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  1. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gymhammer-winter-smack-down-age-of-sigmar-2k-2day-tickets-637381093007 Forgot to post it here lol lists and ticket deadline 4th of December Event venue 75a ringwood rd Bh140rg Welcome to the 2000 point Age of Sigmar tournament held at 75A Ringwood Road, Poole on the 9th/10th of December . Please find below the event pack for the competition: Event Description: - Fully painted and based armies - 2000 pts. matched play - Conversions and alternative models are more than welcome - Swiss pairing and tracking on BCP app - Pairings will be determined through Swiss pairing on BCP app - Please ensure that army lists are uploaded by the 4th december . Trophies: - 1st Place Overall - 2nd Place Overall - Best in Grand Alliance (1 for each grand alliance) - Painting Awards (Judges' vote for Best Painted, Player's vote for Best Painted) - Coolest Army Awards (Judges' vote for Coolest Army, Player's vote for Coolest Army) - Best individual model 50mm or under Player voted - Best monster 60mm or above Player voted I've added these two so people who are into to painting but don't have the time for a full army can enter something - Wooden Spoon Trophy Game Schedule: 29th July - First Round: 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM - Second Round: 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM - Third Round: 4:00 PM - 6:45 PM 30th July - Fourth Round: 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM - Fifth Round: 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM - Awards: 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Please note that if we run ahead of schedule, we will start the rounds early. Free parking is available at the venue, and we will provide free tea and coffee. However, lunch is not provided, so please bring a packed lunch or take advantage of the dining options available. Dining Options: - Cabaleros Cafe - 50 yards away - Fish and Chip Shop - 250 meters away - Subway - 800 meters away - Local Shops - 400m away - Coop - 800m away - McDonald's drive-thru - one mile away - Delivery options (Deliveroo, Just Eat) are also available. Ticket Information: - Tickets are £40 per person - There are 30 tickets available - More tables may be opened if necessary, but we want to ensure that each table has ample walking room around it and space to play. Ticket funds will be used to cover building hire, trophies and prize support with any excess used to improving the event, terrain and mats that we also lend out to other local events. Welcome to Gym hammer! Please find below the etiquette rules that we ask all players to follow: 1. Be respectful to your opponent. Remember that everyone is here to have fun and enjoy the game. 2. Use appropriate language at all times - no offensive or derogatory language will be tolerated. (You know the limits of banter and swearing please just judge that off your opponent if you swear a lot unintentionally just make it clear to your opponent everyone's from a different background also if you get offended by something just let your opponent know it is most likely unintentional) 3. Use a clear and understandable arrangement of models on the tabletop to avoid confusion with your opponent. 4. Be prepared for each round, including all required books, dice, templates, markers etc. 5. You must declare your intended actions and abilities clearly and allow your opponent to respond and/or take actions. 6. When rolling dice, both players must agree before picking them up or rerolling. You may not alter the result later, except to fix an accidental mistake. 7. Any rules questions should be raised with TOs, who will be available throughout the event. If a TO is not available right away, you should make a temporary decision and continue to play until a ruling can be sought. 8. If you are running late or unable to attend a game, please let the TO know as soon as possible. You may forfeit games if you don't arrive on time. 9. If any of your games run over time, they will be looked into for slow play. However, beginner or less competitive players will be given a leeway, and we encourage players to try to prevent slow play. 10. Above all, have fun and enjoy the game! Please note that TOs will be available to address any rules questions that may arise. Rules Welcome to Gymhammer's upcoming Age of Sigmar event! We would like to inform all players that we will be using the latest rulesets for Age of Sigmar, as well as the latest version of the General's Handbook up to the date of 1st December 2023 In case any new rules or updates are released up to this point, they will be in play for the event. However, any new release without an FAQ will be interpreted as rules as written, unless they're considered completely unreasonable, in which case the TOs will have a House Rule FAQ in place before army list submissions. We would like to remind all participants of the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest rulesets and ensuring they have an accurate understanding of the game's mechanics. Please contact the TOs with any questions or concerns related to the rules at any time. Best of luck to all players, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the event. Link to BCP to upload lists https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/event/wq19tucv
