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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. Everything here screams like it was supposed to be a Vs boxset like the previous season to me but since they specifically called it a terrain set named Savage Lands: Scales of Talaxis it seems like it will be a solo release. And that would in turn mean that the Fyreslayers/Kruleboyz will likely be solo releases too. They could theoretically still be a dual box like the Cities/Ogors one but I think individual boxes are likelier. Still hope they might go both ways with a limited boxset but the individual boxes being available from the start too instead of months later as I want everything here and a boxset would mean a nice discount for me 😅
  2. Small correction this is correct for Arks of Omens but the first Broken Realms book Morathi was actually released in 2020 with the new edition in 2021
  3. Just a bit of speculation here but GWs miniature lead times are counted in years so whatever is in the 4th edition starter it will likely have started around when 3rd edition launched. After the first two edition they obviously didn't choose to abandon Stormcast but instead choose the angle of redesigning them with the Thunderstrike armour and there is no way they changed their opinion on that stance in the small timespace until they would have started designing the 4th edition starter factions. So I really don't think we will see something else except Stormcast until 5th at the earliest.
  4. It does strengten the Skaven rumours since he doesn't care about AoS but he does like the Old World and since that sounds like even he likes the contents I would expect one half to be an Old World army like Skaven Also that Whitefang like with the only info being that the box will be amazing does tingle my hype receptors
  5. Just skipping through Valraks livestream from last night and of course he heard about the AoS boxes but forgot about them again since he doesn't care about AoS... But he remembers something about "ghosts" so the fifth box could be Nighthaunt. Kinda weird as they don't really have much left that wasn't in a battleforce already. Other than that he said he also knows about the 4th edition box but doesn't want to talk about it... He also said he would try to find out the contents of the AoS battleforces again and talk about them in a future stream so lets see if that happens.
  6. Yes Manfred, Neferata and Arkhan are the same kit I was just wondering which they would out on the boxart as Neferata feels better to me but she already was on the box for the 2017 Legions of Nagash battleforce
  7. (Everything here goes by the assumption its only new models) Thinking about it a bit more, a Battleforce should have some kind of basic infantry and since Skinks and Temple Guard are old that slot has to be filled by Saurus Warriors. Theoretically it could also be a mount focused box with Aggradons as battleline but I think thats unlikely. Same as subfaction specifics like Kroxigors and Raptadons. Also I only expect 10 Saurus Warriors as they are already part of the Vanguard and have been in the army set For leaders all the 40k boxes only have a single one in there or the option to build a non leader version if its two so I would also only expect a single leader here. The obvious choice is Kroak or a Slann which would double as the centerpiece but a Skink-Starseer or Scar Veteran on Aggradon could also work if there is another centerpiece. The problem with that is that all the other big monsters (Carnosaur, Stegadon, Bastiladon) are older models so unlikely based on 40ks focus on newer models. Between Kroak and a Slann, Kroak is likelier because the Slann was already in the army set and while the same could be said for the contents of the Ork box that army set was longer ago. So lets go with Kroak here. We are at 155€ right now so around 130€ left to have the same value as the 40k sets. For other new Seraphon kits that aren't single characters we have Aggradons, Spawn of Chotec, Raptadons and Kroxigors. Maybe also the Warcry Chameleon Skinks but since those are Warcry I think its unlikely. I also don't think we will get Raptadons since they where part of the army set. The other three options are pretty much in the air as any combination of three kits (so one of each or doubling up on one and adding one of the other two) would still be in the 40% discount range. The one that feels to most likely to me is two Aggradons and one Kroxigors but it could just be one of each as that would be exactly what was shown in this army shot in the front except you switch out the Slann for Kroak.
  8. Maybe the Mortarch kit then? With Neferata or Mannfred on the box. But that would be an older kit so I'm not sure
  9. To clarify in a previous video he said AoS would get these four and in the newest he revealed the full contents of the 40k ones but nothing about the AoS ones. But we can derive some info form the 40k contents: Most of them have a big centerpiece model in there so should expect them same for AoS. Meaning Katakros, Lauka Vai, Eternus and Kroak are likely. There is only a single model in all of them that is older than 3 years (Specifically not released during their last edition) and two even have models only released in the last/next few weeks. So S2D and Seraphon having only models from their last big waves without old filler in there is likely. Also if there are more, an Ironjawz one with the new kits could happen. I wouldn't bet on it but it is possible since the Marines one has kits that aren't even released yet. Also based on the discount we normally get on these boxes the price is likely to go up to 180€ this year if AoS gets comparable contents to 40k
  10. Is it the Space Marine Codex or the HH Space Marine boxset? 😅
  11. I like how they continued the little background story about the Adept they started in last weeks rumour engine
  12. Space Marines getting not as much isn't surprising as Primaris are pretty well equipped now and it seems they are going to start with individual chapter updates this edition starting with Dark Angels. If vanilla Marines would get as many models as with 9th and then Dark Angels would also get a lot in a few months that would probably oversaturate even the last Marine collector. And since they want the two starter factions to be about even that also means Tyranids got a bit less than Necrons last year. They also didn't need that many since Tyranids already got quite a lot of kits before, their problem was more that many where quite old. With this update all the finecast is gone and there is only one kit left that really doesn't look great (Raveners). Meanwhile Necrons in 9th was more concentrated on getting completely new units to bolster their ranks so they still have a number of old/resin kits. But even then they still have less kits on the webstore than Tyranids. We got pretty good timing here
  13. Probably because it was a 40k/Kill Team only preview https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/10/08/celebrate-35-years-of-warhammer-40000-with-todays-warhammer-day-preview-online-today/ Last year we also got another one for the Us Open finals in November, might also get that again this year https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/11/19/watch-the-warhammer-preview-online-2022-right-here/
  14. I completely forgot about Warhammer day. This means we might get a reveal show for every month left this year. October would be Warhammer day, last year they also had one for the US Open finale in November and at the end of December we should get the looking forward to 2024 previews.
  15. I felt the same way about the endless spells. In the first half every faction got theirs but in the latter half that kinda fell off. I wonder if GW started designing the Incarnates at that time and because the Endless spells didn't go as they wanted they also stopped designing more Incarnates?
  16. Might just be because that's the background lore of the warband:
  17. I don't think there will be more in 3rd but I do think they will get a wave in 4th
  18. Its interesting how they have a normal box pictured in the video. They might not get a dual box with the kruleboyz as I would have expected after the Ogors/Cities one On the other hand at the bottom of the article they linked the Kruleboyz article when talking about "preventing their eggs from being poached" so who knows
  19. And even better it was updated today so its for sure a new video and not just some old one that wasn't removed completely
  20. In € here: Again less than I thought for the pig and the ardboyz but that character tax is heavy. Ardboy big boss more than half of the 10-man ardboyz box while not looking that different.
  21. Big Pig is cheaper than I thought, Ardboyz are also only £2.50 more than the Gutrippaz while looking quite a bit chonkier
  22. I can't decide whether KingBrodd not having a King Brodd model is surprising or as expected as he already is is the King himself
  23. The other Dawnbringers boxsets have all been £80 but unless Trugg is only £50 that wouldn't make sense for the discounts they normally do on those sets. The other four all have discounts in the range of 30%-35% so if Trugg is around £70, which is what I would expect, that would be around £95 for the box
  24. Clam pack like any small single hero. Clam packs are those small plastic packs
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