystic shield up) in two rounds of combat :( I was very surprised!

     Sylvaneth do seem to be underrepresented, which is fine with me. I think its mostly due to cost.  I shudder to think of what I have spent on spites, hunters and forests.

    When the codex first came out, Winterleaf just seemed to be the clear frontrunner for competitive play. But now we are seeing Dreadwood, Harvestboon, Gnarlroot, and even Heartwood popping up. Thats definitely a good thing!


  2. 12 hours ago, stratigo said:

    GW dice are not in any way balanced. Do some salt water testing.

    I would really begin to question my life decisions if I found myself scientifically testing dice for balance. I will leave that to TFG's in 40K 🤣

    I am more concerned with something that happened about 5 years ago in WHF 8th edition. A guy had bought some bags of dice off ebay, used them in a tournament and won. But due to some complaints, the dice were tested and several were found to be quite obviously weighted/cooked.

    The guy actually voluntarily forfeited, and I have no doubt it was completely accidental. But now I always have the creeping anxiety when I buy cheap dice off amazon or ebay. Especially when those freak rolls occur and swing games.

    That anxiety isn't present when both sides are using GW dice. If they end up being imbalanced, at least we are all eating from the same table.  

    • Like 3
  3. I use them almost exclusively, specifically the Sylvaneth and Chaos Space Marine ones.  Its takes all of about 2 rolls before my opponent figures them out. However I always make sure to remind them what the 1 and 6 are.  (usually just prior to the roll for sides). 

    Between 40k and AOS, I have used them in probably 7-8 tournaments. (so say 20+ games). No one has ever asked me to use other dice. 

    Honestly, I would actually prefer to play opponents with faction dice. Being an official GW product they remove any shred of concern for imbalance.  

    They also look better in pictures when scattered around the board. :)


    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    It really is very similar to the stock of a skitarii galvanic rifle though. It would be weird to just reuse something that appears on their basic infantry on an AoS model. I suspect this is something AdMech.


    It does look like a skitarii galvanic rifle, but lever action rifles are generally considered very primitive. So it makes me think more along the lines of Freeguild or Duardan. Probably a warband of some kind for them. (it would be weird to get a new AOS only model right after they got a new codex)

    However I can't tell if the additional attachment is a scope or some kind of scabbard. Scope is definitely more of a 40k thing but a scabbard would point me towards AOS. 

    3 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    I had hoped they'd move away from the utter op that is an army with easy access to full rerolls. You'd have thought they learned their lesson by now. 

    Bonereapers are looking like powercreep, but hopefully they don't have access to any deepstrike or movement buffs.


    3 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    Don't forget that they are really slow and that there is a cost behind this...

    Yea agreed with both of ya'll. AOS is a game of movement and board control. They can have a 1+ save for all I care. If they are movement 4 then they will have a bad time in competitive play. 

    My biggest concern is if GW gives them access to deepstrike/teleports. They have a tendency to hand them out randomly. Even a run+charge ability would effectively give them movement 7. The early previews of the wizard shows that they do have access to strong wizards.


  5. 1 hour ago, Trevelyan said:

    I wouldn’t normally run her at 1000 points, but if I did then I’d be strongly inclined to go with a Branchwraith, and an Arch Revenant then take either 10 Dryads and 5 Spites for an even 1000 points, or 2x5 dryads and about endless spell. 

    Play that as Winterleaf with Archie as general and holding the Kernel, summon Sword Hunters and let Archie buff them and/or Alarielle herself while the Branchwraith summons spare Dryads. It’s a lot of punch for low points. 

    I wouldn't either as 1K is usually for casual learning games, but if I was going to be competitive it would be be Alarielle, 3 Kurnoth, 5 Tree Revs, and 5 Spites.

    That gives you 6 hunters on the board and Alarielle (and tree revs sniping objectives). Apply glade to taste.

    Not alot of armies could deal with that!

  6. 15 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    What other heroes do people usually run Alarielle with? 
    I'm struggling to fit her into a list. 
    I really like Durthu and/or Drycha but that get's really expensive with Alarielle. 
    Am I basically stuck with a Branchwraith and Arch Rev? 

