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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 29 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Haven't GW announced price increases annually for the last 15 years? Nobody likes prices going up, but I'm a little confused as to why some are acting like this doesn't happen every year?

    That's the problem. That they happen every year.

    • Like 2
  2. 53 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

    Really great news for the Staff there, that works out to a pretty hefty bonus and considering how many teenagers work in GW stores, that's probably more money then they have ever seen in Thier life. 



    "Times are tough and we have sadly had no choice but increase prices on our miniatures". 

    Still haven't forgotten. 

    Times are tough, but we get more money every year. Aham, tough for everyone apart from them...

  3. 5 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    The news that GamesWorkshop will pay out £18 MILLION in equal cash payments to all staff is fantastic news. For the first time in the company's history, it will break £200 million (An increase of nearly £30 million on the same period last year) in pre-tax profit over 2 quarters.  (2 Quarters that had Legion Imperialis and The Old World as its tentpole releases with pretty minimal 40k and AoS stuff) 


    Where did you read this?

  4. Btw, I just noticed that the book cover pictures Vedra with her maze option (Her favourite one. She even loose it sometimes on purpose but always comes back). Interesting...


    I would if they will tell something related to that lorewise. if she really changes her weapons or if it is just something purely for the model.

  5. 11 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    I’m not against the regiments of renown and do get the balance argument but there’s factions that are affected by the removal of allies more than others. The assorted chaos armies really suffer thematically from not having access to at least some of the StD range: knights, warriors, etc. It’s like the final severing of the old concept and background for chaos forces.

    Fingers crossed we even get something like the coalition rules in the eventual battletomes.

    Maybe the new battletomes include them as part of their ranges as well? Like some units are shared between armies considering their exceptional case?

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Last two pages of this thread look identical to me, anyone else seeing that? Has the thread gotten so large it's broken? 😄

    Edit: and now it's looking OK again, strange...

    It happened to me two or three times in the past. It just needs a bit of time.

    • Like 4
  7. 3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    It's unfortunately prevalent in a ton of games. Pokemon is a great example, but also some MMOs fall in this category.

    To expand on the Pokemon example, in competitive singles Pokemon there are multiple formats. The formats with the largest number of options (Anything Goes and Hackmon) have very few Pokemon that actually see play. If you're fine with always losing, you have the option to play with your favourites. If you actually want to stand a chance, you need to play with the best options, just like everybody else. So while in theory it is the format with the most options, 99% of those options will never see play because there are no restrictions on the 1%.

    As soon as there are no restrictions on the strongest option, people gravitate to that option even if there are a lot of other options. If you want to keep up and even have a chance to win, you will have to pick that option too. Restricting options and nerfing those that are too strong is not just essential for balance, it's essential for fun too. Because what fun is it to have 100 options when 90 of them do not actually matter?

    The problem is that some people just find it fun when they win...

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, michu said:

    I always preferred all Orruks in one book. True Orruk horde contains all kinds of Greenskinz and the army should reflect that. Adding a RoR won't be enough. 

    Same goes for the Cities of Sigmar. Chris Peach's Hallowguild army looked more compelling than current range. What I want to say is... Bring back GA rules! Let us mix the armies!

    I had no idea who was the guy behind this army that I saw some pics! I even saved some of them as references. He did such an awesome job indeed.

    I found this, in case someone wants to read about it: Chris Peach’s Army of Hallowguild – Armies on Parade

  9. 45 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    This leads to so much less content per army though. To illustrate what I mean, (with a rough calculation, assuming that each army gets equal focus in their battletome) here is each edition with the average number of battletome paged dedicated per Orruk army:

    1st edition - 120 pages per orruk army:

    • Ironjawz battletome: 128 pages.
    • Bonesplitterz battletome: 112 pages.

    2nd edition (combined IJ and BS) - 52 pages per orruk army:

    • Orruk Warclans battletome: 104 pages.

    3rd edition (KB added) - 45.3 pages per orruk army (26 extra for Ironjawz in supplement):

    • Orruk Warclans battletome: 136 pages.
    • Ironjawz battletome supplement: 26 pages.


