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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 minute ago, Hollow said:

    As for how financials could impact other rumours, with GW doing so well I find it harder and harder to believe that ANY of GW systems are being "carried" by other systems or are somehow "dead weight". I suspect that all GW systems are currently successful, so rather than seeing the removal of certain systems (Like Warcry) why not just make more? 

    With the factory expansion hopefully completing in 2026, might we see another system set in AoS? What about a game set in the Age of Myth? Or during the Age of Chaos? Epic scale? Naval Combat? Airships? 

    With so much more money to play with, projects that previously may never have been considered might be on the table... top. 

    I don't agree. They have a higher revenue, yeah, but that doesn't mean they could remove a system if it is underperforming for a long period of time. A weird example here, IMO, is Cursed City. It was sold like crazy, but had a bunch of weird problems around that made him vanish. Everyone knew many of the SBGL minis were supposed to be launched for Cursed City, but they were in the end just launched as plain AoS minis and Cursed City just received some cardboard. And in this case I think we are talking about a successful product. Imagine one that is not performing well.

  2. Just now, JackStreicher said:

    Would be interesting to know if there’s a general Consumer GW Product fatigue (I am experiencing it in my local Community).

    I am affected as well.

    From my experience in a few Whatsapp groups, it is pretty tied to the prices rising. Many people here in Spain don't get their salary raised as much as the GW prices.

    • Like 2
  3. 13 minutes ago, Ookami said:

    That's disappointing a bit. Was hoping to go full original, but now considering some 3d printed models to replace the old stuff. Can't really understand why do they keep these ancient night runners, when even Tyranids got full update on 10th edition release.

    Some speculate that they will get refreshed via Warcry, but it has no base.

  4. 1 minute ago, TrawlingCleaner said:



    Two thriving communities can absolutely coexist. People passionate and enjoying other things is ace and people enjoying the same things as me is ace 😁

    I only see there Stormcasts and CoS joining forces.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    One of the main reasons I posted the information here is that the company is paying out £18 MILLION equally to all of its 2000+ employees! It is NOT all going to the same person, but many hundreds of designers, writers, creatives and workers that produce settings and games that people (including myself) love. I for one am very happy that all GW employees are getting bonuses and the company is doing well. You perhaps don't care? Ok... Great. 

    And the most important bit, IMO, is that it has been shared equally. In my company, for example, there are annual bonuses but based on a % of your salary, so those earning more has also higher salaries. GW made a valiant move there.

  6. 1 minute ago, ArcLight said:

    Everything seems to be going well for both of GWs fantasy games (to whatever degree), so let's all be happy for the success of each others particular niche of the hobby as well as our own ❤️

    I would agree with you here if the BoC scenario hadn't happened, but we will never know if this was caused by the release of ToW. My personal opinion is that it was. That's why I am a bit mistrustful of ToW, but now that it is rolling it shouldn't affect AoS anymore. In fact, new models would be also something cool for AoS. As an example, I bought the Bretonnian box so I can use the new Pegasus in my CoS, so please, bring us more plastic models that fit in CoS 😄

  7. 51 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


    It seems some people are a little bit frustrated.

    The fact remains that the GW financial year (June 2023-june 2024) was rock solid. The second part of this financial year was even better than the first part. And in that part TOW was released.

    GW is doing very well and TOW is part of this success.

    I am confident this will be mentioned in the upcoming report. I am already looking forward to the posts from @Peacaf, @Ejecutor and @cyrus saying its fake news from GW and that it are lies.


    I didn't say it is fake news. Please don't put words in my mouth I didn't say. Just that I don't think ToW was the leader of those profits, but other sources and ToW was just another small agent like let's say Warcry or Underworlds.

    • Like 1
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  8. 58 minutes ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

    There’s an old world forum this can all go to. 

    I don’t care about ToW in the slightest which makes it so frustrating when it’s brought up so much in the AoS threads.

    At this point it just feels like ToW fans desperately trying to make it relevant, having to bring the conversation over here as there must not be enough interest in its own threads.

    Enjoy your game but stop plastering it everywhere it doesn’t belong. 

