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Beer & Pretzels Gamer

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Everything posted by Beer & Pretzels Gamer

  1. This. I still think there was an ERP issue but I do believe that when they looked at a second printing they couldn’t justify bumping Dominion sprues in Nottingham and new Core Rules and GH at their publishers. I also think they may have boosted early area allotments so by time U.S rolled around the “resellers” were scared off.
  2. Dominion ordered. Ready for some Kunnin Krumping. That said, hoping we get some starter set announcements. Can fill in via rest of Warclans but looking forward to efficiently filling out Battleline and whoever else is gonna have the privilege of fighting next to the Trogg(s).
  3. Sorry, meant the starter sets. Believe there were three for 9e and at least two for 2.0? Just looking for ways to fill out the list efficiently and Indomitus plus starter (or combat patrol) seemed to work well so hoping for some equivalent.
  4. In the Queue for Dominion. What is the latest on Start Collecting contents to build from there? Can fill in with Warclans in interim but hoping for some efficient options to fill out battleline and points (after of course that giant Trogg! Or Two?).
  5. I was still leaning Vorstarg because I appreciate the extra mobility. But the above combined with smaller table and not paying the battalion tax for Heroes I wasn’t fond of making space for a second tunnel Hero deployment could see me giving Hermdar a test run. Magmadroths even less likely to get off their horde attacks a disappointment but the Hero and Monster buffs make them that much more appealing for later round mobility options I’d been relying on them for. Looking at the new battalion options which do people think makes the most sense for Fyreslayers?
  6. And if you’ve got that 5+ FNP on your General how many opponent’s will take Vendetta? Battle Tactics though could balance out the good position Sons finds itself in re: Grand Strategies.
  7. Looks like GIGO to me… Being completely fair Age of Sigmar is massively multivariate and 3.0 comes with some pretty significant changes to boot but the “pattern in the data” I see is one only an algorithm could love. We benefit from powerful and efficient algorithms so much today I think it can be easy to forget that all too often the results they produce are garbage, as is acknowledged by those who develop them with the Garbage In, Garbage Out expression (GIGO) Whether the “garbage” in this case is the data set itself (i.e. what factors did GW decide to include in them) or the weights they gave different components (e.g. are MWs more important or base Saves or wounds etc.) I can’t tell but having seen algorithms gone wrong in the wild this looks all too familiar, particularly once we allow for some massaging by GW post-algorithm (e.g. on any “logical” basis Mega Gargants got better in 3.0 on an absolute AND relative basis but their original points don’t allow for much change while still being a viable faction). Not as familiar with 9e but what Ive seen about point changes at day zero it looks familiar. There, as many have noted we’ve seen regular point changes since as the points became less dependent on the algorithm and more dependent on the tome writers and tournament feedback. Doesnt feel good but provides hope that new tomes and Winter points may go a long way towards realigning and rationalizing what people don’t like.
  8. Dang it. Hadn’t realized that it was ONLY Magnificent that granted extra enhancements. Think you’re absolutely right that the universals are great for us and had been excited to think of ways to get two Megas with Artefacts given that. Oh well. Still looking forward to eventual flip to 3.0 with this army. EDIT: now that we have two ways to be a Wizard really hoping for a Priest of Behemat new model in new edition.
  9. Good catch. Thanks. Have a bad habit of associating wound level with Behemoth status but was never a great system. Still think taking a battalion and unlocking some enhancements positive and the Troop one in GHB could be an appealing one.
  10. As my last kitbash project was meant to be converting a Bonegrinder into a second Gatebreaker the higher points there hit me double hard (as it also came with removal of the admittedly bad option of just run as a Bonegrinder) yesterday. That said after my first (2.0) trial run I’m glass half full this morning in getting to run my Stomper more than I’d originally expected to. I’ll definitely try the four Mega build but my first impression is that it remains a bit of a trap, especially if it precludes any battalion as unlocking Linebreaker feels like it will be valuable. That I could still do that and run double Gatebreakers feels like a consolation to the above too.