  2. Welcome to the 2000 point Age of Sigmar tournament held at 75A Ringwood Road, Poole on the 29th and 30th of July. Please find below the event pack for the competition: Event Description: - Fully painted and based armies - 2000 pts. matched play - Conversions and alternative models are more than welcome - Swiss pairing and tracking on BCP app - Pairings will be determined through Swiss pairing on BCP app - Please ensure that army lists are uploaded by the 23rd of July latest. Trophies: - 1st Place Overall - 2nd Place Overall - Best in Grand Alliance (1 for each grand alliance) - Painting Awards (Judges' vote for Best Painted, Player's vote for Best Painted) - Coolest Army Awards (Judges' vote for Coolest Army, Player's vote for Coolest Army) - Wooden Spoon Trophy Game Schedule: 29th July - First Round: 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM - Second Round: 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM - Third Round: 4:00 PM - 6:45 PM 30th July - Fourth Round: 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM - Fifth Round: 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM - Awards: 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Please note that if we run ahead of schedule, we will start the rounds early. Free parking is available at the venue, and we will provide free tea and coffee. However, lunch is not provided, so please bring a packed lunch or take advantage of the dining options available. Dining Options: - Cabaleros Cafe - 50 yards away - Fish and Chip Shop - 250 meters away - Subway - 800 meters away - Local Shops - 400m away - Coop - 800m away - McDonald's drive-thru - one mile away - Delivery options (Deliveroo, Just Eat) are also available. Ticket Information: - Tickets are £40 per person - There are 30 tickets available - More tables may be opened if necessary, but we want to ensure that each table has ample walking room around it and space to play. Ticket funds will be used to cover building hire, trophies and prize support with any excess used to improving the event, terrain and mats that we also lend out to other local events. Welcome to Gym hammer! Please find below the etiquette rules that we ask all players to follow: 1. Be respectful to your opponent. Remember that everyone is here to have fun and enjoy the game. 2. Use appropriate language at all times - no offensive or derogatory language will be tolerated. (You know the limits of banter and swearing please just judge that off your opponent if you swear a lot unintentionally just make it clear to your opponent everyone's from a different background also if you get offended by something just let your opponent know it is most likely unintentional) 3. Use a clear and understandable arrangement of models on the tabletop to avoid confusion with your opponent. 4. Be prepared for each round, including all required books, dice, templates, markers etc. 5. You must declare your intended actions and abilities clearly and allow your opponent to respond and/or take actions. 6. When rolling dice, both players must agree before picking them up or rerolling. You may not alter the result later, except to fix an accidental mistake. 7. Any rules questions should be raised with TOs, who will be available throughout the event. If a TO is not available right away, you should make a temporary decision and continue to play until a ruling can be sought. 8. If you are running late or unable to attend a game, please let the TO know as soon as possible. You may forfeit games if you don't arrive on time. 9. If any of your games run over time, they will be looked into for slow play. However, beginner or less competitive players will be given a leeway, and we encourage players to try to prevent slow play. 10. Above all, have fun and enjoy the game! Please note that TOs will be available to address any rules questions that may arise. Rules Welcome to Gymhammer's upcoming Age of Sigmar event! We would like to inform all players that we will be using the latest rulesets for Age of Sigmar, as well as the latest version of the General's Handbook up to the date of 23rd of July 23:59. In case any new rules or updates are released up to this point, they will be in play for the event. However, any new release without an FAQ will be interpreted as rules as written, unless they're considered completely unreasonable, in which case the TOs will have a House Rule FAQ in place before army list submissions. We would like to remind all participants of the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest rulesets and ensuring they have an accurate understanding of the game's mechanics. Please contact the TOs with any questions or concerns related to the rules at any time. Best of luck to all players, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the event. Link to BCP to upload lists https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/event/ayvuv27l
  3. Not really its basic organisational skills used in any environment. For example are these all the units for release for the next 2years for this army? Yes ok book good to go, No include in book. Then its what is oldest? is someone working on it? Why not? what is next in the narrative? and then some comparative spreadsheet of the sales of certain armies in the last 10 years, including what over flow stock needs to be shifted. Same with books etc has it been proof read by 20 plus people etc, If you notice these are all basic management/business checks that include no specificity and can be applied to different business models. product-excellent game excellent design excellent management/organisational skills and communication - debatable lets go with the next primaris release and model that no one wants gets 300 comments and then they bring another primaris while neglecting 15year old elder models but then this is just an opinion from an outsider, theres many complex factors to include like how much to manufacture, to distribute etc then stock stores are holding on top which then may influence decisions and I wouldn't even want to attempt 40k because that has such a convoluted ruleset that you need an entire warehouse just to learn the rules.
  4. Always excited for new releases, its good to remember that people making the decisions is only a small team, just like the rules teams its under funded, or by the looks of it completely bodged together, bringing out battle tomes then bringing out models not in the battle tomes or bringing out models lets go kurnothi with no follow up, shaven release still buying ancient acolytes and night runners or marauders. Also kits like the start collecting slaves not coming with a command sprue something that a 5year old would of picked on. So even though i am a GW suck up its clear in all aspects they lack the most basic of management and communication skills, not only within departments bu as whole, you could take any mid level manager or army cpl and stick them in charge of a department and with no understanding of the game they could organise releases, customer communication, inter department communications. from an outsider looking in, its just many individuals that can produce high levels of work not working to gather but working independantly and the hashed together.
