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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Top row: Brettonia, admech, Brettonia, Kurnothi, marine?

    Bottom row: necron, striking scorpions, Stormcast, Brettonia, necron, Brettonia. 

    There's a surprising amount of stuff that looks Brettonian and nothing for Tomb kings. More than one plastic kit?

    Maybe the Necron is instead a Tomb King?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:


    This could confirm the rumours about the next 4th Ed starter set in which the first edition Stormcasts will be getting a refresh.

    Yeah, and the fact that Korghos Khul is triying to go into Super Saiyan 2 also helps to sell the idea of GW refreshing everything from the first box.

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  3. 1 hour ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Seeing those chunky guys go will be like the end of an era. I wonder if they'll update the big statue? Maybe go back to a Spess Muhreen?

    More importantly, we may now begin the endless speculation as to which Oldcast will get updated and how long it will take for them to refresh the range. As much as other lines might need the attention more, I think updates over even more redundant units is the best way to get our obligatory SCE releases


    (Gw pls new dracoth riders. They didn't even look good when you first released them)

    What do you mean by the big statue? The Sigmar one?

  4. 1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

    I'm curious if this is also why the 4th faction hasn't been shown. 


    Lady of Ruin and marauders arriving and being in the new game would make a lot of sense. 

    It creates me lot of questions now. Tzeetch models were leaked time ago, but if it is them, why so much secret?

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  5. 2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I love that the mask-helms look closer to the Protectors now! I always thought that design needed more love with how “medieval alien” it could go and it fits defensive type Stormcast so well!


    I wonder if the game will have anymore surprises in store for the models. 🤩

    They have lot of CoS like scenery, so maybe they are based as well in new kits?

  6. 3 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

    "The Warhammer Design Studio provided the developers at Frontier with the designs for the new Liberators, which they’ve faithfully recreated for the video game."

    So uh... new Liberators confirmed?

    What I find odd is that they let them leak us the models with 8-9 months until the box is released!

  7. 5 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    OBR- like Baron said, trailing/helping Dawnbringers because secured settlements lead to cities to be tithed. if these dudes could salivate over the potential, they would.

    LRL- Allumina(?) faction are heroic explorers, iirc they even do some Realm mapping? either way, there are Lumineth clans that would help. they're also involved in the Summerking narrative since it's in Hysh.

    IDK- raiding coastal settlements or maybe even some full-souled Idoneth trying to find a cure for the curse. they could be forcing crusades to peel off more guards leaving the main trains less defended

    Nighthaunt- admittedly these are probably the weakest, not sure about them outside Shyish.

    Seraphon- another faction GW already mentioned: they are following leylines to purify them. Dawnbringers like leylines. Some skinks/slann have even directed crusades to settle near leylines so they're helping one another defend it.

    DOK- it's been explicit not all of them obey Morathi, which I imagine means they're fine working with humans, and even she has reason to help: whether it be to spy on these new locations or because she hates Chaos down to her marrow, or again for the leylines.

    SBGL- failed crusades means lots of bodies to reanimate. Nagash wounded means vampire lords can pull on their chains a bit, expanding territory or making new holds.

    Ogors- they could help DBC or harry them. lots of meat to be had, but also lots of gold and ale. maybe some get curious about the city ogors.


    Nice addions there, even with that do you think they are the less likely ones as I do?

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