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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    And Enhancements. I want to have a lot to chose, even if it sucks. Let me have mounts, traits, artifacts, spells, prayers, etc... 

    Maybe I'm alone but I Ioved when we had 2 tables of items to from each realm, even if some of them were better than the others.

    Sadly feels nowdays the rules tend to be reduced from season to season.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Asbestress said:


    And that's 3 out of 4 days with a CoS article. I really feel the Army Set could be out this month. Or maybe not, who knows? 😛

    So far I had no news about the box coming earlier.

    How many boxes would you guys plan to get? I "reserved" two months ago. And now that I see how many options we have for the kits, I don't regret.

    One Steelheltms unit has heads for 18-19 units, I think it was. So 20 of them. Two cannos, changing a bit their crew and two ogors as well. I am doubting about the Calaviers, it is the one that feels has less options to build, specially weapons wise, and I really want to see the Fusiliers. Prolly two of this as well as the warcry band.


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  3. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    What he means is that in AoS you have more liberty to craft your own stories. In WFB every corner of the map was occupied by someone, and that someone had some kind of lore about him about why he was there, what he was doing there and the customs and traditions of the people living there. You had little space for yourself and if you did go homebrew it was always going to be a low stakes off-shoot in a place nobody cared like the Border Princes or a random expedition/mercenary company or whatever. That's why you almost always saw people going with the official colour schemes and not homebrew ones because "your homebrew colour scheme is unfriendly unless you have a tangible (read : short story level) backstory for why you dudes are like that ! Also Stirland is yellow and green, not like you painted !"

    At least in AoS you have large swathes of the Realms that are essentially blank or vaguely described so you can create your own narratives inside with your own subfactions. In AoS, you and your pals can fight over an entire continent with their homebrew armies. In WFB, you would need to fight over a county or a town to be homebrew and still "respect the wider lore"...

    This reminds me to the comment about Blaktalon Squad having Ghyran like bases. In fact, the AoS universe is so bast that every single realm has every possible look. So any basing style could fit any realm.

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I agree, I actually miss differences between heroes on foot and such.

    I mean currently an untrained goblin hero, is capable in hitting and wounding their enemy as good and with as many attacks as a few humdred year old vampire lord who never stopped training his swordsmanship.

    I don't think that is lore friendly.


    If all the units would have to be played based on its lore, the game would be unplayable. Imagine stuff like Kragnos, Archaon, Teclis, Nagash... on the table they would be able to kill easily thousand of points, if the game would follow its lore in a complete accurate way.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 37 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I really don't get why people shun the Blacktalons. They're great plastic sculpts full of character, they come from a good WH+ show that has a compeling story, endearing characters and good animation. But there's still "They're Stormcasts so they're bad, they shouldn't exist !".

    I find it a bit harsh to reject good sculpts just because they come from faction X. That's basic Stormcastophobia right here ! 😃😄

    I agree with everything appart from the animation. With the money that GW earns every year, they could put a bit more love on the animations.

    Love the minis, btw.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Pick said:

    yeah these past few stormcast releases are absolute misses for me. terrible wooden posing, weird armor and gear choices, like was there a single person asking for an updated blacktalon model?

    Less than a month ago I read a comment asking for that 😁, and I didn't ever thought about the chance, but makes sense. It is a nice way to promote warhammer + as well.

    • Like 5
  7. 5 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

    it feels rushed: there is no explanation how wanderer dispareared from Cities. i dont understand, GW relase a book about Prince Maesa then delete them from the lore.

    For me it feels the completely opposite, a pretty planned move. It could not have much explanation lore wise, but not all has to be aligned with the lore. Some times this just happens, and CoS always have been a bit of a soup of loose ends that needed to be fixed.

    • Like 3
  8. 23 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I think he means the ammunition part vs the guy drinking

    Yeah, but you can see those one, in better quality, as well in the post I dropped. I noticed 3 main differences.

    1 - Heads. With and without helmets.
    2 - Arms/ Actions. Including a little explosion on the powder while being fired.
    3 - Non used helmets are dropped in the floor.

    • LOVE IT! 3
  9. 27 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    So do we think it’s just ironjawz wave 2 and FEC left for aos third ? That would make it I think have less product released in the edition than first or second 

    Basically we got 13 model waves in aos1 and 11 in aos2 (plus a smattering of characters)

    How much is left in aos3?