    I run her with Drycha and then a cheap vanilla character to hold artefacts/traits. Branchwraith or Arch Revenant are my go-to choices depending on which glade I use. 

    However if your glade doesn't have strong artefacts/traits then you can always just skip additional characters altogether and declare Alarielle as your general. Thats actually a sneaky way to squeeze her into 1000pts.

    As someone said before Alarielle's ridiculous cost can be a bit misleading. She is really only 460pts if she summons Kurnoth Hunters. (which she always should!)


  7. 1 hour ago, Pennydude said:

    I'm gonna be playing in a doubles event (1000pts/player) in about a month or so and my partner has expressed interest in playing Beastclaw Raiders (with the new rules from Ogor Mawtribes).  He's looking at running a Huskard on Stonehorn, 4x Mournfang Pack, 1 Stonehorn Beastriders, 2 Frost Sabre, and 2 Frost Sabre.  To complement that, I'm looking a providing shooting support with some magic.  Here's what I'm thinking:

    Heartwood Glade

    Branchwraith - General with Legacy of Valour trait, Horn of the Consort artefact, and Regrowth spell

    3x Kurnoth Hunters with Bows
    3x Kurnoth Hunters with Bows
    3x Kurnoth Hunters with Bows
    20x Dryads

    and either...
    5 Tree-Revenants and a Balewind Vortex
    10 Spite-Revenants

    Thoughts?  I own everything sans Alarielle.


    Wow thats fun. Its interesting seeing the Kurnoth Heathwood gunlines starting to take off.  The only changes I would make would be to swap out the Regrowth spell for Verdurous Harmony. Your hunters are going to be getting alot of attention and healing a hunter won't make it shoot better. But raising a dead one will!

    I usually prefer spite revenants, but in the case of your list the Balewind Vortex will probably be more use. It will help keep the Branchwraith alive while also giving you the chance to potentially raise a dead kurnoth and summon 10 dryads in the same turn. Dryad summoning is really impactful in 1000pt games.

    If you really wanted to play hardcore gunline you could always split the 10 dryads into 2 units of 10 and use the remaining points for a Celestar Ballista :D

  8. 29 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    I hope so. I'd like a Tyrant given that he's unlikely to be available for a long time after. 

    Yea I would strongly recommend Ogre fans split a box and get ahold of the Tyrant if possible. The Arch Revenant came out in Looncurse in May and immediately sold out. So that's over five months of waiting for a model to be repackaged with no end in sight. Prices on ebay are outrageous.

    Its hard to swallow 6+ months of waiting for model repackages, especially considering codex release cycles are usually ~2 years. 

  9. On 10/19/2019 at 9:17 AM, Kantchill said:

    I’m considering putting the Branchwych back in with Verdous Harmony for some extra support on the Kurnoths, a forward spawn point for woods and an extra dispell. She fills those 80 points nicely as well if I remove the Spiteswarm. 

    I haven’t got the models (yet...) to run a unit of 30 Dryads and still be able to summon more with the Wraith, so that might be an option in the future but not for now. I only have 38 right now, lol. 

    Final option could be increasing the Tree-Revenants to 10. That would propably give them more use then only being a one trick pony to grab an objective. But comparing these options I think the Wych is more verstile. 

    Sounds good! In the Wych vs Wraith comparison, the Wych looks bad, but in actuality many armies would absolutely kill for an 80pt caster with access to good spells. Also some objectives can only be held by wizards, so they are quite a good way to spend extra points. 

    You know its funny how everyone ends up with odd amounts of dryads. I somehow ended up with like 37 or so lol. 

    One trick I use to do when short on Dryads models, was just to bring what I have and fill the vacancies with casualties. Sometimes you won't have a full 10 to summon, but in those cases you can just cast something else or (with opponents permission) summon what you have. Setting up 6-8 dryads might not be ideal but its still a great use of a cast. 