    I’m excited about BoK focus today. What sort of content started dropping after the faction focuses for Leviathan in the run up to release?

    ToW is AoS in the past in the end. Any new mini there could be easily ported over as a proxy or cool conversion.

    • Like 5
  9. 3 hours ago, Gailon said:

    Me: “I wonder what people think about the Sylvaneth faction focus. Let’s check the forums”

    giant argument about GW financials. 

    yeah, that’s about right. Never change Warhammer fans. 

    At least you could discuss it in the General Thread, hehehe.

  10. 37 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Can I ask what's rumoured to be coming for skaven please? To add to skaventide I've grabbed some stormfiends, a lightning cannon and a bell. It'll give me enough to play both spearheads. However, I can't seem to find what's predicted/ rumoured to be coming. If anyone could help, that'd be awesome :)


    Thanks in advance!

    I would recommend you to check the posts from @SG Warhound. He is our Skavens oracle lately.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Tomorrow is Sigmar Fist 

    All aboard the Steam tank !choo chooo!

    all seriousness the hail mary desire i want for CoS (apart from interspecies refresh) is that we get a tanks along with Cogfort. The Imperial guard can have both the Leman Russ and Rogal Dorn why can CoS get the spider and wheel version (in lore Cogfort come in a wide variety from wheals, walkers and archnic-legs) it could even be a alternative build


    Don't you think that, if we get the wheeled and walker version it would probably be just the same mini with a different lower part?

    I would love also if we get a new approach to tanks, but being totally different from the Cogfort on any of its forms.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Also this is a very strange sentence. From where do you have the info "lately GW is performing worse in terms of mini's..."?

    GW core revenue is increasing and that was already the case before TOW. Core revenue and licensing revenue are two seperate things.

    This is isn't some secret info, it is all in the financial report released 9 January 2024.


    Edit: GW is in a very healthy financial place. Rock solid for a couple of years now. Almost no debt.

    From one of the previous finalcial years, where the revenue increased due to the IP lincenses, but talking from the top of my head, so it could be wrong.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    The funny thing is that the only TOW stuff ever released happened in the last 6 months. :D

    Everything released in the second part of the financial report will have made an impact. Only GW upper management knows exactly which release made the biggest impact.

    What we know from the half year results published january 2024 and with the article from yesterday is that the half year pre-tax profit for the period november 2023 - june 2024 are around 58% higher than june 2023 - november 2023 period. Which had the launch of a new edition of 40K.

    We can all ignore the elephant in the room, the article about the "scoop of the project has changed", the long lines at Warhammer World at the release weekend of TOW. The out of stock of a lot of TOW stuff on pre-order day.

    But that 6 month financial window did around 58% better than the first half of the financial year june 2023 - june 2024.

    Something released in the period november 2023 - june 2024 made GW pre-tax profits grow with around 58% compared with the 6 months before. ;)

    In those 6 months the Specialist Design studio was quite active with it releases, so it certainly wasn't alone TOW, but with the numbers form the article + the numbers from the half year report published january 2024 I have a small feeling that there are lot of happy faces at the Specialist Design studio and if those bizar rumours of competition between the main studio and SD studio are true, than these numbers certainly aren't bad for the SDS team :D.

    Even if we ignore TOW or any other release.

    The period november 2023 - june 2024 did a lot better than the period june 2023 - november 2023. That's a fact.

    We all chose our own spin how this happened, but the fact is that the past 6 month were a lot better than the first 6 months based on the financial report for the period june 2023 - november 2023 and the article posted yesterday.


    Another important point, IMO, is that maybe this spike is not related to miniature sales. Lately GW is performing worse in terms of minis but better in terms of selling their IP, and Amazon has given them a decent chunk for their license 100%.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    This was in the first half of the financial year. So that makes the second half even more impressive as it increased the pre-tax profit from 11,6 (june 2023-november 2023) to 18,4 million (november 2023-june 2024). So the second part without a new 40K edition launch box did better than the first part of the financial year which had the 10th edition launch box.