    1 Stormcast 1 
    2 Khorne bloodbound
    3 Slaves to darkness 1

    4 Fyreslayers
    5 Ironjawz
    6 Stormcast 1.5
    7 Sylvaneth

    8 Desciples of tzeentch
    9 Stormcast vanguard 2
    10 Kharadron overlords

    11 Maggotkin of nurgle 
    12 Daughters of khaine
    13 Idoneth deepkin

    1 Stormcast 3
    2 Nighthaunt 

    3 Gloomspite gitz 
    4 Hedonites of slaanesh
    5 OBR
    6 Slaves 2 warcry 

    7 lumineth 
    8 Sons of Behemat

    9 Hedonites 2
    10 lumineth 2 
    11 soulblight 

    1 Stormcast 5
    2 Kruleboyz

    3 nighthaunt wave 2
    4 Sylvaneth wave 2
    5 sons of behemat wave 2
    6. Slaves to darkness wave 2

    7. Seraphon mega wave 
    8. Cities of Sigmar mega wave
    9. Ironjawz wave 2

    10. FEC mega wave 
    11. ???

    4th Ed

    It is a pretty solid recap, but rather than counting how many waves we had I would count how many units/ warscrolls we had to have a more precise idea when comparing between editions, and maybe stuff like Warhammer Quest exclusive models should be counted as well.

    • Like 3
  10. 26 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    When I initially saw this one I thought it was an ascending staircase, but now I think it might be the bottom of one instead, and the perspective changes your perception. This isn't FEC, it is Bonereapers and I can prove it.

    Dead skeletons? Bonereapers love killing those boney ****** twice to harvest them

    Why is there only a single skull and the upper torso of another skeleton, and what is that weird texture below and beside them? It is magical flux that the Mortisans use when they craft skelebobs and other things.

    But what about the ominous text? It is a sign of a big and grand release for multiple death factions...maybe.

    Good point. Definetely the staircase is descending, but I really doubt such a big and ornated base would be for a OBR mini.

    • Like 2
  11. 55 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    There's one thing that puzzles me about this magnificent COS release...

    Do you think the ironweld great cannon could be considered as a steampunk stuff ? I remember @Whitefang responding favourably to this a few months ago :


    But I don't get impression that this canon is very 'advanced steampunk stuff'...

    Is it just me fantasising, or is there a hint of a possible 2nd wave? New BT also clearly mentions steam-walkers. With elite/heavy infantry, things related to Azyr and that, there's room for new COS human releases.


    I was checking it carefully due to a video showcasing the whole range and it is quite advanced in comparison with the old Empire cannons indeed.

    If you check it, the arm above the cannon is not handling the ammunition on its own, as I initially thought, but the whole metal piece containing the ammunition into. Kind of a big one shot revolver cylinder, which is what is on the floor in the main pic, ready to be replaced. So I think is quite advanced in comparison with the old ones. Also, the ammunition is quite sophisticated.

    But I agree, even with this upgrade on the tech behind the cannon, they cannot be called steampunk.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Doko said:

    yes 100% my feelings,i was waiting to know what units was going to be removed with the book and what remain to then buy the dark elf start colleting before that they delete it due to the new vanguard box.

    but now i dont know,i dont want again as happened with my wild ryders and phoenyx temple units,that i buy new models and then they are deleted in short time.

    if i buy somethimg i hope have 15+ years to use due to his cost in money and time to build

    Hoping for something lasting 15+ years is being quite optimism imo. There's rumor of Liberators and that kind of SCE being "primarised", and they would last just 3 seasons, if that's the case, so hoping for something to last 15+ is quite complicate.

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  13. 3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I found my colour scheme. It's going to be cream for the uniform like Exelcis, with a white trim with touches of yellow and blue for the heraldry. I got inspired by the colours of a certain Spanish football club known for displaying white as its primary colour...

    (When you have trouble at finding your own colour scheme, my advice is look at sports teams, they have some great ones.)

    Real Madrid? 😁

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  14. 19 hours ago, CDM said:

    After seeing this I went to lexicanum to find out more! Unfortunately there's a giant advert for meg 2 covering up the info so I didn't learn much 🤣

    I saw they've divided them into Kurnothi Aelf, Kurnothi humans are mentioned as are Fawn and Centaurs! I didn't know it was a cult I assumed a new race!

    Are we getting a Kurnothi warcry warband?

    In the case that laxicanum doesn't have much info, maybe is worth to try the Spanish version being translated with something like Chat GPT. Is not the best, but I learnt recently that the Sigmaroteca has 3 to 4 times more info than the Lexicanum, so it could be worth the shot.

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  15. 26 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    So there are more pictures of the scenery in the book, are we ever going to see it?

    Checked the whole book again as I didn't look to much on the scenery. Nothing. The pic from the community reveal post is where we can see more pieces of the "new scenery houses". The rest are a mix of warcry ruins, sigmarite mausoleum, dominion of sigmar and the dawnbringer settlement scenery sets.

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