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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. Sure, but isn't speculation about implications of the rumoured phasing-out of Start Collecting boxes...pretty much discussing a rumour?!
  2. A lot of this doesn't make any sense. First of, if someone is seriously considering getting into AOS or 40K, he is interested because the aesthetics appeal to them. I can't imagine anyone thinking 'Yup, want to play any Sci-Fi war game, will buy whatever game offers the best discount'. Hence I don't think that GW need to compete with other games on that level. That of course does change if a person were on the fence between a GW system and another company's and would like both games' aesthetics just the same. But I don't think that's all too common. Now, what SCs and Combat Patrols do is ease you in and offer a decent enough orientation on where to begin. I'd be interested in seeing how armies without SC's like Ossiarch Bonereapers are doing with new players compared to those who have really good ones. I know at least one person who was looking at OBR but never got started because of the lack of a decent enough box set. I think GW would really do a disservice to themselves if they were to get rid of Start Collectings, but reasonable combat patrols, not necessarily in terms of playability but in terms of discount, will work as well.
  3. Okay, Ogor pirate, cool. And he has a monkey and a parrot, and that's really great. But can someone tell me where his hat is? Seriously, I don't know if anyone else noticed...but the hat is missing. He is supposed to wear a hat, the most glorious hat but...but...it's not there. The hat is not there... And just one singular hero model for Maggotkin is pretty disappointing. Warcry Warbands are fine. Not particularly exciting, but quite fine.
  4. I kind of understand what you are saying about Skaven. I was genuinely suprised that they were still around when I started getting into Age of Sigmar. Which is funny because, if you look at them (Ninja ratmen, mad scientist ratmen etc.), they are the most AOS-feeling of all the WHFB factions. Yet they still feel like a misplaced relic.. What do you think about Soulblight Gravelords then? They are new and popular, but are just a remade WHFB model line with the ghostly stuff and the ghouls cut out. The oly new and fresh thing about them are the Vengorian lords and that's virtually just one leader model plus named version.
  5. I like the army, but you are so right on this! I never really noticed... Bonereapers at least really do reap bones. Duardeth Slaylords, maybe?! Or Slaydin Fyretribes?
  6. I really don't get where the problem is. Those are just five chapters with Primaris Lieutenants. And, well, I guess Black Templars and Grey Knights get theirs as well.. But what about Flesh Tearers, Iron Fists, Imperial Fists, White Scars, Raven Guard... There is still so. much. design space!!!
  7. So, according to The Honest Wargamer who analyzed data from 30 tournaments in AOS 3Ed, Lumineth are doing really well, with an average win rate of 60%. And what's even better: all the Nations are viable. Even Ymetrica wins 55% of its matches.
  8. Since we don't have a painting thread for Daughters in the subforum: How do you guys my test for the Khailebron temple?
  9. I don't think I quite agree. In many ways Order is just a default GA with arbitrary underlying principles. If you say Order is about the followers of Sigmar and his old Pantheon this wouldn't fit Seraphon, Daughters of Khaine (with neither Khaine nor Morathi being a deity or a follower of the pantheon) or especially Idoneth who don't fit the GA in any way. Order simply includes some factions that fight the other three and are in for their own reasons and benefits.
  10. This seems to just repeat things and terms we already know, like 'new Chaos tome', 'Eightfold brood' and Varanguard plus the usual stuff about GW being in a bad shape. Assuming that Nighthaunt or Blades get a new book is also an easy guess to make... Still, thanks for sharing.
  11. There are five factions of old school Chaos (which used to be one faction) in different flavours, even if you exclude Skaven and BoC. That's one more than Aelfs, even if Sylvaneth are included.
  12. Love this topic, as I'm also mainly a Lumineth player who's slowly getting into Daughters as a second faction. 😊 I'm not sure in what direction Daughters might develop but the lore mentions that there are more, until now unseen forms of Melusai. I think we might get something like a unit of Melusai with double scimitars. I could imagine Witches being slowly phased out as more and Scathborn appear. Would be a shame, but I think it's possible. Also maybe new, female Avatar statues could be a thing, since Morathi began building Khaine statues in her own image. Of course these predictions are based on Daughters remaining their own thing. But I could see them being souped with Malerion, sadly. Then we'd have a dark counterpart to Lumineth with their two Aelven gods. Would make sense from a symmetry perspective. But I've developed a real dislike towards that sl@tshaming edge lord so I hope the Khainites stay independent.
