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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. With two Old World videos and the Tomb kings box already leaked, I would expect the "huge" reveals to be the two starter boxes for TOW. What the two AoS videos will be is the bigger question. One of them will likely be the "looking into 2024 video" but what is the other one?
  2. Why would the next Warhammer Quest not be 40k again? Blackstone Fortress sold well as far as I remember and after the Cursed City problems GW might want to wait a bit longer bevor they do another AoS one. Also it would make sense to alternate between the two settings.
  3. I wouldn't say AoS isn't fleshed out enough for TV/Movie stuff but it is less fleshed out than Fantasy and if they only wanted to get into two settings for now Fantasy is the better choice since it would probably be more popular with casual watchers and be cheaper to produce as its less high fantasy than AoS.
  4. Wasn't there a rumour about more stuff from Kragnos race? Or was that just a lore teaser?
  5. That sounds pretty believable and if its true we still have one more preorder between kill team and Dawnbringers 4 on the 6th for the 20th which could either be the rest of the inital Legions Imperialis wave or the Dark Angels boxset. The other of the two will then likely come after FEC and TOW on the 27th for release on the 10th.
  6. Looks over at the dozen sprues made for the monthly free minis that are never used again afterwards. I understand that those are there to drive customers into the stores but I can't see them being a better investment than a new kit when they could just send out the normal kits and let customers/store workers cut those out. They already do that for some months so why not all of them and instead produce a new kit with the now available sprues
  7. 40k will win for sure but if I just go by AoS kits I think my personal top 3 would be: Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth Saurus Scar Veteran on Aggradon Tuskboss on Maw Grunta In that order
  8. The last one in 2021 was also just eldar/chaos from their boxset a few months later right?
  9. Important bit here is that those preorders aren't going up until the 16th and will go for three weeks until the 6th. So next preorder on the 30th with release on the 13th for kill team seems likely
  10. Yeah its from March 2022 as Intercessors are already at £37.50 and in the doc they talk about increasing the price from £35 to £36 Exactly the same text as in the article back then https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/09/important-pricing-news/ But since we got price increases in both in March 2023 and 2022 it wouldn't be too surprising if we get another one in March 2024
  11. Many Vanguards have models that have been put on direct sale or just plain removed from sale after the vanguard was released (probably to reduce in store SKUs as you can still get them via the vanguard box so no need to have another box in the shelf for heroes which you probably only want one of) Direct only: Arkanaut Admiral, Slaughterpriest, Loonboss, Chaos Lord, Ogor Tyrant, Scinari Cathallar Not for sale outside of Vanguard: Mortisan Soulreaper, Great Bray Shaman, Branchwych, Magister on Disc of Tzeentch, Melusai Ironscale, Knight of Shrouds, Grey Seer, Isharann Soulscryer, Battlesmith
  12. Only a 40k roadmap and no scheduled preview. The next should be the end of the year silhouette teasers we normally get on the last days of December
  13. Was that the same person who said the preorder order would be: Battleforces -> Necrons/Admech -> Legions Imperialis Because then his info might be correct but outdated since they changed two of those around.
  14. I think the ghouls on the middle left in the above group shot are the old ghouls so should be staying
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