    I have also seen some people use extra dryad bits to squeeze out a few extra models for "emergency use only" lol. 

  10. 9 hours ago, Kantchill said:

    I want to thank @Landohammer again for the solid advice!

    I tried an adjusted list with your feedback for the first time yesterday, and while I did lose the game the army felt way more reliable. I never thought these 'minor' changes would reflect that so quickly. I know one game is a bit early to jump to conclusions, but I'm going to play one more game this week and two more games next week and see if I need any more adjustments. 

    The only bummer is that I miss the Ghyrstrike on Durthu now. The 2+/2+ is way better than the +1 attack from Silent Sickle, but I'm stuck with that artifact for now as I'm still running Harvestboon and no longer have the battalion for an extra artifact. I'm still not sold on switching to Winterleaf, because the Seek New Fruit ability saved my Durthu so many times... The Frozen Kernel could be fun to use on the unit of 6 Kurnoths tho. 

    The Arch-Revenant didn't do anything usefull this game as well (like, absolutly nothing), so I need to play some more games to see what he can do for the Kurnoth. 

    I also feel that the Spiteswam Hive is less usefull now (also because below), and that's stil 50 points. I also have 30 points to spare, so maybe that 80 points can buy me something more usefull? 

    Last but not least I only have 2 casts/dispells right now. Maybe it's because I'm used to be having more, but it feels a bit lackluster... What do you guys think? 

    I'm running the following list right now: 

    Glade: Harvestboon

    Spirit of Durthu
    - The Silent Sickle
    - Seek New Fruit
    - Regrowth
    - Throne of Vines

    20x Spite-Revenants
    20x Dryads
    5x Tree-Revenants

    3x Kurnoth Hunters w/Sword
    6x Kurnoth Hunters w/Scythe

    Spiteswarm Hive

    Now thats a sharp list! Glad its working!

    So Harvestboon is essentially the Durthu battalion. If you want Durthu to be the centerpiece of your list, then stick with it. Personally I would prefer Winterleaf since it generally buffs your entire army all the time rather than just chargers amd durthu. Note that the frozen kernel on durthu may actually eliminate the need for the extra attacks and retreat. (Since the enemy will probably be dead lol). That would be 6 main attacks +2 impales (all with exploding 6's) before the enemy even gets to swing. 


    Arch Rev needs to be near the scythe hunters at all times. This can be tricky since the hunters will frequently charge out of range. Dont be afraid to charge Archie into the same combat to guarantee he is in range to buff.  Call to battle is invaluable for spites, dryads, hunters, ( and even Durthu with kernel). 


    I think the Hive is really only strong in lists which focus on teleporting shenanigans such as Dreadwood glades. Its awesome but with only two casts the 50pts becomes a bit steep. Dropping it to bump your dryads to 30 wouldnt be a bad idea. (30 dryads is only 270)


    If you keep it, do note that the Gladewyrm is only 30pts and is a decent pell. Its a great way score a second heal on Durthu.  Also it's large base size and decent range make it great for blocking your opponent's movement. (The D3 mortals is just a nice little bonus)

  11. I generally point people to the start collecting boxes on amazon. Most are still priced at the "pre-hike" prices so you can get a big chunk of your army for ~$70 shipped.

    If you have some patience, Ebay is your friend. People will frequently sell badly painted or incomplete units for pretty cheap. Just an old tooth brush, glue and some Simple Green and you will have brand new(-ish) models for 1/3rd of the price. 

    Finally, check FB for local wargaming groups. If you post what you are looking for and your budget, you might be surprised at what you get. Most wargamers would love some of their unused/old stuff to go into the hands of a newer player. 

    I would avoid proxies, at least on a large scale.  You don't want to have to stress about whether you can even attend certain events. Also chasing down proper bases can actually end up making the cheaper models cost more than you think.

    Hilariously, many people including myself, eventually end up purchasing the model they were originally trying to proxy, thus completely eliminating the point lol. 



  12. 1 hour ago, Trevelyan said:

    Landohammer frequently sees things differently from me. This is one of those times. 

