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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 minute ago, DinoJon said:

    I would love new temple guard or a new monster. 

    However I think it's more likely for some other factions to get stuff... my prediction for the 7 remaining

    1. FEC
    2. Nurgle
    3. Khorne
    4. Idoneth
    5. Ogors
    6. Soulblight (it's been a couple months since their last character foot hero... time for another. 
    7. Daughters


    As FEC and Nurgle already got something, you gotta guess another 2!

  2. 49 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Apart from the Darkoath icon that appeared in the annoucement trailer of the campaign, none so far. (This icon is the warband symbol Darkoath Savagers in Warcry).

    Maybe Fyreslayers get more things later down the campaign. You all know the Whitefang rumours about them, no need to repeat them, that's what I'm basing myself on.

    Also don't forget Cities of Sigmar getting minis, there's a Whitefang rumour about Callis & Toll minis. 

    But yeah so far, Khorne & Sylvaneth are the most likely candidates for new minis.

    Uhhh. Good point! I had no clue about that particular one. Imo this almost confirms Darkoath, yes. Another one to the list.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Here's a little conversion idea for those of you looking for an alternative Cavalry-Marshall:


    Using extra parts from the Cavalier and foot Marshall kits you can make a pretty cool conversion using the Lord Solar kit as a base. Chamonite cog-horse is 100% lore friendly.

    Woah, awesome. So much helpful this kind of conversions to get ideas. Keep the nice work.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    So could we predict any more about what 12+ factions get updated with these books? 


    Beasts of Chaos
    Blades of Khorne
    Disciples of Tzeentch
    Hedonites of Slaanesh
    Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
    Slaves to Darkness


    Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
    Ossiarch Bonereapers
    Soulblight Gravelords


    Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
    Ogor Mawtribes
    Orruk Warclans ✔️
    Sons of Behemat


    Cities of Sigmar 
    Daughters of Khaine
    Fyreslayers ✔️
    Idoneth Deepkin 
    Kharadron Overlords
    Lumineth Realm-lords
    Stormcast Eternals 

    We have so far 5/12. Having already 2 destruction factions covered and being this book the destruction related one it seems very unlikely that we would have more destruction ones.

    Khorne rumours seems pretty strong, so that would be the 6th, and based on the comments during the last months I would say Silvaneth is almost confirmed as well, being the 7th.

    That leaves 5 more factions fully open to speculation.

    My guess would be OBR for Death, just purely for balancing the releases between Grand Alliances.

    Then KO and ID, to give them a bit of love, and to finish the "roster" 2 more from Chaos, but I am not fully sure which ones. Maybe Slaves and something else.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I 100% agree. All this pc stuff about fantasy backgrounds be it either LoTR, Warhammer or other fantasy settings seems most of time a bit hypocritical combined with a lot of overthinking and to much free time🤗.

    That said, can we except some more AoS stuff tonight?

    I was hoping for Warcry, but seems it is 40k time :(

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  6. 5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    No that is my fault for not reading carefully!! How long has Harbingers been out now? 2 months? I think thats time enough for it to be openly discussed.

    So we can talk now about how Nagash was killed by that lonely Squig freely? Nice!

    • Haha 3
  7. 20 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    The problem with that is that fantasy isn't just fantasy. It's created by people who more or less intentionally infuse it with tropes and constructs from the world around them. There's little doubt today that Tolkien was by today's standard racist and boy, is that showing in LotR... So no, it's not 'sad', it's the exact opposite. What would be sad, it'd be if they cowardly (and lazily) followed the old paradigm, instead of challenging it giving us, as a result, a much more rich, varied and adequate game world. Bring on different body shapes for humas. Bring on different complexions, sizes, genders. The Mortal Realms are so much more than the distorted facsimile of our own world TOW was. Why not explore it to its full potential?