    Ofcourse, nobody is saying that the 6,8 million increase in the second half of the financial year is because of only TOW. What is important that in the 6 months that TOW was released GW, did alot better than the first 6 months of the financial year while there was no TOW release. So at worst case GW didn't lose any money with TOW, best case is that they made an insane amount of money with the TOW release.

    40K will always be the range that makes the most profit. 40K sales are on another planet compared with all the rest GW releases.

    But we all know that TOW did really well at the start. Some posted that GW probably made not many boxes, but the numbers don't lie. In the second half of the financial report of june 2023-june 2024 GW had an extremely profitable 6 months.

    To me it seems that TOW helped a little or a lot with that pre-tax profit.

    Edit: Conclusion. The first 6 month of the financial year june 2023 - june 2024 were great. The last 6 months were incredible. Which resulted in a fantastic gift for their employes. A win-win.

    Hopefully they give a bit of detail in the next financial year report. I would prefer that the boost has come from AoS releases (the last half year has been busy in terms of AoS) than ToW.

  15. 55 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    We should be glad that GW workers had this profit and there is a AoS 4.0 edition around the corner.

    All aboard the hype-skyvessel! Next stop. 4th edition!

    Literally around the corner, lolz.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    What fake news?

    The results / profits are from june 2023 to june 2024. In the second half of the financial year TOW was released. So in a year with the release of TOW the pre-tax profit has increased from 171 to 200 million pounds compared to the financial year before.

    So it seems TOW certainly hadn't a negative impact on GW.

    Edit: And as Hollow I also believe that TOW is partially responsibable for this increase in profits.

    Edit 2:


    This was from june 2023 to 26 november 2023. For the first 6 months the pre-tax profit was 11,6 million compared to june 2022 - november 2022. So from november 2023 to beginning of june 2024 they added another 18,4 million to the pre-tax profit results compared with the year before. And guess what. What was the major release in that window. 😉 

    Dark Angels? Kroots? Darkoaths?

    • Like 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Hollow said:

    Again. You are making the mistake of comparing Settings. Nobody is saying that 40k doesn't generate the most profit for GW. We know the two flagship systems for GW are 40k and AoS. They state it clearly in every financial report. 

    What is being said is that it looks like GW has increased pre-tax profit by over 30 million on the same period last year. I personally think that ToW's success has been instrumental in helping them achieve that. I don't know that for a fact, but it's what I think as a shareholder.

    Also, it is worth mentioning that the last year included Leviathan. Probably a decent chunk of the profit has been Leviathan. Would be interesting to see the report for the next year.

    • Like 3
  18. 1 minute ago, Hollow said:

    I really do think that Dwarfs were pushed back into the next (Q3) because they had already smashed their financial targets for Q1 and Q2. 

    Very likely, yeah, but even with that I wouldn't call ToW one of their main releases. Maybe once it is well established and we get a scenario like the second edition from HH.

  19. 8 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    No. It is up to June 2nd 2024. 

    When I say "minor" or "minimal" releases I mean relatively. A "major" release would be like a new edition. 40k had a "major" release with 10th edition. AoS will have its "major" release with 4th. GW kicks off each 6-month financial cycle with a "Major" release (or tent pole). The previous 6 months' tent-pole releases were ToW and Legions Imperialis. 

    I wouldn't consider a specialist game release a tent pole. I am pretty sure Dark Angels on its own have sold ages more than that.

  20. 15 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    If that's projected profit over the first 2 quarters, doesn't that include June? Skaventide is still going up for pre-order this month too. And between Darkoath, Second half of the FEC release (including Ushoran), Dawnbringers 4-6 and all the minis with them, first few Spearhead boxes, Kroot, Dark Angels (especially after the success of the Lion) and a lot of Killteam releases I don't consider that minimal 40K and AoS stuff. 30K also had a ton of releases this year including the Solar Auxilia.

    Clearly TOW carried the company.

  21. 29 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Haven't GW announced price increases annually for the last 15 years? Nobody likes prices going up, but I'm a little confused as to why some are acting like this doesn't happen every year?

    That's the problem. That they happen every year.

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