    I find the TLA vastly superior to the standard Treelord. The generic Treelord competes directly with Kurnoth Hunters in the 200 point range. It brings a stomp and a ranged attack, but still suffers from costing as much as a unit of Kurnoths but not being a unit of Kurnoths. The only time I take a Treelord is as part of a Lords of the Clan battalion in a Gnarlroot Glade, or if I’m playing a casual game and fancy a challenge. 

    “Durthu or TLA?” is like asking “apples or oranges?” One is a melee beatstick who prefers to have support to keep him alive and at optimal performance (someone has to heal the ****** and provide it with Wyldwoods) and the other is a multi-purpose wizard with enough combat potential to contribute to a fight without being able to win solo. Which you want depends on what else you have in the list. 

    Haha yea we do disagree more that we agree for sure! 

    To clarify, I actually think the TLA and Treelord are both bad lol.  But the Treelord is at least cheap. What really bugs me about the TLA is how his melee profile is lower than the treelord despite being 100pts more

    Each time I find myself thinking about fielding a TLA, I just end up with a Branchwraith, Treelord and 20pts in my pocket.  


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    • Thanks 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, Kantchill said:

    Wow, thanks a lot for your extensive comment! This helps a lot indeed. A few followup questions regarding your feedback.

    I was under the impressions modelcount in the army was still important in AoS. Isn’t battleline still usefull to grab objectives? Swapping out ~15 models to ~6 to 9 less mobile units  sounds like decreasing my chance to win those objectives. 

    I’m also unsure about a unit of 20 Spites. Even with the units of 10 I’m having a hard time getting everyone in combat. What’s the benefit of running a 20 man unit besides less drops/points?

    I thought the Ancient was a bit to pricey in points as well (Combined with way to many points in characters...), so I guess at least he wil get cut for some Kurnoth’s. I’m not to sure about the Wych as she has been of use in my games, but maybe just swap her with the Arch-Revenant? That will also be usefull when playing more Kurnoths...

    I don’t understand how Kurnoth’s and Alarielle fill the same roll tho. Could you explain that to me? I always saw her as a heavy hitter like Drycha or Durthu, but not really as a core strength of the army. Am I missing something?



    Model count is important to some extent, but there is a bit more to it. A larger unit is more likely to survive shooting and counter-attacks while on that objective. Multiple small units will frequently evaporate to leadership tests after just a few wounds. Many units can wipe out 10 spites in combat before they even swing! If you want your units to accomplish anything beyond being a speedbump, then you need to be able to absorb some casualties. (though speedbumps can be useful)

    The Arch Revenant is fantastic, but she really only shines when you have multiple Kurnoth units (or one large unit) to buff. So if you plan on adding the hunters, then swapping out the Wych for the Arch is a great idea.

    Kurnoth Hunters are awesome because they hit hard, and are survivable. They are your can-openers. Alarielle shares those traits. So if you have ~600pts leftover and need something to hit like a truck, then either Alarielle or Kurnoth Hunters are solid choices. 


    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Treelord Ancient or Spirit of Durthu?

    Durthu is hands down better than Treelord Ancient. Personally I would rather have a vanilla Treelord over a TLA. 

    4 hours ago, Atreyu said:

    Hey there, how many of the new Wyldwoods are needed on average at 2000 points?

    The absolute minimum is 2. I personally carry 3 with me  though note that the old citadel woods are cheaper and still available. ( and easier to carry, just leave the trees at home). Note that our true allegiance strength comes from the glade rules. The forests are nice to have, but not critical. 

    People often imagine the board covered in forests, but you will frequently run into problems finding room to summon them, especially if you are using recommended amounts of normal terrain. In my experience, the ideal places to summon them (objectives) are usually too crowded with models by turns 2-3. 



