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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 10 minutes ago, Doko said:

    the median are blisbarb archers and idoneths reavers that make 8'8 rend 1 damage for 160/170

    the fussilers make only 5 rend 1 damage,so if we compare to thosw units the cost of fussilers must be 30% less than those.

    i havent read thunderers but if you really want know and isnt only irony i can do the math for his real cost

    You are forgetting the whole point of the book, heroes shouting command orders to them and that kind of stuff.

  2. 3 hours ago, SilentSentinel said:

    Between the fairly imminent Ironjawz/gitz releases and what is seemingly shaping up to be a hopefully fairly big upcoming Flesh eaters release at the end of this year or early next year I fear I may die from hype overdoes! Flesh eater courts have always been an army I've loved the concept of but have never bought into due to how small and old some of the range was.

    That being said the old/current ghoul kit has grown on me so If it not being updated means we maybe get an extra kit of something new I don't mind it remaining as it is.

    Totally feel you here. FEC have one of the best lores imo, but the models weren't making it justice. I am considering them very hard as well.

    • Like 4
  3. 49 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    I just looked through the old rumour engines and it has been quite a while since one was solved.

    The last solved rumour engine where two for the Inquisitorial warband solved on the 1st of May.

    Before that every we had a rumour engine solved every month since November 2021. And that was only a single month pause so three months now is quite a long time

    Over the whole lifespan of the rumour engine there where only 5 months without solving one which where:

    So three months in a row is quite strange.

    Wonder if that was planned or if something went wrong?

    Maybe related to the warehouse moving?

  4. 27 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    Is it just me that feels like the Pontifex Zenestra ability to do D3 mortal wounds to every enemy wizard and priest feels a bit to much.

    Sure, it's a prayer that goes of on 3+ and then 2+ but a lot of mages are 5-6 wounds meaning it could really give a lot of NPE when you can do absolutely nothing to prevent it except heroically recover one hero.

    With a double turn it would not be that unlikely to go off twice and kill of a lot of the 5-6 wounds hero wizards...

    Nothing is too much when we speak about CoS!

    Said that, I totally agree. It is not even matter of updating its points cost, it is too much, but maybe it is already focused on 4th Edition and it would look more in line in one year.

  5. 45 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Of course ! We're going to have the whole royal court with the FEC. We already have the nobles with the Archregent and Kings, then the Courtiers. We got the royal herald a few months ago, but every royal court needs a judge.

    Wondering what other court officials we could also get. A councellor ? A jester ? Maybe a queen ?

    An executioner of course! No one would be left unpunished ;)

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I really hope that we will see a second wave for CoS. What we have seen now is already fantastic, but there is indeed stuff missing. That said, when looking at AoS and 40K, it will not be the first  time that we expected a second wave and years later there is still no second wave... .

    I thik we had hints enough, specially seeing how all our minis are from WHB and everything non human is being slowly removed, but this could be true, but then, it wouldn't be their 'biggest project ever', which would be a fishy move selling it like that if it ends being the same sort of renewal we had for any AoS faction so far.

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  7. 1 minute ago, RyantheFett said:

    Looking at the book the Cos refresh has at least another wave missing. The rest of the human stuff, like the mages and tank, still got to get removed. Also the fact the faction is still missing some hard hitting human models is a good sign.

    And maybe it is just me, but the book does feel like it there to hold us until 4th ed.

    This reminds me to all the talks around cogforts. I have the feeling a big cogfort would be the eye catching big mini for the next wave. Same than Tahlia has been for this one.

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  8. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Ambitious projects take time. Look at the Sisters of Battle, arguably one of the most ambitious GW projects of the recent times they had 2 full waves of minis over 2 editions, and quite stacked waves at that, along with campaign characters, and there's still things to update (Crusaders, Preacher, etc) and room to expand (Frateris Militia, cavalry ?). I think we can expect Cities to have a similar treatment on the slightly smaller AoS scale. 

    All of this can't drop overnight or even in a single release. Rome wasn't built in a day... and so do large ranges of plastic miniatures.

    More CoS minis coming, that's all that matters.

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  9. 12 hours ago, Knopers said:

    So many good models are going to be released. Starting from my favourite Seraphon faction. I hope for them to get more single units/heroes in next 1-2years. Will we see all of dawnbringers related books to the end of the year?

