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Yuviel Lightbringer

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Posts posted by Yuviel Lightbringer

  1. Just now, Aelfric said:

    If you are referring to having two hammers, that is optional.  I will be equipping them in the same way as the unit.  It's the standard bearer that I am in two minds about.  Is re-rolling battleshock worth losing a standard hammer, especially in a group of five?  I am sorely tempted to have no banner bearers at all.

    I likely will go with the banner, just as a back up plan as they most likley won't have the cathaller nearby as she would be with the  larger unit of pikes so as a fallback rerolling battleshock will have it's uses for those 1-2 deaths per turn.

  2. 6 minutes ago, ArchaicArc said:

    Yeah, all good points. I’m just wondering what our justification to fight other order factions is. Like it’s easier to define why we fight chaos and destruction, but like Fyre Slayers fight anyone for Ur-Gold, Idoneth need them souls, KO could be angry about a trading dispute/regulations violation.... what is our excuse???

    simplicity and arrogance, in my mind at least, since we know etherquartz not just enchances the physical ability but the emotional high as well many of the lumineth are much more arrogant than we may be expecting, so in the mind of the lumineth instead of explaining to the chittering monkeys with pointed sticks we we need this land for the glory of telics, its just easiser to kill them, they won't notice and when they do we will have fortified the place against counterattack.

  3. 10 minutes ago, ArchaicArc said:

    Well I HAVE to use the blade of leaping gold because it’s what I always took back in my high elf days... second édition high elves... now how to actually not hate myself for taking it...

    Thing is, if you do take it, you end up with the attack profile of 4 attacks, 4+, 2+, - , d3 Damage, not bad. I still think it's slightly odd for the cathallar but it's nice to see it has returned once again.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Lucur said:

    If i read this correctly (i'm german) it adds one damage to only one of the bearers attacks. That would be the worst artifact ever ^^

    Considering the SCE profile, both Lord Arcanum and Knight Incantor get 3+/3+/-1/d3 attacks, 3 or 4 respectively, and they usually just bounce off of every target. Might just be my luck, but a Chaos Lord out performs both regularly while being cheaper. They are still useful as casters and their support rules, but as melee dudes they don't pull their weight.

    The artifact also grants a 6+ FNP and a 5+ spell bounce as well so not useless as such but much weaker than I understood initially.

    and agreed, as a caster it's better than nothing, which the sciniari has with 1 only attack even if having a stonemage in melee is a bad idea, they would be better behind the stoneguard taking advanatge of the 3" range whilst the guard reap the benefits.

  5. 1 minute ago, Falkman said:

    The artifact does not add any attacks, so you will have 1-3 attacks. What it does is add one damage to one attack per turn.

    Odd, the translation I have is +1 attack. draft, I will need to reclaculate.


    2 minutes ago, Lucur said:

    I ran enough stormcast caster heroes into ACTUAL melee heroes to know that profile is not adequate for combat, though. I wonder if the battle cattle should originally have had a hero keyword?

    as for what a melee hero should be I tend to use the the vampire lord as a hybrid caster/fighter baseline. I don't play stormcast to know what they run but the vampire lord is 140pts for 4 3+,3+,-1, d3 attacks + cast 1/dispell 1. overall a well rounded character IMO, my mistraslation has not helped my maths but I can see the stonemage serving as an average melee support hero, the 3" range is much better then we would normaly get but beyond that the attack profile is ok and the casting power average for a basic hero. I did not factor in quartz for the additional spell or other potential benefits.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Falkman said:

    I'm kind of okay with that, the army is apparently very wizard-focused so that's a thematic choice GW made. But then still having melee traits and items that you have to take for certain nations is very weird.