  13. Each temple would, if they follow the previous temples' template, include one unit, one mage, one spirit and a named version of said spirit. And I guess Slaves to Darkness already set the bar with two god-tier characters in one army with Archaon and Be'lakor, even if there was quite a lot of time between their respective releases
  14. Could also just be a sign, that the spirit of Hysh's sun will be a dragon/phoenix, just as the spirit of Hysh-s moon is a (Luna-)sphinx but I think you're dead on! Hysh is about symmetry, and GW won't let the opportunity pass to bless us with an amazing Aelven warrior god and his blazing buddy! 😍 Btw, I hope they go for another tag team composition similar to Teclis and Celennar, instead of doing the somewhat lazy dragon rider thing.
  15. I'vw got another one that not a lot of people seem to share or even be talking about: I like the 2nd Edition boxes and books in mainly white with a little black trim a lot more than 3rd Edition's dark red. The white had a clean look that helped to accentuate the colorful and imaginative models or artwork that were framed within. And it helped to clearly separate AOS from other systems and games in the shelves, which are also largely framed in darker colors.
  16. @Enoby I agree and am fine with all the different Chaos factions. They are all cool in their own way. I do however like to bring Chaos up as well whenever people cry about the assumed over -supportedness of Aelves. Just one minor complaint: The Khorne guy you posted could just as well be Slaves to Darkness were his armour black instead of red. 😅
  17. I have another one concerning lore, and specifically those who are clamoring for Morathi (-Khaine) to 'get her comeuppance'. Yes, she seemimgly does a lot for her own gaines, but she truly and deeply hates Chaos. She was instrumental in binding Slaanesh and happily sends her troops to fight Chaos whenever and wherever. Sigmar can certainly not count on Malerion in that regard, because the boy is too busy with stalking the Lumineth and sl@tshaming his mother. Yes, Morathi sacrificed an army of Stormcast Eternals in the Eight Points, but her plan of throwing a wrench into Archaon's Varanite production was sucessful. Yes, she usurpt Anvilguard but was also crucial in rescuing Excelsis from Kragnos. The way I see it Morathi is still proving too important as an ally, and it seems that Grungni agrees with me. And she's also just plain fantastic.
  18. I would tend to respectfully disagree, but need to look into German linguistics to find evidence. I for my own part remember asking my parents why it said -fish when it wasn't a fish. But that is, of course, just anecdotal. People being lazy just comes across as a rather lazy explanation.
  19. Interesting, I didn't catch that. In Germany a whale would have sometimes been called a 'Walfisch' ('whale-fish') instead of a 'Wal', but that seems to have died out almost completely since the fact that they are mammals has become common knowledge.
  20. Okay, I'm pretty sure that this is unpopular: I really dislike if people constantly change subfactions just to be ahead of the meta and get a slight edge in competitive play. I think if you choose a subfaction you don't just choose a set of nice little rules but also a narrative and a history for why your army has these special traits. I do get that choosing a subfaction can be hard and of course it's fine to test in the beginning of your army building process. But you should settle for one eventually.
  21. Oh, I just remembered something about how weird it is, that Polish people seemingly don't differentiate between insects and spiders... Do people in English-speaking countries know that jellyfish are, in fact, not fish?
  22. I think that basically every faction in Age of Sigmar is racist. Even in the Cities of Sigmar there are such tendencies as recent events in BR: Morathi and BR: Kragnos have shown. But if you think that low-key 'benevolent' racism á la Lumineth is worse than outright genocide I'll have to disagree, though it is certainly a bad look for Lumineth.
  23. I didn't watch the trailer... Did it mention the Broodmaster being a creepy stalker that likes to sl@tshame women? If so, that'd be a clear Malerion connection..
  24. Aw, what are you doing? I was just about to claim all the credit and have the gigantic Chaos Dwarf fandom built statues in my honour for eliciting that confirmation...
  25. But would someone be so kind as to point out to me what exactly appears to be Aelven about the spider guy, because I just don't see it at all. Is it just the jagged blades? Because if that's it that appears to be rather weak evidence.
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