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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. Pricelists will be released tomorrow Sylvaneth was the longest I think with nearly 5 months but we at least got the box shown earlier
  2. If we don't get any dice/cards this week we will probably not get any but the Vanguard not releasing now makes it pretty likely it consists mostly of new models. This way they can sell the new units on their own for a while before the discount box. Still not sure if it will just be the army set or some other combination (Aggradons?)
  3. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/19/from-savages-to-spacefarers-who-are-the-slann-starmasters/ Just a Slann fluff article but that could mean we may still get the Seraphon release before 40k 10th?
  4. New underworlds starter set https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/16/take-your-first-step-into-warhammer-underworlds-with-this-new-starter-set/
  5. Would be surprised if it isn't kill team ashes of faith as that got a few articles this week Edit: As expected https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/14/sunday-preview-rising-from-the-ashes-of-faith/
  6. Even if that means we get less support I'm still happy AoS/Warcry isn't as big as 40k/Kill Team as it was absolutely no problem to preorder the new box
  7. Just looked at the Nightmare Quest sprues and Stormcast have three different bodies but the bigger surprise is that they made a completely new sprue for the Realmshaper Engine instead of just an upgrade sprue for the normal one
  8. Looks carapace/exoskeleton like to me so could either be some Sylvaneth bug thing but they already got something or IDK crabs? thing
  9. The part where they talk about them coming as individual boxes isn't in the Q&A section but in the roadmap section and still sounds like a guess based on how the roadmap looks like to me. Did we actually get any confirmation anywhere they won't release them as big boxes? Just because they wrote warbands instead of boxsets on the roadmap isn't enough confirmation for me and why would they use the same VS format they used for nightmare quest on there if they aren't in a vs boxset?
  10. If you look at the symbols in the teaser you of course got Imperial Fists and Sons of Horus as the HH poster boys, Adeptus Titanicus as that would obviously be usable in epic but you also have two units with what looks like an Imperial Aquila to me on the IF side. That makes me think those could maybe be Custodes? Don't really know that much about HH lore so no idea if anyone else used it as their symbol during that time. But should at least be some faction other than the SM legions
  11. If its Epic, which it most likely is, it will be Epic 30k. Maybe expanded into 40k if it sells well enough but don't expect it for a few years at least
  12. From the community site article: Confirmation that it will be forgeworld resin which is way better than citadel finecast and also that old models will also be released in metal not just resin
  13. Funny how they say resin isn't the preferred material for everyone so here is a plastic knight after just showing off new resin models for TOW
  14. Returning stuff, new plastic units and new resin characters Old armies will be usable
  15. Don't like that the very first models they showed are already just resin and not plastic
  16. They said on stream he has a few options how to build him
  17. Didn't expect GSG to already get something more
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