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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 52 minutes ago, KingKull said:

    To play the devil's advocate here, it's not any easier to comprehend than just "here's a bunch of factions, each has distinct reasons to fight the others, now read on to discover them."

    Chaos and (contagious) necromancy (so not Tomb Kings), being the two existential threats to the whole world, would arguably be in a category of their own which is beyond moral "evil" (regardless of the morality system one is starting from) and more in the "purge immediately upon sight" territory.

    Even then, the idea of evil and morals in general (much like in real life) largely depends on one's viewpoint and culture - the "Were of Fjirgard" vignette from the 6th edition Hordes of Chaos book comes to mind, in which the wives and daughters of Norscan warriors who succumbed to spawndom of sorts still look after them and regularly bring food to the caves they now reside in.

    In short, I always preferred the kind of setting where it's just a free-for-all driven by "us vs them" rather than good vs evil, and I'm not even sure if I'm in the minority here (factoring in people who are fine with both takes).

    While I agree a world where nothing is black or white and everything is in greys is the most interesting setting for us (adults), I think the approach followed with Goods vs Bads is easier for younger ppl, and maybe that's where it is coming from. Especially when nowadays all that is looked for is quick stuff without the need to go deeper into something to understand it.

    Said that, it feels a bit weird if that has been the approach since TOW doesn't feel welcome to newer generations at all, IMO. From its ranks gameplay and the old sculpts. Feels like one approach or the other is clashing.

  2. 23 minutes ago, michu said:

    That's not what WFB is about, let it have different feel to AoS

    What is it about then? I do not have a deep knowledge of WHFB, but what has been described sounds epic and rings a bell for me. What would be the focus point for you?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, KingKull said:

    For the life of me, I don't understand why they are so adamant about the "good" and "evil" camps. 

    I'm not particularly upset about it as we can all ignore the artificial division if we want to, but I just don't see why it matters so much, either lore-wise or meta-marketing wise.

    Imo it is easier to comprehend for those that are totally outside warhammer.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I personally wouldn't count dispossessed as its own duardin army, not only is it a small part of CoS but its future also uncertain. Broken realms did seem to set up the return of grungni in a similar way to how you'd envision a grombrindal kit, but it's kinda weird that hasn't gone anywhere this edition really. I'd love to see a Grungni kit similar to katakros or the gobbapalooza with the six smiths. GW could then sell the kit to ally with stormcast, CoS, KO or FS.

    I think the same, but I also saw a lot of ppl complaining about CoS turning into the Imperium with only humans, so I see that in 4-5 years these complains could take effect and we would see a wave of aelves and duardins.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Having a look through the Beasts Of Chaos section of Warhammer.com, I really think (and hope) that Beasts are on the slate for an AoS 4.0 complete overhaul. Almost the entire range is from The Old World and with Beastmen listed as one of the 9 core ToW factions, I could see see them being "removed" from the AoS line-up only to reappear in a large Army Box (My guess is alongside Wood Elves

    It isn't part of the rumoured next 4 armies, so there's plenty of time for that AoS rework to happen.

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  6. 10 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    I assume they also do orders to the rest of the EU? If yes. I would love to know the online shop too. 😉

    One of the stores would be open to send to the EU, but they would need the address and the items that you would like to buy, and also they understood it kinda of me being the middleman rather than anyone from here wanting to purchase straight. So it is not too sustainable if there are a lot of users interested.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:


    Yeah, it's expensive when you have to start from scratch. My plan for my army is to buy the new characters I like and 3d print the rest of my army. I just need to have the newer mini's so I can scale the rest of my army to it.

    Still for AoS players there are some opportunities to get some good deals. Certainly the Soulblight players that want a more of an egyptian theme to fit with i.e the Legion of Blood and the beautiful snake lady.

    I.e The Soulblight Grave Guard from 2008 set is 42,5 euro for 10 miniatures. While the Tomb Guard (released 2011) is 62,5 euro for  20 miniatures. When you compare it with 5 Vanari Bladelords which cost 50 euro you can only conclude that being a GW hobbyist is expensive. It doesn't matter what GW game.

    Certainly when you compare it with historicals. I paint also historicals and I pay for 36 figures like the mini's in the pic 42,95 euro. GW is just very expensive.


