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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. Checking the data for my Rumour Engines site I've noticed there's quite a decent number of "old" (launched 2-3 years ago) AoS minis that are currently locked inside Vanguard Boxes or even not available at all, like the LRL Alarith Stonemage.

    Did any of you notice if this is something that happened as a side effect of the site rework? Or is it something that is happening nowadays within the AoS range?

    An example of Vanguard that includes minis that you cannot buy separately:
    Vanguard: Daughters of Khaine (warhammer.com) -> Melusai Ironscale

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Hollow said:


    I think it is funny that you parrot this forum "knowledge" and state it as if it is a known fact. There have been exactly 0 official statements from Gamesworkshop regarding the production run of Dominion. 

    This tends to happen fairly frequently when it comes to Games Workshop. Somebody will make a post on a forum speculating that they think something is the case, several people will repeat it and then it just becomes an accepted truth even though there has actually been 0 official confirmation either way. 

    I am not repeating anyone, I think it is a fact as I saw a lot of places listing it, still nowadays, with a 50% discount. It is the first time a ed launch box last for so long with such a heavy discount.

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  3. 1 minute ago, TheMawr said:

    TOW and Horus Heresy are likely their "looking ahead" teaser videos; Tomorrow for HH and friday for TOW.

    AoS probably for newyears day and presenting the full reveal of the next Dawnbringer book RoR's

    40k I didnt see a hidden video anymore ? There was talk of 2 hidden videos and we got 2 ( Dark Angels and the looking ahead teaser.) the only 40k thing likely to be shown at this time (as opposed to LVO) is the Winter kill team box, specifically the other side of the Nightlords. but I saw killteam has its own playlist with no hidden videos.

    Maybe AoS and 40k are the Boxing Day minis?

  4. 1 hour ago, Copywolf said:

    One interesting thing about the River spirits, in the old lore article, river aelementors are noted as more common (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/01/26/how-well-do-you-know-the-spirits-of-hysh/).  Instead of one large spirit, is it possible we could see packs of water spirits?

    Now that also could just be reading into it more as well.


    Edit: Perhaps the lumineth warband actually contains smaller aelementors?

    This would fit on the latest trend about having small pets in lot of warbands.

  5. 1 hour ago, SilentSentinel said:

    I could see the possible Lumineth model being our first look at a unit from the river temple, it does make some sense that a subfaction based around the concept of rivers/water might have a element of flowing dance like movements to some of their models.

    Whitefang also liked this river temple one and the following. Both river temple related. 🌊


  6. 13 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    There's a lot of discussions and speculations going on right now in this section, but maybe take a step back and you'll see a certain rumourmonger on TGA is reacting to certain posts. 

    I saw Whitefang reacting to the 4-5 months wait for Skaven, my dear @Garrac. There's your precious signal.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Guess I know what my first AoS purchase in the new year will be 😛

    Also, some folks over at Bolter and Chainsword have started brightening some stuff from the 40k teaser. Anyone with the skillset/tools to do so here? I've tried, but I can't seem to do the right combo of brightening it and preserving the detail...

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    Did they say what was the process? Just brightness/ contrast?

  8. 16 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    These previews are always for minis coming in the early part of the year. Nothing from Leviathan was previewed this time last year. 

    Callis and Toll seem likely to follow the Ven Dest launch. A Dawnbringers 5/6 box with them and maybe something else. So early 2024 indeed.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Lucentia said:

    The paired, symmetrical weapons make me lean Lumineth, though they do look like they're dancing off of a route or branch, so maybe Kurnothi.  I think we've had LRL warcry rumours floating around for a while now?

    The weapon style could also be Hedonites. It is kinda their look.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    I see they've reverted to silly cod-French names. 

    I liked it better when Bretonnians had names like Valderic and Talbot and Brangor, not froggy ones like Jacques and Pierre. 

    In the end, they are based in France, so it makes sense they use French names.

  11. 15 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I assume the "good guys" faction is always Space Marines? Or do they throw in some other Imps, kind of like the Sylvaneth and Kharadron with Stormbringer?

    Conquest was a SM vs Death Guard. Mortal Realms SCE vs NH. Then we shifted into a bit of mixed armies. Imperium SM, Sororitas and Mechanicus vs Necron. Stormbringer has a mix on both sides, so I expect this trend to continue.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, michu said:

    Besides, rulers and principalities of Border Princes change very often and this is ~250 years before old WFB

    From the article that shows that map, that region has been thought of as a canvas for us to create our own armies/ realms. So it wouldn't surprise me if those are not that much canon and more kind of a placeholder.

  13. 1 minute ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Okay, so not every faction has a text blurb, but interestingly, most Border Prince factions do! Have they always had their descriptions?

    IMO it is new overall. We had flavoured texts here and there, but never collected all together like that.

  14. 1 minute ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    That Old World update!! So hyped. Have you checked out the website? It has an interactive map now with lore on all the kingdoms and factions. Time to pour over it all!

    And they update their map as well with more faction points ;)

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