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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. This image of the coins you can get in Warhammer stores was on the storefinder website so it seems the next free minis will be Slannesh and Death Guard? (Death Guard could be the Sorcerer which was originally part of the SM Heroes Series 3 but wasn't released with them today, no idea about slannesh thought maybe just some Deamonettes?)
  2. So seems like StD being together with Idoneth is also in the real book so either its a printing mistake (very likely) or there is more going on we don't know yet
  3. Didn't know they did something like that before, just seemed strange to me
  4. It's really strange that they are existing models because the store manager has to snip them out and probably even build them before giving them out as it would be even stranger to just give us random snippets of the sprues. But I also can't believe thats just a mistake on WarComs side because they for sure don't have enough secret single event models to give out a new one every month
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/04/three-more-reasons-to-visit-your-warhammer-store/ Free model every month if you go to a GW store First one
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/03/broken-realms-new-rules/ New Rules
  7. Don't know if its been posted already but seems like GW will stay with their very limited allocation system
  8. I want to know why the StD parts are grouped together with Idoneth? (unless its just a printing error)
  9. They actually are all nearly the same price normally with two at 105€ and the other two at 109.5€ so I expect all four of them to be the same. Now how much they actually will be thats another question
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/01/sunday-preview-the-road-to-godhood/ Broken Realms: Morathi next week together with Shadow and Pain and the 4 themed boxed sets from the website
  11. Personally I think its actually better than Psychic awakening as those only had a single hero with the occasional battlebox but it looks like Broken Realms will have bundles for every faction in the book so even if you won't get a new model you at least can get the ones you would need to use your new rules cheaper
  12. If they happen those won't be replacements for the SC sets just limited time bundles
  13. As written on the Website: "Combine this set with the rules found in Broken Realm: Morathi, and you can use the various Warscroll Battalions for your army" which to me sound like bundles which include all models you would need to play one of the Battalions
  14. Also at the bottom of the new website they are talking about other bundles that are coming out for the factions in the book together with Shadow and Pain together with images which probably show the content Idoneth get 2x Allopexes and an Akhelian King StD get 3x Chaos Chariots Stormcast get 10x Judicators, a set of Gryphhounds, the ETB Castigators, and a Lord-Veritant Cities get a Sorceress on Black Dragon, 20x Darkshards/Dreadspears
  15. But we are getting 2 new heroes with that book in the Shadow and Pain boxset?
  16. We don't have any Lumineth with swords like that at the moment so maybe a tease whats coming next for them?
  17. I think the problem is that people aren't rational enough to just say "Sure both armies cost the same in the end so it doesn't matter" Most will see that you can get 6 models for SoB or 68 for example with OBR for 150$ less or 126 with Gloomspite for 100$ less. Its just a way different feeling if you need to pay 195$ for a single model even if it is as big and customizable as they are when you could get way more for your money in different armies even if they both cost the same in the end
  18. I really don't understand what GW is thinking with their pricing, Lumineth and Sons are both way more than even GWs already expensive pricing scheme Especially after the reasonable prices of OBR last year I really expect another price increase at this rate
  19. If the 150€ are true they are the new most expensive model GW has on their webstore by 20€ more there isn't a single model coming close
  20. The voucher isn't until September 30th, you have to buy something that costs more than the written value until September 30th to get a voucher to use in October
  21. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/22/coming-next-month-action-figures-from-mcfarlane-toys/ 40k Action Figures will be for pre order on 10th of October so either Sons are the same day and they put them together because Sons isn't a big release OR October 10th will be the day the 40k preorders start
  22. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/20/sunday-preview-crusading-into-the-nexus-and-tactical-terrain/ Only 40k Terrain this week but they did say at the bottom: "You’ll also find out more about the upcoming Necrons codex and our partnership with McFarlane Toys, as well as having a giant look at the Sons of Behemat." so at least we will be seeing some Community articles for them this week
  23. If the £105 for Teclis is true that would make him the most expensive AOS model (without Forgeworld of course) and I can't see a reason why he should take that place, unless there will be another price hike and that's just future proofing
  24. Well the Ogre Mawtribes dice where bigger than normal so for SoB I want the dice to at least be as big as an Aleguzzler Gargant (A face of Johann on a side would be great)
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