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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Hopefully they don't end up just giving us an Orruk Warclans battletome with no BIg Waaagh, simultaneously disappointing people who want separate battletomes and the fans of orruk soup 😄

    Think worst and you will be right.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Elves, chaos units,... I don't care. Anything appart from Dwarfs. 

    But that's your subjective POV. Give me an objective option that has more chances. I might be missing something that is more obvious.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    If this was truly the case, why have they chosen to fully split two factions that were previously souped?

    I am talking about the case that they are put together in the same BT (which is what I thought until I saw the message from the CM). If that happens, then more "souping" could easily come once they need to make room for brand new BTs. If that's the case, I would say Duardins have all the numbers.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Let's not open that debate. They've said nothing about the two Duardin armies sharing an index, both armies are getting their own Spearheads with separate spearhead rules and there is no precedent for Duardin soup at all in AoS. Not even Grombrindal, forged to foster cooperation between not just Duardin but all of Order, has any sort of rules for Duardin coalition or soup.

    We've got regiments of renown to serve as allies now.


    The Fyreslayers faction focus even explicitly states that they are separated from the other Duardin:

    'Separated from their distant cousins amongst the Kharadron Overlords and Dispossessed exiles by religious fervour and fiery determination, the Fyreslayers nevertheless throw their lot in with the rest of the forces of Order, standing shoulder to shoulder with Sigmar’s forces and their allies… typically for an ur-gold fee.'


    If what Nhezzil says about putting factions together to make room for new factions is true, then what else can be put together?

    I just say it is the obvious choice if we take into consideration their lore and the size of their ranges. Does it have to be bad? I don't think so as long as they receive the same love as they would if they are separated, plus you have more options to play with.

    If my CoS got souped with Stormcast I wouldn't be forced to purchase them/ play them. It would be bad if one of the factions vanishes and the other one gets all the love.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    We have regiments of renown that seems to be more in line with allies and mercenaries.

    I miss coalition units /sad

    But if we take the Warclans as an example and the lore with Grombrindal, Duardins are the next obvious group to be put together. That's what I meant.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Aphotic said:

    Welp, Ironjawz nuked into absolute oblivion.


    Smashing and Bashing gone.

    MD is one unit once per turn and 3" only.


    Entire army hits on 4's. Radukar will simply laugh at any attempt to kill him if his buff is up.

    Bonus damage for units is on a dice roll.


    Raise a pyre to their memory, lads and lasses.

    Interesting how we have the two sides of the coin. Some ppl say it is nuked and others say they are beasts. I say they are nuking beasts.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Same! I don't want to play sneaky sadistic Kruleboyz, I want to play stupid brute pig-riding Ironjawz. And if they are separate factions, why is there no Spearhead, boxset, or any other way to buy Ironjawz more cheaply? Every single faction has a Spearhead now, except for Ironjawz, making them a lot more difficult for new players to get into too.

    IMO this confirms more than ever that Warclans/IJ is the faction 3 from the 4th edition.

  8. 58 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

    They are not souped, they just have 1 book with OPTION to play them as united force. It's still 2 factions. 

    Considering that we don't have allies anymore, that's the closest to a soup, and it opens again the Dawis soup debate, IMO.

  9. 1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

    I feel like they are shifting Warcry away from being "out there skirmish warbands" to "AoS: Kill Team", so we'll probably not see warbands that don't clearly fit into a faction.

    For example, the Gorgers, Lumineth, Nighthaunt, Wildercorps, etc. that were released recently all neatly fit into the main game, so I don't see them going anywhere. Same with the remaining S2D stuff.

    Yeah, it feels they are focusing it a bit closer to Kill Team.

  10. 29 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I think it‘s an Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra. It‘s a 12k print. I only see lines on a single loincloth, the rest is as smooth as a GW plastic mini. Really impressive…. Might buy one myself, they aren‘t very expensive. 

    Btw, is this the helmed that you modelled?

  11. 37 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Hurrah, my second Black Library short story for Age of Sigmar is now out, as the third of the Wanderers of the Realms eshorts!

    Black Library - Hounds (eShort)

    Super happy to see this one finally out - a brief respite from the word mines before I duck back down and keep clawing out prose for what I'm working on next...

    Thanks to everyone here on TGA - your enthusiasm for the game and setting over the years helps keep me energised and enthused to write material like this for the Age of Sigmar we all love :)

    Thank you too! We need more lore. There's never enough lore!

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Ookami said:

    Btw I can't remember, but have uk and euro prices for Skaventide been leaked? Wonder if LGS will give discount for this box. 

    Yeah, if you look at the terms and conditions for one of their contest where you can win the box it was 210 € (I think 155 pounds, but just data from the top of my head).

    About the discount, at least in the three or four I usually purchase stuff, they will have discounts.

    • Thanks 3
  13. 26 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Started reading the Darkoath novel yesterday. Set in the Vermindoom, first chapter is pov of a night runner. 

    Please GW, give us new night runners, even if gutters go to the scrapheap of history. You cannot in all conscience keep selling these models. 



    New vintage line with the "ugliest" of the old models.

  14. 2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Yeah didnt know what to put in that slot. Am actually hoping for a new unit to be released with an early tome.

    If they get an early tome, considering what they had quite recently, I fear it will be just the classic hero.

  15. 5 hours ago, MitGas said:

    -2 rend plus dmg 2 is quite okay indeed!  Charges will be sexy for the Slaves player!


    Talking about sexy… my 3d prints arrived. Their resolution is very high, feels as smooth as normal GW plastic (still need to clean them a bit). I think I‘ll buy such a printer soon. Amazing stuff! 

    The seller also did me a solid and printed a lot of those feature-less helmets for me, I love the Cobra Commander/Mysterio look of those. 

    These will definitely be used in my army. I really like the GW STD models as well but these are amazing figures that got the Tzeentchian style down to a T so I‘ll mix them into my stuff. 👍 


    Looks fancy.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    That claw looks quite rough and made in Hive of the 41st millennium - Rat Skins Bionic Leg for Hive Secundus? 

    And recently we have a lot of stuff from the new Necromunda edition. My bet is also Secundus.

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