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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. What is Heldenstone would you ask? It is my Cities of Sigmar village, and appart from setting my army on it, I plan to build all the terrain neccesary to give shape to the village itself. That's where the helping bit comes into play.

    My idea for this thread was to post everything I own so whoever that wants to get involved can think and propose ideas on how to approach the terrain pieces to build Heldenstone.

    To start with I will show you a little description of Heldenstone. It is a mix of some rolls using the post created on 2017 and some personal preferences (who wants a citie where the citizens rolls is Silvaneth *2, Seraphon and Stormcasts?!).

    Name Heldenstone
    Realm Chamon
    Size Village
    Inhabitants Humans * 2 - Duardin - Stormcast
    Distinguishing Features Site of Great Battle - Mysterious Ruins - Legendary Monster Hunters

    Also, this is everything I own kits whise so we can have a rough idea on what are the options we have:

    5 * Warcry Scenery – Azyrite Ruin
    3 * Warcry Scenery – Azyrite Ruin
    3 * Warcry Scenery – Azyrite Bell Tower
    2 - 6 * Dominion of Sigmar Statue (I am selling 4 from the 6 I have as I changed my initial idea, but I could consider keeping some more)

    1 * Warcry Scenery – Fallen Sigmar Statue
    1 * Sigmarite Ruins
    1 * Dominion of Sigmar: Timeworm Ruins
    2 * Enduring Stormvault
    1 * Enduring Stormvault (Gryph Hound Statue)
    1 * Penumbral Engine
    1 * Realmscape: Cleansing Aqualith
    1 * Realmscape: Objective Set
    1 * Azyrite Shattered Plaza (fountain frame only)
    1 * Realmscape: Nexus Syphon
    4 * Domicile Shell (from Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint)
    4 * Guardian Idol (from Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint)

    In terms of STLs:

    Printable Basing Bits 1
    Printable Basing Bits 2
    Towers of Ellirmilborg
    Jagerholm (future purchase)

    And ofc I would use scratch building with stuff like foam.

    I will purchase also Realms of Ruin to use their map builder and take inspiration from their CoS buildings approach.

    And in terms of colours I've done this tests that I am quite happy with and I think would fit both the old ruins and the new Dawnbringer structures.


    I think the possiblities are endless and I am a slow builder/painter as I have a 9 months old twins, so drop me your ideas. I would consider them all! It doesn't have to be based on gameplay completely, as I am more kind of a collector/ painter profile.

    Thanks in advance ;)

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  2. 51 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    They will release the Warcry warscrolls today and then a bunch of Cities kits and Dawnbringers this Sunday preview

    A bunch, like not all of them? Seems weird. If that's the case, which ones would you guess we will see?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Doko said:

    hnnn who have said its doom and gloom,they are only useless extra rules that nobody gonna use.

    but they dont nerf us or do nothing more,its so simple as fyreslayers gonna continue being the worst army of the moment because these rules wont change nothing

    Some of us just play to have fun. I will use them for sure.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Lightbox said:

    Playing around with the breacher kit to try and make a very chamon flavoured fusiliers and struggling a bit with the guns. Tried an ogor pistol which looked a bit too chunky so now trying some of these admech weapons which could work but im a touch unsure on them looking maybe a bit too futury. It could very much be something that will look a bit better when painted or with some fancy hat heads. Or even just a different style of pavise.




    I don't think they look to futuristic.

    Size wise seems similar to the ones on the Warhulk and the back of the weapon is quite close in aesthetics as well:


    What could make it less futuristic could be trying to use green stuff to turn into into a one barrel gun, instead of multiple barrels one, but in the other hand you have the Fusilier "prime", which has multi shots as well, but in this case the aesthetics are a bit different:

    Freeguild Fusiliers Take Aim and Fire on the Enemies of Sigmar - Warhammer  Community

    My advice would be trying to go into a chunkier and single barrel and would fit perfectly.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    It could be a similar scenario now, with the factor this time being the schedule issues they had.

    Also another factor that came to my mind could be that this books is quite "short" in terms of boxes. Just two. It could help to push its release as well.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I also instantly pre ordered one. They are by far  among the best miniatures GW ever made IMO

    The miniature design team for AoS is performing so well lately that it is quite hard to pick the best model from the recent releases for the game.

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  7. 15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    The last preview of the year is usually for black library. I'm guessing we'll see Callis and Toll then. That means that we're likely to see quite a lot next month:

    FEC,  old world Tomb Kings, the rest of the Necrons, the mystery Horus faction.  We could see Dawnbringers 4, warcry,  killteam and Underworlds as well if they are scheduled before the end of January. The only question is 40k.  The next big release for them isn't until spring which means it probably won't be shown off until LVO next year. Just 2 necron heroes isn't much though.  Maybe we'll see a little Dark Angels tease. Some of the stuff that's coming in February  will probably be shown at LVO in January. 

    I have my doubts about Callis and Toll being part of a Black Library one or being released in one of the Dawnbringers books, as they are slowly having pressence here and there in those books.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Just checked the article again and there's no mention of a two week pre-order this week which explains why it's a small one. 

