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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 39 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

    AOS doesn't need any more factions tbh. It needs to focus on expanding on some of the neglected factions like Fyreslayer, Idoneth, Ossiarch, daughters etc, before making a brand new army. 

    This does seem to be the direction they are going in though. Cities, Ironjawz and Darkoath being recent examples of expansions/updates. 

    While I agree that it would be awesome if all the factions receive love, the reality is that those that are not selling well will receive the bare minimum and GW will try again with new stuff.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    The Godbeast Fangathrak (from the Realmgate Wars), the leaving ghurish arcway (mega Realmgate) to the Eightpoints currently entrapped by Gordrakk.

    The one that is like a massive worm, right? I don't see that kind of stuff getting an army.

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  3. 41 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    There was a White Dwarf short story about how he was fighting Seraphon for multiple days and the Kruleboyz fighting under him were actually starting to get sick of the fighting and wanted to leave, but I didn't get "endless time loop" out of it so much as "this is a very big battle". 

    I was expecting something else from the big battle between Kragnos and Karazai.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Kempak said:

    How did truggs story end last I read he was fighting the fyrslayers and was wandering around destroying laylines, did they resolve it?

    He still has headaches and keeps his journey destroying magical places.

  5. 1 hour ago, dmorley21 said:

    Sylvaneth are clearly aelves and forest spirits. Tree Revs, the Warsong Revenant, Revenant Seekers, and Arch-Revs are all very much aelves. For Sylvaneth, Revenant seems to mean aelf based.

    They look like aelves and used aelven souls for their creation. So it gotta be aelves, but...

  6. 9 minutes ago, Kempak said:

    So they did trap Kragnos

    "Ghyran’s troubles don’t end there. Ever since Kragnos ushered in the Era of the Beast and reduced much of the Ghurish capital Excelsis to rubble, the living battering ram had been at the forefront of numerous Waaagh!s across the Mortal Realms. Aided by their ancient ally Lord Kroak, the brothers Krondys and Karazai have attempted to recapture the God of Earthquakes many times. They only recently succeeded with the help of Alarielle the Everqueen, the resultant Council of Life trapping Kragnos in Ghyran and pitting him in a timeless battle against legions of Seraphon – a fitting prison for an avatar of Destruction, though not one that may hold for long."

    also potential for an actual kragnos faction


    "Their timing couldn’t be better, however – signs that a few of the lost Drogrukh may have survived the war against the Draconith were discovered in Ghyran, but quickly scrubbed from existence by the warty claw of Gobsprakk, who has been twisting prophecy to use Kragnos to his own ends. Who knows what would happen if the God of Earthquakes were ever to discover this treachery, much less reunite with his lost people?"



    It is nice that they clearly mentioned it. The circle is closed now. Let's go to the vermidooong!

  7. 20 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    I think gnoblars were actually the first example of that, or at least the first example of small cute lil’ dudes on big guys’ bases across a whole WHFB range. Why change it up for something new when they already have gnoblars?

    I think the size tends to be a bit smaller nowadays. Something closer to the Gargolians size.

  8. 22 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    This is anti-gnoblar slander. They are the cutest, funniest and most aesthetically brilliant form of goblinoid murder-toddler and I shan’t stand for it.

    (also I don’t think there’s enough there for them to stand on their own. I love them but they’re just fun lil’ guys to include on ogre bases or warmachines and a single block unit)

    By contrast, I’d love to see Beastclaw get broken out as their own faction. At the moment there’s background about them being part of larger all-ogre warglutts and their aesthetic isn’t that meaningfully distinguished from theor walking cousins but their theme and army concept has a lot of room to grow.

    The fun thing is that GW seems to like to add small cute little creatures in the bases, like the Nurglings, so maybe we see something new like that applied in the new Ogres refresh.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I do miss the rumors though, seems we haven't had any leaks or concrete proof of anything new in a long long time. Silent ones, chaos dwarves, sky grots, Malerion's brood, or the kurnothi. Heck with Beasts getting kicked to Old world, there's certainly room for another faction. I hope we see something surprising and unique this edition, hopefully for destruction. And if its entirely unrelated to the current gods and chaos gods so much the better. Extraplanar invasion into our reality, attracted by all the rampant magic? Sure bring it on. Or perhaps the very shards of the realms rebelling, with elementals appearing everywhere to wipe out the mortals plaguing its surface. Really toss the narrative on its head, shake up the status quo, and cause the order gods to come back together or face oblivion. Heck, even Chaos doesnt want to eliminate all the mortals.  Be hilarious to see Archaeon team up with the Stormcast, wouldn't it? 

    Chorfs were confirmed months ago.

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