    The models are indeed expensive and AoS ones come with smaller numbers, but you also need fewer minis in your army. Even with that, I would go for the 5 Vanari rather than 20 Tomb Guards, but that's subjective based on the model's sculpt.

    We have to celebrate that we have more options now because we all know this won't be a cheap hobby.

    • Like 8
  8. 1 hour ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Are the launch boxes a splash release or a permanent fixture do we know please?

    They are permanent, but imo there's still the doubt about until when. Maybe when the next two factions are launched the current ones are not produced anymore.

  9. 3 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if Sekhar is the only character we get. Like take Dawnbringers II, the release consisted of the Ironjawz update + the King Trugg box. Likewise, Dawnbringers IV could consist of an army update (Flesh Eater Courts) alongside a single box with a new hero (Fangs of the Blood Queen). Isn't the whole Morghast hero stuff just assumption based on a single rumor engine (which though it definitely looks like a Morghast Wing we have no idea when it will be released, everyone just assumed it was Dawnbringers IV)?

    It is based mainly on that RE indeed, but there are a couple of hints leading us to it:

    1 - From book 2 seems we are getting a grand alliance-focused book and the 4th one is the death-focused one.
    2 - A community post mentioned we would get a RoR for each Mortarch.

    As an extra, we are a bit far from the mentioned at least 12 factions getting minis during the narrative series.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I assume they also do orders to the rest of the EU? If yes. I would love to know the online shop too. 😉

    I am not sure, honestly. I guess so, but it could be tricky as most of the catalogue is not ready to be ordered in their stores and you have to contact them via whatsapp.

    As a reference, I checked once for a Domion box from Belgium because it was with a 50% discount, but when I saw the postage cost it was not worth it anymore when I could find it with a 20-15% discount over here.

    I am going to ask about orders from outside Spain just in case.

    • Like 4
  11. 3 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    Listen here friend, this here is AMERICA where the best we get is 15%. We got to earn our minis with blood, sweat, and tears!

    As for online-only products most stores don't get them since that must a commie thing. USA! USA! USA!

    Oh. That's sad.

  12. 5 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:


    The Bretonna box and model are priced pretty okay. The 15% puts them in a good spot.

    The resin and metal models being only able to buy from GW itself will be interesting in both price and availability since that has been a problem for a while now.

    I can ask my retailers for online-only products and I still can get a 25% discount from a new store or an 18-20 from my usual place. Can't you do that?

    • Like 2
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  13. 16 minutes ago, Doko said:

    its a shame the price finnally so high. i was especting 150/170 for bretonian box(doing a calcule of the old price with the increase of 5€ that fantasy boxes got in aos and then around 40% disscount due to be a starter box)

    When we tougth was 180€ yesterday i got a bit sad but i was fine and i was going to buy these boxes of empire,dwarfs,wood elfs and high elfs.

    Now 205 is a bit too much,i guess i only gonna get the dwarf box because they are my favourite army and forget the other armys

    In the end it is all about the random currency exchange GW does for us because those 155 pounds would be 180 €.

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  14. Just now, RyantheFett said:

    Man just saw the U.S. prices...... not the best. The fact that a good chunk will only be able to get from GW itself is also pretty sad.

    Isn't it better now over there? Here in Spain it is easier to get stuff like Forge since they joined the webs.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Wasn't Nighthaunt the rumoured Warcry Warband or did I misremember?

    If that's the case, I expect the Nighthaunt warband to be the release for Dawnbringers IV (just like the FS warband) rather than another hero.



    Nighthaunt and LRL.

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  16. 3 minutes ago, madmac said:

    I mean, we have that Morghast Wing looking Rumor Engine, and every Dawnbringer book has come with at least two new heroes. Book 3 came alongside the full CoS release and had full AoR rules for two warcry warbands, and it still also came with Belthanos, Ionus and the Blacktalons. I highly doubt Book 4 only comes with one new hero, even if it releasing alongside FEC.

    Ushoran + The serpent Vampire. So we have 2 so far.

  17. 5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    17 Days till LVO...

    What do we think will be shown for AOS?

    Do we think there will be more for Dawnbringers IV not shown?

    Callis and Toll revealed and Lumineth vs Nighthaunt Warcry seem a safe bet.


    A good ol roadmap!

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