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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. I mean he looks nice but couldn't he have been an actual unit instead of just a single hero?
  2. Why wouldn't those be big vs boxes if they even say Order vs Destruction/Death on the roadmap?
  3. The Starter set will probably the leaked one with the crimson court. Also very nice to see we will be getting 3 Order, 2 Destruction and 1 Death warband with 2 still unrevealed One of the destruction warbands will for sure be Kruleboyz and we might see OBR for the death warband?
  4. The stormcast is obviously from the leaked warcry box but seems like underworlds gets a new nighthaunt team?
  5. Probably never as even after the season is over the starter set warbands normally get bundled together in a single box as you can see here: Harrowdeep Nethermaze
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/04/23/sunday-preview-world-eaters-on-patrol-magic-in-the-wyrdhollow-and-warhammer-fest/ Wyrdhollow next week as expected Interesting that Kill Team isn't this week as this way they will be revealing what is probably the next season before the last box of the current one is even up for preorder
  7. Clearly the 990/2000 points Seraphon list that went 7-0 in a 5 game tournament won against them so they can't be unmatched ^^
  8. You're missing the Engine of the Gods in this one
  9. The Saurus Guard on page 107 look real sad directly below the beautiful new Warriors
  10. Exspecially since the is Eternity Warden gone, would have expected them to either include both to update them in the future or discontinue both
  11. Razordons gone as expected but also Eternity Warden, Sunblood and Skink Priest
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/04/17/barge-your-way-into-the-wyrdhollow-with-new-rules-that-let-you-stagger-and-salvage-to-secure-victory/ First article for new underworlds set so probably the next preorder?
  13. so £10/€15/around 10% increase due to the price update in february
  14. Funny how the only Skink with replacement spears isn't actually throwing them
  15. This seems to be a mistake since unless I can't count its only 21 models in the army set? Also finally confirmation that warriors can still have spears, GW really didn't want to show them to us
  16. Look at this beautiful limited edition Battletome
  17. Of course, I'm not saying they didn't get a lot but its not as much as it looks at first
  18. But many of the HH kits are tanks that share their base sprues so only needs to swap out a single sprue per kit. And now that we are finished with that they stopped with the weekly reveals
  19. Seems reasonable, the 40k something could be the last boarding patrols if they show them this week maybe together with Dante When do we expect Underworlds?
  20. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/03/26/sunday-preview-house-cawdor-enter-the-necromundan-civil-war-on-majestic-legs-of-iron/ Just more 40k boarding patrols and Necromunda next week
  21. The Emperor was referenced in the HH 1.0 Custodes rules so he was at least planned at a point and if forgeworld went as far as including him in published rules the miniature is already done for sure. He was probably just moved back as HH 2.0 came along and now that Horus ascended has his model I wouldn't be surprised if the Emperor gets released when the Siege of Terra gets its final book
  22. Kroxigors are quite big if you look at this shot. Seems like they are almost twice as big as the already upscaled Saurus Warriors
  23. Ferrus will of course get the Emperors head as he seems to be missing one right now
  24. Now since this head isn't a cold one as they are replaced by the Aggradons and the designers said we will see whatever it belongs to in the future, could this turn out to be new Drakespawn Knights or some other kind of riders for Cities of Sigmar?
  25. I just love that we get both dragon like Kroxigors and crocodile like Kroxigor Warspawned
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