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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I want it to be written by a collection of in-universe scholars. Humans, Aelves, Duardin, maybe even Orruks?

    There's so much potential for books to really flesh out the mortal realms. A bestiary, botanical guides, geography of known regions, history books, etc.

    What I'm especially interested in is a book breaking down the 'science of magic' as you might call it. A book full of beautiful drawings of spells, formulas, differing theories by different scholars, incantations in all mortal realms languages and more. The mortal realms are so vast and mysterious, adding some foundations to the magic system would make me enjoy it even more.

    What makes magic from each realm different from each other? What does one have to do to study magic? How do prayers work? They seem to be equivalent to magical feats quite often. What has the Order of Azyr learnt about Endless Spells and their nature? To which extent are they sentient? How do they relate to Incarnates and Aelementors? How does Aqshyan magic differ from magmic invocations? How do Kharadron employ magic to power their mechanical creations?

    Books like this might all be more fit for Soulbound, but I would prefer to get this in a nice hardback or bound tome. I also haven't seen any new releases for Soulbound in a while now :( I'm hoping it's just because 4th edition is not in full swing yet.

    While I agree that something like that would be awesome, is this really worth it?

    Stuff like Dawnbringers are already not their best sellers, and they include some rules and stuff, and with the game shifting towards the competitive side, I don't see something like this happening in the future from an income POV.

    Also, about Soulbound, recently they launched a big book and a supplement if I am not wrong.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, Chikout said:

    How do people choose colour schemes? I'm painting Skabbik and co as a tester for a Skaven army but I haven't painted anything for a couple of weeks as I'm stuck with a painters version of writers block. I can't decide on a scheme. Being red green colour blind probably doesn't help as I can't really figure out what colours the official scheme is using. I though black white and red would be nice but that's the same scheme as my cities army. This is always by far the longest part of the painting process for me. 

    Colour preferences, I guess. Or something fitting the lore. That's how I would do it.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Most of the time its presented as a choice in lore.

    Besides, Sigmar would know better than to do that to the leader of the biggest lodge of one of his reliable allies. It could definitely spark a large war between the factions.

    And on top of that, it would be a terrible move on GWs part to do that to any army. Oh, your awesome named character who has a lot of narrative buildup but no model yet? Not part of your faction anymore and never will be. Just imagine that happening to a fan-favourite character and you can see the problem.

    Don't focus on Bael. It was just the first example of a renewable character that we don't know what happened with him that came to my mind 😄

    I don't want to start another FS forum war!

  4. 8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I don't think Bael would accept his soul being taken. FS believe the worthy dead be revived during the final battle when Grimnir returns, and that would not be possible as a Stormcast.

    FS acknowedge Sigmar, but they worship Grimnir.

    That is the point. Do they really have to accept to be taken and be reforged?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I feel like if they actually do this to a miniature in the game, they really have to pull it off the first time, because this kind of thing is cool exactly once and then groan-inducing every time after. "Why can't Cities just keep their cool characters? Why do Stormcast have to get everything?".

    Also, I think there is currently no character in Cities for whom I think progressing to Stromcast would be a good character arc. It's mostly witch hunters, Zenestra and Tahlia Vedra. None of them seems like a good fit to me.

    Maybe Thorian, but I agree. It was mainly the idea rather than a specific example.

  6. 9 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

    Sigmar is still collecting souls and making new Stormcast.

    In one book I read a dead hero of one of the Cities came back as a stormcast to defend the city from an undead army. The Stormcast even decided to remove his helmet in front of his own statue for dramatic effect lol.

    Yeah, Cities is the obvious faction. It is the one that first came to my mind and I think the one that would probably be better received to have one mini "moved" from CoS to SCE, but let's go one step further.

    Imagine Bael ends up dying, why wouldn't Sigmar take his soul? In the end, once reforged it wouldn't have to look necessarily like FS, right? So... why not?

  7. I was listening to some lore and an idea just popped in my head.

    Is Sigmar still collecting souls to forge brand new Stormcasts? If that's the case, would it be too weird if we see an order faction hero dying in the lore and have a later appearance as a Stormcast?

    Would it be a cool lore bit or just an infuriating movement for those who played him in the previous army?

    • Like 3
  8. 43 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Just checked the conditions, and it seems like the only way to get all the markers is by buying TWO boxes, one on preorders, and another on a physical store. Again, not worth losing the discount from a lgs...

    It was the same for Leviathan. Different extras depending on GW online, GW physical or 3rd party.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Tempting, but honestly not worth the 31,5 euros I'll save via my LGS.

    Gotta save money for more models.

    I think the Domion ones were better, but also, someone will sell them for less than that.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I hope they launch new spearhead boxes with range updates that they just add to the rules. CoS, Seraphon and FeC got some really nice ones with their new models. Would be great both for new ways to play spearhead (Skaven and SCE have multiple spearheads too) and to update some of the more unbalanced (in terms of model count or variety) and boring Spearheads like FS, DoK, Ogors and Sylvaneth.

    40ok is releasing both a Combat Patrol and a Battleforce when a codex is launched, so we will have new ones for sure. The downside is that the new hero goes only to the battleforce :(

  11. 33 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's hard to say if this is realistic, but they might have postponed production on these kits a bit in order to get all the Vermindoom boxes ready for launch.

    Yeah. I think this has been the case.

  12. 7 hours ago, Urauloth said:

    Do you think we'll see chaos warriors get their weapon profiles merged like gutrippas did?
    I have 10 with swords, 5 knights and a lord on foot... if they merge the sword and halberd profiles all I need for the Spearhead is a chariot. Guess we'll see.

    I also think that will be the case. They are trying to streamline that kind of stuff.

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