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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. So ignoring any new factions that may be coming, Destruction and Chaos will be finished after this roadmap and both Death and Order will only have one more book. I don't think any of the books in spring will get big updates so the Summer Order tome and the two other ones after that will have the biggest chance of an actual update to their range so it will be really interesting which books it will be. (Really hoping for Seraphon here)
  2. No but both Magnus and Mortarion are more expensive than Alarielle while beeing around the same size so I don't see how they wouldn't be equivalents. But AoS as a whole didn't go for named characters as much as 40k. Only Drycha and Lady Olynder are named characters without a generic build option while in 40k every box has a named character without an alternative version excect the Imperial Knights box
  3. If they cost the same as last year (160€), these are the discounts for each box: (Used € for this so could be slightly different for other currencies) Daughters of Khaine - 32% Orruk Warclans - 35% Gloomspite Gitz - 36% Stormcast Eternals - 38% Skaven - 40% Nighthaunt - 40% Sylvaneth - 42% Last year the discounts have been around 37% so they could be the same price or slightly more expensive
  4. Looks at Mortarion and Magnus for the 40k boxes
  5. Would have liked Alarielle more than Drycha for Sylvaneth but otherwise looking good. Will probably get a Kruleboyz and Stormcast one
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/09/25/sunday-preview-amazons-on-the-pitch-and-a-return-to-the-cursed-city/ Bloodbowl and Cursed City rerelease next week Also a big reveal for Underworlds next week
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/09/04/sunday-preview-join-the-battle-for-middle-earth-with-next-weeks-pre-orders/ Gorechosen of Dromm already up next week and we are getting a reveal tomorrow
  8. Would expect just that for Disciples and Hedonites but could see them repackaging the Khorne Bloodbound Goreblade SC with some other things for the vanguard since we already got daemons here and the models only included in that set would still be available this way
  9. The fact they named it Combat Patrol Chaos Daemons instead of Daemons of Khorne probably means there won't be another daemons Combat Patrol. But that doesn't mean we won't be getting another Vanguard set thought that would probably be a combination of mortals and daemons like the Nurgle one
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/08/16/download-the-core-rules-for-kill-team-and-a-new-intercessor-team-for-free/ Tiny bit about Warcry at the bottom
  11. Cant believe that Squats happened before a second wave for Fyreslayers or Kharadron
  12. There are quite a lot of chaos models still waiting going all the way back to solo releases for Eldritch Omens and Kill Team Nachmund to all the new models they showed of at Warhammer Fest. But for some reason they are not releasing them at the same time as the codex which would be the prime time for that which sounds like some kind of problem to me.
  13. Another important bit: Don't compare the colors in the top image use the individual miniatures for that since Kroxigor Scales looks brighter than Frosthearth at the top but is way darker on the miniature.
  14. At the bottom: "The four gloss shades – Nuln Oil Gloss, Agrax Earthshade Gloss, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, and Cryptek Armourshade Gloss – are leaving the range." So anyone who needs the gloss versions should stock up (Cryptek Armourshade is gone completely since it only had a gloss version)
  15. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/12/sunday-preview-dig-for-victory-with-roots-rats-and-rock-drillers/ Big week next week with two Battletomes, three Vanguard sets, four heros and the Sylvaneth units (thought I'm surprised to see the Skaven Vanguard but not the Sylvaneth one)
  16. For anyone interested, the Magmadroth doesn't show up in this weeks pricelist nor the product code document so its probably going to be webstore only so no third party discount
  17. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/09/avenging-sylvaneth-chase-the-skaven-across-the-realms-in-echoes-of-doom/ Official reveal
  18. Yeah but thats probably because they wanted to release them together with the Nighthaunt tome, GW likes their themed releases. Since I wouldn't expect the characters to just randomly show up in a preorder they will probably be released together with their Vanguard sets, maybe even as a part of them? (Thought that didn't happen for Fyreslayers/Idoneth) Also the Fyreslayers/Idoneth ones took 10 weeks since their Battletomes so I would expect a similar waittime for Nighthaunt/DoK
  19. Strange for them to release the Craventhrone but not the two characters
  20. Nice new Kharadron model thought I would have liked a new unit more
  21. Multiple new models but still no new Battletome cover
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