    To be fair the stonemage is no slouch in combat in ymetrica, armed with the artifact. 3" 2-4 attacks at 3+, 3+ -1 d3 has the power to be on par with a vampire lord, then the command ability to discard your attacks to inflict d3 mortal wounds on a 2+ with the 6+ fnp and 5+ ignore spells makes quite a tanky hero. and the spell solar flair can soften a unit up nicley before the charge.

    not perfect I will admit but far better then we would have otherwise had with a mage who normally only makes 1 attack with a staff.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Gecktron said:


    I found this color scheme on a french forum (they say its Ymetrica?) And I think it looks really good. Im tempted to go with that for my Lumineth force! 
    Source: https://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?/topic/274075-discussion-lumineth-realm-lords/page/70/

    thanks for finding this, I will absolutely be using this as a base for my Yvresse reborn Ymetrica list. all it needs is some gold edging and the gemstones in red. Lord Eltharion will be most impressed and provide his scowl of satisafaction.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    So then, are the hammer dudes useful? I’m possibly the only human who likes the look of them, but they seem to be a little meh? Not exactly sure on their role.

    Take heart, I like the stoneguard too, and I will be using them as a baseline unit in my ymetrica force in a vanguard role standing infront of the wardens to act as a buffer with rerolling saves whilst the wardens poke over the top with 3" stabs and the dawnriders lead the flanks.

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Falkman said:

    Yeah, the Wardens have a long sentence which says that for each Warden unit you take in your list, one Sentinel or Dawnrider unit can count as battleline.

    and am I correct in thinking the stoneguard are battleline in the same circumstances only in a ymetrica force?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    100 pages of discussion before the book came out... and probably 3 pages of discussion after 😉


    Honestly I hope we can keep talking about fluff and stuff like that after the book comes out. I really like the story of what GW put out, and made it pretty clear how their tempers and emotions flared before the Lumineth were introduced to the elements. (usually exposure to the elements is a bad thing, but hey they're elves.)

    Im sure we could turn this into a fluffy forum post book, Mod permission willing of course but it would be fun to have a place to throw idea's around. Speeking of which, anyone got any draft idea's on what they are looking to do with their army yet based on what we know so far?

  11. 51 minutes ago, Arentius said:

    So just a thought...Any wizard can attempt to cast an endless spell right? doesn't that mean all our battleline units can attempt to cast an endless spell?

    I'm just envisioning either the rune (for that -1 to hit stacking with shining company) or casting the Rune of petrification  on a unit you're locked in combat with

    Not necessarily. Stormcast evocaters can only cast empower or the select spells from the stormcast book but not endless spells. As cool as an image of a group of spearmen forming a circle and reciting the rituals of petrification is, it may be a bit above their skill level.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    The only strange thing I can see is that it only begins after setting up and you cannot reform it at any time? it doesn't say that you can reform the shining company again after you break it up, so it seems you have to be extra careful of your positioning. it also creates the problem real life phalanxes had, where you cannot travel over terrain or around buildings without breaking the formation. 

    It seems like a lot of hoops to jump throough for a -1 to hit!

    Shining company rules.jpg

    yes, your right, once the formation is broken it cannot be reformed, so all anvil and no hammer.

  13. 1 minute ago, Tizianolol said:

    Ok ty, so basically when you finish your movement, if you wanna charge, just put your models separate so you can do it. If yku are grabbing an objective just stay in formation right?

    yes. the whole army seems built around the idea of absorbing and blunting charges in a wall of Wardens whilst flanking with Alartih stoneguard and dawnriders.

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  14. 1 minute ago, Tizianolol said:

    Guys anyone understood how shining company rules work? Thx a lot:)

    going of how I understand the rule, as long as all the models are in base contact of at least 2 other models in the unit, then all units that try to strike them get -1 to hit. in exchange however that unit in base to base formation cannot run or charge and may only pile in 1".

    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, Tommay89 said:

    Really excited to get my hands on this box, it looks fantastic!

    What do you guys think to the chances of seeing a Tyrion model for the Lumineth to accompany Teclis? On the artwork of the Lumineth box there is artwork for Teclis and then another character behind him, could that be Tyrion and GW just haven’t shown us the model yet, or do you think there could be another elf release at some point in the future with Tyrion as the figurehead?

    This idea has been brought up a few times since the image was released and unfortuantly that the artwork is of Teclis and Celennar. In fact when GW did a lumineth lowdown article they showed the full image in colour.


    It's down the page a bit but it shows the full image of Teclis and Celennar.  If they are going to do tyrion it will be some time yet.

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