  11. So… still playing in a 2.0 world over in Zoom League until we have our good bye to 2.0 Battle of the Barn friendly in July. But had a blast even in a loss with my first battle with the Sons. Was playing a training wheels (since I had zero prep time having focused on getting the models built) Breaker Tribe w/the 5 extra wounds, Shiny Uns and the 6+ FNP in the Gatebreaker paired with a Kraken-Eater and 3/1/1/1 Mancrushers. Played against a PBK centric Nurgle list in Shifting Objectives. Was within 1 pt at end of R1 and tied end of R2 but R3 things started to crumble. Ultimately came down to Gutrot Spume taking away the Kraken-Eater’s Club 4/4 Combat Phases and the potentially “swingy” damage rolls swinging right into my face (d6 Damage, sure I’ll “happily” take a one… again… oh this is the 3rd in a row? I must have forgotten…). When Kraken-Eater went down and he still had two units of PBKs to score bonus VP on objectives my narrow path to victory was closed off. (Sidebar, mattered far less since I was usually surrounded but went 1/6 for Timber with Mancrusher roll offs. Just that kid of night.) Fortunately I understand cold rolls just happen and it was easy to see how just a little mean regression here or an opponent with a few less FNPs and the game starts tilting very favorably in my direction. (Nonetheless how much better this looks in 3.0 with Hero and Monster actions…) And, of course, also plenty of room for improvement in my play with the faction and gains from list tweaking. At the starting line raring to go… slime fleet arrives… Stompa Jr. feeling pretty lonely out there Stompa Jr. we hardly knew ye Kraken Snacker Will try and avenge you Big Three make a good charge but pay the price and will ultimately lose the West With primary objective in West PBKs wall off and look to tarp it my Gatebreaker in middle Gutrot keeps one hand tied behind Kraken-eaters back while remnants of slime fleet plink away the wounds. When he fell it was game over. With almost all the Nurgle models, except the summoned Plaguebearers, 4W+ there was also no bag stuffing opportunities to be found. So again, find plenty of upside to this faction/list in 2.0 and even more in 3.0 so for now very happy with the Sons. Time to get painting.
  12. So I could build around him using my favorite Fleshy Puppies of Doom as Battleline and buff him with Khorne units? Thank goodness… was so grateful to be gifted Archaon but haven’t built him and was worried I wouldn’t get to play him.
  13. I've had some success with Archaon + Fateweaver if against other big Monsters. Main problem really is the lack of Command Abilities to take advantage of for Tzeentch Allegiances. I’ve gotten lost in the back and forth re:StD and the Chaos Gods. I just got Archaon. Can I still build a TZ list around him?
  14. Okay, got lost in all the back and forth on StD units in Khorne. Did I get Archaon just in time to not be able to use him?
  15. Also finished kitbashing and green stuffing the “juniors”. Very happy with how they turned out. Fitting their “uniqueness” they’ll provide the solo Mancrushers in my 3/1/1/1 list tonight.
  16. Test driving Sons tonight. Not done putting arrows in to this fella but he’s ready to rumble. For the group of three went less themed but still tried to tie into the overall army. Little Brother below is just convinced he’s gonna swing that mega club even though he can only drag it along with him… This guy below went through several different hand options, none of which I was happy with, before I settled on this kind of basic approach. Think they’ll make for a nice unit if 3x…
  17. When movement trays are viable throughout the game (e.g. not just until you pile in or want to do anything remotely complex…) I think it can be a lot of fun to have huge masses of warriors on the table as I’ve experienced with both historical and Apocalypse 40k. For AoS where movement trays are not all that viable well… let’s just say I’m prepping a Sons army and frustrated that realistically I’ve got to run 2 Megas and 6x Mancrushers (3/1/1/1) to be viable in the objective game. Actually I’m fine with larger units (especially when other people are moving them) as it can be a lot of fun to have some contrast on the table such as my Frostlord on Stonehorn slamming into a massive horde of infantry. But the real issue is that there isn’t per se a consistent theory of unit size in the game due to the legacy of old sprue designs. Just to use Mawtribes there isn’t a logical/logistical reason why Leadbelchers are 2x, Gluttons are 3x and Ironguts are 4x. Ideally I think they all should be 5x but recognize that requires new sprues…
  18. This one takes a little less direct inspiration from the Warstomper but still feel it fits the theme. Specifically was leaning into the “Oi, You! Yes, You! Charge!” Big Shout with the left arm fully plated for crashing into enemy lines. Thought this custom Club using a custom knuckle bow, guard & shield “ricasso” for what still is in the end just a bug club with pointy stuff strapped onto it also fit with the theme that this was a Gargant that wanted to Get Stuck In but might have slight pretensions towards being a Shiny Un… Final thought was all the extra “armor” he’s carrying about is making him stronger so if he survives he just might be on a path to mega status… but that’s a big IF. With all my juniors done need to decide what to do with the other three.
