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Koradrel of Chrace

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Posts posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. @Lyzel I picked up the Idoneth around July or so, thinking, "Well, this is pretty much the Elven army for AOS."  Cue a couple months later and we start getting Pointy Aelves rumors, and now I have this army that will be playing second fiddle to my Lumineth.  The upside is I am just getting back into the hobby, so they gave me a chance to remember how to paint as well as try some new techniques.

  2. As they have specifically referenced Tyrion now in the latest army along with Teclis, I think he's going to be part if the Lumineth.  Whether he's part of this first release remains to be seen.  However, he's too awesome of a character, and the concept of his Angel Aelves too unique, for us not to see them in model form at some point.

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  3. @Tiger Yeah, I kinda figured that might be a little bit too far out there, I was just spittballing ideas.

    As for the fate of aelven souls, both Slaanesh and Nagash hunger for them.  They make a rather big deal about how Slaanesh still, even from prison, wants the Idoneth's souls, which is one of the reasons they hide the way they do.  I can't imagine the Lumineth, escaping a similar fate, wouldn't want to take steps to safeguard their souls now that they are free.

    In a similar fasion, I also can't see Tyrion and Teclis being happy that Nagash is using their departed kinsmen as weapons.  And neither of them particularly is afraid of Nagash, so again, I see them taking steps to halt his plans as well.

    In other news, it appears as though we might owe Katakros a small debt.  Apparantly in the Wrath of the Everchosen, Archaon has found Slaanesh and is trying to free him/her.  Katakros' invasion of Eightpoints interrupts Archaon, forcing him to return and defend his home turf.  This is probably the thing that galvanizes Teclis to lead the Lumineth out into battle.

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  4. I wonder if we might get a berzerker-style unit, one made up of those who don't or can't use the aetherquartz?  It would be almost like the Blood Angels Death Company, where they are so lost that the only thing that can be done is to give them a glorious death in battle.  Too dark for the Lumineth maybe?


    In a similar note, since aelven death popped in my head, I wonder what they are doing to safeguard their souls.  The Idoneth have something very similar to the Aeldari Infinity Circuit, I wonder if the Idoneth have taken measures as well?

  5. I like the lore so far.  The whole concept of self-improvement and searching for perfection.  I also like how this parallels Slaanesh, really showcasing that Slaanesh is sort of their dark mirror.


    On the plus side, the article does seem to confirm that Tyrion is part of the faction.  How much of an appearence he makes, we'll still have to wait and see.  If he were to actually get a model at this point, and I was GW in charge of how to dispense info on the Lumineth, he would be the very last thing I would showcase.  So here's to hoping that prediction/bit of wishlisting comes true!

  6. I'm also interesting in seeing the color schemes for the different factions.  My old High Elves I painted in the colors of each of the different provinces, but was able to unify the whole force through white as a major color on each unit.  I'd be thrilled if I could do something similar with the various subfactions for the Lumineth.  I like having unique color schemes for each unit but keeping an over all cohesion to the army!

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  7. Well, when you get down to it, there aren't really any "good guys" in the Age of Sigmar.  Even the heroes of the setting, the Stormcast, have murdered innocents in the fight against Chaos.  KO are willing to kill over trade rights, Cities are will to kill to gain power and prestige, Idoneth kill for souls, Sylveneth because you're in their territory, etc.

    While there are heroic characters in the setting, they are generally heroic because they do what must be done, no matter the cost.

  8. I think Swordmaster/Loremaster unit/characters are almost a given considering Teclis' White Tower background.  For him that was the pinnacle of High Elf society, so I can't see him not wanting to bring that into the current age, especially since Hysh is supposed to be all about Enlightenment.

    That said, Celennar points to the fact that they will want to add some sort of fantastical elements to the army as well.  I think we'll see not just re-imagined units, but an evolution of the old High Elves as well.  From a lore standpoint, I am intesnely curious as to why they are calling them the Realm-Lords.  Is the this because the rule Hysh, or because they are trying to bring their "Enlightenment" through force to the other realms?

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  9. I like how the Idoneth play honestly.  Reminds me of old school Dark Eldar.  And honestly, as long as you aren't playing in a super heavy environment, most builds you come up with should be fine.  We have effectively two gaming groups in my area: a more relaxed group dominated by three(!) Dissposessed players, and then a more tournament focussed group that includes a Triple Keeper Slaanesh player, a hardcore Skaven player, and more recently a Petrifex player.  As long as you know which group you're going to be playing, you can be ready to go.  Are eels still going to be needed for both groups?  Maybe, but when I'm playing the relaxed group, as long as I have one unit of six Morrsarr I find I'm doing all right, and can play around with other units (except maybe Lotann).

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