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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, Ookami said:

    I wonder how they’ll come up with Ironjawz spearhead next week as long as every faction focus has its section reviewed. 
    Or maybe Ironjawz Spearhead will be announced next week🤔

    He, that's why they will be the very last faction. They will have to get their Spearhead announced.

  2. 1 hour ago, FoursCompany said:

    Does a faction focus on KB rather than Warclans confirm the rumored split of IJ and KB into separate tomes?

    We debated also about the chance of being just for the indexes period... so most likely confirming it than not, but we won't know until the battletomes arrive.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Just checked again and warcrolls + army writing are still free, dunno if there are any other paywalls around.

    Something is behind a paywall for sure, as you have to put the BT codes inside.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    And for Chaos : Skavens > Tzeentch > Nurgle > Slaanesh > Khorne > STD


    Next week's order would be as follows:

    Sylvaneth > Seraphons > Khorne > STD > Ironjawz (at last !)


    And maybe another one for BoC and the rest of the leftovers?

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It seems to me that the Spearhead rules were made before the indexes (the Spearhead allegiance abilities are all based on the 3rd ed rules). I would be surprised if the designers changed the crit ability on ranged attacks to auto wound, and then changed it back to mortals for the index.

    Of course, will know for sure in a few weeks, so let's just wait and see.

    Or maybe not before, but made by different teams.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    I wonder what will they do to build expectations for AoS during the upcoming 3 weeks. So, the indexes would be a good solution indeed.

    *sigh* can't wait for the AoS app to get paywalled to hell...

    Isn't it already paywalled?

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kempak said:

    Any rumours of kragnos? I noted in the short story on warcom in regards to vermindoom there's a passage that allarielle had been weakened from "caging the earthquake god" and there seems to be no mention of him in the kruleboyz article other than a passing statemement about him emerging at the start of era of the beast.

    He is in the Ogors one.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    And we have Mortek Hekatos with Halberd, Mortek Guards with Clubs, and a Mortek Archer from like, 5ish seasons ago in Underworlds and none have yet made their way to AoS. Same with elite Namarti units from Elathain’s Soulraid and his warbeasts. The pipeline is either clogged, or it’s not real. 

    Not everything is going to be translated into AoS releases nor follow the same order in AoS as in UW, but a big chunk of them.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Maybe the weird thing was coming is that the index include aelves and duardins meanwhile they are gonna be removed in the next book.

    That's not weird enough! I expect something REALLY weird hehehe

  10. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I have been re-reading the interviews and I don't think the evidence for the idea that they have a bunch of the religious side of Cities ready to go is actually all that strong:


    They talk a bit about how they left themselves room to do cults and priests in the future, but it's not all that concrete.

    Given that we have that Cogfort leak and with Dwarves being part of Old World while Dark Elves are not, I think the next wave of Cities miniatures might be new and updated Ironweld stuff and Dwarves.

    The dwarves of cities have very few kits: Three characters, two unit kits and the gyrocopter. Cut the Cogsmith and that's 5 kits to update. That is within the realm of possibility, easily.

    But we have Pater Filium and his Brethren of the Bolt. Normally they test stuff in UW first, that's another hint

  11. 13 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Image of the time has come.


    In my mind this either means Cities wave 2 is either coming early next year or we'll lose duardin and aelves and just get a COGFORT and Devoted later.

    I desperately want it to be option 1.


  12. Just now, cyrus said:

    From US webstore : It 's happening ! two games, two studios , two settings , two range of miniatures !


    My point was that it is weird that the Runelord is 'Temporary Out of Stock' rather than 'Sold Out Online' as well.

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