  5. Its pretty simple to fix. when your playing you mates discuss how hard your going to play, you know who's good and who's poor, if I play dave he's running obr but i know i can run khorne and 66% of the time win, whereas if i play henrik and he's running his seraphon i need to run slaves, cities or nurgle but if henrik brings a fun army i can bring a fun army. If war mill runs tzeentch or big waaagh i know i've got a 50percent chance to beat him with troggs. our friend simon will only bring his KO if we request him to bring it. Answer buy more armies be grown ups and play fun people!!!! Tourney wise it comes down to why your there i go for fun pretty much always run my khorne and i go because il get more games in 2days than a month sometimes also its great for social catch ups meeting people etc your end up playing people similar level to you after the first 2 games anyway. The only thing that needs addressing is uninteractive phases, lumineth realm lords just scrap the book completely write a new one it just needs whole new book, seraphon just need a few tweaks, KO and shoot cast get solved with a few point increases.
  6. until
    2 days 2000points 5 games, meals included both days I will update runners when I get to pop in the store all tickets are through them. Entoyment has had local authority approval for it's event organising and support from the Police with our risk assessments. So you know we are doing all we can to keep you safe while you play. It's important to note in the event pack that it also your responsibility to follow our guidelines when you attend and we will red card anyone who does not take others in to consideration when attending. Ticket price is £40 and includes lunch on both days. Players must submit their lists in Warscroll Builder format only to: waaaghevents@outlook.com by no later than 11pm on 4 September 2020 Event Pack as follows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1fsrd29cgq72ib1/Waaagh-Warmup-Sept-2020.pdf?dl=0 Ticket Link - https://entoyment.co.uk/product/waaagh-warmup-realm-of-nowhere-aos/?fbclid=IwAR2r9zzAJrWkbuQkq35syWDslMdigZS3l_3M1BWg7P_T72jZ-N4a9Upn5bk Runners (this will get updated when I get to pop in the store and confirm ticket purchases) 1)Andy Burgess 2)Henrik Reschreiter 3)Thomas Richardson 4)Simon Holdridge 5)War Mill 6) James brown 7)Ash Bone 8 Eric hoerger 9) Russell Perkins 10) Russell Perkins (friend) 11) Russell Perkins (friend) 12) Gabrielle Sosso 13) Roland Martin 14) Robert Phillips 15) Robert Phillips (1) James Clark 16) Robert Phillips (2) Doug Croucher 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24)
  7. Event Title: Waaagh warm-up : Realm of nowhere Event Author: TimM85 Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 09/12/2020 09:00 AM to 09/13/2020 05:00 PM 2 days 2000points 5 games, meals included both days I will update runners when I get to pop in the store all tickets are through them. Entoyment has had local authority approval for it's event organising and support from the Police with our risk assessments. So you know we are doing all we can to keep you safe while you play. It's important to note in the event pack that it also your responsibility to follow our guidelines when you attend and we will red card anyone who does not take others in to consideration when attending. Ticket price is £40 and includes lunch on both days. Players must submit their lists in Warscroll Builder format only to: waaaghevents@outlook.com by no later than 11pm on 4 September 2020 Event Pack as follows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1fsrd29cgq72ib1/Waaagh-Warmup-Sept-2020.pdf?dl=0 Ticket Link - https://entoyment.co.uk/product/waaagh-warmup-realm-of-nowhere-aos/?fbclid=IwAR2r9zzAJrWkbuQkq35syWDslMdigZS3l_3M1BWg7P_T72jZ-N4a9Upn5bk Runners (this will get updated when I get to pop in the store and confirm ticket purchases) 1)Andy Burgess 2)Henrik Reschreiter 3)Thomas Richardson 4)Simon Holdridge 5)War Mill 6) James brown 7)Ash Bone 8 Eric hoerger 9) Russell Perkins 10) Russell Perkins (friend) 11) Russell Perkins (friend) 12) Gabrielle Sosso 13) Roland Martin 14) Robert Phillips 15) Robert Phillips (1) James Clark 16) Robert Phillips (2) Doug Croucher 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) Waaagh warm-up : Realm of nowhere
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/age-of-sigmar-2000pt-painted-and-based-slaves-to-darkness-army/193457891451?hash=item2d0afd287b:g:sT4AAOSwfL9etw24 Reserve is at £105 can't see it going for much more happy to take the post down if you've got some unpainted troggs you want to trade for it Full 2000 post army, 1x forgeworld dp 1x 3rd party dp with bloodthirster axe, 2x gw sorcerer lord, 1x 3rd party (dr from carnevale, 5x5 knights with enscrolled weapons full command, chaos war shrine, I run it as plague touched battalion 2000pts on the dot, comes with battle tome, gw cards, and some homemade tokens to help play the army. Fun to play with and easy to setup just getting rid to raise funds for my troggs. Feel free to message or comment for more photos some photos on the link
  9. I completely agree with different points in different factions, for example nagash is far superior in OBR he knows all spells and plus 1 to save when petrifex yet the same points in LON, but then some factions don't need it like khorne (love my khorne) reapers, blood lords and gore tide are all on the same level whereas skull fiend no one takes it not ever. So I am firmly with the vote for individual points costs but thats just a dream, some units points or stats are outrageously bad and GW don't do anything to balance them battle tomes come out with glaring errors, so that needs to be sorted before anything else. But with no context or true insight into the rules process we have no idea how many people are working on it, feasibility and costs etc so having an opinion is great but could it actually be done and maintained is another question. (I just visualise 2 guys or girls grafting away at the rules with no company or managerial support expected to sort all the rules out)
  10. yeah, or i thought on step further, every table has a red and blue set sealed at the start of the tourney, with 2 sealed back gammon dice as the priority dice, then those dice stay on that table so no player ends up using the same set up dice twice. Though this probably for another thread but if people were serious about making t sports grow thats the way to do it. Though financial viability of good quality dice with painted sides may make it impossible, for example 2 competition level approved backgammon dice cost £11-15, I thought cheeses were pretty good but after some research they're not.
