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Everything posted by Svalack

  1. Any advice against OBR using slaves? I have a rematch coming up. First game was a disaster ran plague touched battalion which I thought would give me significant mortals, I feel like I can't do any damage, if anything goes through then the harvesters bring them back or 6 wounds are healed next turn. Daemon Prince flying over isn't killing a harvester even teaming up with belakor so I have to go head on with units and try to out damage it. No access to ranged plus magic is not happening against a +2 wizard. Ran a pretty standard despoilers list with belakor, dp, sorc on manticore, cl, marauders, chosen warriors & shrine. Sorc on manticore has been useless every game I guess that can go. I thought about deploying a sorc with 40 marauders outside unbind range and trying to catch opponent with teleport in to kill a harvester if they can even kill a 10w model with 3+ save 6++ In the 6 objective games I think I have a small chance due to bodies but head to head I get crushed.
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