  19. Okay, looking for a little help here as I have a decision to make in next 12 days. Some friends are getting together at the end of July to have a small 10 person tournament to sort of say goodbye to 2.0. To make sure everyone can easily submit 2.0 lists though the deadline for those is 6/25. I’d been planning on running Sons as my army but, as excited as I am about the recent models, fair to say I’m getting a late start on building, nonetheless play testing. I may be able to get in a couple games before list deadline but no5 enough to really trial a bunch of lists. So I would appreciate any advice players with more experience have as to where list wise to maximize those first couple of matches to see if it’s realistic to play these guys next month? I know the foundation of my list is a Gatebreaker and a Kraken-Eater and thus either Taker or Breakers for Tribe choice. I’ve been leaning towards Breakers, and if I do the question becomes do I run an extra Gatebreaker or 6 Mancrushers (likely 3/1/1/1…). Where would you recommend I start with this background. While I am the “reigning champion” of this little tournament not really looking to defend my crown but rather find the best balance of fun (for both me and my opponent) and reasonable competitiveness. If I can’t runSons this time I do have a 3.0 tournament coming up in September and (barring weird points changes) they’re looking very strong in that context.
  20. As @KingBrodd Commands… “I’m a Nagash Damned Kraken EATER boy! Ye? Yer hardly a Kraken-snacker…” As with the Gatebreakers Jr. now that I’ve got the core concept done will go back and add more signifiers (the jaw will become a nice belt for example) but while it took quite a bit of filing again I am very happy with how the tentacle snack turned out. Two concepts down. Fortunately think Stomper Jr simplest concept to derive. Executing though…
  21. Haha, i've seen the opposite with their players on discord & reddit and indeed more people looking to jump into them now. AoS3's stronger monsters, heroes and fewer troops works to their strengths and fixes their biggest flaw of needing too much infantry that put people off. As player #19… I was running Vorstarg and while I may miss Lords think it makes my list (depending on points) a little more flexible by making my two Magmas a little more potent.
  22. Take your son to work day in Ghur. “Nah, see ‘ere lad. It’s all in the back. Leave swinging the hips to the Aelves and lifting with your knees to Duardin…” Cant believe how much time it took to get that mask on the Mancrusher (why is a Mancrusher head bigger than a Mega’s?) but finally had some time to assemble my Megas and now I’m using the extra bits (because boy oh boy are there a lot of leftover bits) to try and give each at least one “junior”. Need to green stuff a smoother transition for Gatebreakers Jr.’s Hood but otherwise really happy with this mirroring.
