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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. This looks a bit sparce? Only four (and a half) orruks?
  2. They actually said in some community article that they planned to release him before 10th but weren't able to make enough so moved him back
  3. I wouldn't read too much into the Ardboyz going "No Longer Available Online". Prior to the pandemic it was a pretty good indication for which kits get redone but since then it has happened more and more often that stuff just goes no longer available for a while and is back afterwards. For example right now the EU store shows the Alarith Stonemage, Sigvald, Skarbrand and the Mortisan Boneshaper as no longer available and none of them have a chance of being replaced. And the Ironjawz SC going no longer available is also not really important since it is still a Start Collecting which are being replaced by the Vanguard sets. The only reason that hasn't happened for them and Stormcast yet is because they where the starter Battletomes (since Ironjawz is part of Orruk Warclans). For 40k it also took longer for SM and Necrons (9th edition starters) to get their Combat Patrols. Though it did take a bit longer than I expected and Khorne also still has the SC available but that is probably because of the models locked to that box. They could put those sprues up as direct only on their own like they did with the Dominion sprues but since that wouldn't be a big change to how they are sold now I don't think it would even be worth the work to change that so the Goreblade Warband will probably stay as it is. Maybe get rebranded as something else than SC.
  4. If it is just skirmish games it could show the new seasons for Warcry/Kill Team and the next core box for Underworlds. Personally I hope its a more general show and they show off Epic that was teased the last time.
  5. Also news about a new online preview (Thought that could only be for 40k for the Battle of Oghram thing they are doing right now)
  6. Since they just showed the old model again in today newest article I sadly don't think there will be a new thunderstrike Blacktalon today
  7. GW just sent out the newsletter mail so seems like there won't be anything more today
  8. They probably new they would reach the milestone today and planned the article for that but in the Sunday article they said new miniatureS so still possible for something else today
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/11/sunday-preview-things-to-do-while-waiting-for-warhammer-40000-leviathan/ Slightly confusing phrasing, I hope those new miniature reveals refer to AoS
  10. That is pretty likely, but I fear that even after that they won't come back for the current stuff as the next GW release will always be right around the corner
  11. We also now that they changed at least one thing about the release order as they previously said the Lion would be out before 10th. They didn't even stealth edit and never talk about it again like usual as they said in some article this week that they didn't manage to produce enough of him in time so they moved him back after 10th launch https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/02/download-the-new-warhammer-40000-rules-for-free-right-here/ Here's the link to the core rules and due to now confirmed leaks we know they will release faction datasheets and other stuff nearly every day until the actual launch day
  12. I was thinking some kind of shock arrows but the other end of normal arrows works too
  13. I hope this is true because this sounds amazing
  14. Feels strange to have a Monday without any kind of reveal
  15. Seraphon also got their reveals every two weeks so pretty likely
  16. No Harbringers is sad but expected but also no mention of a reveal tomorrow which makes me think it will just be bloodbowl or necromunda again if they even show something
  17. Would make it the best value Vanguard by about 10€ in front of KO but could still see it happen since the kits are pretty expensive anyway
  18. Warhammer Plus does also use the Commemorative series packaging but if this is the next Warhammer+ mini it really doesn't seem worth the price Could just be meant for a later event instead of Warhammer Fest
  19. What I think is interesting is that nearly all main factions aren't really in AoS. Orcs&Goblins and High Elves have equivalent factions with Warclans and Lumineth but are different Old Dwarfs and Woodelves are still in CoS but questionable how long So the only factions who are really in both is Warriors of Chaos and Beastman Meanwhile from the getting rules but not part of the narrative crowd 5 out of 7 are in AoS and both Chaos Dwarfs and Dark Elves are rumoured to be coming
  20. With those prices the Vanguard will for sure not be the army set, maybe a reduced version (only one raptadon unit?) but probably something else entirely
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