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Posts posted by MidasKiss

  1. I'm really excited for the Nurgle release! It's not going to be that big a release it seems, so I wish people would just be happy for other players.

    4 hours ago, Cerlin said:

    There is a reason that the Kharadon were my first new AoS faction.  None of the others appealled too me. 

    Hopefully expand some old factions or make some new ones that I actually feel like buying.

    Kharadron hasn't been out that long! How often do you think GW should release an army with your interests specifically ;)

    • Like 4
  2. Review of Blightwar i just read say the only Allegiance Ability rules in the book are the Stormcast and Nurgle battle traits. No command traits, artefacts, spells or prayers.
    I am a bit frustrated by this release - its basically a tease of new models, rules and fluff without any actual meat. Good if you want all the models but frankly it feels like filler in between primaris releases (6th different box with intercessors in goes up for preorder on saturday...)
    Will we be able to us that battle trait and the generic chaos command traits and items at this stage?

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

  3. I think GW has stopped doing miniless books for AoS. With 15 factions getting allegiance abilities in Ghb2 it is safe to assume that those factions will not get a battletome for at least a year.
    They said the reason for not doing other factions was a lack of minis or a lack of ideas. Both would prevent the release of a new miniless book.
    There is chance that we will get a nurgle book but I think blight war is the stop gap release there. So much like Tzeentch we may see a full book plus minis next year.
    Aelves are definitely on the way. That said the lion cloak and mini dragon arm may both be from Shadespire.
    I would not be surprised to see a quiet winter followed by a very busy spring again.
    GW are doing a panel about Ghb2 at the nova open next week, during which they will talk a little about the future of aos. Hopefully they will show us more than just the season of war stuff.
    Hoping for Moonclan then because they have plenty of cool ideas. Plastic squigs are going to rock 2018

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  4. Here is a guesstimated release list for the rest of the year.
    aug 26- blight war 
    sep3- season of war
    sep 10-24 Deathguard 
    oct 1-8 admech
    oct 15- 22 shadespire plus expansion 1
    0ct 29 elf bloodbowl
     Nov 5 - 12 Necromunda plus expansion
    Nov 19 shadespire expansion 2 plus 40k codex 6
    nov 26 Dec 3 codex 7 plus minis
    dec 10 codex 8 and 9 
    dec 17 codex 10
    dec 24 40k chapter approved 
    That is already a rediculously packed shedule and I am kind of expecting at least one more big mini release for 40k this year.  It does not leave much room for a new battletome unfortunately. 
    P.s The order is definitely wrong but these are the releases that GW has already promised will come this year. Even if they announce nothing else, they will struggle to fit it all in to their usual release format.
    Could see a battletome with no new units for AoS sliding in easily

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

    • Like 3
  5. 8 hours ago, wayniac said:


    Yeah but even so why would you ever not take it on a disc? Being on the disc is better in every way the fact that they cost the same points notwithstanding.


    If I wanted no daemons in my tzeentch mortals army, or I preferred the look of all on foot maybe. 

    Problem is when you say better in every way you do so in the context of points. If The foot guys had have been a third of the price maybe they would be better in every way. In narrative / open, where you decide how much they are worth, ideally they will end up being exactly as good as the ones on disks

  6. I found some prices on the new Stormcast release. Seems like GW may have listened to some of us about prices, because this looks like a really nice discount!
    Varenguard hunters (10man) $60

    Griffon hounds (x6) $25

    Liberators (10man) $62

    Judicators (10man) $62

    Prosecutors (6man) $74

    Battletome (updates of ALL stormcast) $40

    War scrolls (includes some tokens too?) $25

    Deathworld Forrest (huge terrain set) $130

    Anything out on this deathworld forest? Sounds cool

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

  7. Just now, TerrorPenguin said:

    No they're not hard to do once you get it set up, which admittedly did require a bit of trial and error from the French! I will put a post up on how to do it when I've finished watching Westworld :D 

    Awesome first season of a show. Enjoy ^_^

  8. 1 minute ago, TerrorPenguin said:


    I think I've done these due to realising I could copy and paste the text rather than typing it all out (doh!). Let me know if I need to add any others.

    Added them tonight

    You're a hobby hero ^_^

    Is it hard to do? I went to read the instructions and they were in French, I've been meaning to do something like this for my Sylvaneth as I appear to forget everything I know during my games sometimes haha

  9. Awesome, I'll have to do some for Blood Knights and Vargheists, and VL on Abyssal Terror as commented above to fill out the soulblight. I'm doing a vampire slow grow campaign next year and these are great.


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  10. Don't most monsters have 10+ wounds [emoji85]

    I've been using a $2 D12 for my treelord ancient bought at the local gaming store... I Wonder how the "custom wound tracker" will compare in price and effectiveness [emoji6]

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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