  15. 1 hour ago, Kantchill said:

    Been lurking here for some time, but need some advice ! I've been working on a competitive (all-comers) Sylvaneth list and I'm having my first tournament with them next month! The problem is, I'm really struggling to win games right now. I have played competitive 40k for about 4 years and with a very high win rate, but I can't seem to make AoS work, lol.  (I started a few months ago with AoS, have played about 20 games now) 

    I was wondering if anyone sees any mayor flaws in the list building or in my tactics, or if you have any other solid advice for me playing Sylvaneth. The goal is to try and stay away from the Kurnoth net-lists... Personally I think I might be to heavy on the big dudes. Maybe drop the Ancient for an Arch-Revenant and a unit of Kurnoth Hunters? I really like to free Wyldwood he gives tho, it's pretty strong and I use them a lot to teleport Durthu en Drycha to where I need them most. The Wych is also a possible contender to swap for something else, but she's pretty decent support with her spells for only 80 points. 

    Any and all help or tips, however small, are appreciated! :)

    I'm using the following list:

    Glade; Harvestboon

    - General, Ghyrstrike, Seek new Fruit
    - Regrowth
    Treelord Ancient
    - Regrowth, Silent Sickle
    - Verdous Harmony
    - Throne of Vines

    20x Dryads
    10x Spite-Revenants
    10x Spite-Revenants
    10x Spite-Revenants
    5x Tree-Revenants
    5x Tree-Revenants

    Outcast Battalion

    Spiteswarm Hive




    Welcome to Sylvaneth! Here are some quick tips on this list.

    -Battleline - Unlike 40k, there is no real advantage to taking more than 3 battleline units. Remember that there is no objective secured, and chargers don't always get to attack first, so a single large unit is almost always better than several small ones (it also gives you less drops and point discounts) . So I would STRONGLY recommend you  trim your battleline units to 20 Dryads, 20 spites, and 5 Tree Revenants. This will give you much more use and also refund you 340pts. This would necessitate you dropping Outcast as well. If you really want Outcast, consider keeping 3x10 Spites and dropping the Tree Revs and Dryads.

    -Characters - Durthu and Drycha are great, but when you add in the Treelord ancient, wych/wraiths, and spell you end up at a whopping 1170pts in characters. I would encourage you to trim these guys down. I personally would drop the Treelord Ancient and Branchwych. The Treelord is just not worth his price right now, even with the free forest. If you MUST have the forest, then just use your extra battalion item on the Branchwraith to get the Acorn

    -Other - With those changes, we can address your real issue: Combat punch. Your only heavy hitters are Durthu and Drycha, and they can't carry the entire army. I would take the 700+ points you have from the above changes and invest in some Kurnoth Hunters. They are the core strength of our army.  Alternatively, you could invest in Alarielle, as she fills a simliar role and gives you a "free" unit of Kurnoth Hunters,

    Hope this helps! 

  16. I also think Hunters with Bows are pretty soft, but then a guy just won a tourney fielding 9 of them so who knows lol.

    I think they may look soft on paper, but internally they add a shooting option to a book that has extremely limited shooting capability. Sadly they also are stuck paying premium points for stat-lines and abilities that don't benefit them at all in their role. (Glades, WS 3+, rerollable saves, stomp, envoys, etc). 

     IMHO if you want a splash of shooting then allies are MUCH more efficient.  Waystalkers, Celester Ballistas or maybe even Sisters are just better at their job.

  17. 2 hours ago, Ian Wallsh said:


    As a brand new Sylvaneth Player with 3 Branchwraiths and 3 Branchwych's I was just wondering, do you folks have a preference for either Branchwraith /Branchwych's and if so - what are those preferences and why.....? 

    I've read a lot of criticism re Branchwych's from a well-known source but I would like to hear it from a Seasoned, experienced Player's perspective....? 

    I love the Branchwraith Models.... But am open to persuasion (not having yet faced my first battle) 


    Kind regards 

    Ian Wallsh 


    Branchwych's are fine if you just want a cheap caster or if you bring along a balewind vortex. But if you have the extra dryad models the wraith is clearly better.  

    The wych might do some damage late in the game but the wraith has the potential to put 100pts of models on the table every turn.