    I reallt doubt it. The second book was leaked as late Sept, so that would be almost 3 months between book 1 and book 2. Knowing there'a 4 books, and maybe a surprise 5th one, I would say we would end around March.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Doko said:

    cities of sigmar was supposed to be a huge release,and said by gw his biggest project ever for aos etc etc and then had only 12 kits(and one of these is warcry).

    while other regular army updates as goblins had 11 or 13(if we count spells and the moon) kits and even we could tell many more if we add the other releases as wolfs or the first mage etc,or vampires had also 12 new kits(here is hard because we could add the shadespire or cursed city and would be even more)

    and slanesh if we count his two releases its almost the double of kits than all these


    and worse even,every one of these cities kit is monobuild doing the number of scrolls small.

    i really i am very dissapointed with how small have been this city release,i was sure that we would get many more units as:elite foot unit as the swordmans,the gryfon cavalry,the shooting cavalry,the warpriest hero and even maybe a unit of warpriests,one or two more warmachines and some big centerpiece as the big steamtank etc

    Maybe they are counting for CoS refresh what we would see in upcoming waves. That would make sense for the wording "biggest project ever"

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  11. 2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Took em long enough to rerelease the Master of Possession... he was playable in the codex but unavailable on the website for years. I hate when GW does this and that they will not do that with AoS minis in the future. 

    Well, they did it not so long ago. I remember the put back on sale Dacian Anvil, that I paid quite a big chunk for it before that xD

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  12. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    This is an AoS release. Warcry would be a different thing. It's definitely not that. Wrekkaz is plural so it's definitely a unit and not a hero. I'm guessing an elite unit, hopefully with a dual build. 

    Maybe an AoS/ Wacry dual like the CoS ones?

    • Like 2
  13. 11 hours ago, Baz said:

    I'm thinking book 3 will be more order themed so fyreslayers for the crusade in Aqshy and hopefully kurnothi to feature in the Ghyran crusade. Maybe the final dawnbringers book will be death themed to coincide with the flesh eaters battletome. 

    I am no fully sure if many factions would appear recurrently on the books, appart of the most important ones in the narrative. And I don't think Fireslayers is one of those important ones this time, hence why they were covered in the "intro" book.

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  14. 3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Ironjawz getting new models next month. Sylvaneth heavily rumoured to have the same treatment before the year ends. Fyreslayers rumoured to have new units somewhere in the pipeline.

    Is this the time where all the 1st edition armies get a second wave ? I hope this carries into next edition and that Nurgle, Tzeentch and Idoneth also get new models in the medium/long run. Even Stormcasts deserve their 1st edition models updated. And finally Malerion's aelves to give the Daughters of Khaine some boyfriends.

    We live in very interesting times for AoS...

    Really Stormcast deserve more models? 😅

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    And Enhancements. I want to have a lot to chose, even if it sucks. Let me have mounts, traits, artifacts, spells, prayers, etc... 

    Maybe I'm alone but I Ioved when we had 2 tables of items to from each realm, even if some of them were better than the others.

    Sadly feels nowdays the rules tend to be reduced from season to season.

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  16. 6 hours ago, Asbestress said:


    And that's 3 out of 4 days with a CoS article. I really feel the Army Set could be out this month. Or maybe not, who knows? 😛

    So far I had no news about the box coming earlier.

    How many boxes would you guys plan to get? I "reserved" two months ago. And now that I see how many options we have for the kits, I don't regret.

    One Steelheltms unit has heads for 18-19 units, I think it was. So 20 of them. Two cannos, changing a bit their crew and two ogors as well. I am doubting about the Calaviers, it is the one that feels has less options to build, specially weapons wise, and I really want to see the Fusiliers. Prolly two of this as well as the warcry band.


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  17. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    What he means is that in AoS you have more liberty to craft your own stories. In WFB every corner of the map was occupied by someone, and that someone had some kind of lore about him about why he was there, what he was doing there and the customs and traditions of the people living there. You had little space for yourself and if you did go homebrew it was always going to be a low stakes off-shoot in a place nobody cared like the Border Princes or a random expedition/mercenary company or whatever. That's why you almost always saw people going with the official colour schemes and not homebrew ones because "your homebrew colour scheme is unfriendly unless you have a tangible (read : short story level) backstory for why you dudes are like that ! Also Stirland is yellow and green, not like you painted !"

    At least in AoS you have large swathes of the Realms that are essentially blank or vaguely described so you can create your own narratives inside with your own subfactions. In AoS, you and your pals can fight over an entire continent with their homebrew armies. In WFB, you would need to fight over a county or a town to be homebrew and still "respect the wider lore"...

    This reminds me to the comment about Blaktalon Squad having Ghyran like bases. In fact, the AoS universe is so bast that every single realm has every possible look. So any basing style could fit any realm.

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