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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, Garrac said:

    If GW starts using AI I stop using GW

    GW already uses AI, maybe you didn't notice it because you are english native, but their translations are clearly using AI. An example, the CoS tome includes the word bolter. How the hell you end with a bolter in CoS if it is not something automated?

  2. 3 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Also I feel like every special occasion mini is a gal (Warhammer+, event model (ok, they can keep that ugly gal), Warhammer Underworlds warband etc.). But w/e, it‘s a personal preference, that topic was discussed here ages ago already. 

    I have the same feeling lately.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Maybe we could be getting a new Karkadrak kind of creature? This could be the tail. I've been thinking about what this RE could be for a while now. 

    Edit: or even better, this could be the tail of the lady of ruin.



    Nah, it is clearly FEC.

    Good shout. The downside doesn't look to have the same shape, but it is pretty close indeed.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Supposed this spear does belong to the rumored "Lady of Ruin," what kind of hero are we expecting? a new spell caster, a foot trooper, or a daemonkin/princess leading the charge from the front? Barring the model, where do you think she'll lie on the Belakor vs Archaon scale? My money says Archaon but I'm also hoping for a solo act if you catch my drift.

    A Darkoath Chieftain like woman.

  5. 1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:

    The problem with the weapon is the sigil. I don't remember the last time that a Khorne daemon have the eightpoints star instead the Khorne symbol

    Yep. We are too focused on Valkya recently. As someone said my bet is Lady of Ruin as a StD hero.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I was wondering that, but Valkia's current spear seems to have a Khorne symbol on it, which it seems likely they'd keep?

    Not that anything is stopping them from changing it up of course. The spikes on the haft align.

    Or maybe we'll get some sort of 'Generic Khorne Valkyrie' Hero? 


    That spear was lost ages ago in the world that was. Say hi to her new spear 😄

  7. 18 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    This is pretty much what I’m expecting although I think you missed Flesh Eaters! 🤣

    I think it will be a good preview and lots of cool stuff. I’m very curious about The Old World but if most of the ranges are the same, I’ll wait for a while before doing it (I was looking forwards to doing Tomb Kings if new models!). Kill Team will be cool as I want to get into that and new Striking Scorpions would be ace (if true). 

    Excited about the AOS stuff but as I’m working on Kruleboyz at the moment, I’m more waiting for 4th edition.

    I didn't miss them! I honestly think we won't get any FEC reveals. I know it could be weird, specially with the sprue being built, but I think they would be saved for later.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Garrac said:
    People here is going to ****** kill me but... I HOPE if skavens get a refresh, it gets done via AoS and not TOW
    Because im tired of using resin tbh (plis make the punches painless)
    (yes, I know whitefang has hinted it, I returned here asking about that)
    (and yes, I know they aren't one of the starter factions in TOW)

    Just 8-9 months before they start appering here and there. Just 8-9 months my dude.

    • Like 2
  9. I find weird no one did this yet! It is guessing time ;)

    40k: Codex codex everywhere. We will have a quick peek at the Mechanicus and Necrons codex and new units. 2-3 of each as max.

    Kill Team: A new box fully showed. Space Marines Scouts vs Eldar Striking Scorpions.

    Age of Sigmar: Dawnbringers book 3 and alll its miniatures. Callis & Toll, 1 Silvaneth hero and 1 unit multikit, Khorne hero and StD hero.

    The Old World: The leaked plastic pegasus and its Tomb Kings equivalent + 2-3 resin miniatures for each faction. We could even see one outside of the two classic ones from last previews.

    • Like 8
  10. 1 hour ago, Vagard said:

    A Kurnoth army of renown means a lots of new kits right? Like at least one battleline, one central hero and 2-3 other units and 1-2 side heroes. Is it something possible as we already have a big ironjaw wave and and the cos release, as we are also waiting for a big FeC release in few months?