    I don't think one thing and the other are exclusive between them. It is incompatible to have diversity between the humans and Black Orks or Bonsplitterz? That's what I mean is sad. We can have Black Orks and (just a super quick and random idea) to dilute a bit its "racist" feeling create as well Yellow, Blue and Pink Orks. And pum, 0 problems imo.

    It is true also that I have the feeling Black as a word is more problematic in english that for me as a spanish, so maybe I don't see it so negative.

    Conclusion, what I mean is that you can maintain the old stuff and include more modern stuff as well without the need to removing what is old, if those are the reasons to remove it. If it is have a nice, deep and proper lore explantion that makes the overall mass of players happy, I am totally happy for it. Just remove them when it is something resulting from the game itself, not from "outside factors".

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  8. 19 hours ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

    This is not bad speculation. There are two other reasons to skip the Bonsplitterz too:

    • Models aged and need replacement.
    • Very hard to write them without unfortunate racial implications. It was admittedly even worse back in WHFB when savage orcs often were from the Southlands ("Africa"), did a lot of tribal drumming and dancing, and were... well, less civilized than standard orcs. While the Bonesplitterz are less blatant than that, the memory still lingers - at the same time as it's easy to understand why they got rid of the category "black orcs." In general, GW are attempting to tune in to more modern sensibilities, and maybe that means some of the stereotypical bits from WHFB ought to go.

    Hence, I guess the Bonesplitterz are in a bit of a Slaanesh situation: either GW has to come up with a way to reinvent them that isn't too offensive, or they might consider dropping them entirely.

    It is a bit sad that this kind of changes are happening if they are done to acommodote to the "nowdays culture". Fantasy is fantasy in the end, and have to be looked at with a different prism, specially when you have a massive range to pick from. You don't like black ors because they are named "black", I am pretty sure there's something else you can pick. And hopefully Bonsplitterz find a way to be mantained (specially for all of you liking/ playing them). I think they lost most of their "negative" feelings already.

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  9. What do we expect tomorrow for the pre orders? Maybe the CoS vs Ogors Warcry box due to the instagram picture?

    Also, could it be that the price increase from Dawnbringers 1 to 2 could be due to the IJ suplement included in book 2?

    • Like 5
  10. On 6/14/2023 at 12:15 PM, Percussigant said:

    If an artefact of power was offered at the Fane of Slaanesh, does it still count as being equipped by the hero for the purposes of the Slaanesh-specific "Coveted Riches" grand strategy ?

    As a reminder, here are the two rules :

    Coveted Riches: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there are no enemy units that have artefacts of power on the battlefield and there are 1 or more friendly units that have artefacts of power on the battlefield.

    Damned Conduit (Fane of Slaanesh) : At the start of your hero phase, you can pick 1 friendly Hedonites of Slaanesh Hero within 6" of this terrain feature to make a sacrifice. If you do so, that Hero suffers 1 mortal wound and you must roll a dice. On a 2+, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by that Hero until your next hero phase. If the Hero you picked has an artefact of power, instead of suffering 1 mortal wound, they can sacrifice that artefact of power. If they do so, that artefact of power can no longer be used and you must roll a dice. On a 2+, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by that Hero for the rest of the battle.

    In the games I've played so far, including some local tournaments, we didn't count it. So my answer would be no. It was offered as sacrifice, so it is not being carried anymore.

    • Thanks 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

    Maybe its just me but i always thought of them as just caveman style. They got the whole flinstones thing going on.

    While i do understand some of the arguments agains Bonesplitterz i also think they have a few things going for them. They represent the spiritual side of orruks. They would have to ignore 3 editions of lore. They arent just a subfaction, they had their own tome at one point. I also think they dont have any real value in ToW. Its just a few warscrolls if they go with the WHFB profiles. Imho they should stick with the regular orcs for ToW. I rather see bonesplitterz updated or integrated in the other subfactions instead of just simply removed if gw decides to do that. I love the underworlds warband, they could definitely design more where that come from.

    Ignoring editions of lore is not a problem. Just check what happened with CoS.

