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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    This is somethin that GW really needs to work on when it comes to AoS. The realms need be be treated almost like 8 "Old Worlds" With maps, factions, regions etc far more fleshed out. 

    An interactive map like this released for TOW would be a really nice addition to AoS.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Is there still doubt that Skaven will not be in the 4th edition box? I thought Whitefang confirmed it. If Skaven are in the 4th edition box, there will be a lot of new stuff for them in that box and in the months after 4th. I expect fantastic times for Skaven players.

    Yeah, the box would be Stormcast vs Skaven 110%.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    The artists who design great minis for AoS. The people who like AoS and dont care for 40k. People like me who are curious to see what the community of AoS thinks is the best AoS model. If its supposed to be a fun thing, why should it be another 40k show?

    It would be so nice and so easy to add the name/ Instagram of each sculptor on the miniature purchase pages...

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Folks, the mini of the year is a bit of fun, it's not life and death. 

    We should celebrate the fact that we had so many amazing models to choose from instead of being bitter the popular vote one. 

    It's not like because of that, 40k will now get more model releases next year! 

    It is fun, indeed, but maybe if an AoS mini takes the first spot it could lead to some top-level decisions in favour of AoS, don't we think? Or am I going too far?

  5. 19 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    I suggest boycotting the poll next year unless GW makes it seperate for AoS and 40k. Of course you are free to participate in something that we already know what the outcome will be.

    I was thinking the same. Make a poll to pick which one we vote for and vote it all.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Please gather round the Wishlist table with your Foil Hats and Bowls of Salt.

    I’ve got a bit of a wild Theory based on nothing but hope. We’re currently at issue 495 of the White Dwarf. Issue 400, to my Knowledge in 2013 was a bit of a flop with near no celebration (but that was a Dark Time for Fantasy). But 300 and I think to an extent 200 did a fair bit of celebration of the Magazine and its namesake with a new miniature.


    Would they be willing to let the 500th Issue (Thats a heck of a milestone), to go unrecognised. We got a Collective Series of Grombrindal Stories set in AoS, so he’s not dead yet. 

    I theorise a New Book and possibly a New model. But, again, this is just me at the Wishlist Table, Cooking Salt a la Foil.


    I think it is a really solid theory. Wouldn't be rare if they do something special.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    Different situations altogether. Idoneth, KO and Fyreslayers are obviously the first factions that should be expanded. I would also add DoK to the list. Sylvaneth or IJ-style additions (two new units, one hero/monster) would do wonders. Skaven and Beastmen are wide and deep factions that just need a Seraphon treatment.

    And when do we think this could happen?

    Using 40k 10th ed as an example/ mirror, it could easily happen from early-mid 2025, right? Or even maybe in the vs boxes. It could be a long wait for some players, but I think it would be worth the wait.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Are we expecting something big before LVO in January or will it be quiet until then? 

    As I am recently moving data for the RE site I've noticed that many times RE are solved on the first day of the year, so maybe we get a surprise.

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  9. 27 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Another leak from the guy who has a source inside GW. He just said, as a guest on another channel, that he already knows the price of the box and that we would be positively surprised by the price that "we think it would have" (250 €).

    Source (in Spanish):


    He also said that some comments are pretty close and ppl are saying between 100 and 150 € mainly. Some others 180€.

    If this is the case, it would be a pretty nice surprise indeed and would give it a nice starting push.

    EDIT: Regiments 50€, but they are going to bring more minis than we are used to. So I guess this goes in the line of the article about getting 36 archers with the spikes.

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  10. Another leak from the guy who has a source inside GW. He just said, as a guest on another channel, that he already knows the price of the box and that we would be positively surprised by the price that "we think it would have" (250 €).

    Source (in Spanish):


  11. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    Can we return to TOW?

    So, one big centerpiece and at least one new unit for each Core Faction. What do you think we are going to see for the other ones?

    I start by saying I have no in-depth knowledge about what is available at X or Y time, so I could say Steam Tank when they were not created.

    - Plastic - General on Demigryph.
    - Plastic - An elite heavy armoured infantry.
    - Resin - Banner Bearer.
    - Resin - Arcane Collegiate member.
    - Resin - Engineer.

    Green Skins:
    - Plastic - Orc on Serpent.
    - Plastic - Black Orcs.
    - Resin - Warchanter.
    - Resin - Goblin something.

    That is my guess for the next rumoured wave.

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  12. 17 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    No, you don't. 

    No, it's not. 

    No, they can't. 

    No, they didn't. 


    Again, which FLGS were these specifically? Kingdom Wargames, Game or Wargame Garrison in Madrid? Goblintrader in Valencia/Barcelona/Madrid? Friquest or Dungeon Marvels in Barcelona? Racoon Games in Seville? 

    That I remember from the top of my head, Santuario Games from Madrid. And you can say no to everything I am saying to you, but it is the truth. Over here the stores have real battles to get the boxes they order week after week. One extreme case was when most of them received just one box from a Kill Team release. So it is not surprising that they take a product to not "upset" the company.

    Anyways, too much divergence from the topic.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Which FLGS and where? Any specifics or is this another example of "I read a random forum post somewhere claiming something and it is now a fact" 😅

    If you have a trade account with GW you place an order for products. You might not receive as much as you would like due to supply issues. If you were to receive more than you ordered you would just return them and it would be a breach of contract if GW sent you more than you had ordered and refused return. 

    No. It is not. I read it from the FLGS owners on WhatsApp groups where they are and I share with them. From Spain on the Domion box launch.

    I don't know about the legal faff or the implications, but it is a tricky situation. If you refuse them, they can send you fewer boxes on a later order, so I guess that's why they took them.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    GW doesn't just send products to FLGS. They need to order them from GW. Is it GW's fault if FLGS over-order? And have GW "Over-produced" when they have just created the amount to match the demand for orders? It's not GW's responsibility for FLGS to sell stock, it is GW's responsibility to sell stock to FLGS. Which they did. 

    That's not technically true. When we started the ed with Domion I remember some FLGS saying they ordered X and received 2X instead. So GW gave them more than they asked for. Another topic is how you manage that, and I have no clue if you can send them back or not.

  15. 26 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    Do you think older kits which are not part of the starter boxes will be released alongside them or we will have to wait? Possibly will they even be made to order?

    Also is it possible that they will release new TK models later? Normally I would say that everything was shown and nothing new is coming (maybe ever)for TK, but that sentence at the end of the last TK article (On top of all of these, a full range of classic Khemri miniatures will be returning to bolster the forces featured in this article, with much more to come in the future.) left me uncertain and hopeful for something more.

    Made to order on a later date for the least core minis. The rest would be in the catalogue, but from a later date, imo.

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