    Maybe I am missing something but creating an army of renown when you only have one UW unit existing now means too much releases at the same time regarding what we already had and what we are wainting for (but I would love sucha big release of course) 

    Kurnothi is any Kurnothi worshipper. So technically they don't have only 1 UW. That reduces a lot the number of kits required for the army of renown.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Do you work in a GW related company? Or does your co worker just have made very good hobby choices? 🧐

    I guess the latest. The only time my company was related with GW was when one of our stores sold the AoS and BB magic cards.

    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, cyrus said:

    Yes , as far as we know from Valrak that's ToW has been pushed to beginning of 2024 and Legions Imperalis took the November slot instead. 

    I believe we will see CoS full range release in the second part of October and Dawnbringers book 3 in the second part of November .

    What if Dawnbringers book 3 is order focused, as book 2 was Destruction focused, and we get fyreslayers and kurnothi minis ?

    I have the feeling we won't see anything else for FS during Dawnbringers.

    • Like 2
  13. 14 minutes ago, wargames101 said:

    "Eh, that's not my faction. These lizard guys look cool, I assume they come from some tropical realm in this fantasy land."

    "That was true when these models were used in another game, but now they're actually space aliens that just happen to have Mesoamerican styling."


    They were always space aliens xD

    • Like 9
    • Haha 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I disagree with a lot of what's being said here. I don't think it's at all difficult to understand the mortal realms. They are clearly inspired by the 9 realms of Norse mythology. Azyr is very similar to Asgard. Shyish is a version of Hellheim etc. 

    Simply reading the second or third edition core book or the Soul wars core book will give you a pretty good grounding in the lore of the game. Is that too much work for everyone? 

    As for popularity, asking AoS to compete with game of thrones on the lore front is a weird comparison. Look at it the other way round. Asoiaf is one of the biggest fantasy series of all time with two hugely popular TV shows. They made a miniature game with solid rules and an attractive range of miniatures but this year they aren't even in the top ten best selling miniature games in America. AoS outsells Star wars legion and Marvel Crisis protocol in America which should those two games' home turf. 

    Also over production of Dominion is a good thing. The fact that someone can go on Amazon (in America) and buy the box set for a reasonable price is great. That said I couldn't find it available on any of the main UK retailers for less than it's original price. 

    Why should we want the main box set for an edition to sell out in a week?  What about new players who join the hobby in the following three years? They should have the chance to but the best value box set rather than the cheaper but worse value starter sets that come out later. I hope GW overproduces the next starter set as well. The Cursed city situation is the nightmare not the dream. 


    I think the problem is the missconception of the edition launching box as the 'main box set'. They are not thought for casual players, Imo. That's why they launch 3 "variations" of it later on. So, even that I agree it is nice to have them available, I don't think it is the purpose of that box to last more than a month.

  15. 3 hours ago, wargames101 said:

    "Overproduction" is just a more charitable way of saying "lack of demand." GW "overproduced" Leviathan, which meant that you could still buy it on the webstore on Tuesday after launching on Saturday and not selling out in 15 minutes. Dominion has been 50% off for nearly *three years.* 

    My guess is that they'll address this lack of popularity in 4.0 by keeping SCE as one of the factions, but reduce the production levels so the boxes shift faster. My wish would be that they stop trying to port the 40K model of having a Marine stand-in in every edition, embrace the strength of their creative team instead, and give more production slots to other armies that may catch on organically with the fandom.

    I love the AoS models, but the lore has just not caught on after a decade and I think a big part of the reason is that they're trying to shoehorn these bland superheroes into what is fundamentally a fantasy universe. GoT has arguably been the most popular media franchise during AoS's entire run. The fact that they haven't been able to capture any of that zeitgeist is, IMHO, a reflection that they need to think about things differently.

    I don't think a tale based on a wargame is as easy to introduce as an HBO series based tale. In fact prior to that ASOIAF wasn't that popular neither.

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