  18. 47 minutes ago, Emissary said:

    A large part of the cost for battalions isn't the added abilities, artifacts and command points.  It's the high degree of control a player with one has over a player without one for deciding who gets the first turn.  The first year of points in AOS had battalions as rather cheap.  Because of this issue, when the next General's Handbook came out all battalions went up significantly in points and it's been that way since.

    Ah good point. I usually play with Alarielle so I get first turn choice more often than not. But in more traditional lists I can I see how important that would be.

    Whats strange is that lately I actually prefer taking second turn. Getting double turned is always bad but it seems particularly brutal at the start of the game. 

  19. 45 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    Hi everyone, would like to request some advice. I have two 1750 games coming up this month as part of a league, I'm currently joint first with major 7 wins and 1 loss. I expect to face two tough games against decent players this month. The first list I face is likely to be a Sacrosanct chamber with 3 celestar and a few other units. The second is LoN who is likely to have 2 VLOZD, 1 with the ethereal amulet. I suspect he will then be taking skeletons and necromancers for the remaining points, but I am unsure about this. The battle plan is Total Commitment, so all units have to be deployed at the start of the game. 

    I am thinking of running the following list. (edit - Kurnoths are with swords not scythes). I also have access to dryads, branchwych and a treelord ancient as possible other options. Any advice on changes / how to play it would be welcome.


    That list is fantastic. Loving the big unit of Eels. They should kill just about anything on the charge. You may want to consider taking Dreadwood instead of Winterleaf. Losing the exploding 6's sucks, but your Spites will appreciate the rerolls. Being able to teleport 6 hunters or 20 spites anywhere will be terrifying.

    My only recommendation would be to swap out durthu for Drycha. She is much more reliable and also buffs your spites. 

    • Thanks 1
  20. @Tiberius501

    Thats a solid list. Winterleaf is probably your best glade, especially if you are new to Sylvaneth. Like everyone else said, the Arch Revenant is the ideal character to give the Kernel. 

     I  don't think you need an Outcast battalion, unless you already plan on taking 3 full units of Spites at battleline. Spites need to be taken in larger units to be effective.  A unit of 5 is just a speed bump or an objective camper, and Tree Revenants are MUCH better at that job for a negligible price increase. 

    On a side note/rant: I have always found the battalion taxes to be rather excessive. You are already severely altering your list, and you need at least two unnamed characters to take advantage of the additional item. So you are really paying like 3 separate taxes. The point costs should be cut in half for all but the most powerful battalions gamewide IMHO.


  21. On 10/5/2019 at 6:58 PM, Ian Wallsh said:

    Can anyone recommend where I can learn to paint like a pro....? I'm still busy "Assembling" my first Sylvaneth Army but I'd really like to make them look good!!! 😁 

    There is a really good Warhammer TV episode on painting Dryads. You can use the same method on the rest of the army.

    However if you are first-timer when it comes to painting, I would strongly recommend you consider the "wash-method". Its a fantastic way to get a tabletop quality army done very quickly without the need for advanced techniques. Its particularly effective on Sylvaneth models.

    -Prime with a matt white spray paint

    -Use Agrax Earthshade on Wood areas

    -Use Hexwraith Flame on leaves

    -Use Nihilakh Oxide on ghostly parts like Spites/Tree Revenant bodies (weapons too!)

    If you make a mistake, just paint over the mistake with white paint, let dry, then rewash!


    Also note that if you ever want to repaint your models using traditional paint later, you can paint over washes without losing much detail.


  22. Here is a secret: Non-sylvaneth players don't know the difference between the treelords lol.

    Even in a strict WYSIWYG environment, you will only need to make sure you have the right equipment (ie  Claws, Sword, or Staff.) The head/stance/loincloth/etc are just personal preferences. 




  23. I personally prefer Cogs. Mainly because it has alternative uses outside of movement buffing. There will be many opponents that rush you and potentially make buffing movement moot.

    Actually many players take Cogs specifically for its additional spell. The movement buffs are just icing on the cake!

    I think the bridge and boat are fine, if a bit steep in the cost department. (both points and cash!)



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