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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. The newsletter giveaway for 40k says the prizes will be sent out in July and based on the price of 120£ it will probably be the new 40k starter for 9th edition so expect July to be a 40k heavy month with the new edition, Lumineth in June and the Sons to come in August
  2. The Preview itself was very weak in terms of models (of course whole new edition of the game is great) its more the fact that those 2 models shown confirm the leaks going around which show much more new shiny necron stuff (and some more primaris)
  3. I expect next weeks preorder to be at least what is shown in the banner of the announcement so Zoats, Engine War (which includes multiple Admech kits) and Aeronautica so more than usual which makes me think they want to get back on track soon
  4. Now the questions is how much the prices will increase? Does someone remember how much the prices increased last time?
  5. New models available to pre-order from May 30th and price adjustments.
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/05/10/sunday-preview-shop-online-hobby-from-home/ "Get a good look at the endless spells conjured by the Lumineth Realm-lords" Seems like we didn't see everything yet (Or they have some tricks with existing endless spells like the Seraphon)
  7. I really hope you are right with the big Necron update
  8. Interesting to see what elves from the Realm of Shadow look like
  9. I don't think we will see anything as big as this (just look at those tiny Liberators) but its a good sign (what is the largest kit in the AOS range currently?)
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/04/12/sunday-preview-happy-easter/ "Later on this week, we’ll be further exploring two reveals from our most recent Warhammer Preview – the apparently-not-just-stories-after-all Sons of Behemat…" Don't know if they meant the Saturday-Preview or an article mid-week, either way nice to see them.
  11. 2nd one is probably 30k Lion as it looks just like his book image
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/22/new-reveals-incoming/ Here they said it will first be available on Twitch and shortly after that on WarCom
  13. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/27/the-latest-on-new-releases/ No physical releases until at least the 2nd of May.
  14. Full image Also Teclis does look a little bit better from other perspectives but I still don't really like his pose
  15. If you take a unit in has 3 skink handlers with 1 wound and 1 razordon which has 3 wounds instead as far as I can see
  16. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/05/stegageddon-the-final-form-of-listbuildinggw-homepage-post-2/ Stegageddon
  17. Realmshaper Engine seems to be on the pricier side
  18. Just to clarify I am ok with the models inside, sure they could be better (Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig would have been possible as the SC Primaris Space Wolves box also came with a character that was only available in the Tooth and Claw box before that) but thats fine. I just think that the price point of 80€ (IF those prices are real, I couldn't find them anywhere else) is too much when nearly all other start collecting sets have either more stuff inside or a lower price point, still I am happy about any savings I can get on my Gitz
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