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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. PUDAnon acting cute as if she didn't take over secret operative duties from the fang. I reckon if someone had an idea on whether the #DeepWorkshop took the fang out, it'd be you.
  2. Good question. I'd assume that they don't necessarily get new tomes, since Sylvaneth didn't get a new tome after the Warsong Revenant was released. Granted, that model got its scroll in book, just not a Sylvaneth tome.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks that the Warpsmith and the new Autarch are fairly boring? The Ranger Jetbikes though are really, really cool. Eldar were my first 40K army and I had used to play them with heavy Ranger theme. Looking forward to #fyre vs #watyr, but as most here I'm quite certain it'll just be a new foot hero per faction and some discount for old units.
  4. Thank you so much! I shall remain a tinfoil- hatted PUDAnon stan for life!
  5. From what I've gathered on forums and YouTube channels it's just big numbers of magically enhanced Sentinels and/or multiple Spirits of the Wind that create negative playing experiences. If you go with a more melee centric army, e.g. Alumnia, Iliatha or Ymetrica, you and your opponents should be fine and you should still stand a decent chance.
  6. As Christmas Eve is the time here in Germany: Merry Christmas everyone!!! It's been a pleasure and an honour being a part of this spendid community. 🍻 Cheers, and have a good one!
  7. That's not how it works. When you choose a Great Nation every model in your army that did not have another Nation's keyword becomes the chosen Nation. That includes Stone Mages because 'Alarith' is not a Nation but a temple. Alarith units in a Helon army will all have Alarith and Helon as keywords. Hence the general has to take both the CT as well as the artifact, because your only other hero, Teclis, can't take them. The only units that would not become Helon are Avalenor, Myari's Purifiers, Lyrior and the Twins, because they already belong to other Nations (Ymetrica or Iliatha).
  8. I don't think this list is quite legal. If you go with Helon, your general has to take Skyrace Grand Champion as command trait and Metalith Dust as artifact. Also: why did you even take Helon? Just so that the MSU Windchargers can be Battleline? The Nation does nothing for Wardens or the Mountain Spirit so you don't really get that much milleage out of Gale of killing Shafts.
  9. Be'lakor has the best chance of all AOS models just on the merit of being a 40k model as well AND also featuring a Primaris on his base.
  10. Happy to see the Avalenor and the Spirits of the Mountain went down a little too! Hail Ymetrica's lofty peaks! 🏔🐂🌞
  11. It'd be much obliged if you could provide feedback to my half-joking opinion in a slightly more constructive or at least polite manner. Thank you.
  12. I don't like to pay for apps but I guess it's better than buying a Broken Realms volume that I'm not much interested in otherwise. And there also doesn't seem to be a new tome on the horizon. Is the app a buy once, or is it a monthly subscription? Yeah, the GW store doesn't give much information on the quality. But in other retailers' online stores I found the German one with SB in brackets and the English with HB. So I guess my assumption is right. But I'm quite fine with English anyways. I'd much rather have all my tomes in hardback than in the same language.
  13. Great. GW is literally so desperate not to have work on 3rd Edition that they'd rather resurrect Cursed City.
  14. Good evening, watchful avengers of the glades! Sorry if this is not the smartest question, but is there even a good and comprehensive way to get into Sylvaneth now? If I understood correctly, the current tome is slightly outdated as it doesn't contain the Warsong Revenant and Alarielle's new profile, so I'd have to get the tome, a BR volume and keep an eye on the FAQ. Bonus question: is there a hardback version of the tome available? The German seems to exist only as softback..
  15. You'd surely love that, but in the grimdark barren wasteland of December there's only 40k. Apart from that it doesn't sound much like Nighthaunt to foil a darker fate, does it? This snippet is probably about something Iyanden-related.
  16. It's the same it always is with the Chaos Gods. They actually can't do a whole lot to you if you don't open up your mind and soul and let them in. If your mind is too strong they can try to whisper and threaten and seduce, but they rely on minions to actually touch you. It's not that Tzeentch wouldn't want to punish the Archmage; it's that he just plain can't.
  17. Your bitter malevolence makes our light merely shine brighter. It's not our fault that we inherited the bull theme instead of a certain Dwarven subfaction.. As for Magnus... The Archmage Teclis didn't need a god of Magic to be awesome. He just became one instead. 😎 (So that should be enough to throw some my accumulated goodwill into the bin. No one needs to know that I secretely still stan #PUDAnon)
  18. Whoops, sorry, will edit my post immediately. 😅
  19. Patriots, now that the Fang has abandoned us, PUDAnon is here to take up the mantle of the operative in the know. And she even has the rarest of Pepes! # PUDAnon #ChorfsIsUponUs #WhereWeGameOneWeGameAll #DeepWorkshop #Copiochrome
  20. It's probably about Eldar Fire Dragons though. Because we can't have nice things.
  21. Ah, my friend, you are mistaken. It's actually those glorious mountains that make my Ymetrican heart beat faster and (almost) make me smile! (Seriously, if AOS Dwarfs were closer to those from the Old World, so Dispossessed as a real army, I'd play them ) Hm. The one about food is quite difficult. Let's see... So pot noodles are definitely beige, if you don't count the chili that's sprinkled over them...
  22. I'm not sure whether your previous post covertly accused me of virtue-signallig but it's probably me being too serious again. I'll be a good sport about it and take it as a compliment. 😅 As to the part about wearing shoes on knees and pretending to be a dwarf.. Wanna see my favourite piece of Warhammer artwork ever released? Behold:
  23. I don't know man, is smiling even physically possible with teeth such as these?! They don't look particularly happy to me..
  24. I don't think that 'constantly antagonizing each other' is a very fair distribution of blame in this particular case. And you may count that as 'whining' if you wish 😂 But I think @MitGas and I have said our respective pieces on the matter. Sorry for bothering you. @Ragest Which cows are you referring to? There are some in AOS, and of course I'd hope for Mountain Spirits. 😅
  25. I don't get the amount of aggression these things bring out in you that you just can't help yourself and question my and other's intellectual capacities. I'm sure you're a great guy to know in private, but on these forums you sometimes come across as quite the opposite. Maybe I should put up a ****MitGas-triggering content warning**** whenever I post something that's too left fot you too handle.
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