  11. Gaming the other day and actually discussed this winning by 1- VPs should definitely be a minor victory minor loss and would also then negate almost any need to track Kill points at a tourney and would also mean a tighter leaderboard across a 2day tournament as it is at the moment only certain battle plans are you likely to see major and minors knife to the heart, blood and glory, gift from the heavens.
  12. not knowing the process makes it difficult its easy to pass judgement, but each army must be an epic undertaking with a lot of effort put in and a lot of people only notice the mistakes, I could go on forever on how good the game is and each design and battle tome but heres my criticisms 1- Releasing start collecting boxes without the unit upgrade options- ie slaves to darkness and not having the models released so I can buy them, having silly long waiting periods for models and not having models available- I would suggest a back order system - an example of the process that would work 1- when sisters battle battle force was sold out have an order system that has the money pending for 30days if they manage to get 100 of these in the allotted time they would put in the order (numbers circumstantial would have to be what ever is cost efficient for them to still make a profit) this would stop individuals buying and then selling at higher prices. Also release the damn models it is first and foremost a game not being able to get a model because its out of stock or only available in said boxset is B/S its bad marketing and business, to begin with its great drives up hype and sales but eventually crashes because people get sick of it and move on to games where everything in it is available. at minimum a timeline of when already released models will be available should be provided. 2- Proof reading - 50 odd players in their play test group and not one person picked up things like the nurgle dp ability? but i don't know how the system works has it already gone to print before the test it? or do they get a pdf? so many questions but they need to proof read it have it read by several people that play the game to see how they interrupt it, 3- I'd love if I bought a book to at least get a discount code to use it on the azyr app, for me having the books important I love a physical copy nice to sit and read than stare at phone but for gaming app battle tome is much better. 4- With balance I'm not to bothered Ill just buy and play armies that I think are cool and it will never truly be a balanced game, though there is definitely a lack of communication between designers of battle tomes at minimum new armies need to be tested against each other, and be 50/50 even if they they are both stronger or weaker than the meta. I've got no problem with some armies being stronger it makes some games more challenging, but they do need to be fun and dynamic for the game, the only bad example I have of a release is the bone reapers they're are boring to play with and against. 5- I'd love to go to a tourney where each player is given a pack of sealed dice and they are the dice you use for the tournament. (just thought i'd throw it in) I'm not really into bashing GW but these should be easy fix, they have done an excellent job and models are so much better than when I played fantasy 17-18 years ago and I love how dynamic and vast AOS has become, the problems seem to be management errors and simple oversights that could easily be fixed.
  13. just follow the terrain rules, when running our tourneys I try to ensure there are at least 2 large LOS blocking pieces on each table along with 4 other large pieces and 4 small, making the 10 required pieces for a table. Also theres so many good manufacturers of terrain out their being listed to just GW terrain is silly. (warmill, dark fantastic mill etc) or for basic affordable full table £40 terrains4games. Ive got a couple of ophidian archways and although fantastic in design they are far from LOS or movement blocking pieces also 10 gw pieces 1 table would set you back £300-450 and no way near as good as stuff they used to produce witch fate tor, orc encampment, dwarf mountain, the absolutely massive tower that extended to building. Limiting you games to just AOS scenery seems mad, until they bring more affordable options and actual LOS blocking. Unless its a GW store, also my options might be a bit out as we have all games at our store and all the terrain is provided I just have 7 tables to help supplement them when running tourneys.
  14. Troll trader will be down this first day of the tourney if your looking for some bargains or have any old armies to trade in. https://www.facebook.com/TheTrollTrader/
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