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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. I know its not the case and it wouldn't even fit the price point but it would have fit perfectly if these are the year 3 Warhammer+ minis. Extra marketing for the show and they already said the minis will only be initially exclusives now so not really a problem. But unless they drastically increase the budget for the W+ mini this doesn't really line up with a single Megaboss or a Chaos Sorcerer with some summons
  2. They could leave the old Neave as a Knight Zephyros only while the new one only is Neave
  3. These give me a Warcry vibe and the sculpted bases makes me think Underworlds but as far as I can see they are just a normal AoS unit?
  4. The Gargoylian article links to the reveal article and if they edited it why not yesterdays too?
  5. Thats probably the release date for the full release not the army box right?
  6. Yes everything here leaked this morning Just what I didn't want to hear
  7. Have we seen the bell on the terrain in the back before? Is it part of some other terrain kit? If not, I think that is a pretty intricate piece to make by hand just for a few army pictures
  8. Its very likely we'll get an article , I just don't know if it will be today or maybe they'll wait until Monday and use it for new model Monday. Also no idea if true but from Valraks last video (very trustworthy for 40k rumours) he was told all of these where meant to be revealed at the end of the month at Nova which means the box shouldn't be coming until September
  9. Seems like this still isn't everything (Over in the The "mortals redesign" Discussion)
  10. I bought the Dawnbringers Fyreslayer box a few days ago and just got it delivered. It seems there was a mispackaging because there where two Grimhold Exiles inside. Wonder if that is a sign
  11. Also it was only in the email and not in the article itself so pretty likely to have been a mistake
  12. Don't think we'll see the models today, would have expected them yesterday but didn't happen and today is heresy Thursday with another epic reveal so also unlikely. I think next Monday or Wednesday is more likely. 40k: The first was a imperium assassin, the second a chaos world eater so a xenos tyranid as the third would make sense to me. Maybe another Tyranid Prime with a diorama base like the assassin? AoS: Again first one was destruction, second chaos so I would expect order or death now, would be funny if its another fyreslayers foot hero
  13. Looks like quite a nice box, bit surprised to see the Carnosaur in there again. But its a bit random to drop it now? Why did it even take that long to reveal it in the first place?
  14. Because the Elves are on the same sprues as the Skaven
  15. Very nice both as an AoS unit and as a Warcry team
  16. Every army got one but not necessarily together with their inital release. Sylvaneth for example got their book in June while the Vanguard only released in November
  17. I think we will get one but the with the main focus on Legions Imperialis. As you said its primarily specialist games and if they stick to alternating between Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis there are only four Thursdays left to show stuff for LI which doesn't seem enough for the launch wave. They could reveal more per Thursday than I expect but I think the more likely option is showing a bunch of stuff at GenCon
  18. It seems that they no longer plan to discontinue everything Firstborn as Primaris can now ride in Land Raiders/Droppods. What I expect is one of three cases on a unit by unit basis. Some units like Terminators, Sternguard and probably soon Jump Assault Marines will be remade either as Truescale (Terminators) or Primaris, some units will stay as they are (Centurions, Drop pods, Flyers) and some will leave as they now have a place in Horus Heresy. But I wouldn't expect that to finish this edition or even the next one
  19. Now that we know how much they should be getting based on how many kits Tyranids got, we can estimate what they will get:
  20. 1. Broken Realms Morathi: New rules for Daughter of Khaine, Cities of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, Idoneth Deepkin and Slaves to Darkness Vs Boxset DoK vs Hedonites of Slaanesh with heroes for each. Also smaller boxsets for each of the other factions 2. Broken Realms Teclis: New rules for Lumineth Realmlords, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Cities of Sigmar and new battalions for Flesh Eater Courts and Ossiarch Bonereapers Wave 2 of Lumineth and smaller boxsets for each of the other factions 3. Broken Realms Be'lakor: New rules for Be'lakor, Nighthaunt, Kharadron Overlords, Seraphon and small updates for Disciples of Tzeentch, Fyreslayers and Stormcast New model for Be'lakor, Krulghast Cruciator and Gardus Steel Soul Smaller boxsets for each of the factions except Stormcast and Fyreslayers 4. Broken Realms Kragnos: New rules for Kragnos, Gloomspite Gitz, Sylvaneth, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Cities of Sigmar, Skaven, Beasts of Chaos and rules for Lord Kroak for Seraphon New model for Kragnos, Lord Kroak, Dexcessa/Synessa, Warsong Revenants, Galen and Doralia ven Denst Smaller boxsets for Beasts of Chaos, Sylvaneth, Skaven, Slaanesh Factions without anything (No idea about lore, just looked at rules and models): Blades of Khorne, Ogor Mawtribes, Orruk Warclans, Sons of Behemat Warclans got the 3.0 starter and SoB where just released a month before the first book dropped so really the only factions actually sidelined where Khorne and Ogors Factions without models but with rules in Broken Realms campaign: Fyreslayers, Idoneth Deepkin, Kharadron Overlords, Beasts of Chaos, Disciples of Tzeentch, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Skaven, Flesh Eater Courts, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Gloomspite Gitz Soulblight Gravelords were released while the campaign was running but separate from it So in the end only 10 models and the Lumineth wave directly connected to Broken Realms so less than I thought Since we already got four new models just with the first book I would expect more from Dawnbringers. Also since the second book back then was released together with the Lumineth wave I could see the second book this time also come with a sizeable Warclans wave. No idea whether that will only be Ironjawz or also Kruleboyz/Bonesplitters
  21. Those normally happened when their respective battletomes released and since we don't have enough battletomes left for a double release (Since Cities get a army set instead) we shouldn't get anymore during AoS3.0. 40k did get another one after that for their end of edition campaign but that was pretty unusual. What we are getting instead now is the solo faction boxes like the four for the Dawnbringers campaign and like 40k got their Boarding patrol boxes. After AoS 4.0 starts and we will be back into the battletome grind, these will probably be back. Was the same for AoS2.0 where we got a few during the Battletome releases and got solo faction broken realms sets an the end of the edition
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