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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. Seems like the tactical rocks are gaining sentience
  2. They are the same kit just different builds
  3. Thing if they don't have the packaging they could just sell it as direct only with the standard white boxes for now. And if the problem is getting the kit to other parts of the world they could just sell it for the UK for now, wouldn't be the first time other countries get delayed but they still sell it where they are able to. Of course there are a number of other reasons we don't know which prevent them from doing that, but the biggest reason would be if they don't plan to release it on its own and just have it bundled into the vanguard set again which still wouldn't be great because of the higher price point. And regardless what is actually happening they could still have at least shown us the Vanguard sets and just told us it would take a while until they are available before the Fyreslayers SC ran out.
  4. Thats why I expected to see the Vanguard sets the week after the SC where removed but its been 3 weeks and nothing yet. Just another day Fyreslayers get shafted by GW
  5. Also probably Fyreslayers and Idoneth Vanguard sets since their Start Collecting are already gone
  6. Based on 40k they only go sold out if the new box is coming soon so they should be up in the next weeks
  7. Start Collecting sets for Fyreslayers, Idoneth and DoK are sold out online so we should be seeing their Vanguard sets soon (Nighthaunt too but they didn't have a SC before)
  8. Really hope that box isn't as expensive as the 40k Fronteris one. There is less terrain but it does include the new Incarnate so I could see them pricing it the same
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/03/20/sunday-preview-avatar-autarch-and-aspect-warriors-aeldari-reinforcements-inbound/ No Arena of Shades this time but we are getting more articles this week so probably next week
  10. Sold out Online also happens when they get reboxed into the new 3.0 box design but that would mean they are getting a new book soon
  11. Maybe they will show the Fyreslayers/Idoneth Vanguard Boxsets?
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/03/07/find-out-why-nagash-is-absolutely-furious-yet-again-in-arena-of-shades/ Lore article about Arena of Shades box and will be up for preorder very soon
  13. "And you can expect plenty more teasers in the coming weeks" It says weeks here so I wouldn't expect them to be announced for preorder next Sunday, probably the one after that
  14. If this is about the price list for independent stores you can get it here https://trade.games-workshop.com/resources/ under Guidance Docs->Order Forms
  15. We already have the price list for the increase but I did overlook something. There is one entry that stays at 35€ and seems to be the only model kit in the green part of the spreadsheet which otherwise only has starter sets, paints, hobyb tools and books which also don't get a price increase. But there are other models that are in the normal yellow part of the list that also don't get a price increase so that shouldn't be what the color means. And then there is the second entry which goes up to 40€ and also includes the new date of 23.07. Also both have the same size but different weight but thats probably just packaging so they should be staying at 16 per box
  16. Don't really know how exactly these work but isn't it surprising they are still 35 here? Todays price increase would have been planned for a while and since this is a repack for 23/7 it will already be long after the price increase when Dryads go up to 40. So is that just another mistake or is that maybe a hint for them reducing the number to 12 per box?
  17. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/09/important-pricing-news/ Price increase incoming on the 7th of March Sounds like everything except starter sets and hobby tools/paints/brushes will go up by 5% The question is if new releases already include this price-increased or if they will go up too.
  18. More expensive than I would have hoped. Basically a 22% discount for SC, Kruleboyz and HoS and 28% for Lumineth and DoK
  19. The later ones did go up in price, I think the last ones where £36? So I would expect £40 base with £36 for the Kruleboyz and £30 for Stormcast since they got less stuff in it.
  20. WarCry Warbands: Stormcast £47.25 5x Vindictors £15.75 3x Annihilators £31.50 Kruleboyz £60.5 10x Gutrippaz £31.50 3x Man-Skewer Boltboyz £29 Hedonites of Slaneesh £68 10x Blissbarb Archers £31.50 5x Myrmidesh Painbringers £36.50 Daughters of Khaine £67.5 5x Melusai Blood Stalkers £32.50 5x Sisters of Slaughter £17.50 5x Witch Aelves £17.50 Lumineth Realmlords £73 5x Alarith Stoneguard £36.50 5x Vanari Sentinels £18.25 5x Vanari Wardens £18.25
  21. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/06/sunday-preview-dominate-the-eightpoints-and-middle-earth-with-next-weeks-pre-orders/ Tome of Champions and some WarCry Warband bundles next week
  22. Tome of Champions 2020 was released in middle of Dezember 2020 so I would have expected this one to be planned to release around the same time originally so it gives us a rough estimate how much time they are behind their original release schedule
  23. They uploaded the Arena of Shades teaser again and replaced the Preorder Now with Coming Soon so it was probably just a mistake and it won't be out for a while. Would have been strange to release two boxsets shortly after each other
  24. Interestingly it says Pre-order now for the new boxset so it shouldn't be long until it gets released. On the other hand it hasn't been long since the Fury of the Deep set.
  25. Xenos have been living pretty good this edition with Necrons at the start, Orks in the middle and Eldar now
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