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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I hope they launch new spearhead boxes with range updates that they just add to the rules. CoS, Seraphon and FeC got some really nice ones with their new models. Would be great both for new ways to play spearhead (Skaven and SCE have multiple spearheads too) and to update some of the more unbalanced (in terms of model count or variety) and boring Spearheads like FS, DoK, Ogors and Sylvaneth.

    40ok is releasing both a Combat Patrol and a Battleforce when a codex is launched, so we will have new ones for sure. The downside is that the new hero goes only to the battleforce :(

  2. 33 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's hard to say if this is realistic, but they might have postponed production on these kits a bit in order to get all the Vermindoom boxes ready for launch.

    Yeah. I think this has been the case.

  3. 7 hours ago, Urauloth said:

    Do you think we'll see chaos warriors get their weapon profiles merged like gutrippas did?
    I have 10 with swords, 5 knights and a lord on foot... if they merge the sword and halberd profiles all I need for the Spearhead is a chariot. Guess we'll see.

    I also think that will be the case. They are trying to streamline that kind of stuff.

  4. 1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

    I wonder what the situation will be like with the Skaven index and units that are probably getting revamped/changed with the post-Skaventide release wave. Will the index just be missing those units until the battletome releases, or will the old units still be in there for that brief window?

    Considering their index will last for 2-3 months, I think it will just miss both old and unreleased minis.

  5. 7 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    Index PDFs have gone out. People do know things now. That said, can’t say whether the Ogre rumor is accurate or not.

    If they will be out the next week around this day, it is normal that influencers have access to all of them already.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Thats true. But still double big releases are not a good idea, especially if there are players who would like to buy both. Buying 2 big boxes is a lot more expensive than 1.

    Also, didn't Leviathan get another made to order run? Thats more what I intended, so there is room for that for Skaventide too if necessary.

    Honestly, I wouldn't consider dawis a big release. They will sell a lot of stuff, but in terms of numbers probably Warcry will have the same or bigger production.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    With the production issues they're having I don't think it's wise for them to do 2 big boxes at once. Especially since Dominion was their best fantasy launch ever, I imagine they'll want to invest even more in Skaventide and not have the production reduced in favour of a non mainline game.

    I would say Skaventide has been produced at least a month ago. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    Big Ogor rumor from coach discord:

    Some rumours, reliable source
    We have access to; Run and charge (multiple sources)
    LOS blocking abilities Abilities and spells that improve our control score
    Reducing enemy control score
    Both huskards are priests

    FLoSHs are legit, basically exact same profile except; Only a 4+ save +1 damage on charge for spear and horns but not hooves Unstoppable charge on their warscroll Only 360 points
    All the big beasts are like 50-100 points cheaper
    Mournfang are anti cav, they get rend -2 against them.
    Ironguts same basically, kept their fight twice and give nearby tyrants 6++
    Slaughtermaster snow get points when units kill stuff and they can be spent to give abilities to units.
    Butcher gives run and charge to ogor units within 12” Spell that gives run and charge to a unit, if cast on high roll its reroll runs and charges too.
    Tyrants add +1 to mortals if any on the charge. So roll a d3, on a 2+ it’s that many +1.
    Bloodpelt basically the same
    Hunter basically the same
    Yhetis move in the enemy move phase and can move into combat.
    Frost Sabres same but have max control score of 1.
    Maneaters similar profile, but have a 4+ shrug against “non core abilities”
    Spell to make terrain obscuring and units get 5++ near them (I’m hazy on this but think it’s right)
    Scraplaunchers got either crit mortals or anti infantry rend.
    Points for most units around the same; Flosh 360 HOSH 300 Glutts 220 Ironguts 240 Leadbelchers 150 MF 200 Yhetees 120 Ironblasters 240 Scraplaungers 180 Gorger mawpacks 260 Gnoblars 120 FLOTT ~330 iirc Beast riders ~260

    Ugh. I read the first phrase and my hopium level went to the moon. I thought it was a rumour about minis :(

    • Like 5
  9. 8 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    I can confidently say that Briar and Bone tomorrow with how they already show off the banner on facebook page before, multiple artwork of it shown off (pic below), AOS 4e is next week so i don't think they want to launch TOW range when an edition is coming up & i think rules were posted in White dwarf as well (someone fact check me)




    AoS 4 and Dawis target is not the same, so I would say it is possible.

  10. 8 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    So, what are the odds looking like for Briar and Bone not going up for preorders again this week and instead it being Dwarfs? 

    Why not both? I think it will be the case, here's why:

    Why Warcry? Because it is featured in the next WD.
    Why Dawis? Because Dispossessed are being retired and CM said they will come "shortly".

    So my bet is both.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    kind of weird this never brought up buy uh @Nezzhil where did you get the Brood terror leak image?


    edit: Nezzhil was you who posted the leak? i can't find who it was that did

    I could be wrong, but someone posted it in the Spanish wiki WhatsApp group.

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