    With each army added to the battletome, the average number of pages per army keeps decreasing. Most battletomes are 96 to 104 pages (excluding outliers like, Warclans CoS and SCE). Only 45 pages dedicated to a souped army is less than half of a full battletome. For IJ this was supplemented, but the total of 71 pages remains more than 20 pages fewer relative to battletomes dedicated to one army.

    This is also assuming that every army gets equal treatment in each soup book, but from what I've heard the focus was decidedly not on Bonesplitterz. So if you're unlucky, your army gets even less focus than the rest of the armies in the soup.

    This might not be a big deal if you're a fan of every army souped in a book, but if you buy a battletome specificially for one army you're interested in, they become quite a bit worse in terms of content. So if they follow the trend, IMO battletomes lose a lot of their worth if you're not interested in playing all the souped armies in them.

    And of course, these calculations are not perfect. Some pages would be redundant in souped tomes (you don't need multiple covers or contents pages), but in general it's fewer pages dedicated to lore, art, pictures, paint schemes, etc. of each separate army in soup books. Battletomes can already be light on lore, but souping armies will just compound that if these trends continue.

    Don't you think that, in that case, the BTs could be a bit chunkier? I have no clue how 40k is behaving, in case we could use it as a reference, but it wouldn't surprise me.

  10. 6 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Which is only worth about as much as saying "we aren't beasting IJ". Soon tm is the same as never as far as anyone wanting to play Spearhead with their friends before 5th edition is concerned. It could be in 3 months or 3 years.

    We will get it by the end of the year as last.

    • Like 1
  11. 34 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

    I think keeping Orruk Warclans as one faction pack, even while acknowledging that they are 2 completely separate factions is probably due to a very simple reason - they aren't ready to release an Ironjawz Spearhead for whatever reason and they want to be able to say that there "is a Spearhead box for every faction".

    But everyone would know that's not true. If at least they wouldn't say they are their own factions... someone could claim that is not clear yet.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I'd prefer an accessible option to read about the Eve of the Four Killings in detail. I have no interest in buying the CoS tome just for the lore but would love to read a novel about the defining moments of an iconic character. Would be a way to future-proof the lore for new people too, so they don't have to buy old battletomes to read about the exploits of major characters.

    That's true. Good point. Then get the Eve of the Four Killings as the ending of the book, and maybe a little mention about how is get life as the Great Marshall.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    That's super cool, I was really hoping she would get a novel! The art looks absolutely fantastic too. So this novel might be about how she got all her weapons/Eve of the Four Killings?

    On a sidenote, I have sort of conflicted feelings about how they go about introducing characters.

    On one hand, I completely get why they first release a mini and only then start fleshing it out, so people might be a lot more inclined to pick up the novel. If that makes them more worth producing, then great because I want more!

    On the other hand, it would be really cool if we got a novel like this before the Dawnbringer Crusades, introducing us to Tahlia Vedra first and after that seeing her lead the Aqshian half of the twin-tailed crusade. I would love to read about the how the events that made her so famous happened, instead of just that they happened in the past with little detail.

    I think it would be more interesting to explore her past rather than the Eve of the Four Killings. I mean, how did she get Infernadine, her past as a Mercenary and maybe all the info that led her into the Eve of the Four Killings? But not the Eve of the Four Killings itself. That's already covered in the BT, I think.

  14. 4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    image.gif.9d24076cf102301ba80d6d2b357a4193.gifThey gotta do it for Chaosat least. If not I‘ll be even whinier than usual! No warriors, no knights?! I want to use my minis and not play Slaves to use them!😭

    You will always have RoR.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Ookami said:

    Well I again return to the idea that IJ will be among the first factions to receive battletome in 4th ed. No spearhead, seemingly underwhelming rules, this strange souping on 'index' stage - everything is pointing out to get early IJ battletome.

    Plus their counterpart, Kruleboyzs were the launching faction of the previous edition. Those tend to get early love as well.

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