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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. Also he is part of a boxset for Dawnbringers 3
  2. So it wasn't Vandus but Ionus that gets a new model For anyone who doesn't remember him he was the Lord Relictor from the original starter
  3. Thats alot of silhouettes, normally we only get 3-4
  4. I really don't like how there is a strip going down in the front of the helmet, other than that they look fine I guess
  5. For anyone interested there are currently 3 hidden AoS videos on their youtube channel for tomorrow. Three videos doesn't mean just 3 reveals there could be more per video but it should mean at least three different things. Also 2 for 40k, 1 for Kill Team and 0 for TOW currently so seems like AoS will get the biggest share tomorrow
  6. Also the fact every unit is new, just look at Kill Team. They only get one new team per box with the other just being an upgrade sprue (except for the season launch box)
  7. It feels like a Warcry warband is likelier than another Underworlds team to me, maybe with that morghast as their leader? Is there anything in the latest warcry lore that would give OBR a reason to appear? Also since FEC and SBGL both already have a Warcry warband it should be either OBR or Nighthaunt for the winter death warband.
  8. Even if it was a cover where they would reuse the central focus of that image they would at least change the background to the tinted map they had for the first two books
  9. Pretty sure its resin as that banner is way thicker than a plastic version would need to be
  10. I would bet Cities next for release on the 4th since they are doing 2 week preorders now, then Legions Imperialis, maybe even for two weeks if they split the launch box and the additional kits. After that we could see Dawnbringers Book 3 but I think Kill Team will come first
  11. Even if we can't image it yet I'm sure a new kit would look way better than the old one. BUT the big difference is that I would still buy the old one if they don't get a refresh and I can't say the same about many other Skaven kits
  12. Looking at Necrons and Tyranids the newest plastic kits that got replaced have been 2002 Necron Warriors and 2005 Genestealers respectively. Anything else that was newer and got replaced was resin. So its quite likely that the 2009 Clanrats/Stormvermin won't get refreshed. Could still happen since they are the basic troops but not as likely as you might think at first, especially if they focus on a specific aspect like Clan Eshin with Nightrunners and Gutterrunners. If they mainly focus on a specific aspect that would also help newer players build an army that feels finished without having to match new and old kits.
  13. Five so far: Fyreslayers (1st book) Flesh-eater Courts (1st book) Maggotkin of Nurgle (1st book) Gloomspite Gitz (1st book) Orruk Warclans (2nd book) While unlikely its possible they are counting different sub-factions as multiple which would make Trugg and the Rabble-Rowza count as two so 6 factions. Also I don't remember anymore but did they say 12 factions for the campaign or 12 factions during the campaign? Because then the Cities releases could also count as one
  14. I thought that since the pegasus sprue is on its own it could be sold with mutliple other rider sprues to make different kits but I just thought of another solution. What if the rider is in resin? Since everything else they showed until now was resin it wouldn't surprise me and the rider would have more details then the pegasus so would make sense. Would also explain why there aren't any connection points on that sprue to a rider sprue
  15. Since that sprue doesn't have any connection gates its a standalone sprue which in turn makes it likely this pegasus will be sold with multiple different riders as different kits
  16. If its something new Chaos sounds likely but if it isn't I think the two most likely candidates are the new Terminators or something from the new Cities of Sigmar range. The Terminator would represent Space Marines as their best selling range, be one of the most liked units of 40k and represent both old Marines and new Primaris. The Cities of Sigmar model (Probably one of the Steelhelms or Tahlia Vedra) would represent the first humans released during AoS (which is a pretty big deal) and would also connect to the feeling of one of the Old Worlds launch factions in Brettonia. And since it seems like this whole 40 years of Warhammer countdown would have originally connected to a launch announcement of the Old World before Legions Imperialis was delayed that would fit. It would also make sense if its a reveal of an Old World model as a teaser for Warhammer day on the Saturday after in the same way Klonk was the teaser model for Nova
  17. Well the current roadmap replaced the one before after just a month after everything in its first quarter was released. The current one has been running for 5 months now and the second quarter on there only has the Book III left so its not that unlikely we will get a new one.
  18. Did they say anything about how we will get the rules for the Fyreslayers/Kruleboyzs?
  19. Prices, second column are € prices Terrain same as the gnarlwood watchcamp as expected but the warbands are actually at the lower pricepoint of warbands
  20. At this point its possible that GW will show them off tomorrow. When it was just the sprue you could still argue that it is better for GW to stay quiet but now they would probably want the new models to be shown off in the best way possible so a WarCom article
  21. Very likely nothing, Space Marines are a two week preorder
  22. Which lines up with what Valrak has been saying in that Legions Imperialis took over the Nov. slot
  23. Add Knights to the S2D box S2D is obviously not complete (could reach 31% with two Warriors and two Knights so maybe that if nothing else is added?) but for the Seraphon I expect Aggradons not Raptadons. With one of each and Aggradons for the mounted it would only be 17% so not enough. A second Warriors sprue would bring it up to 33% which is in the expected range so probably that. But could also be a second Kroxigor so you can build both versions
  24. Normally yes but I actually want everything here. Couldn't they have waited for the next one to stop the boxes 😅
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