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Koradrel of Chrace

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Posts posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. Heh, while I wish Swordmasters were in the reveal, they were not, unless they were hidden in some of the concept art shown.

    And while we are drawing parallels between old High Elf units and what we want in the book, I think Teclis' model has proved they are still going to add in AOS-style high fantasy weirdness.  If only so they can make it unique from the High Elves of old. 

    How quick we've also forgotten our earlier talk of flaws.  I think it would be neat to have a unit that shows the darker side of what Teclis is trying to do.

  2. @woolf Actually just started using one with my Deepkin that I'm painting.  I am flabbergasted at the amount of stuff youtube has to offer tutorial-wise.  I really wish we had that kind of resource when I first got into the hobby!

    @Amradiel nobody knows as of yet.  That said, there hacing been shipping containers spotted with Seraphon warscroll cards, which might indicate before the Realm Lords.  Given that we just found out the name of the faction, I'm not sure whether anyone has checked to see if anything for the Lumineth has shipped yet.

  3. I'm looking forward to a combined arms style list.  I really loved how the old High Elves list supported itself in a version of the game that was significantly less about ability synergies.  I am optimistic from the units shown that they might be importing some of that old play style to AOS.  And who knows, maybe GW will have finally figured out a way to make elite armies conpetitive with out breaking the game (looking at you Petrifex Elite).

  4. @JackStreicher Ha ha ha, I had the exact opposite reaction!  I actually really like the breastplates, especially of the Dawnriders!  I like the engraved emblems on them.


    The other thing I find intriguing is the champion for the Wardens.  He has a back-banner pole samurai-style along with that lantern.  I wander if he's functioning as a full command all by himself?

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    Eltharion was killed in ET by the spell curse of year of Arkhan

    That maybe why he doesn't have a body now

    Make him even deadlier 


    Please tell me he has a special rule where he hates Arkhan, kind of like how he used to hate Grom.  That would be so amazingly Eltharion!

  6. GW historically does horrible jobs on their faces for characters.  The old High Elf female mage had a paint job that made her look like a man, but the model itself was actually really good.  I'd wait until you have Teclis in hand to judge.


    While he isn't featured, I still want to know where Tyrion is.  And the other question is: are there dragons?

    If Teclis is all we are getting, though, I am beyond happy.  That is a truely amazing centerpiece model.  It's time I start upping my painting game.

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