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  12. 4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I absolutely adored that story. You truly feel sorry for Trugg the poor bloke just wants to sleep and his pounding migraine wont let him. A tragic character for Destruction.

    Meanwhile we are definitely seeing Skaven being set up as the big bad for 4.0. What are they building on the Nexus Sites!?

    Didn't they also got a bit of action on the CoS battletome? Didn't read it myself, my two boxes were shipped today, but someone from my CoS groups mentioned they attacked a city and did quite a chunk of damage.

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  13. 8 hours ago, El Syf said:

    okay this actually looks quite good! Don’t have anything current enough to play it on but hey. :)

    I played the beta and I find it a bit rough. Is not my kind of game neither, but hopefully we get more and more games. A Total War would be sunch a big marketing tool...

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  14. image.png.422828bce7384381ab6dc50c20be7486.png

    Just saw this from Realms of Ruins. We saw in many photos in Warhammer community and Battletomes what looks to be an expanded version of the current CoS scenery, and here they've put it into the next level.

    Could this be a preview/ hint of a modular version of the CoS scenery coming on the next edition?

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  15. 58 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I'm also beginning to wonder, whether we'll see any battletomes' updates before the Fourth Edition drops next year. Once the FEC is done we'll have all armies updated to Third, but there are books from the beginning of the cycle that have now been lagging behind for a while (*cough <Stormcast> *cough) plus, with the new edition presumably to start in the summer next year, that'll potentially mean about half a year period thet will need to be filled with... stuff?

    We're still to see other mini-expansions to come out of Dawnbringers, of course, but how about actual battletome updates? Why not Fyreslayers, for example? Is the Warcry expansion the end of love for a while now?

    I don't think we would get any BT update. IJ had the opportunity and we got a supplement instead. So imho seems GW doesn't want to update any of them.

    SCE could need a BT update, yeah, but they are going to be either the first or the second BT launched for the next edition as always, plus maybe we get something like we got with the launch of Leviathan, a free rule set for every faction, so I don't see it feasible.

    About the half a year gap, Dawnbringers book 4th seems to be received early next year, plus we don't know yet if we would have a 5th book. And we always have the shadow of a new army. Imo that, and the neverending hinting game for the 4th edition, would get us covered until the next summer. And if any other faction would get a revamp we would get a free suplement.

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  16. 1 hour ago, mojojojo101 said:

    Is there any real reason for the remaing Dark Elf kits and/or Malerion to be combined into DoK other than thats how it was in WHFB?


    I don't think we can analyse it yet, as we are missing the whole lore from the upcoming Umbraneths.

    • Like 3
  17. 37 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    I think the point was that Morathi is (way) more established than Malerion, not the most established character of the whole AoS narrative.

    And as for her being "secondary", imho she might not be in the S-tier of characters (basically, Sigmar himself and possibly Archaon since the chaos gods are not really "characters"), but she's firmly in the A-tier: her role in the Slaanesh narrative arc, as well as in Broken Realms, ascent to goddesshood and wrenching away Anvilgard from Sigmar is pretty big stuff compared to most other single characters.

    Ok, it is one arch. A big one indeed, yes, but just one. Release Malerion, give him some nice intro lore and why it won't be more stablished? Obviously this is all my opinion and we will see in the future.

    Someone said that this would be bad as we would loose the only female based army identity, but I have the feeling we would see way more female characters from now on over the whole range, so that wouldn't be a problem imo.

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  18. 50 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    That still does not even hint at this new guy taking the faction from the more established AoS character.

    Sigmar won't loose its golden boys, don't worry.

    Jokes asides, imo Morathi is far from being the most established AoS character. It is quite a secondary one, imo. If I would have to pick one, it would be either Sigmar or one of the Chaos gods.

    • Haha 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    Or just make it a separate army before we get another Orruk Warclans situation

    Imo they would be reunited so they have initially a decent number of units and maybe later on splitted, but I think all WHF DoK/ Dark elves units would be phased out, hence why the merge.

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