    I count 9 pre-order dates left this year. 

    Oct 21st necromunda

    Oct 28th legions Imperialis

    Nov 4th cities 

    Nov 11th kill team

    Nov 18th Christmas boxes 

    Nov 25th Dawnbringers 3

    Dec 2nd Necrons with 3 kits and random stuff. 

    Dec 9th flesh eaters launch box / underworlds

    Dec 16th Christmas mini

    Jan 6th Dawnbringers 4 / warcry

    Jan 13th heresy stuff

    Jan 20th flesh eater courts

    Jan 27th admech and kill team 

    Feb  3rd old world 2 week pre-order

    Feb 17th dark angels launch box

    Feb 24th black library day

    March 2nd orks and Custodes

    March 9th Dawnbringers 5

    March 16th Killteam and/Horus

    March 23rd dark angels

    March 30th warcry and Underworlds

    April 6th tau/ Kroot

    April 13th specialist games stuff

    April 20th mystery AoS

    April 27th chaos 40k 

    May /June No AoS

    July AoS 4th edition

    Even if we allow 2 week pre-orders for dark Angels and Tau, there's still more than enough time to fit FEC, Dawnbringers 4 and 5 and a mystery's release before 4th edition. 


    Wouldn't you say CoS is big enough for a 2 weeks preorder? Considering Space Marines were 2 weeks and more or less about the same number of models

  9. 1 hour ago, Aleser said:

    Even without FEC and dawnbringer 4 everything will be really rushed. We still need get full cities and dawnbringer 3, that is already huge AoS release for this small period we have left.

    And would be pretty likely that the CoS release would take a 2 weeks preorder, which doesn't help to fit stuff in the schedule.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Once again, dawnbringers 4 is out before the end of the year, as per their roadmap. 

    On that schedule, dawnbringers 3 will be a lot earlier. Poss preorder announcement Sunday. 




    Winter doesn't mean before the end of the year. The fact that is missing 23-24 doesn't mean it would be released before 2024, specially when the releases schedule is so f***** up as it is right now with crazy delays and 2 weeks preorders to be able to handle demand.

  11. 1 hour ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    Ok slightly revised my guest list based on feedback. all but the first 3 weeks are speculative, in shop dates quoted not preorder. 

    Guess schedule 

    21 October warcry
    28 October heresy mark iii
    4 November necromunda 
    11 November cities of Sigmar 
    18 November epic imperialis 
    25 November Xmas battle boxes 
    2 December dawnbringers 3 
    9 December kill team scorpions and scouts 
    16 December xmas stuff
    23 December - nothing 
    30 December - nothing
    6 January ad mech and Necron codex 
    13 January Flesh Eater Courts 
    20 January mark vi heresy
    27 January dark angels codex ?
    3 February The Old World starter set 
    10 February dawnbringers iv
    17 February ork codex?
    24 February solar auxilia army

    Q2 2024
    Old world empire vs orcs boxset 
    Dawnbringers v 
    Custodes codex
    Tau codex
    Chaos space marine codex 


    aos4 stormcast vs skaven 

    Seems accurate

  12. 1 hour ago, rattila said:

    One another topic, its gonna be halloween soon. What do we expect at this occasion? At least one mini for Death (like the rumored « hero morghast »), or the FEC tome? Something for SBLG or nighthaunt ?

    FEC and Death based Dawnbringers maybe?

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    A plastic Lord on Chariot sounds great, this is absolutely something the TK range was missing before.

    "Sand Mummies" is a bit of a head scratcher. The only way I can make sense of this is as a new take on the old hyper-generic "Warhammer Undead" mummies.

    If this rumour pans out, the lack of a redone skeleton infantry/archer kit will be a big disappointment.

    Foot Knigths were pretty old aswell, maybe the Mummies are their equivalent.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Hastings - who used to be one of the more reliable rumourmongers - is now reporting that the Tomb King half of the boxset will include a Hero/Lord on Chariot and 'Sand Mummies'. In addition, an Empire vs Greenskins box will drop in Summer, along with one Greenskin plastic kit and three Empire plastics. Both will get resin releases and there will be a 'narrative book' alongside them.

    @Twisted Firaun

    Edit: Got ninja'ed for this one on the TOW thread by thirty minutes, but ah well. 

    So we are back to the dual boxes rumour? It is going to be fun during the following 3-4 months.

  15. 1 minute ago, DeLewko said:

    You assume 5 books ? Lately I’ve been thinking book 4 might be the last one and chaos related.

    In the end it is the same. The last one being Chaos. Said that, I have the feeling it is 5 books as well. Narrative has been so poor that they need more books to build something decent 😅

  16. 1 minute ago, Aleser said:

    Well in this campaign they are. This is what I meant

    Don't you think it is better for the narrative to do not force the inclusion of all (or as much as possible) the existing factions and rather have a better built and more exciting story?

    Dawnbringers so far is being a bit poor, imo, story telling whise and I have the feeling that if the narratives wuld be focused in less factions it would leave room for more creativity.

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