  23. Barring GW misses the fact that Megas and Mancrushers have zero room for point increases… And that none of the new list building restrictions prevent you from doubling up on a specific Mega (e.g. taking two Gatebreakers)… I’m feeling pretty good about the Sons heading into 3.0 based on what we’ve seen so far. The ability to trigger both Hero and Monster actions a definite positive. Don’t think the boost to counts as for other unit types enough to offset Sons advantage and fewer “reinforced” enemy units may more than make up for that. Now if Longshanks could just learn from the fix it does look like the gave a similar Blood Knights ability…
  24. That brief moment of super excitement for the new monster meta dashed by more accurate translation 😂
  25. Still too early to tell but my Trog list still feels like my least vulnerable list to 3.0 changes. Loss of battalion could create space for point increases without sacrificing too much. Mainly running minimum size units except for one 6x Rockgut unit. If Dankholds get MONSTER keyword have 3-4 units that can kick off those actions. Lack of “champion” in Rockguts and Fellwaters concerning but not awful at moment. Got a win out of the list (still with regular Dankhold as haven’t gotten around to building new Fellwaters to swap in, along with Balewind, for it) against Mawtribes in Shifting Objectives last night but it required a bit of luck. In particular the Loonshrine returning 3/6 Rockguts at end of R1 after a fight against Mournfang and Stonehorn Beastriders didn’t go well, and then 2/3 of a different Rockgut unit at end of R3 allowing me to drop them onto an objective, setting up an advantage that would secure the win. That said this made up for the grand sum of the first three rounds of magic being… one arcane bolt. I failed 1/2 of my casting rolls and my opponent was on point unbinding the rest. So no Itchy Nuissance and no Hand of Gork help this game. My opponent just dropped the Butcher’s Battalion to add more Ironguts to the mix and had 3x units of 2x Mournfang in their Eurlbad. This meant I actually got to choose who went first and had them go. They moved onto all three objectives, but only had battleline on two of them, setting themselves up for 6 initial VP. I moved up my unit of 6x Rockguts and my Troggboss to challenge the Mournfang and Stonehorn Beastriders on the Eastern Objective. I’d roll well with my Mangler Squigs positioning them to charge the Mournfang and Huskard in the West, supported by a unit of 3x Rockguts. Both the flanks would make their charges but the Rockguts, Fellwaters and Dankhold in the middle would fail their charges. The Loonboss, with Bite da Moon, would one shot the Huskard, putting in enough damage to get through the Stone Skeleton negations and the regular Mangler Squigs would take out the Mournfang. This would allow me to score 2 VP in my first turn even after the fight in the East went poorly. The Loonboss had activated the Ironguts though. Positive is it pulled them off objective and that turn they could only get a couple of models in range. My opponent would win initiative though and the Ironguts would clear out both Manglers (though keeping them off both the West and Center objective). A “Pillow Fight” would start in the East between my Troggboss & Loonshrine Rockguts and the Beastriders and Mournfang. My Troggboss would sit at 1-3 wounds remaining through next 4 combat phases as would his Beastriders as we’d do enough damage to threaten to kill but not quite enough and then heal. My opponent would score 3 VP, putting them at 9. In my turn I’d also score 3 with the primary objective being the objective I held with Battleline in the West, where I’d clean off to random Frost Sabres. I’d push into the Center objective but in R2 for the first time my regular Dankhold truly shined getting off his Crushing Grip to kill an Irongut, his Insects peeling off the last wound of another. And then killing a third with his club. He’d just survive my opponent’s counter attack taking 9 wounds and thus keeping them pinned off the objective. I still couldn’t take Center or East so end of R2 I was losing 9-5. My opponent won initiative again but Voracious Maw didn’t go off and they prioritized the fights on the objectives allowing my regular Dankhold to crush another Irongut and club a 2nd leaving only 1 from each unit around. They’d score 3 more VP to go up 12-5. In my turn I’d roll a 12 for my Western Rockguts to get them across the board to the fight in the Center objective. A risk in losing the bonus VP in West but paid off when I finally took the Beastrider’s final wound in the East. My fight in the center wouldn’t be as successful but in the Battleshock phase as mentioned those 2x Rockguts returned leaving me with 3x Rockgut, 2x Rockguts & 2x Fellwaters on the Center to his 2x Leadbelchers on and 1x Irongut off to side. I still had 1 wound left on my Troggboss and both Shamans to his Butcher still up on the Balewind. So while points were still close when I finally won an initiative in R4 my opponent conceded. Outside of magic probably rolled as well this game as I’d rolled poorly a couple games ago against Nurgle with Khorne Beast Brisket. And vs my last Trogs vs Mawtribes (which I don’t think I posted because of lack of pictures) I did a much better job with my positioning, in particular making sure my Mangler Squigs traded up or even. Trogs remain very fun to play and look forward to seeing what they can do in 3.0
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